I am working on the device activity report. and fetched data is loading on the chart. I am developing app using TabbarController. when I go to another tab and come back to the chart screen, it disappears.
Here, I am working on a storyboard using Swift language, and device activity reports can be fetched only with SwiftUI. So, the problem is with it? Following the current code.
@State private var context: DeviceActivityReport.Context = .init(rawValue: "Daily Activity")
@State private var report: DeviceActivityReport?
@State private var filter = DeviceActivityFilter(
segment: .daily(
during: Calendar.current.dateInterval(
of: .day, for: .now
// users: .all
// devices: .init([.iPhone, .iPad])
@State var isReload: Bool = false
var body: some View {
ZStack {
if isReload {
LoadingView(title: "Data is loading...")
} else if let report = report {
} else {
DeviceActivityReport(context, filter: filter)
.onAppear {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
report = DeviceActivityReport(context, filter: filter)
struct LoadingView: View {
var title: String = "Please wait..."
var body: some View {
HStack {
.font(.system(size: 14, weight: .medium))
RSS for tagGive users access to your app's functionality and content throughout iOS and macOS using extensions.
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Im not a dev but trying to create something
trying to create an app that includes an iMessage extension AND a sticker pack. My first attempt I tried to create a iMessage app but apparently I cant include a sticker pack. Ive tried to create a shell app with a sticker pack and iMessage extension but it's just not working.
Can someone please let me know how I can do this. How can I get an iMessage extension app and a sticker pack installed at the same time from the same app.
Ive tried everything, tried creating a seperate iOS app with sticker pack and iMessage extension and nothing. A lot of times a get an error like "CompileAssetCatalogVariant failed with a nonzero exit code"" If I remove the sticker pack builds successfully.
thank you in advance
I'm implementing InSendMessageIntent handling in our app. I can handle InSendMessageIntent through extension, but handling also includes business logic like authorisation status and some heavy operation which I can't expose from the main target.
I tried to handle it in-app, but func application(_ application: UIApplication, handlerFor intent: INIntent) -> Any? didn't trigger. At the first glance the configuration looks correct - the InSendMessageIntent is added under INIntentsSupported and UIApplicationSupportsMultipleScenes is set to YES in info.plist.
After that reply with message button disappeared from the incoming Voip callKit screen.
So I had a question - Is this intent possible to be handled in-app?
I'm reaching out to see if anyone else is experiencing issues with the Live Caller ID feature on iOS. We recently encountered a problem where the feature stopped working entirely.
Here's a brief overview of the situation:
We were monitoring test traffic on our backend and noticed everything came to a halt around 1:00 AM UTC on November 15th.
After this time, any attempts to reach our backend through calls failed completely.
I tested this across multiple devices running iOS 18.2 and iOS 18.0.
I used both TestFlight builds and development builds via Xcode, which should communicate directly with our backend.
I experienced the problem on our main application as well as a dedicated test app.
To troubleshoot further, I even set up a local server on localhost and tried directing requests there, but the requests did not reach the local server when a call was received.
Further debugging in Console.app revealed the following error:
identity request returned error: Error Domain=com.apple.CipherML Code=400 "Error Domain=com.apple.CipherML Code=401 "Unable to request data by keywords batch: failed to fetch token issuer directory"
However, when I manually tried to hit our server endpoint using curl, the request successfully reached the server:
curl https://our_server/something
hb_method=GET hb_uri=/something [Hummingbird] Request -- log on backend
This suggests that while our backend is responsive, the requests from the iOS client side are simply not being initiated.
Hi Team,
How can I share info beetween two differnt App. What king of approach should I use. Thanks in advance.
In my case I whant to share a token or an string like "GM-8090"
I noticed that the ChatGPT is listed as an "Extension" in the Apple Intelligence settings on iOS 18.2 beta. Does this mean developers will be able to create their own extensions? Or will this be limited to larger companies to incorporate their own models into Apple Intelligence?
Several users have reported that my iOS Action and Share Extensions is not visible.
Now one of the TestFlight users has reported the same. Notice this user has been using the app for one year, so they know how to use it.
Doing FaceTime and them sharing the screen, we have tried:
Deleting app and downloading from App Store
Deleting app, turning device off (call was off) and turning it on, downloading from App Store
Deleting app, turning device off (call was off) and turning it on, downloading from TestFlight
They can open the app, they just do not see the extensions. I would have thought it was the activation rules inside of the InfoPlist, but they are the same for all users and my other testers are not facing the issue.
Device is iPhone 16 Pro, iOS 18.1
What other steps could I follow? What other information could I gather to fix this?
