




Home app unreliable across network with iOS 18 beta and Sequoia beta
I have installed iOS 18 beta on one iPhone and Sequoia beta on one computer. Other phones and computers are running iOS 17 and Sonoma. Siri now frequently responds with "I'm having trouble... " or "Some accessories are not responding . ". I have the Home app's Home page open on my Mac. It alternates between two versions of my HomeKit setup. In one version I have several scenes (Good Morning, Goodnight, Go to work) configured and it shows correctly that some lights are on. In the other version there are no scenes and everything thing is reported as "No Response". The display switches between versions very few minutes. It seems to me that Home is referencing two versions of truth in my network. I have tried turning off the two devices running beta OSs
In-App Purchases / Restores Currently Fail in Sandbox Environment
Attempts to purchase an SKProduct or restore all completed transactions via the usual method calls in StoreKit leads to failure in the beta environment with the following error: Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=0 "An unknown error occurred" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=An unknown error occurred, NSUnderlyingError=0x300b10210 {Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=500 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x300b10090 {Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=301 "Invalid Status Code" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid Status Code, AMSURL=, AMSStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The response has an invalid status code}}}}} We've tried with existing sandbox user accounts, and created fresh ones which also fail in a similar way. Our beta testers report the same thing. Nothing has changed in our IAP code, and this started happening about 24-48 hours ago. It seems to be a server-side error - please can someone verify on Apple's side?
SwiftData Document-based app produces strange write errors
I have a document app built using SwiftData because frankly I'm too lazy to learn how to use FileDocument. The app's title is "Artsheets," and I'm using a document type that my app owns: com.wannafedor4.ArtsheetsDoc. The exported type identifier has these values: Description: Artsheets Document Identifier: com.wannafedor4.ArtsheetsDoc Conforms to: Reference URL: (none) Extensions: artsheets MIME Types: (none) And the code: ArtsheetsApp.swift import SwiftUI import SwiftData @main struct ArtsheetsApp: App { var body: some Scene { DocumentGroup(editing: Sheet.self, contentType: .package) { EditorView() } } } Document.swift import SwiftUI import SwiftData import UniformTypeIdentifiers @Model final class Sheet { var titleKey: String @Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade) var columns: [Column] init(titleKey: String, columns: [Column]) { self.titleKey = titleKey self.columns = columns } } @Model final class Column: Identifiable { var titlekey: String var text: [String] init(titlekey: String, text: [String]) { self.titlekey = titlekey self.text = text } } extension UTType { static var artsheetsDoc = UTType(exportedAs: "com.wannafedor4.artsheetsDoc") } I compiling for my iPhone 13 works, but then when creating a document I get this error: Failed to create document. Error: Error Code=2 "No location available to save “Untitled”." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No location available to save “Untitled”., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Enable at least one location to be able to save documents.}
Previewing your app’s interface in Xcode
// // ContentView.swift // HardApp // // Created by Besleaga Alexandru Marian on 14.06.2024. // import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack { Image(systemName: "globe") .imageScale(.large) .foregroundColor(.accentColor) Text("Hello, world!") } .padding() } } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { ContentView() } } // A SwiftUI preview. #Preview { Use of unknown directive '#Preview' // The view to preview. } I'm trying to learn Xcode and got stuck on these error that I receive when trying to apply the macro #Preview, how can declare the directive so I can use it in my own code for the preview it offers ? Kind Regards
Ios18 Hourglass next to my apps
After the upgrade , for some reason now my apps have that hourglass icon next to the app icon and I don’t know how to remove them , the thing is that my limit time list on the settings is empty , did you guys deal with something like that after the upgrade or is any fix to solve it please ? thank you
Screen tome big on ios 18 beta
I recently was allowed to leave family sharing due to age and my parents disabled the screen time function, yet i still have screen time limits on my device, and i am kicked out pf settings whenever attempting to go into tje screen time settings, does anyone know a fix/workaround? (Reseting my phone requires the screen time passcode of which i don’t have.)
Notification filtering entitlement - no response from apple
For a few years now, I have submitted requests for entitlement, but never got an approval/denial response from apple. even after contacting them via email, still didn't get a response about the request status. our app is an emergency alerts app, this entitlement is crucial for our app reliability. Last request i have sent has Case-ID: 7377207
Does SubscriptionStoreView .storeButton(for:.policies) work?
