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On File System Permissions
Modern versions of macOS use a file system permission model that’s far more complex than the traditional BSD rwx model, and this post is my attempt at explaining that model. If you have a question about this, post it here on DevForums. Put your thread in the App & System Services > Core OS topic area and tag it with Files and Storage. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" On File System Permissions Modern versions of macOS have four different file system permission mechanisms: Traditional BSD permissions Access control lists (ACLs) App Sandbox Mandatory access control (MAC) The first two were introduced a long time ago and rarely trip folks up. The second two are newer, more complex, and specific to macOS, and thus are the source of some confusion. This post is my attempt to clear that up. Error Codes App Sandbox and the mandatory access control system are both implemented using macOS’s sandboxing infrastructure. When a file system operation fails, check the error to see whether it was blocked by this sandboxing infrastructure. If an operation was blocked by BSD permissions or ACLs, it fails with EACCES (Permission denied, 13). If it was blocked by something else, it’ll fail with EPERM (Operation not permitted, 1). If you’re using Foundation’s FileManager, these error are both reported as Foundation errors, for example, the NSFileReadNoPermissionError error. To recover the underlying error, get the NSUnderlyingErrorKey property from the info dictionary. App Sandbox File system access within the App Sandbox is controlled by two factors. The first is the entitlements on the main executable. There are three relevant groups of entitlements: The entitlement enables the App Sandbox. This denies access to all file system locations except those on a built-in allowlist (things like /System) or within the app’s containers. The various “standard location” entitlements extend the sandbox to include their corresponding locations. The various “file access temporary exceptions” entitlements extend the sandbox to include the items listed in the entitlement. Collectively this is known as your static sandbox. The second factor is dynamic sandbox extensions. The system issues these extensions to your sandbox based on user behaviour. For example, if the user selects a file in the open panel, the system issues a sandbox extension to your process so that it can access that file. The type of extension is determined by the main executable’s entitlements: results in an extension that grants read-only access. results in an extension that grants read/write access. Note There’s currently no way to get a dynamic sandbox extension that grants executable access. For all the gory details, see this post. These dynamic sandbox extensions are tied to your process; they go away when your process terminates. To maintain persistent access to an item, use a security-scoped bookmark. See Accessing files from the macOS App Sandbox. To pass access between processes, use an implicit security scoped bookmark, that is, a bookmark that was created without an explicit security scope (no .withSecurityScope flag) and without disabling the implicit security scope (no .withoutImplicitSecurityScope flag)). If you have access to a directory — regardless of whether that’s via an entitlement or a dynamic sandbox extension — then, in general, you have access to all items in the hierarchy rooted at that directory. This does not overrule the MAC protection discussed below. For example, if the user grants you access to ~/Library, that does not give you access to ~/Library/Mail because the latter is protected by MAC. Finally, the discussion above is focused on a new sandbox, the thing you get when you launch a sandboxed app from the Finder. If a sandboxed process starts a child process, that child process inherits its sandbox from its parent. For information on what happens in that case, see the Note box in Enabling App Sandbox Inheritance. IMPORTANT The child process inherits its parent process’s sandbox regardless of whether it has the entitlement. That entitlement exists primarily to act as a marker for App Review. App Review requires that all main executables have the entitlement, and that entitlements starts a new sandbox by default. Thus, any helper tool inside your app needs the entitlement to trigger inheritance. However, if you’re not shipping on the Mac App Store you can leave off both of these entitlement and the helper process will inherit its parent’s sandbox just fine. The same applies if you run a built-in executable, like /bin/sh, as a child process. When the App Sandbox blocks something, it typically generates a sandbox violation report. For information on how to view these reports, see Discovering and diagnosing App Sandbox violations. To learn more about the App Sandbox, see the various links in App Sandbox Resources. For information about how to embed a helper tool in a sandboxed app, see Embedding a Command-Line Tool in a Sandboxed App. Mandatory Access Control Mandatory access control (MAC) has been a feature of macOS for many releases, but it’s become a lot more prominent since macOS 10.14. There are many flavours of MAC but the ones you’re most likely to encounter are: Full Disk Access (macOS 10.14 and later) Files and Folders (macOS 10.15 and later) App container protection (macOS 14 and later) App group container protection (macOS 15 and later) Data Vaults (see below) and other internal techniques used by various macOS subsystems Mandatory access control, as the name suggests, is mandatory; it’s not an opt-in like the App Sandbox. Rather, all processes on the system, including those running as root, as subject to MAC. Data Vaults are not a third-party developer opportunity. See this