We use as content filter in our app to monitor flows, we gather data about the flow and block flows deemed suspicious.
Our content filter is activated/deactivated by a UI app but the flows are reported via XPC to a separate daemon process for analysis.
As of macOS 15, we are seeing cases where flows are missing or flows are not received at all by the content filter. The behaviour is not consistent, some devices seem to receive flows normally but others don't. It appears Intel devices are much less prone to showing the problem, whereas Arm devices routinely exhibit missing flows.
On macOS 14 or earlier, there is no sign of missing flows.
Testing on earlier beta versions of macOS 15 did not appear to show the problem, however I can't rule out if issue was present but it wasn't spotted.
Experimenting with simple examples of using a content filter (e.g. QNE2FilterMac) does not appear to reproduce the issue.
What has changed between macOS 14 and 15 that could be the cause of the lack of flows?
Is our approach to using an app activated content filter reporting to a daemon connected via XPC unsupported?
My Safari Web Extension got rejected with the following reason:
"Guideline 4.0 - Design
The user is taken to a new Safari window or tab to sign in or register for an account, which provides a poor user experience."
Is this right?
First of all Design guide line 4.0 does not seem to mention antyhing about this topic.
Second, I've seen many, many web extensions that opens a new tab to let you sign in or register. Including top recommended ones like Grammarly, PayPal Honey and Pocket.
The review also mentions:
It is acceptable to take users to the default web browser for some sign in or account registration options if ASWebAuthenticationSession is used for the session.
That does not seem right either, since that is primarily designed for native apps. I'm pretty sure the extensions I've tried that open a tab for authentication does not use that.
It is like my Safari Web Extension is being reviewed like a Mac OS app. What am I'm doing wrong?
I am creating an iOS app to install on legacy iPads running iOS 9 and up, using XCode 13.4.1 which is the latest version that will support iOS below 11. The app is working fine but I just added a QuickLook Preview extension, and on iOS 10.3.1 it will not install due to the following error:
This app contains an app extension that specifies an extension point identifier that is not supported on this version of iOS for the value of the NSExtensionPointIdentifier key in its Info.plist. Domain: com.apple.dt.MobileDeviceErrorDomain Code: -402653007
The NSExtensionPointIdentifier key in Info.plist is set by XCode automatically to "com.apple.quicklook.preview".
I want to set the iOS Deployment Target to the lowest iOS version that will support this configuration. The documentation does not provide any guide as to which specific NSExtensionPointIdentifier keys are compatible with which iOS version. It just says 8+ for the whole list. Trial-and-error is limited by availability of legacy Simulators.
If anyone can point to documentation that indicates which iOS is supported by which NSExtensionPointIdentifier key com.apple.quicklook.preview, I would be very grateful. Thanks
(I understand about lack of App Store support etc, this is an app for my use on old iPads)
After upgrading to Safari version 18, we encountered an issue with my extension’s background script not being able to access cookies. Previously, in Safari versions 17 and below, the extension worked as expected. Now, when the extension tries to retrieve cookies using browser.cookies.getAll(), it returns an empty list. However, if we open the extension’s developer tools, the cookies are visible and accessible.
It seems that Safari only provides cookie data after the developer tools have been opened. However, after relaunching Safari and launching the extension without opening the developer tools, browser.cookies.getAll() still returns an empty list.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Download this minimal app : https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0bajlhnuQaG6T5NsFKXEB0U9Q#test%5Fcookies
Compile test_mv2 extension (in test_cookies.getAll.zip).
Launch test_mv2.app and activate extension.
Click on the extension's button (browserAction).
Open the developer tools.
Observe an empty list of cookies.
Click on the extension's button (browserAction).
Cookies are retrieved as expected.
Trying to get on the waitlist for the above and the computer is saying: “Apple Intelligence is not available when Mac is set to English (Singapore)”.
When just a few more bullet points below my Language selection shows “English (United States)”.
That’s the only thing I can see, of course you guys are the experts.
I would like to be part of this AI experiment/experience.
Thanks for any help you can give to this 35+ year Mac user.
Lee W
Hello everyone,
I’m working on adding a Safari extension as an application extension to an iOS app created using Capacitor (generated from a React app). My goal is to bundle the Safari extension within the Capacitor app, allowing it to serve as a companion app for the extension. However, I’ve run into issues where the extension does not show up in Safari's extension settings when I run the app on a device or simulator.
Here's an overview of what I’ve done so far:
I initially used Capacitor’s command line tools to generate the iOS app from my React project. This app runs fine on its own.
