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New features for APNs token authentication now available
Team-scoped keys introduce the ability to restrict your token authentication keys to either development or production environments. Topic-specific keys in addition to environment isolation allow you to associate each key with a specific Bundle ID streamlining key management. For detailed instructions on accessing these features, read our updated documentation on establishing a token-based connection to APNs.
Operation of Server Notifications V2 when Apple account is withdrawal
Please allow me to confirm the Server Notifications V2 specification. I am aware that if withdrawal an Apple account that has a subscription, the subscription will eventually be cancelled. Regarding Server Notifications V2 notifications with a notificationType of EXPIRED, am I correct in thinking that they will be sent when the subscription expires even if the Apple account is withdrawal?
Behavior of the "get all subscription statuses" API.
We are running auto-renewing subscriptions with StoreKit2 and the “get all subscription statuses” API is behaving unexpectedly. record the originalTransactionId from the iPhone to the server side when purchasing a subscription with Storekit2. query the get all subscription statuses API from the server side with the originalTransactionId recorded. get all subscription statuses returns a response, but there is no data in the response that matches the originalTransactionId. I have an error on my system because I have built my system on the assumption that all subscriptions including originalTransactionId will be returned.
Cloudkit not synching across devices after latest ios update
After a recent iOS update, my app is not synching between devices. I'm not seeing or getting any errors. CLoudKit Logs show activity, but it's not happening realtime. Even if I close and reopen the app, it won't sync between devices. It almost looks like it only has local storage now and CloudKit is not working on it anymore. STEPS TO REPRODUCE Use app on two devices with the same Apple ID. Create a user and one device and it won't show up on the other device. Vice Versa.
BGTaskScheduler crashes on iOS 18.4
I've been seeing a high number of BGTaskScheduler related crashes, all of them coming from iOS 18.4. I've encountered this myself once on launch upon installing my app, but haven't been able to reproduce it since, even after doing multiple relaunches and reinstalls. Crash report attached at the bottom of this post. I am not even able to symbolicate the reports despite having the archive on my MacBook: Does anyone know if this is an iOS 18.4 bug or am I doing something wrong when scheduling the task? Below is my code for scheduling the background task on the view that appears when my app launches: .onChange(of: scenePhase) { newPhase in if newPhase == .active { #if !os(macOS) let request = BGAppRefreshTaskRequest(identifier: "notifications") request.earliestBeginDate = .hour, value: 3, to: Date()) do { try BGTaskScheduler.shared.submit(request) Logger.notifications.log("Background task scheduled. Earliest begin date: \(request.earliestBeginDate?.description ?? "nil", privacy: .public)") } catch let error { // print("Scheduling Error \(error.localizedDescription)") Logger.notifications.error("Error scheduling background task: \(error.localizedDescription, privacy: .public)") } #endif ... } 2025-02-23_19-53-50.2294_+0000-876d2b8ec083447af883961da90398f00562f781.crash
Certification Authority (CA) for Apple Push Notification service (APNs)
I got a notification that the Certification Authority (CA) for Apple Push Notification service (APNs) is changing. Does this affect the push service for Apple Wallet passes or just for apps? I have a push service for Apple Wallet passes but no service for apps. I don't use push notification service for anything other than for Apple Wallet Pass push notifications, not at all for apps. Is there anything I need to do or is this not relevant to my situation? If it does, what do I need to change in order to make sure my service still works? Do I just replace the certificate? Is there a standard path where it would live on the server? I'm sure this is a simple thing, but it's been over a decade since I wrote the push service so I'm pretty rusty.
