Interface Builder

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Build interfaces for applications without writing code using Interface Builder, an editor within Xcode.

Posts under Interface Builder tag

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Rooted iPhone 15 Pro
iOS 18.2 (22C152) My phone is currently on lockdown mode and I have gotten alerts from Experian that my information is on the dark web as well as having to reset all my accounts. However this has not fixed the issue. Even if I hard factory reset settings etc the root makes its way very shortly after, if not immediately. Though I recently got these notifications and purchased the phone in Feb. 2024 the has been an ongoing issue for a few years. I can elaborate if needed. To make it short I have a reinstalled root on my phone. Apple nor Spectrum (who I have my phone with) have been able to assist with this issue. I have been able to clarify this ”hijacking” with the Geek Squad who didn’t want their legal team involved when asking for a report so the PD can do an internal cyber investigation. So, I’ve just lived with it. Let me know what your thoughts to resolve this issue would be before spending thousands to find a resolution on my own. Side note before asked: what I’ve been told may be it’s ”gateway” is via “DNS hijacking” with WiFi or internally hotspot. I can also elaborate if needed-I’m not a web developer, however I do know where this issue stems from whom has their masters in such industry as well as 30 years experience. It’s annoying and inconvenient at this point and I’m looking for clarity, resolution and if no justice for the criminal then liability. thank you! please refrain from saying “APpLe CaNt bE hiJaCked“ ..
Dec ’24
Adding Fonts in Xcode 16.1 Causes XIB Files to Malfunction
I encountered a problem when adding a new custom font in Xcode 16.1. After including the font and opening my XIB files, the interface preview became blank and the application seemed to experience a heavy load. To troubleshoot, I removed all custom fonts, and everything returned to normal functionality. However, even after reinstalling Xcode, the issue persisted when adding the font again. The XIB preview loaded correctly: The XIB preview turned blank and became unresponsive:
Dec ’24
IBAgent Crash
Could someone help me with a good direction on where or how could I fix for this crash from console log: Not able to open storyboard or XIB. Once opening them, Xcode is crashing. tried uninstalling the Xcode, couldn't fix even after deleting derived data and caches. ------------------------------------- Translated Report (Full Report Below) ------------------------------------- Incident Identifier: 7E6D64FF-D4E9-4E3A-A37A-BC5016316DCD CrashReporter Key: 4776E37C-4D3D-F705-40D5-8A96EE95C89A Hardware Model: Mac15,6 Process: IBAgent-iOS [31688] Path: /Applications/ Identifier: IBAgent-iOS Version: 16.0 (23506) Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Role: Unspecified Parent Process: launchd_sim [31680] Coalition: [5165] Responsible Process: SimulatorTrampoline [1185] Date/Time: 2024-11-06 14:59:29.3079 +0530 Launch Time: 2024-11-06 14:59:28.9368 +0530 OS Version: macOS 15.1 (24B83) Release Type: User Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000102e1e19c Termination Reason: SIGNAL 5 Trace/BPT trap: 5 Terminating Process: exc handler [31688] Triggered by Thread: 0 Application Specific Information: Abort Cause 259 Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: 0 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x102e1e19c _os_unfair_lock_recursive_abort + 36 1 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x102e19504 _os_unfair_lock_lock_slow + 304 2 libGSFont.dylib 0x19045ebb4 GSFontFileDescriptorForPath + 28 3 libFontParser.dylib 0x19047d714 TFileDescriptorContext::TFileDescriptorContext(char const*) + 216 4 libFontParser.dylib 0x19057c7e4 TFileDataReference::Map(char const*) + 36 5 libFontParser.dylib 0x19047d514 TFileDataReference::TFileDataReference(char const*) + 88 6 libFontParser.dylib 0x19057c934 TFileDataSurrogate::TFileDataSurrogate(char const*, timespec) + 152 7 libFontParser.dylib 0x1905cbaac TFont::CreateFontEntitiesForFile(char const*, timespec, bool, short, char const*) + 580 8 libFontParser.dylib 0x19047d1e0 FPFontCreateFontsWithPath + 200 9 CoreGraphics 0x18b612c54 create_private_data_array_with_path + 16 10 CoreGraphics 0x18b2cddd4 CGFontCreateFontsWithPath + 36 11 CoreGraphics 0x18b3389b0 CGFontCreateFontsWithURL + 680 12 libGSFont.dylib 0x190465518 AddFontsFromURLOrPath + 288 13 libGSFont.dylib 0x19045ffb4 RegisterURLAndCopyFaces + 168 14 libGSFont.dylib 0x19045fefc GSFontRegisterURL + 76 15 CoreText 0x181c5e0b8 _CTFontManagerRegisterActionFontsForURLs(__CFArray const*, CTFontManagerScope, bool, Action, __CFArray const**) + 396 16 IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x10307e748 +[UIFont(IBCocoaTouchToolIntegration) ib_registerFontsAtURLs:] + 336 17 AssetCatalogFoundation 0x1033e1a88 __80-[IBMessageReceiveChannel deliverMessage:toTarget:withArguments:context:result:]_block_invoke + 196 18 AssetCatalogFoundation 0x1033e191c -[IBMessageReceiveChannel deliverMessage:toTarget:withArguments:context:result:] + 328 19 AssetCatalogFoundation 0x1033e14bc __88-[IBMessageReceiveChannel runBlockingReceiveLoopNotifyingQueue:notifyingTarget:context:]_block_invoke + 100 20 libdispatch.dylib 0x180178de0 _dispatch_client_callout + 16 21 libdispatch.dylib 0x180188bc8 _dispatch_async_and_wait_invoke + 112 22 libdispatch.dylib 0x180178de0 _dispatch_client_callout + 16 23 libdispatch.dylib 0x180187c60 _dispatch_main_queue_drain + 1272 24 libdispatch.dylib 0x180187758 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 40 25 CoreFoundation 0x18041b2dc __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 12 26 CoreFoundation 0x180415838 __CFRunLoopRun + 1944 27 CoreFoundation 0x180414c24 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 552 28 Foundation 0x180f319c8 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 208 29 AssetCatalogFoundation 0x1033bdc00 -[IBAbstractPlatformTool startServingReceiveChannel:] + 292 30 AssetCatalogFoundation 0x1033bddf4 -[IBAbstractPlatformTool startServingWriteDescriptor:readDescriptor:] + 96 31 AssetCatalogFoundation 0x1033be718 +[IBAbstractPlatformTool main] + 800 32 IBAgent-iOS 0x102b77930 main + 32 33 dyld_sim 0x102b89410 start_sim + 20 34 dyld 0x102c96274 start + 2840
Nov ’24
Xcode 16 issue in Sequoia 15.1
I have macbook pro (Apple M3 Pro), Serial no (xxxxxxxxxxx) with MacOS: sequoia 15.1 Beta (24B5070a). I have installed Xcode 16 also tried on beta. When ever I'm trying to open any of my project and going on storyboard always showing black screen with error (An internal error occured, Editing functionality may be limited). It happens with me last previous week When I updated macOS however same project with same macOs Xcode in another macbook's working fine. before it was was working also fine same project in Xcode 15.4. I hope you get my point I'm waiting for your reply Thanks
Oct ’24
Need to remove a button image and use new xcode features
HI, I have an older app that used a button with an image in a storyboard that is also localized. The image was just a red button with rounded corners, white stroke outline, and two lines of white text. (actually two words on top of each other) Now I see that I should be able to create this button with the new xcode button features. I want to try that, by removing the old image and just setting the configuration boxes. I see under the Attributes view, there is the setting with my image fileaname,but no dropdown box to set like "none" or an abiltity to remove it right there at the setting of it. I didn't want to delete the button since it would wipe out the connected code etc. I want to be able to translate the two words to other languages as well. I can't find instructions for this particular task. I guess it's too trivial but I just not figuring it out. I keep deleting the whole button. And now the constraints are all gone so I need to use the new xcode to set it backup. thanks for any guidance with the xcode interface! Chrissie
Sep ’24
Prevent Large Title from Moving Down when Refreshing TableView
I have implemented the Large Title for UITableView correctly. The Navigation bar collapses when scrolling down the table view. However, when pulling to refresh, the Large Title moves down the screen instead of staying stationary. I suspect that this is the default behavior. Is there a way to keep the large title stationary when pulling downward to refresh the UITableView?
Jul ’24
Large Title Navigation Bar Problems with Two Views
As has been posted a number of times, the large title navigation bar only collapses on scrolling for the UIView listed first in an .xib or storyboard file. In my case, I have an enclosing view containing 2 Views, a TableView and a CollectionView in an .XIB file. This is connected to a UIKit class. Tapping a button switches between the two views. If the TableView is the first view listed, the navigationbar collapses with scrolling but with the CollectionView listed second, the large title navigation bar doesn't collapse with scrolling. Alternatively, if the CollectionView is the first view listed, the navigation bar collapses with scrolling but with the TableView listed second, the large title navigation bar doesn't collapse with scrolling. I have not been able to figure out a way to enable the collapsable large title navigation bar to work in such a scenario as mine for both views within a container view. Is there a way to do this? I have tested this capability through iOS 17.
