Demystify code signing and its importance in app development. Get help troubleshooting code signing issues and ensure your app is properly signed for distribution.






App Fails to Launch on Another Mac with Error -10810 After Codesign and Notarization
I exported an app from an Xcode project using the "Archive" feature. After signing and notarizing it, the app runs normally on my local machine. However, after packaging it with create-dmg or ditto and distributing it to another Mac, I get an error saying the application cannot run. When I execute the command open ***.app in Terminal, it shows _LSOpenURLsWithCompletionHandler() failed for the application /Applications/Maxi PC with error -10810. Does anyone know why this is happening? codesign and notarization info: codesign -vvv Maxi\ PC\ ...... Maxi PC valid on disk Maxi PC satisfies its Designated Requirement syspolicy_check distribution Maxi\ PC\ App passed all pre-distribution checks and is ready for distribution.
When starting a process on macOS Sequoia, it gets terminated by the kernel.
I have an executable file named infogodesk, located in the directory /usr/local/SmpAgent/rustdesk/infogodesk. When I execute it using the terminal with ./infogodesk, the process gets terminated by the kernel. However, if I move the executable to another directory, it works fine. This issue is very frustrating, and I hope to get some help. Below is the console log output: 默认 11:26:28.162205+0800 kernel ASP: Validation category (6) does not match top-level policy match (3) for process: /usr/local/SmpAgent/rustdesk/infogodesk 默认 11:26:28.162211+0800 kernel Validation category policy: Notifying syspolicyd about /usr/local/SmpAgent/rustdesk/infogodesk with PID 88264 默认 11:26:28.166695+0800 kernel CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x104e04000): p=88264[infogodesk] final status 0x23000200, denying page sending SIGKILL 默认 11:26:28.166698+0800 kernel CODE SIGNING: process 88264[infogodesk]: rejecting invalid page at address 0x104e04000 from offset 0x0 in file "/usr/local/SmpAgent/rustdesk/infogodesk" (cs_mtime:1734509326.0 == mtime:1734509326.0) (depth:0) 默认 11:26:28.166738+0800 kernel infogodesk[88264] Corpse allowed 1 of 5 默认 11:26:28.255182+0800 ReportCrash ASI found [ReportCrash] (sensitive) 'Pid 88264 'infogodesk' CORPSE: Extracting Completed 1, Recent: Pid 86766 'ReportCrash' CORPSE' 默认 11:26:28.261619+0800 ReportCrash ASI found [ReportCrash] (sensitive) 'Pid 88264 'infogodesk' CORPSE: Extracting Completed 1, Recent: Pid 86767 'ReportCrash' CORPSE'
Stripping protections to allow lldb debugging
Chrome has started crashing almost immediately after startup. I've reported the issue to the Chrome team here: I'm hoping to debug the issue a bit more myself. This page from the Chrome team suggests using the follow to strip off the protections: codesign --force --sign - path/to/Google\ However, applying that seems to have no effect: % codesign --force --sign - /Applications/Google\ Chrome\ /Applications/Google Chrome replacing existing signature /Applications/Google Chrome resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed % lldb /Applications/Google\ Chrome\ (lldb) target create "/Applications/Google Chrome" Current executable set to '/Applications/Google Chrome' (arm64). (lldb) run error: process exited with status -1 (attach failed (Not allowed to attach to process. Look in the console messages (, near the debugserver entries, when the attach failed. The subsystem that denied the attach permission will likely have logged an informative message about why it was denied.)) I have tried other variations like the following based on Stack Overflow, this forum, etc., but with the same result. (I'm still a little vague on the meaning for some flags, sorry.) Though codesign says that it's "replacing existing signature", as far as I can tell, nothing is changing: % cat <<EOF > debuggee-entitlement.