Bundle ID

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A bundle ID is a unique identifier for a single app.

Posts under Bundle ID tag

32 Posts
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Is there somehow to change automatically my Bundle Identifier for my Companion App?
Hello! In my project here we have 3 build modes / schemas for our iPhone app: Dev, Stage, Prod. And each one has one bundle identifier, for example, com.myproject.app-Dev, com.myproject.app-Stage and com.myproject.app. How do I can get each bundle identifier and store it inside the WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier key automatically? Is it possible? Because, sometimes we need to build manually the Stage version here and XCode says the info.plist key for WatchOS App is different from the iPhone App.
Nov ’23
BundleID identifier problems for new version of app
Good morning, I have a new version of an app which is on the App Store already, but I would like to send it to others using TestFlight first. I have created a new version for the app on the Apple Connect website. I have confirmed the new version number in Xcode for this app, but when I upload it through the archive process in Xcode I get this response: "App record with bundle identifier "" not found on App Store Connect. Create an app record on App Store Connect, or distribute the app from Xcode, and then try again." That was the default setting for App Store Connect. If I use the custom setting (and change the SKU because it is written as the bundle id identifier) I get this response: The app identifier "com.DefaultCompany.MyAppName" cannot be registered to your development team because it is not available. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again. Can someone please help me resolve this. A task that was supposed to take thirty minutes has extended to over four hours, and I have not found a solution to this problem. All documentation on the apple developer site assumes an app will ve updated to a new version without sharing first through TestFlight. All of this seems really counter intuitive to what should be a relatively straightforward process.
Oct ’23
App bundle ID no longer available on App Store Connect
I created an app on App Store Connect, and assigned my app's bundle ID to it successfully. However, as soon as I created the app, I realized that there was a typo in the app's name. Before doing anything else (no bundles uploaded or anything else) I deleted the app from App Store Connect with the intention of recreating it with the correct name. However, when I now try to create a new app the bundle ID in question is no longer on the list. It appears as though it is still associated with the erroneous, now deleted app. How do I fix this so that I can properly create my app on App Store Connect?
Sep ’23
Bundle ID change
Hi, We are fairly new to the app development process with Apple. We have our existing release of the app live and now are ready to push our first update. We have our app in both the Apple store and Google Play store. It would seem that our initial release resulted in different bundle IDs for Apple and Google, where Google does not support starting with a number. So we have these: Apple - com.name.client Google - com.app_name.client.twa I already know from speaking to google that we cannot change this. Is this the same for Apple? The issue we have, is that we have a single code base and use capacitorJS. As such our code base share the same configuration for the bundle ID. What would be the suggested route here? Whilst we could change the capacitor.config.js on each build, this feels cumbersome and could introduce the risk of error down the line. If the bundle ID cannot be changed the for existing app in the store, and we instead use a new universal name, what happens? Do our users need to uninstall the existing app and then go and find the new one? Apologies for the rather basic question, but I am unsure how best to proceed here. Thanks
Aug ’23
Unable to upload after app transfer
My App includes iPhone + Watch. Then, I carried out the app transfer, After app transfer, I could only see the bundle ID for iphone, but could not find the bundle ID for watch. So I tried to recreate the missing watch bundle id and got an error: An App ID with Identifier 'com.***.watchkitapp' is not available.Please enter a different string. I guess the Bundle ID is duplicate, so I created a non-duplicate Bundle ID to develop, it is ‘com.***.watchapp’, by the way, I want to migrate to SwiftUI. When I finished the development and uploaded the new ipa, I got another error: Invalid Bundle Identifier. Attempting to change bundle identifier from com.***.watchkitapp to com.***.watchapp is disallowed for bundle *** Watch App.app I can't do anything now. What am I supposed to do
Jul ’23
Failed to get parent identifier for BUNDLEIDENTIFIER.
Recently have been working on this project just fine... had an app throw a warning for some malware called InstallCore. Removed the malware and now I am getting this on every preview, regardless of the device preview type. I've tried clearing derived data, cache, etc. No dice. Could not install the preview host "AppName.app" on iPhone 14 Pro Max: Failed to get parent identifier for BUNDLEIDENTIFIER.
Aug ’23
"Invalid Bundle. The bundle <bundle name> does not support the minimum OS Version specified in the Info.plist"
I have been working with a framework to add multiplayer support to my app. The app runs on test devices, simulators, and archives perfectly fine and the app is fine without the framework. But when I go to distribute the app, I see get this error related to the multiplayer framework I have added. I have tried updating the minimumOSVersion to 9.0, 10.0, 12.0, and 13.0 everywhere (info.plist, deployment info, build settings, etc) and they all match with each build/archive but no matter what I can't get fix this error. This error only shows up when I go to distribute the app to the store. Any ideas on what to try or how to fix this issue? I've attached a screenshot of the issue below.
May ’24
Transfering app in store to another developer
Hi! I need to transfer an app, which is already available in the App Store, from one developer to another. The new developer account (one to receive the app) has problems building the app for the local testing iPhone device, Xcode giving the error messages: "Failed to register bundle identifier" (The app identifier "com.app.name" cannot be registered to your development team because it is not available. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again.) and "No profiles for 'com.app.name' were found" (Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'com.app.name')" Obviously, Bundle ID isn't unique, as the app already exists on the App Store, but he's only trying to build for the local iPhone to preview the app. I need to be sure the new developer will be able to compile/build the application before we initiate the transfer of the app from one account to another. Also, the new dev has not yet paid for the APPLE DEVELOPER PROGRAM. Should we change the Bundle ID temporarily to be able to test the app? Thank you in advance!
Jul ’23
Apple Developer Admin does not have access to create bundle ID
At https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/, I have the Admin role (but not Account Holder). At first, I had the Developer role. When it got switched to Admin, the buttons on the website that only admins should see (for example, the add app button), still weren't visible to me immediately, but I started seeing more of them within 24h. Now, I can click the add app button (see first screenshot) but when I click the link to add a bundle id (the link is called Certificates, Identifiers &amp;amp; Profiles), it says that I don't have access (see second screenshot).
Nov ’23