I've added .storeButton(.visible, for:.policies) to my SubscriptionStoreView, and the buttons do appear, but when I tap on them I get a sheet that just says "Terms of Service Unavailable / Somethng went wrong. Try Again.". (similar for Privacy Policy). Is this expected in development? Will these start working correctly in production? (and, more importantly, in App Review?) The docs say that these use the values (i.e. URLs) set in App Store Connect, but that I can override those. This is a new app. Is that wrong, do I need to set the URLs explicitly? Edited to add: the console reports: Failed to fetch terms of service and privacy policy: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1011 "(null)"
Share number from contact/call logs
Hi, I'm trying to implement a way to share a phone number from call logs with my app. I would select the call log entry, then "share contact" and share to my app. I implemented a Share Extension and my application appears in the list of application to share with. How can I list my application in the list of actions below the app icons? When I share with my app, the Share Extension view shows up, but no action is possible: I implemented a button to be able to send the number to my application but the action never fires, is it the correct implementation? How would I implement the sharing of the number with my main app? I tried with a custom url binding but I'm not sure if it is the correct way. My ideal implementation would be that no view show up and my application is immediately launched and the number is pasted. struct ShareView: View { var extensionContext: NSExtensionContext? @State private var contact: CNContact? = nil @State private var error: Error? = nil @State private var multiSelection = Set<String>() @State private var selectedPhoneNumber: String? = nil var body: some View { NavigationStack { VStack() { if let contact = contact { Button(action: submitPhoneNumber) { Text("Submit") .padding() .background( .cornerRadius(8) .foregroundColor(.white) } List(contact.phoneNumbers, id: \.self) { phoneNumber in Button(action: { print("Phone number selected: \(phoneNumber.value.stringValue)") self.selectedPhoneNumber = phoneNumber.value.stringValue }) { Text(phoneNumber.value.stringValue) //.padding() .background(self.selectedPhoneNumber == phoneNumber.value.stringValue ? : Color.clear) //.cornerRadius(8) .foregroundColor(.black) } } } else if let error = error { Text("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } else { Text("Loading...") .onAppear { loadContact() } } } } .padding() .navigationTitle("Number") .toolbar() { Button("Close") { close() } } } func close() { NSNotification.Name("close"), object: nil) } private func isButtonActive() -> Bool { return selectedPhoneNumber != nil } private func submitPhoneNumber() { print("Selected phone number: \(self.selectedPhoneNumber ?? "Nothing")") guard let phoneNumber = self.selectedPhoneNumber else { return } guard let extensionContext = self.extensionContext else { return } print("PhoneNumber: \(phoneNumber)") let urlScheme = "callclean://" if let url = URL(string: "\(urlScheme)?phone=\(phoneNumber)") { print(url.absoluteString), completionHandler: nil) } close() } private func loadContact() { guard let extensionContext = extensionContext else { return } for item in extensionContext.inputItems { if let inputItem = item as? NSExtensionItem { if let attachments = inputItem.attachments { for provider in attachments { if provider.hasItemConformingToTypeIdentifier("public.vcard") { provider.loadItem(forTypeIdentifier: "public.vcard", options: nil) { (data, error) in if let error = error { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.error = error } return } if let data = data as? Data { do { //let contactStore = CNContactStore() let contacts = try CNContactVCardSerialization.contacts(with: data) DispatchQueue.main.async { = contacts.first } } catch { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.error = error } } } } } } } } } } } Thanks for your guidance.
Ios 18 beta time limit not working properly
i’ve recently updated to ios 18. I previously had a time limits set for instagram on my phone , so if i am past my time limit i could just ignore the time limit and continue using the app, but after upgrading to ios 18, i simply cannot use the app after the 1 hour limit set by me. Sometimes it would open, but without sound. I have tried all the things like turning off downtime ,turning off app and webtime activity , adding the app to always allowed list and so on. still no better. I use an 11 pro max.
Apps Shutting Down
I recently installed IOS 18.0 Beta on my Iphone 14 Pro. Now more and more apps shutting down due to “Critical threat detected…” Apdo notification not working wven though notification is enabled in the settings.
Cannot install ios18 beta using ipsw file
None of my device is able to install ios 18 beta using the ipsw file. I am getting this error. Wondering if anyone else have seen this. cfgutil restore -I ~/Downloads/iPhone11,8_18.0_22A5282m_Restore_2.ipsw Waiting for the device [1/2] [*******************************************] 100% Step 2 of 2: Installing iOS [2/2] [*********>............................] 25% cfgutil: error: The operation couldn't be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error 10 - Failed to handle message type StatusMsg (Protocol error)) (Domain: AMRestoreErrorDomain Code: 10) "update" failed on iPhone (ECID: 0x**C****1002E). This is my cfgutil version: cfgutil version cfgutil 2.17 (906) And I am using Macos 14.5 Thanks!