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key></key> <true/> </dict> </plist> EOF % codesign --verbose=4 -fs - --options library-validation --entitlements debuggee-entitlement.xml /Applications/Google\ Chrome\ /Applications/Google Chrome replacing existing signature /Applications/Google Chrome resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed file with invalid attached data: Disallowed xattr found on /Applications/Google Chrome lldb still fails the same way. Here's what I see after the above: % codesign -d -vvv /Applications/Google\ Chrome\ Executable=/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Format=app bundle with Mach-O universal (x86_64 arm64) CodeDirectory v=20500 size=1821 flags=0x12a00(kill,restrict,library-validation,runtime) hashes=46+7 location=embedded Hash type=sha256 size=32 CandidateCDHash sha256=5d7beab2b03d9892426076b24acc19815d7a3ff8 CandidateCDHashFull sha256=5d7beab2b03d9892426076b24acc19815d7a3ff8c1446966e422c3c10672626b Hash choices=sha256 CMSDigest=5d7beab2b03d9892426076b24acc19815d7a3ff8c1446966e422c3c10672626b CMSDigestType=2 CDHash=5d7beab2b03d9892426076b24acc19815d7a3ff8 Signature size=8989 Authority=Developer ID Application: Google LLC (EQHXZ8M8AV) Authority=Developer ID Certification Authority Authority=Apple Root CA Timestamp=Dec 17, 2024 at 2:47:58 PM Notarization Ticket=stapled Info.plist entries=44 TeamIdentifier=EQHXZ8M8AV Runtime Version=15.0.0 Sealed Resources version=2 rules=13 files=63 Internal requirements count=1 size=288 From what I can tell, my codesign runs have changed nothing... I see no diff as compared with what I see running codesign -d on a fresh copy. Is it possible to strip off the protections on my local instance to allow debugging with lldb? If so, could someone share a command for accomplishing that? Although I'm asking about this because of Chrome specifically, I'm hoping to learn more about codesigning in general and to be more empowered as a user to be able to debug when an app I depend on is crashing. Thanks much! Happy Holidays!
Xcode 16.2 無法在IOS 18.2 Debug
Xcode 16.2 無法在IOS 18.2 Debug Xcode 16.2 iOS 18.2 直接建立新專案 Xcode -> Create New Project -> Multiplatform -> Application -> App 選擇 實體手機 -> 執行 error: attach by pid '1050' failed -- attach failed (Not allowed to attach to process. Look in the console messages (, near the debugserver entries, when the attach failed. The subsystem that denied the attach permission will likely have logged an informative message about why it was denied.) Logging Error: Failed to initialize logging system due to time out. Log messages may be missing. If this issue persists, try setting IDEPreferLogStreaming=YES in the active scheme actions environment variables.
SHA256 Hash - no example code
note technically code-signing but related...... Why has there been no update to the documentation at: To demonstrate how to validate an SHA256 app store hash ??? The January deadline is looming and I can find no working example code which sucessfully validates an SHA256 hash HELP !!!!
Unable to load my enterprise application in iOS 18 and above
We have an enterprise application which customers are using since long. Suddenly some customers have reported they are unable to open app in iOS 18 OS. On lower versions like 17 it is working fine. We have a deploy this enterprise application on our server from that link our customer can download and install the app in iPhone. Now they are blocked due to this error. After installing the app when they open app below error message is shown to them. "AppName" is no longer available.
LocalAuthentication like Face ID crashes using swift 6 iOS 18.1
Hello, I have been implementing faceID authentication using LocalAuthentication, and I've noticed that if i use swift 5 this code compiles but when i change to swift 6 it gives me a crash saying this compile error: i have just created this project for this error purpose so this is my codebase: import LocalAuthentication import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State private var isSuccess: Bool = false var body: some View { VStack { if isSuccess { Text("Succed") } else { Text("not succeed") } } .onAppear(perform: authenticate) } func authenticate() { let context = LAContext() var error: NSError? if context.canEvaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, error: &amp;error) { let reason = "We need to your face to open the app" context.evaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, localizedReason: reason) { sucexd, error in if sucexd { let success = sucexd Task { @MainActor [success] in isSuccess = success } } else { print(error?.localizedDescription as Any) } } } else { print(error as Any) } } } #Preview { ContentView() } also i have tried to not use the task block and also gives me the same error. i think could be something about the LAContext NSObject that is not yet adapted for swift 6 concurrency? also i tried to set to minimal but is the same error Im using xcode 16.1 (16B40) with M1 using MacOS Seqouia 15.0.1 Help.