Auto Dial - 911
My app monitors users heart beats and if critical reading is noticed, it auto -dials 911 for emergency and ambulance help. I was under the impression that auto-dial may not be permitted or possible on the platform. Can anyone confirm and provide any additional guidance on if it is possible in the newer SDK/API stack or using any 3rd party service ? Thank you in advance!!
stuck with out-of-date version of the application
Subject: Issue with Submitting the Latest App Version in App Store Connect Hello, App Store Connect Team! I am experiencing an issue with submitting an update for my app BTC-X PRO (Bundle ID: PRO.BTCX). Currently, in App Store Connect: Version 1.2.5 is published and available to users. Version 1.3.0 is in the "Prepare for Submission" status, but it is no longer relevant, and I cannot delete it. Version 1.3.1 has also been uploaded, but it is outdated and was never submitted for review. Version 1.4.0 has been uploaded and is ready for submission, but I am unable to submit it for review because App Store Connect only allows me to submit 1.3.0. Since versions 1.3.0 and 1.3.1 are no longer relevant, I kindly request that you either: Remove versions 1.3.0 and 1.3.1 so I can submit 1.4.0 for review. Or manually enable the ability to submit 1.4.0 for review. I would appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue as soon as possible, as version 1.4.0 includes important updates for users. Thank you in advance for your help! Best regards, CEO Ihor Khrysiuk BTC-X, LLC
Issue with app not waking up intermittently due to Pushkit (VOIP)
I am developing a VoIP service. Usually, when receiving a VoIP Push, Callkit is exposed immediately after receiving the message and the app is designed to be used. However, there is an extremely intermittent phenomenon (not well reproduced) where the app does not wake up even when receiving a VoIP Push. And after a long time, the app wakes up and Callkit is activated. (A long time after receiving the call…) Has anyone experienced the above phenomenon? I wonder if there are any reported parts depending on the OS version. (I have identified that it does not occur in the 17.x version, but it is difficult to guarantee because it occurs extremely intermittently) The app is not running in the background, but... Could this be happening if there are a lot of pending operations in the background? I need help urgently
Test Flight Test app UI Currency code error
When running the test app with test flight before actually opening the app, the execution region is Korea and the country code is Korea, but the currency code on the payment screen is displayed as dollars or euros instead of won. In the payment settings, the currency code is set to won for Korea and dollars for the United States, and the European region is not set at all, but in some phones it is displayed as euros, and in some phones it is not like this, and in some cases it is displayed as won normally.
Live Caller ID: Multiple userIdentifier values for same device - Expected behavior?
Hello! We're currently testing Live Caller ID implementation and noticed an issue with userIdentifier values in our database. Initially, we expected to have approximately 100 records (one per user), but the database grew to about 10,000 evaluationKey entries. Upon investigation, we discovered that the userIdentifier (extracted from "User-Identifier" header) for the same device remains constant throughout a day but changes after a few days. We store these evaluation keys using a composite key pattern "userIdentifier/configHash". All these entries have the same configHash but different userIdentifier values. This behavior leads to unnecessary database growth as new entries are created for the same users with different userIdentifier values. Could you please clarify: Is this the expected behavior for userIdentifier to change over time? If yes, is there a specific TTL (time-to-live) for userIdentifier? If this is not intended, could this be a potential iOS bug? This information would help us optimize our database storage and implement proper cleanup procedures. Thank you for your assistance!
Wallet Extension show tips "Cannot Add Card"
When integrating the Wallet Extension, after clicking my app icon from the "From Apps on Your iPhone" list, I encountered the message: "Cannot Add Card. '***' is not responding. Wait a few minutes and try again. If the problem continues, contact the card issuer's customer service" instead of the configured login page appearing as expected. What could be causing this issue, and how should I resolve it?
How to get ApplicationSupportDirectory from FileProvider extension?
I get the ApplicationSupportDirectory path like this: let path = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.applicationSupportDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0] as String however for FileProvider plugin it looks like: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/.../Library/Application Support/rclone.conf instead of what I get for an Application: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/.../Library/Application Support I need a way to get the Application's Support Directory from the FileProvider plugin. Is that possible? If not, what other shared location I could use to access shared file between these two?
iPhone 16 Pro boot loop with iOS 18.4 beta
I installed iOS 18.4 on Friday evening, all worked well during Saturday and Sunday, Monday morning the Phone rebooted and appeared to have installed an Update, I didn´t notice, I was about to answer a WhatsApp and the TestFlight beta didn´t start up, a renew of the App was not possible due to TestFlight not being available. So I thought a reboot would help, but I did a reset, since then BOOT LOOP. I brought in recovery mode, updated with the 18.4 ipsw, no change - BOOT LOOP