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Missing code-signing certificate when uploading MacOS installer to AppStore
Hi there! I have an issue with uploading a PKG installer to the MacOS AppStore. Uploading with: xcrun altool --upload-app -t macos -f $PKGPATH -u $DEVELOPER_ID -p $APP_SPECIFIC_PWD results in error: *** Error: Validation failed Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle com.frogblue.frogCom [com.frogblue.frogCom.pkg/Payload/] is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate.] For more information, visit the macOS Developer Portal. (ID: fc4e5488-6d09-4ab2-b1f7-017a33c69723) (409) Application seems to be correctly code signed with „3rd Party Mac Developer Application“ certificate. codesign -dv --verbose=4 /Users/dietmar.finkler/Desktop/frogSIP/deploy/ Identifier=com.frogblue.frogCom Format=app bundle with Mach-O universal (x86_64 arm64) CodeDirectory v=20500 size=266432 flags=0x10000(runtime) hashes=8315+7 location=embedded VersionPlatform=1 VersionMin=720896 VersionSDK=918784 Hash type=sha256 size=32 CandidateCDHash sha256=923de799a54616706b76050b50b7ee6d59f8355a CandidateCDHashFull sha256=923de799a54616706b76050b50b7ee6d59f8355a65aa7cce03e34bb2033da1e9 Hash choices=sha256 CMSDigest=923de799a54616706b76050b50b7ee6d59f8355a65aa7cce03e34bb2033da1e9 CMSDigestType=2 Executable Segment base=0 Executable Segment limit=31604736 Executable Segment flags=0x1 Page size=4096 CDHash=923de799a54616706b76050b50b7ee6d59f8355a Signature size=9109 Authority=3rd Party Mac Developer Application: frogblue TECHNOLOGY GmbH (UG2P6T5LNH) Authority=Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority Authority=Apple Root CA Timestamp=26.02.2025 at 10:07:08 Info.plist entries=31 TeamIdentifier=UG2P6T5LNH Runtime Version=14.5.0 Sealed Resources version=2 rules=13 files=1124 Internal requirements count=1 size=212 The PKG build with productbuild seems also be correctly code signed with„3rd Party Mac Developer Installer“ certificate. pkgutil --check-signature /Users/dietmar.finkler/Desktop/frogSIP/frogSIP-1.2a2.pkg Status: signed by a developer certificate issued by Apple (Development) Certificate Chain: 1. 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: frogblue TECHNOLOGY GmbH (UG2P6T5LNH) Expires: 2026-02-25 17:17:54 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: D1 9E AC 27 C7 26 F3 2E 1E F5 50 2C 7A 1B 1D FB 54 D6 17 C1 1C 58 C1 7E F8 87 B6 44 D1 49 17 DC ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority Expires: 2030-02-20 00:00:00 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: DC F2 18 78 C7 7F 41 98 E4 B4 61 4F 03 D6 96 D8 9C 66 C6 60 08 D4 24 4E 1B 99 16 1A AC 91 60 1F ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Apple Root CA Expires: 2035-02-09 21:40:36 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: B0 B1 73 0E CB C7 FF 45 05 14 2C 49 F1 29 5E 6E DA 6B CA ED 7E 2C 68 C5 BE 91 B5 A1 10 01 F0 24 KeyChain login items show both "3rd Party Mac Developer Application" and "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer“ certificates. But checking with security find-identity -v -p codesigning shows only the "3rd Party Mac Developer Application“ certificate. "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer“ is missing. I check also the entitlement in the app package, which looks ok for me. codesign -d --entitlements :- /Users/dietmar.finkler/Desktop/frogSIP/deploy/ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""><plist version="1.0"><dict><key></key><string></string><key></key><string>production</string><key></key><array><string></string><string></string><string></string></array><key></key><string>UG2P6T5LNH</string><key></key><true/><key></key><true/><key></key><true/><key></key><true/><key></key><true/><key></key><true/></dict></plist> What I am missing? Thanx for any hint! Regards Dietmar Finkler
Provisioning Profile Missing In-App Purchase Entitlement (
Hi everyone!, I would love your help with this please as I have been stuck for days with no solution. Issue: I'm trying to enable In-App Purchases (IAP) in my app, but my provisioning profile does not include the entitlement. When I attempt to build in Xcode, I see the following error: Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: org.thewhiteowl.mindflow" doesn't include the entitlement. I've already verified my Apple Developer account, and Apple Support confirmed that everything looks correct from their end. Steps Taken So Far: Verified In-App Purchases is Enabled in the Apple Developer Portal under Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles → Identifiers. Accepted All Agreements in App Store Connect → Agreements, Tax, and Banking (everything is marked Active). Created a New Provisioning Profile Manually: . Go to . Navigate to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles . Click "+" to register a new provisioning profile . Choose App Store Connect → Click Continue . Select App ID → MindFlow App ( → Click Continue . Select Certificate → The White Owl LLC (iOS Distribution) (Valid until Feb 22, 2026) → Click Continue . Enter Provisioning Profile Name: "MindFlow Distribution" → Click Generate . Download the profile and inspect the Entitlements section ❌ The In-App Purchase entitlement is missing ( does not appear). Additional Troubleshooting: . Tried regenerating the provisioning profile multiple times . Deleted & reinstalled Xcode completely .Ensured App ID is Explicit (not Wildcard) . Tried refreshing App ID capabilities by toggling other entitlements . Checked for misconfigurations in Expo and EAS (using for deployment) Questions: Why is the In-App Purchase entitlement missing from the generated provisioning profile? Is there a way to force the entitlement to appear? Could this be an issue with the Apple Developer Portal, and if so, is there a workaround? Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated! 🚀
Is encrypting PII on the server mandatory for App Store compliance?