Trying to track down why codesign is now failing certain files
App is built using jdk21, jpackage to create dmg, pulls in the needed jre. Been working fine until about a week ago when notarize start failing bad signing, which when examined it's complaining modified files - a handful of jre license and copyright text files. DMGs built, signed and notarised successfully are now failing codesign verification. Has a macOS 15.1.1 release or Xcode 16.1 patched something, is there new behaviour to be aware of plse?
Not Allowed To Open Rust Binary In Terminal
Hi, I am a long time programmer in C#, and newer to Rust, and a rookie to MacOS 15.1. Over the past few days I have made numerous attempts to run a Rust GUI binary that I compiled on Mac. Here are some examples of things I have tried using. Executable compiled in M1 mac not running on Apple Silicon Mac - help - The Rust Programming Language Forum And here.... How to run unsigned apps in macOS 15.1 Also here... "sudo spctl --master-disable" There are many more that I have tried. I also tried moving the binary from my developer folder to the Application folder and running.... xattr -r -d /Applications/csv Note that "csv" is the name of my binary. You have probably seen this 100 times, so can you point me to me to something that allows my Rust binaries to run under MacOS? PS The Rust program code works just fine under Linux. I can either type Cargo Run and run the binary from the Terminal or go directly to the executable and double click on it to open the GUI application. The only thing that MacOS lets me do it open the GUI from the Terminal. Commander One says that I do not have the proper credentials to open the file directly. Finder also does not allow me to open the binary directly. Thanks, Jim
Cannot sign my app
Hello, I am on maxOS 14.6 and I developed a C++ application for macOS with graphical-user interface by using wxWidgets. The .app application bundle is built correctly and the application runs. Now I would like to sign it to get it notarized. I get the following error sudo codesign -vvv --deep --strict code has no resources but signature indicates they must be present If I check the signature I get % pkgutil --check-signature Package "MyApp": Status: package is invalid (checksum did not verify) How may I fix this? Thank you!
Offline App
Hello, I'm new at developing an ios app, but I have created a basic app, I plan to use just for me using xcode and the language swift. I intend to use this app, to display a video and images on ipads that will be used as KIOS on a trade show. I don't need this app to be published on the app store as I intend to use it solely for my use. Is there a way I can do something like this that won't be restricted with the 10 days restriction? I learned xcode/swift as little as I could to create the app, but now I'm limited to the 10 days, and only 3 devices. Is there a way I can create an offline app, that doesn't have the all the restrictions? I plan to use these ipads over and over again on tradeshows to display my work.
Can an application signed with "" be published as trusted?
I am working on releasing my macOS arm64 app. My problem is that after the user downloads the dmg, double-clicking in the dmg, a Gatekeeper pop-up box will appear with a warning that the developer cannot be verified. Question: Can an application signed with "" be published as trusted? If yes, what steps have I missed? If not, can I get an official response from Apple? (Because I referred to this post, it seems to mention that it is possible to publish trusted software.I have looked up similar questions on the forum and tried many things, but nothing works. ) Here are my steps: Use the codesign to sign Because my app needs to access third-party dynamic libraries, entitlements.plist contains a "". After the "codesign -dvvv" check, the signature was successful.✅ Use the "xcrun notarytool" command to notarize my app, and the status is displayed as accepted.✅ Use "xcrun stapler staple" to attach the notarization to my app, and it returns success.✅ Use the "spctl -a -v " command to verify whether my app has passed Gatekeeper, and it returns that it has passed.✅ Then I packaged into a dmg, and then attached the notarization mark to the dmg, which was successful.✅ I completed the above steps and distributed the dmg. When I downloaded the dmg as a user test and double-clicked in it, the Gatekeeper pop-up box still appeared, and the developer cannot be verified.❌
New application certificate fails to codesign binary file with error: "Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer <certificate> <filepath>: errSecInternalComponent"
Platforms: Ventura and Big Sur Steps to Reproduce: Create new application and installer CSRs with keypairs Generate new certificates in Apple web portal Repackage certificates as .p12 using exported private keys since they are not referenced in keychain app by default. Import certificates into MacOS Keychain Set certificate access to "Always Trust" for all certificate uses Sign binary fails using "codesign --force --sign " Sign installer package succeeds using "productsign --sign Additional Info: The private keys ware initially not recognized by the Keychain application resulting a certificate without a private key "leaf" beneath them. To resolve it I exported the private key and repackaged certificate as a .p12 file. Both certificates appear "good" when evaluated for code signing The installer certificate shows an intermediate and root while the application certificate does not Repackaging as .p12 with expected intermediate and root did not resolve the issue Installing all available intermediates and roots from Apple did not resolve the issue Signing a test app with XCode succeeds In production, we sign using CMake so we need to be able to sign code from the command line with codesign.