post if you’re curious. In the Full Disk Access and Files and Folders cases, users grant a program a MAC privilege using System Settings > Privacy & Security. Some MAC privileges are per user (Files and Folders) and some are system wide (Full Disk Access). If you’re not sure, run this simple test: On a Mac with two users, log in as user A and enable the MAC privilege for a program. Now log in as user B. Does the program have the privilege? If a process tries to access an item restricted by MAC, the system may prompt the user to grant it access there and then. For example, if an app tries to access the desktop, you’ll see an alert like this: “AAA” would like to access files in your Desktop folder. [Don’t Allow] [OK] To customise this message, set Files and Folders properties in your Info.plist. This system only displays this alert once. It remembers the user’s initial choice and returns the same result thereafter. This relies on your code having a stable code signing identity. If your code is unsigned, or signed ad hoc (“Signed to Run Locally” in Xcode parlance), the system can’t tell that version N+1 of your code is the same as version N, and thus you’ll encounter excessive prompts. Note For information about how that works, see TN3127 Inside Code Signing: Requirements. The Files and Folders prompts only show up if the process is running in a GUI login session. If not, the operation is allowed or denied based on existing information. If there’s no existing information, the operation is denied by default. For more information about app and app group container protection, see the links in Trusted Execution Resources. For more information about app groups in general, see App Groups: macOS vs iOS: Fight! On managed systems the site admin can use the payload to assign MAC privileges. For testing purposes you can reset parts of TCC using the tccutil command-line tool. For general information about that tool, see its man page. For a list of TCC service names, see the posts on this thread. Note TCC stands for transparency, consent, and control. It’s the subsystem within macOS that manages most of the privileges visible in System Settings > Privacy & Security. TCC has no API surface, but you see its name in various places, including the above-mentioned configuration profile payload and command-line tool, and the name of its accompanying daemon, tccd. While tccutil is an easy way to do basic TCC testing, the most reliable way to test TCC is in a VM, restoring to a fresh snapshot between each test. If you want to try this out, crib ideas from Testing a Notarised Product. The MAC privilege mechanism is heavily dependent on the concept of responsible code. For example, if an app contains a helper tool and the helper tool triggers a MAC prompt, we want: The app’s name and usage description to appear in the alert. The user’s decision to be recorded for the whole app, not that specific helper tool. That decision to show up in System Settings under the app’s name. For this to work the system must be able to tell that the app is the responsible code for the helper tool. The system has various heuristics to determine this and it works reasonably well in most cases. However, it’s possible to break this link. I haven’t fully research this but my experience is that this most often breaks when the child process does something ‘odd’ to break the link, such as trying to daemonise itself. If you’re building a launchd daemon or agent and you find that it’s not correctly attributed to your app, add the AssociatedBundleIdentifiers property to your launchd property list. See the launchd.plist man page for the details. Scripting MAC presents some serious challenges for scripting because scripts are run by interpreters and the system can’t distinguish file system operations done by the interpreter from those done by the script. For example, if you have a script that needs to manipulate files on your desktop, you wouldn’t want to give the interpreter that privilege because then any script could do that. The easiest solution to this problem is to package your script as a standalone program that MAC can use for its tracking. This may be easy or hard depending on the specific scripting environment. For example, AppleScript makes it easy to export a script as a signed app, but that’s not true for shell scripts. TCC and Main Executables TCC expects its bundled clients — apps, app extensions, and so on — to use a native main executable. That is, it expects the CFBundleExecutable property to be the name of a Mach-O executable. If your product uses a script as its main executable, you’re likely to encounter TCC problems. To resolve these, switch to using a Mach-O executable. For an example of how you might do that, see this post. Revision History 2024-11-08 Added info about app group container protection. Clarified that Data Vaults are just one example of the techniques used internally by macOS. Made other editorial changes. 2023-06-13 Replaced two obsolete links with links to shiny new official documentation: Accessing files from the macOS App Sandbox and Discovering and diagnosing App Sandbox violations. Added a short discussion of app container protection and a link to WWDC 2023 Session 10053 What’s new in privacy. 2023-04-07 Added a link to my post about executable permissions. Fixed a broken link. 2023-02-10 In TCC and Main Executables, added a link to my native trampoline code. Introduced the concept of an implicit security scoped bookmark. Introduced AssociatedBundleIdentifiers. Made other minor editorial changes. 2022-04-26 Added an explanation of the TCC initialism. Added a link to Viewing Sandbox Violation Reports.  Added the TCC and Main Executables section. Made significant editorial changes. 2022-01-10 Added a discussion of the file system hierarchy. 2021-04-26 First posted.