I’m building an iOS app that collects user PII (emails, names) and stores it in my backend database. I already use HTTPS for data transfer, but I’m unsure if Apple requires server-side encryption for stored data. For example: If a user’s email is stored in plain text on my server (but transmitted securely via HTTPS), will this violate App Store guidelines? Does Apple explicitly mandate encryption-at-rest for PII, or is it just a recommendation? Are there exceptions for non-sensitive data like usernames? I checked App Store Review Guidelines §5.1.1, which says "data must be stored securely," but it’s unclear if this requires encryption. Context: The app targets U.S. users (no GDPR/CCPA concerns). No financial/health data is involved. Is plain-text server storage of emails/names acceptable, or will this risk rejection? Thanks for any clarity!
App Store Connect Login Failure
I am a developer, and since yesterday, I haven’t been able to use my App Store Connect account properly. Every time I open and enter my email and password, I can log in successfully. However, as soon as I click on App Analytics, it automatically logs me out and takes me back to the login page. I have tried switching browsers, clearing browser data, changing Wi-Fi, disabling proxies, restarting my Mac, and many other methods, but nothing has worked. This is preventing me from viewing the data for my app. What should I do?
Atraso na aprovação do aplicativo – 15 dias sem retorno
Submetemos nosso aplicativo Mais Saúde para revisão há 15 dias, e até o momento, não recebemos nenhuma atualização sobre o status da aprovação. Entendemos que o processo pode levar algum tempo, mas gostaríamos de saber se há alguma pendência ou se precisamos fornecer alguma informação adicional para agilizar a análise. Poderiam, por favor, verificar o status da revisão ou nos dar uma previsão de resposta? Agradecemos desde já pela atenção.
Command Line Tool Embedding in SwiftUI App
I have added 2 command line tools in my swiftUI app for macOS, it was working fine locally, but it gives error when i try to make archive of it. I am not sure about the reason, but it was related to sandboxing the command line tools, after this i have tried multiple solutions but i am unable to resolve this issue, how should i handle the helper command line tools
Content Filter Providers in unsupervised and unmanaged iOS devices
I'm looking at implementing an iOS app that has includes a Content Filter Provider to block access to certain domains when accessed on the device. This uses NEFilterManager, NEFilterDataProvider and NEFilterControlProvider to handle configuration and manage the network flows and block as necessary. My question is can you deploy this in an iOS 18+ app on the App Store to devices which are unmanaged, unsupervised and don't use Screen Time APIs? Although not 100% clear, this technote seems to say it is not possible: Testing this on a Developer device and build works successfully without any MDM profiles installed. A similar approach using the same APIs also works on macOS once user permissions have been given. If it can't work on unsupervised, unmanaged iOS devices, is possible for the user to first manually install a MDM profile which includes the required 'Content Filter' details and then have it work? If not, how would you filter iOS network traffic on an unmanaged, unsupervised device? Is it necessary to use a VPN or DNS approach instead (which may be a lot less privacy compliant)?
Does App Store provisioning ever expire?
