Hello Folks!

I'm new to Xcode and I'm trying to create a simple 2D-Game with c++ and I found out, that SFML offers a nice tool to create a game engine. Now my purpose is to develop tools for studying and I'm trying to link SFML with Xcode. Since I already was successful in creating a pop-up window via the terminal I believe I can handle to do it with Xcode. I tried the following: I created a new SFML project in Xcode with the same Main.cpp file. I went to the build settings and changes the Header-Path to the SFML-Include folder and the Library-Path to the SFML-lib folder. I also linked the binaries with the libraries in the build phase. When I run the script Xcode told me, that the build was successful and the app tried to open the window (It jumped around and appears in the strip. But I also got an error message, that the dynamic libraries couldn't load.

It would be very nice, if someone could help me with my issue.

Happy to hear from you, kind regards