Nov ’24
Files and Storage Resources
General: DevForums tags: Files and Storage, Finder Sync, File Provider, Disk Arbitration, APFS File System Programming Guide On File System Permissions DevForums post File Provider framework Finder Sync framework App Extension Programming Guide > App Extension Types > Finder Sync Disk Arbitration Programming Guide Mass Storage Device Driver Programming Guide Device File Access Guide for Storage Devices Apple File System Guide TN1150 HFS Plus Volume Format Extended Attributes and Zip Archives File system changes introduced in iOS 17 DevForums post Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""
Jan ’24
File system changes introduced in iOS 17
File system changes introduced in iOS 17 As part of iOS 17, tvOS 17, and watchOS 10, the system has reorganized where applications and their data containers are stored. In previous systems, both lived within the same volume but, starting in iOS 17, they will be stored on different volumes. What does this mean for you? Copying large amounts of data from the app bundle to a data container will take longer than in previous versions of iOS. Previously that copy would have occurred as an APFS file clone, but now the operation will occur as a standard copy, which may take much significantly longer. Because the data will need to be fully duplicated, storage usage will increase more than was the case in previous versions. You should minimize the data they copy out of their app bundle and avoid any unnecessary duplication of data between the app bundle and data container. When upgrading from previous system version, splitting the data into separate volumes may mean that there is insufficient space for all existing apps and their data. If this occurs, the app's data container will remain on the device, preserving the user's data, while the app bundle itself is removed using the same mechanism as "Offload Unused Apps". The user can then restore the app once they've freed sufficient space for the app to install. Revision History 2023-07-11 First posted
Jul ’23
ObjectBox store DB issue with sandbox in mac flutter app for production
I am working on Flutter MAC app. And using ObjectBox store DB for local data saving. When i am setting Sandbox - NO, It is working fine. But when i am setting Sandbox - YES for production MAC flutter app - It is giving error and getting black screen only Getting error- Error initializing ObjectBox store: StorageException: failed to create store: Could not open database environment; please check options and file system (1: Operation not permitted) (OBX_ERROR code 10199)
Media Library Access not working in my App since iOS 18.2
Hi There, I have an app which access the media library, to save and load files. Since the IOS 18.2, the access to the media library stopped working. Now, I've noticed that our App doesn't show in the List of apps with access to Files ( Privacy & Security -> Files & Folders). Weird behavior is that, one iPhone with iOS 18.3.1 can access to the Files but others no, same iOS version 18.3.1. Test on Simulators (MAC) and works fine also. My info.plist file have the keys to access media library for long time and hasn't changed (at least in the las 4 years) including the key "Privacy - Media Library Usage Description". Also, I've noticed, that the message (popup) that request access to the media library, when using the app for the first time, doesn't show up anymore. We request access to the network (wifi) and this message still showing up but no the media library. I'm using Visual Studio with Xamarin on a MAC. I really appreciate any help you can because is very odd behavior and this started from the iOS 18.2.
Runtime error when trying to read a file
Hello, I'm a newer Xcode developer trying to debug an error I'm getting in my iOS app. I'm using this code to get file content: //inputFile = "here is my file name with no extension" let filepath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: inputFile, ofType: "txt") //filepath = "/Users/username/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/[DeviceGUID]/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/[AppGUID]/ is my file name with no extension.txt" let fileContent = try String(contentsOfFile: filepath) That line generates a runtime error: error NSError domain: "NSCocoaErrorDomain" - code: 264 0x0000600000c74d20 Xcode 16.2 on macOS Sequoia 15.1.1 I had this code working... I had to step away from the code for a few months; I updated Xcode and now I'm getting this error. (I could've screwed the code up). I navigated to the directory and the file is there. Anybody have any ideas? Thank you! Hoss
App Group ID access for files after transfer ios
I have some questions regarding App Group Id's and use of the FileManager during an Appstore iOS transfer. I've read a lot of the topics here that cover app groups and iOS, but it's still unclear exactly what is going to happen during transfer when we try to release an updated version of the app from the new account. We're using this method FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "") to store files on the device that are important for app launch and user experience. Once we transfer the app and begin the process of creating a new version under the new account will we be able to read the files that are stored using this app group id under the new account? What steps do we need to take in order to handle this and continue being able to access these files? It seems like the app group is not transferred in the process? I've seen some users mention they removed the app group from the original account and created it again under the receiving account (with notes mentioning this is undocumented behavior). These conversations we're centered around Shared user defaults, and that applies as well but I'm more concerned with reading the values from the file system. Thanks!