Jul ’24
Binding to Shared User Defaults might fail in Xcode storyboards
While binding to the Shared User Defaults in .xib files is very easy I had hard times to achieve application wide preferences in projects based on storyboards. The behavior is a bit strange/unexpected and even in Xcode 15.4 it seams not to be completely solved. Issue is that IB only creates a single instance of a Shared User Default controller for the first scene, where it was requested and linking to this instance from other scenes offers no functionality. Even worse IB suggests this as first binding proposal. Here an example to deal with this issue. add slider and label to view of ViewController in IB storyboard add MenuItem to windows menu in the Application Scene When running the app this menu item remains disabled as no action is connected bind value of the created menu item to the Shared User Defaults with Model Key Path: “showTerminal“ This creates a Shared User Defaults Controller instance that we use later. Now running the app the menu item is enabled and the checkmark toggles each time add a checkbox to the view add a User Default Controller to the View Controller Scene This must be repeated for any further Window- or View- Controller scene where a binding to the user defaults is required. bind the checkbox to the newly added User Defaults Controller (but not the Shared User Defaults Controller) keeping the suggested Controller key values and set the Model Key Path to “showTerminal“ as above now bind the slider and the label to the same User Defaults controller using an identical Model key If accidentally bound to the Shared User Defaults Controller (this is what IB suggests) no functional binding will take place! Register the defaults early (before the nib is being loaded) to set default values like for example: class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { override init() { super.init() UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: [ "first": 0.0 , "showTerminal": false ] ) } … } [] ATTENTION: Suggestion is, to create the first Defaults Controller as a Shared User Defaults Controller inside the Application scene. Somehow Xcode remembers settings of the Shared User Default Controller and otherwise bindings might fail. MESSAGE: Never bind to the “Shared User Default Controller“ but to individually created “User Default Controller“ for every scene, unless it is the very first time. Alternatively you can set a let variable as @objc let defaults = UserDefaults.standard for example in each ViewController and then bind to this by Bind to: ViewController Controller Key: Model Key Path: defaults.
Jun ’24
IDE generated *varname problem
When Xcode IDE inserts IBOutlet or autocompletes method signatures, it places the * char next to the var name: @property (weak) IBOutlet NSButton *aButton; - (NSString *)someMethod:(NSString *)param1 { } But my convention is put the * char right after the type name: @property (weak) IBOutlet NSButton* aButton; - (NSString*)someMethod:(NSString*)param1 { } Is there anyway to tell Xcode to follow my convention?
Jun ’24
Unable to add fonts to XCode project
Added fonts to MAC and added to Xcode project but fonts are not available in project. Fonts are listed in the Copy Bundle Resources. Fonts are added to Fonts provided by application (Listing dissapears whenever I leave the 'Info' page. Font spelling is correct and double checked. Fonts are listed in project navigator. Fonts do not show up when the lists runs in the console. This same scenario to place when trying to add a different fonst as well. Your help would be appreciated.
May ’24
Debug mysterious window resize?
I am unfortunately faced with a large legacy code base in which Storyboards are heavily used. Now, for some reason, the entire app window is resized if a certain View Controller becomes visible. The issue: Apparently, there aren't any conflicting layout constraints (no LAYOUT_CONSTRAINTS_NOT_SATISFIABLE errors are raised on display of the view controller). There are also no calls to setFrame on the corresponding window. So, how do I debug this? Capturing the view hierarchy didn't provide any helpful insights, and ideally I could just force the window to not resize (due to possible constraint errors). Is there any way to achieve something like this? If not, how can I go about debugging this? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
May ’24
Asking about Viewcontroller presenter
I have a ViewController A that need to present in Viewcontroller B. But before the VC A is presented, user pushed to Viewcontroller C and the VC A still show on C. How can it possible? In my point of view, I think the VC B will not show because the VC A is hided. Anyone can help me with this?. Many thanks
May ’24
Hello Devs I would need your help for Time estimate.
The devs really hate this things, but as a project manager I need to know the time estimates. So in development favour I really want to know the time estimate to setup and XCode project, considering project as an average case (includes complexity). So I can really know hpow much time do they actually take or they are just giving over estimates.
Apr ’24