Howdy, I thought this would be an easy question, but it turns out it's really not! In fact, it flies in the face of how the Apple ecosystem is set up. That said, I still need an answer to be able to inform our customers of what their app update options are. The question: Does app store provisioning ever expire? Based on the very limited information I can find, it either expires in one year, two years, or never. Anecdotal evidence seems to indicate that the answer could be never, but I need to confirm this. The use case: Some of our customers are very old school. They tend to find a technical solution and stick with it. As such, they do not update apps regularly on their field iPads. They generally only update when they are forced to. They use MDM to deploy the app, and would set the MDM not to pull updated apps from the app store when available, essentially keeping the same version of the app in use for as much as 3 years or more. If this were to happen, I need to know if the provisioning for the old version of the app will ever expire if they get it from the app store. I know with an enterprise deployment of .ipa files via MDM, the app provisioning/certificate will expire after 1 or 2 years (can't remember which atm), but I can't find an answer about app store provisioning. Hopefully someone can provide me with an answer on this forum. Thanks in advance, Mapguy
Verify Receipt is not found - After successful payment for Annual subscription.
The application is developed with Xamarin Framework and it is live now. The customer installed the app and purchased the annual subscription. And for some reason, they uninstall and reinstall the application on the same device. Now user wants to restore the subscription. In the application, there is an option to Restore the subscription. But restore API not return purchase details. But when clicking the subscription button instead of restoring the subscription, it says you subscribed to this plan". is there any possibility of not getting VerifyRecipt even after a successful purchase?
I'm trying to get the "App and Book Information" of the custom app, but the result is empty.
I'm looking at the Apple official document below and getting the app's information. However, I couldn't get the custom app's information for a few days ago. The result item is empty. This is a URL that is normally viewed. This is the URL that gives an empty response to the result. In ABM/ASM, the number of applications used and the number of available applications are all viewed normally. Is there anything else I can check? Please reply. Thank you.
Failed to get the app and book information for the custom app.
I was importing the app's information based on the document below. However, I have failed to get the information of the custom app from a few days ago. The result is empty. This is a request with an empty result. This is the request with results. In ABM/ASM, you can see my assets and both the quantity in use and the quantity available will be searched normally. Is there anything else I can check? Please reply. Thank you.
ReferenceError: ReadableStream is not defined, Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
ReferenceError: ReadableStream is not defined at Object. (/Users/anaadmin/Documents/AnaNewApp/node_modules/@expo/cli/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/response.js:528:3) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1198:14) at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1252:10) at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1076:32) at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:911:12) at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1100:19) at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:119:18) at Object. (/Users/anaadmin/Documents/AnaNewApp/node_modules/@expo/cli/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/index.js:11:5) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1198:14) at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1252:10) After trying out all suggestions and different versions of tools such as XCode, nvm, yarn, node, etc., nothing works for me i added : <PROJECT_PATH>/node_modules/@langchain/core/dist/utils/stream.cjs - add const { ReadableStream } = require("web-streams-polyfill"); npm install web-streams-polyfill Tried downgrading to Node 18 as well as various polyfills but haven't been able to get it to work Following does not work in xcode Delete your Podfile.lock (I like to use the command '-rm -rf Podfile.lock' on the terminal for this) Delete your Pods folder (I like to use the command '-rm -rf Pods' in the terminal for this) Delete your .xcworkspace Pod install Clear your project into XCode> Product> Clean Build Folder i have tried cd ios pod install Continuously i am getting same error. Any one know, how to resolve this error
Issue with Developer
I am a startup founder based in India. Recently the iOS developer we were working with left the company in some what acrimonious circumstances. Post his departure from the company, he has made it clear that he will try to cause damage to our iOS app to the extent that it starts to crash. Even though we have removed his access, as a non tech founder, I am not sure what ways he can edit or hamper our iOS app and what measures we can take to protect the same. Please advise us with steps for us to secure our code and ensure no one can edit the same or hamper our iOS app on the app store. Thank you
Restricted access for Account Holder on Apple Developer platform
Hey, we've recently realised that our Account Holder access was restricted to the App Store Connect, however all other accounts (Admin, Marketing, Developers) can access it. Restricting Account Holder access means that we can't push updates on App Store and limits our functionality. We've submitted multiple requests to Apple Support, but no answer for a month, no hotline phone number for developer services, only general hotline which can't fix the issue due to recent Apple Security changes and it redirects us to the general request submission form. Does anyone has the same problem? How do you fix that? Are you also experiencing delays in reply from Apple?
Why is my app not available on the Mac App Store
Hi, I recently created Peek Transit, and I was wondering why my app shows "Not Compatible With This Device" on the Mac App Store. In Xcode, I tested my app both for the "Design for IPad" and "Catalyst" options on my mac, and In both cases it worked as expected with no errors or warnings. In the App Store Connect, I have checked the "Make Available on MacOS" box and selected the minimum compatible OS version. The issue doesn't seem to be just in my mac as the app is marked as not available for mac at all in the device requirements of the app store page. Here is the Github Repo if you want to take a look at what I have in the info.plist. Thanks, Ayman