Can't refresh contents of File Provider -managed folder (Dropbox)
I want a user to be able to save a URL of a folder on a cloud share using the standard FileManager APIs. I'm testing with Dropbox in particular. The initial interaction is working (I can select a folder, save it as a bookmark, and scan the files in that folder). However, no changes made externally to the folder will be reflected in the app when I refresh the contents. Launching the Files app and browsing to the folder DOES show the updated contents, and once that step is complete, then my app will again show up-to-date contents. Is there perhaps some API I should be calling to trigger the Dropbox File Provider extension to update it's cache? Sample project demonstrating issue: STEPS TO REPRODUCE Launch the app on a physical device Tap Choose, browse to folder on a Dropbox share, tap Open to select The app will show the contents of the folder (the 'test' folder) Switch to the Dropbox app and create a new subfolder of the test folder Return to the test app and tap Refresh. Notice that the changes do not appear Re-launching the app also does not show the changes Workaround Launch the Files app (or re-open the UIDocumentPickerViewController by tapping choose and then dismiss it) Tap Refresh and the changes will appear in the app Note: None of the other 'cloud file providers' (google drive, one drive, box) even allow the user to even select a folder.
ExFAT External Drive Deletion is Slow
Hello guys, I wanted to reach out to see if any of you have experienced or come across an issue we are facing in our organization. We are encountering a campus-wide problem where Macs are take an unusually long time to delete files on external drives formatted with ExFAT. We manage these Macs through Jamf Pro, and numerous policies are applied when the devices are enrolled. We have tested the issue in both scenarios—when the Macs are connected to the domain and when they are not—and the slow deletion persists in both cases. At this point, we are unsure whether the issue lies on our end or if it is related to the operating system itself. If anyone has found a fix or workaround for this problem, we would appreciate your input.
xattr -c not removing attribute from Xcode files
Hi all, reposting this from here: I came to this problem because my Xcode project was failing to build due to the error "resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed" (was trying the solutions on this post). Basically, running xattr -cr . in the terminal on my project directory removes all extended attributes except, which stays on all .xcodeproj and .xcworkspace files. I've tried everything under the sun, from sudo to xattr -d to dot_clean to tar to rsync and nothing works. Is this just an immortal attribute that can never be removed? I'm truly at a loss here, this is for my senior thesis project.
Kernel panic related to Watchdog in custom virtual file system
Hi. I am facing a panic in distributed virtual filesystem of my own making. The panic arises on attempt of copying a large folder, or writing a large file (both around 20gb). An important note here is that the amount of files we try to copy is larger than available space (for testing purposes, the virtual file system had a capacity of 18 gigabytes). The panic arises somewhere on 12-14gigabytes deep into copying. On the moment of panic, there are still several gigabytes of storage left. The problem is present for sure for such architectures and macOS versions: Sonoma 14.7.1 arm64e Monterey 12.7.5 arm64e Ventura 13.7.1 intel Part from panic log from Ventura 13.7.1 intel, with symbolicated addresses: panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff80191a191a): watchdog timeout: no checkins from watchdogd in 90 seconds (48 total checkins since monitoring last enabled) Panicked task 0xffffff907c99f698: 191 threads: pid 0: kernel_task Backtrace (CPU 2), panicked thread: 0xffffff86e359cb30, Frame : Return Address 0xffffffff001d7bb0 : 0xffffff8015e70c7d mach_kernel : _handle_debugger_trap + 0x4ad 0xffffffff001d7c00 : 0xffffff8015fc52e4 mach_kernel : _kdp_i386_trap + 0x114 0xffffffff001d7c40 : 0xffffff8015fb4df7 mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x3b7 0xffffffff001d7c90 : 0xffffff8015e11971 mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xc1 0xffffffff001d7cb0 : 0xffffff8015e70f5d mach_kernel : _DebuggerTrapWithState + 0x5d 0xffffffff001d7da0 : 0xffffff8015e70607 mach_kernel : _panic_trap_to_debugger + 0x1a7 0xffffffff001d7e00 : 0xffffff80165db9a3 mach_kernel : _panic_with_options + 0x89 0xffffffff001d7ef0 : 0xffffff80191a191a : IOWatchdog::userspacePanic(OSObject*, void*, IOExternalMethodArguments*) (.cold.1) 0xffffffff001d7f20 : 0xffffff80191a10a1 : IOWatchdog::checkWatchdog() + 0xd7 0xffffffff001d7f50 : 0xffffff80174f960b : SMCWatchDogTimer::watchdogThread() + 0xbb 0xffffffff001d7fa0 : 0xffffff8015e1119e mach_kernel : _call_continuation + 0x2e Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[BD08CE2D-77F5-358C-8F0D-A570540A0BE7]@0xffffff801919f000->0xffffff80191a1fff[DD55DA6A-679A-3797-947C-0B50B7B5B659]@0xffffff80174e7000->0xffffff8017503fff dependency:[BD08CE2D-77F5-358C-8F0D-A570540A0BE7]@0xffffff801919f000->0xffffff80191a1fff dependency:[D342E754-A422-3F44-BFFB-DEE93F6723BC]@0xffffff8018446000->0xffffff8018447fff dependency:[481BF782-1F4B-3F54-A34A-CF12A822C40D]@0xffffff80188b6000->0xffffff80188e7fff Process name corresponding to current thread (0xffffff86e359cb30): kernel_task Boot args: keepsyms=1 Mac OS version: 22H221 Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Thu Sep 5 20:48:48 PDT 2024; root:xnu-8796.141.3.708.1~1/RELEASE_X86_64 The origin of the problem is surely inside my filesystem. However, the panic happens not there but somewhere in watchdog. As far as I can tell, the source code for watchdog is not available for public. I can't understand what causes the panic. Let's say we have run out of space. Couldn't write data. Writing received a proper error message and aborted. That's what is expected. However, it is unclear for why the panic arises.
How to show only Spatial video using UIDocumentPickerViewController
Is there a suitable UTType type to satisfy the need to pick up only SpatialVideo in UIDocumentPickerViewController? I already know that PHPickerFilter in PHPickerViewController can do this, but not in UIDocumentPickerViewController. Our app needs to adapt both of these ways to pick spatial videos So is there anything that I can try in UIDocumentPickerViewController to fulfill such picker functionality?
Playground SwiftUI on iPad wont save .png image using fileExporter.
The SwiftUI Playground code below demonstrates that a .jpeg image can be read and written to the iOS file system. While, a.png image can only be read; the writing request appears to be ignored. Can anyone please tell me how to code to save a .png image using SwiftUI to the iOS file system. Code: import SwiftUI import UniformTypeIdentifiers /* (Copied from Playground 'Help' menu popup.) UIImage Summary An object that manages image data in your app. You use image objects to represent image data of all kinds, and the UIImage class is capable of managing data for all image formats supported by the underlying platform. Image objects are immutable, so you always create them from existing image data, such as an image file on disk or programmatically created image data. An image object may contain a single image or a sequence of images for use in an animation. You can use image objects in several different ways: Assign an image to a UIImageView object to display the image in your interface. Use an image to customize system controls such as buttons, sliders, and segmented controls. Draw an image directly into a view or other graphics context. Pass an image to other APIs that might require image data. Although image objects support all platform-native image formats, it’s recommended that you use PNG or JPEG files for most images in your app. Image objects are optimized for reading and displaying both formats, and those formats offer better performance than most other image formats. Because the PNG format is lossless, it’s especially recommended for the images you use in your app’s interface. Declaration class UIImage : NSObject UIImage Class Reference */ @main struct MyApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } } } struct ImageFileDoc: FileDocument { static var readableContentTypes = [UTType.jpeg, UTType.png] static var writableContentTypes = [UTType.jpeg, UTType.png] var someUIImage: UIImage = UIImage() init(initialImage: UIImage = UIImage()) { self.someUIImage = initialImage } init(configuration: ReadConfiguration) throws { guard let data = configuration.file.regularFileContents, let some = UIImage(data: data) else { throw CocoaError(.fileReadCorruptFile) } self.someUIImage = some } func fileWrapper(configuration: WriteConfiguration) throws -> FileWrapper { switch configuration.contentType { case UTType.png: if let data = self.someUIImage.pngData() { return .init(regularFileWithContents: data) } case UTType.jpeg: if let data = self.someUIImage.jpegData(compressionQuality: 1.0) { return .init(regularFileWithContents: data) } default: break } throw CocoaError(.fileWriteUnknown) } } struct ContentView: View { @State private var showingExporterPNG = false @State private var showingExporterJPG = false @State private var showingImporter = false @State var message = "Hello, World!" @State var document: ImageFileDoc = ImageFileDoc() @State var documentExtension = "" var body: some View { VStack { Image(systemName: "globe") .imageScale(.large) .foregroundColor(.accentColor) Text(message) Button("export") { if documentExtension == "png" { message += ", showingExporterPNG is true." showingExporterPNG = true } if documentExtension == "jpeg" { message += ", showingExporterJPG is true." showingExporterJPG = true } } .padding(20) .border(.white, width: 2.0) .disabled(documentExtension == "") Button("import") { showingImporter = true } .padding(20) .border(.white, width: 2.0) Image(uiImage: document.someUIImage) .resizable() .padding() .frame(width: 300, height: 300) } // exporter .png .fileExporter(isPresented: $showingExporterPNG, document: document, contentType: UTType.png) { result in switch result { case .success(let url): message += ", .