To add the Safari extension, I’m not developing a platform-specific extension from scratch; instead, I used the Xcode command line to convert a Chrome extension to a Safari iOS extension. The converted extension functions correctly if paired with the default Swift app that comes with the conversion.
Right now, I effectively have two products:
The base Capacitor app (without the extension), which I want as my main app.
The standalone Safari extension bundled with the Swift app (from the conversion process).
My question is: How can I merge these two products so that the Capacitor app becomes the companion app for the Safari extension, allowing the extension to show up in Safari's settings? Are there specific configurations I should adjust in Xcode or within the manifest files to make this work seamlessly?
Any guidance or best practices from others who have integrated Safari extensions into non-Xcode-based projects would be much appreciated!
Thank you!
I created a locked camera capture extension as explained in Apple's documentation.
I'm trying to explore the possibilities of using a bluetooth peripheral from that extension - anybody knows if this is possible?
The CBCentralManagerDelegate reports .unsupported in func centralManagerDidUpdateState, even if I have provided all the permissions in Info.plist.
Capturing a Metal workload in Xcode, exporting a .gputrace file, is there a way to export the data using the command line, just like .memgraph can use malloc_history --quiet to export the data as text
I am recording video on iOS using ReplayKit and found that after copying data in the processSampleBuffer:withType: callback using memcpy, the data changes. This occurs particularly frequently when the screen content changes rapidly, making it look like the frames are overlapping.
I found that the values starting from byte 672 in the video data on my device often change. Here is the test demo:
- (void)processSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer withType:(RPSampleBufferType)sampleBufferType {
switch (sampleBufferType) {
case RPSampleBufferTypeVideo: {
CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer);
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(pixelBuffer, kCVPixelBufferLock_ReadOnly);
int ret = 0;
uint8_t *oYData = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddressOfPlane(pixelBuffer, 0);
size_t oYSize = CVPixelBufferGetHeightOfPlane(pixelBuffer, 0) * CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRowOfPlane(pixelBuffer, 0);
uint8_t *oUVData = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddressOfPlane(pixelBuffer, 1);
size_t oUVSize = CVPixelBufferGetHeightOfPlane(pixelBuffer, 1) * CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRowOfPlane(pixelBuffer, 1);
if (oYSize <= 672) {
uint8_t tempValue = oYData[672];
uint8_t *tYData = malloc(oYSize);
memcpy(tYData, oYData, oYSize);
if (tYData[672] != oYData[672]) {
NSLog(@"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$------ t:%d o:%d temp:%d", tYData[672], oYData[672], tempValue);
CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(pixelBuffer, kCVPixelBufferLock_ReadOnly);
default: {
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$------ t:110 o:124 temp:110
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$------ t:111 o:133 temp:111
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$------ t:124 o:138 temp:124
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$------ t:133 o:144 temp:133
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$------ t:138 o:151 temp:138
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$------ t:144 o:156 temp:144
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$------ t:151 o:135 temp:151
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$------ t:156 o:78 temp:156
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$------ t:135 o:76 temp:135
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$------ t:78 o:77 temp:78
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$------ t:76 o:80 temp:76
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$------ t:77 o:80 temp:77
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$------ t:80 o:79 temp:80
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$------ t:79 o:80 temp:79
I’m encountering a problem with my iOS app with new Live Caller ID extension when uploading to TestFlight. Here’s what's happening:
When I try to upload the app to TestFlight without the NSExtensionPrincipalClass, I get the following error:
Missing Info.plist values. No values for NSExtensionMainStoryboard or NSExtensionPrincipalClass found in extension Info.plist for foo.app/PlugIns/bar.appex
However, if I include the NSExtensionPrincipalClass in the Info.plist of my extension, the app fails to launch on both the dev build and through TestFlight. The error message I receive is:
bar.appex with id <bundle_id> defines either an NSExtensionMainStoryboard or NSExtensionPrincipalClass key, which is not allowed for the extension point com.apple.live-lookup
Has anyone experienced a similar issue? How to fix it?
I'm developing wallet extension for my app and using sandbox for testing. It was working properly on iOS 17, then I updated to iOS 18 and now the Wallet doesn't recognize my extension. It passes on 'status' method, but doesn't reach the 'passEntries' method.
Does it have any solution?
I'm building a VPN app with Flutter, and I'm coming across this issue(only on iOS) - "${appName} must be updated by the developer before ${appName} can be connected."
I have checked and tried almost all the solutions on the internet, but none work. Can anyone who has encountered this before assist or point me toward resources that can help?
The app added control widgets and crashed online。
static ControlWidgetConfigurationAdaptor._makeWidgetConfiguration(widget inputs:)