Unable to Write Files Within App Bundle After Codesigning and Notarization
I have already posted asking about this: [quote='768005021, CynthiaSun, /thread/768005, /profile/CynthiaSun'] Codesigned and notarized app cannot directly write files inside the app bundle... [/quote] But there are still some doubts that have not been answered. We use Qt to develop an application on the macOS platform, and we are attempting to perform code signing and notarization to ensure our the application is trusted by Apple. However, there are a few things that seem weird regarding this statement: "App bundles are read-only by design." Let me provide more details. Currently, when our application starts, it needs to create folder (e.g. Temp) in the root directory of the executable For example: ---> The folder is designed for storing runtime logs or config files for our application. In the past, users may also modify the settings inside target folder if needed. However, the strange thing is that after the application is codesigned and notarized. When we double-click the application Myapp (a.k.a in Finder, it could successfully launch and create the Temp folder inside the folder. However, when we navigate and attempt to run the main application executable in command line mode (as our application supports this command line execution) $ cd $ ./Myapp -h As our application will check if the root folder has write permission before starting (i.e., check if is writable because we require to create Temp folder in the following steps) It pop up the error that folder does not have write permission. The aforementioned scenarios seems to conflict with this statement: "App bundles are read-only by design" (because when the application is launched directly by clicking in Finder, the Temp folder can be created successfully, but via the console command line, it cannot). I would like to confirm again if writing files in the notarized application MacOS directory is not allowed? If not, have any recommended approaches? (e.g., changing the folder to another directory). What causes the different results in these running scenarios? We are not concerned about breaking the signature after application launched, as it seems that macOS will add it to system trust list after first time successfully launch. (Download the app from internet --> System: it is an app downloaded from the internet. Are you sure want to open it...? OK --> Although our application creates the Temp folder after first launch, when we click the application second time, it could directly open the app)
Nov ’24
Apps made with Adobe Animate.
Adobe says that Animate works with the latest Mac OS. When I publish apps with Animate, they work on my computer. With a self-signed certificate, they work on some older Mac OS versions, but not on the 2 most recent. How can I test my apps on others' Mac computers? Robert
Nov ’24
Questions about enterprise-wide signing of IPAs
I work with a team that is responsible for our company's centralized infrastructure for code signing various products within our portfolio, including iOS apps. For security purposes, we want to sign apps before their posting on the App Store, and also to log this activity for eventual security audits. Not surprisingly, we need automated processes; we can't use an IDE like Xcode to do the work. We must queue, process, and log all signing jobs, and have Macs dedicated to this purpose. I can't go into many details about our infrastructure due to confidentiality concerns, so I'll apologize now if my questions seem a little vague. We currently require our iOS developers to submit one or more new provisioning profiles as well as their IPA archive for signing. We support supplying multiple provisioning profiles because some of our developers include embedded third-party extensions within their IPAs, and these extensions can also have their own provisioning profiles. Within our back end, we open the archive, sign the relevant portions using the entitlements in one of the profiles (that we believe to be the appropriate one for the particular archive element), overwrite each supplied provisioning profile with (what we believe to be) the appropriate one from user input, and re-compress the archive. Here come the questions: When we receive multiple provisioning profiles, how do we know which profile should be used to help with signing which archive elements? What data (e.g. entitlements application-identifier, team-identifier) can we use? We also need to know which provisioning profiles from their input correspond to those that already exist within the archive. What data can we use to map profiles from one set to the other? Should we be requiring our users to submit new provisioning profiles in the first place? Or should we edit/recycle the existing ones in some way? We'd like to remove any unnecessary burdens for our users, if possible.
Nov ’24