\(documentExtension) Saved to \(url.lastPathComponent)" case .failure(let error): message += ", Some error saving file: " + error.localizedDescription } } // exporter .jpeg .fileExporter(isPresented: $showingExporterJPG, document: document, contentType: UTType.jpeg) { result in switch result { case .success(let url): message += ", .\(documentExtension) Saved to \(url.lastPathComponent)" case .failure(let error): message += ", Some error saving file: " + error.localizedDescription } } // importer .fileImporter(isPresented: $showingImporter, allowedContentTypes: [.png, .jpeg]) { result in switch result { case .failure(let error): message += ", Some error reading file: " + error.localizedDescription case .success(let url): let gotAccess = url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() if !gotAccess { message += ", Unable to Access \(url.lastPathComponent)" return } documentExtension = url.pathExtension guard let fileContents = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else { message += ",\n\nUnable to read file: \(url.lastPathComponent)\n\n" url.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() return } url.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() message += ", Read file: \(url.lastPathComponent)" message += ", path extension is '\(documentExtension)'." if let uiImage = UIImage(data: fileContents) { self.document.someUIImage = uiImage }else{ message += ", File Content is not an Image." } } } } }
full disk access granted, but app fails to load file from user folder
i recently upgraded to sequoia, and now, more often than not, when running in the debugger, opening my database causes a hang: When i run outside the debugger, it opens just fine. I suspect it has to do with "full disk access"? but i've given my app full disk access. i've also set Qt and Xcode to have "Allow apps to use developer tools" permissions. as a test i also added my app into that permission group, all to no avail. the path to the DB being opened is in my user's Music folder, and having full disk access gives permission for everything, including things in that folder. confused!
WKWebView/Sandbox Intermittent Local File Access Denial in macOS Sandbox Environment
Dear Apple Developer Experts, We're experiencing an intermittent issue with WKWebView in our macOS application where local HTML file access is occasionally denied by the sandbox, despite proper implementation and permissions. We seek your guidance in understanding and resolving this issue. Issue Description: The WKWebView occasionally fails to load local HTML files stored in the app's Contents/Resources directory Error occurs in WebKit Networking Process with sandbox denial Issue is intermittent and can be resolved by app restart or WebKit Networking Process restart Affects all local HTML files in the same directory once the issue occurs Technical Details: Error from Kernel Log: 2025-02-07 14:57:17.179821 +0800 kernel Sandbox: deny(1) file-read-data /Applications/ WKWebView Delegate Error (captured in WKNavigationDelegate method): (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didFailProvisionalNavigation:(WKNavigation *)navigation withError:(NSError *)error Error Details: Domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code: 1 Description: "Operation not permitted" UserInfo: { networkTaskMetricsPrivacyStance: Unknown, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey: LocalDataTask <3694CA1E-481B-4E06-975D-E3A56AD56C0F>.<1>, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey: 1, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey: 1 } Key Observations: Error is captured in WKNavigationDelegate's didFailProvisionalNavigation method The issue affects all local HTML files in the same directory once it occurs Temporary workarounds we've discovered: Restarting the application completely resolves the issue Without restarting the application, terminating the "WebKit Networking Process" via Activity Monitor causes the process to automatically restart, and this resolves the issue and load works again Additional Information: We've collected complete system diagnostics (system_logs.logarchive) at the time of failure The issue appears similar to discussions in Apple Developer Forums (, though we're uncertain if it's the same root cause We've prepared a minimal demo project demonstrating: Our release version app can be downloaded from: for examining our app's codesign, sandbox, and entitlements