Xcode Server

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Xcode Server controls server-side bots that continuously build, analyze, test, and even archive your Xcode projects.

Posts under Xcode Server tag

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Xcode Cloud build failing with 502 HTTP error at code-signing step
Having an issue today where archives on Xcode Cloud are failing at the Code Signing step. The error reported by Xcode Cloud has been one of the 2 following: 502 error from developerservices2.apple.com Unexpected character 'u' (I assume this is in some way related to the HTTP failure above, but please correct me if I'm wrong) Sometimes they even appear together, with the HTTP error as a warning and the unexpected character as the error I assume this is some kind of Xcode Cloud / developer tools outage. I saw another post on the forum from 3 weeks ago that reported the same errors coming from Xcode Cloud. I also saw that there is a "Resolved Outage" with Xcode Cloud from 8/19 (maybe that is related)? Has anyone found a way around this? Any updates on when this will be resolved? It has been happening for us consistently since the first Xcode Cloud archive that we ran today (around 10AM EDT).
Aug ’24
hello, where can I find the supporting file "info.plist" in xcode?
I always get the user location not found error even though I have activated my location import SwiftUI import MapKit import CoreLocation class LocationManager: NSObject, ObservableObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate { private let locationManager = CLLocationManager() @Published var location: CLLocation? = nil @Published var authorizationStatus: CLAuthorizationStatus? = nil override init() { super.init() locationManager.delegate = self locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() locationManager.startUpdatingLocation() } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) { guard let newLocation = locations.last else { return } location = newLocation print("Updated location: \(newLocation.coordinate.latitude), \(newLocation.coordinate.longitude)") } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didChangeAuthorization status: CLAuthorizationStatus) { authorizationStatus = status if status == .authorizedWhenInUse || status == .authorizedAlways { locationManager.startUpdatingLocation() } } } private func sectionTitle(_ title: String) -> some View { Text(title) .font(.headline) .fontWeight(.bold) .padding(.bottom, 8) } private func openAppleMaps() { let destinationLatitude: CLLocationDegrees = -6.914744 let destinationLongitude: CLLocationDegrees = 107.609810 guard let currentLocation = locationManager.location?.coordinate else { print("Lokasi pengguna tidak ditemukan.") return } let currentLatitude = currentLocation.latitude let currentLongitude = currentLocation.longitude // URL encode parameters let urlString = "http://maps.apple.com/?saddr=\(currentLatitude),\(currentLongitude)&daddr=\(destinationLatitude),\(destinationLongitude)&dirflg=d" guard let appleMapsUrl = URL(string: urlString) else { print("URL tidak valid.") return } // Open Apple Maps UIApplication.shared.open(appleMapsUrl, options: [:]) { success in if !success { print("Gagal membuka Apple Maps.") } } }
Aug ’24
On August 8th, we were preparing to update our game. As usual, we were uploading the IPA to Apple Contact through Xcode, but during the uploading process, we received a prompt saying, "Your app must be registered with App Store Connect before it can be uploaded. Xcode will create an app record with the following properties." (According to our past successful submission experience, this prompt should not appear), and after clicking the next step, we received a prompt saying, "App Record Creation Error: App Record Creation failed as you do not have permission to perform requests of this type." Our game is now unable to be delivered from Xcode to Apple Contact.
Aug ’24
Can't share Video to Facebook
I have the Facebook SDK version 17.0.2 and xcode 15. Sharing photos and links work fine but when I try sharing videos, I get the following error: Failed to log access with error: access=<PATCCAccess 0x301d12b20> accessor:<<PAApplication 0x301d27e30 identifierType:auditToken identifier:{pid:18440, version:47210}>> identifier:A9159DCD-76B1-4C77-A01E-DA611929B50B kind:intervalEvent timestampAdjustment:0 visibilityState:0 assetIdentifierCount:0 accessCount:0 tccService:kTCCServicePhotos, error=Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service with pid 15679 named com.apple.privacyaccountingd" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service with pid 15679 named com.apple.privacyaccountingd}
Aug ’24
Xcode says I am developing in ios-release mode, but I'd prefer ios-debug mode ...
Hi I have an error message from running an iOS emulator, and it seems there's a problem because Xcode wants to sign something. I have noticed that when running my code for testing, that it is being run in ios-release mode. I have thought that maybe Xcode would not want to sign if the code was being run in ios-debug mode - because Xcode didn't have this interest in signing problem before. Confirmed: "Building com.example.appName for device (ios-release)..." Error confirmation: "No valid code signing certificates were found. You can connect to your Apple Developer account by signing in with your Apple ID in Xcode and create an iOS Development Certificate ..." My preference is to test/develop at this point without Apple Developer. This was possible for a long time before. Advice: "Or run on an iOS simulator without code signing" It seems that if Xcode were not interested in code signing that I wouldn't have this error preventing me. How can I configure Xcode so that code signing is skipped and the code testing occurs without a reference to my Apple Developer account please? If you can assist to resolve with these queries, that would be cool and greatly appreciated. With thanks.
Jul ’24
Hello, good morning everyone, I want you to help me with something. What happens is that I have inside a "Form" Ten "Section" When adding another "Section" I get an error that calls "Trailing closure passed to parameter of type 'FormStyleConfiguration" that does not accept a closure. Everything works very well until he added another "section" Help me please.
May ’24
About testing the billing function
We would like to include billing functionality for the first time in this version of our currently released application. We have confirmed that billing is in place in local testing, In reality, the billing element has not yet been reflected in the store because it has not yet been reviewed by Apple. We have been informed by Apple that the billing elements will be reflected at the same time as the app review, We think this is a bit risky considering that the billing process may not work and the app may not pass the review process. How can we test the billing process for the store? Any better suggestions are welcome.
Apr ’24