configurations if needed Important Investigation Finding: We attempted to simulate the issue by using chmod 000 /path/to/test.html, but this produces a different error: CopyError Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1102 Description="You do not have permission to access the requested resource." UserInfo={ NSLocalizedDescription=You do not have permission to access the requested resource., NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=file:///Users/sunus/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WKWebViewLocalDemo-eumardnlfbmwgnhkaadglsrrhzhs/Build/Products/Debug/, NSUnderlyingError=0x600003aedc50 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1102 "(null)"} } This error is distinctly different from our original issue's "Operation not permitted" error, suggesting that the sandbox denial we're experiencing is not a simple file permission issue. Questions: Is this a known issue with the WebKit sandbox in recent macOS versions? Are there recommended best practices or workarounds to prevent this sandbox denial? Could this be related to the WebKit Networking Process's sandbox configuration? Are there additional diagnostics or logs we should collect to help investigate this issue? We appreciate your assistance in investigating this issue. Please let us know if you need any additional information or clarification. STEPS TO REPRODUCE Open App Then loads the local file in / PS, We also submit a DTS & Feedback DTS:Case-ID: 11876957 Feedback-ID: FB16493282 sysdiagnose is in the Feedback-ID: FB16493282 is uploaded
Subdirectory navigation fails for several GUI apps on custom VFS.
Hi. I am developing a custom virtual file system and facing such behaviour: Upon using some graphical apps, for example Adobe Media Encoder, attempting to navigate inside my filesystem deeper than root folder will fail - nothing will happen on "double click" on that subfolder. Another problem, is that whether I try to re-navigate into root directory, it will be empty. The problem is not present for most GUI apps - for example navigation inside Finder, upon choosing download path for file in Safari, apps like Microsoft Word, Excel and other range of applications work totally correctly. A quick note here. From what I have seen - all apps that work correctly actually have calls to VFS_VGET - a predefined vfs layer hook. Whether the Adobe Media Encoder does not call for it - neither in my filesystem, nor in Samba, so my guess is that some applications have different browsing and retrieving algorithm. Is there anything I should examine further ? Default routines (vnop_open, vnop_lookup, vnop_readdir, vnop_close) behave as expected, without any errors. P.S. This application (Adobe Media Encoder) works properly on Samba.
error 49244 when using asr
a few times, for reasons unknown to me, asr restore processes broke with error 49244. Basically, the process get interrupted, most cases when is about to finish, with just a laconic message saying "Volume replication failed - error 49244". Where can I get information on this error, what exactly means, what causes it and more important, how to troubleshoot it. Any help will be appreciated, Thanks!!
Resolving URL from bookmark data doesn't automatically mount SMB volume on iOS
On macOS, the Finder allows to connect to a server and store the login credentials. When creating a bookmark to a file on a server and resolving it again, the server is mounted automatically (unless I provide the option URL.BookmarkResolutionOptions.withoutMounting). I just tried connecting to my Mac from my iPad via SMB in the Files app and storing a bookmark to a file on the server, but disconnecting the server and trying to resolve the bookmark throws the error (I translated the English text from Italian): Error Domain=NSFileProviderErrorDomain Code=-2001 "No file provider was found with the identifier ""'" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No file provider was found with the identifier ""., NSUnderlyingError=0x302a1a340 {Error Domain=NSFileProviderErrorDomain Code=-2013 "(null) "}} Every time I disconnect and reconnect to the server, selecting the same file returns a different path. The first time I got /private/var/mobile/Library/LiveFiles/ The next time WtFD3A changed to EqHc2g and so on. Is it not possible to automatically mount a server when resolving a bookmark on iOS? The following code allows to reproduce the issue: struct ContentView: View { @State private var isPresentingFilePicker = false @AppStorage("bookmarkData") private var bookmarkData: Data? @State private var url: URL? @State private var stale = false @State private var error: Error? var body: some View { VStack { Button("Open") { isPresentingFilePicker = true } if let url = url { Text(url.path) } else if bookmarkData != nil { Text("couldn't resolve bookmark data") } else { Text("no bookmark data") } if stale { Text("bookmark is stale") } if let error = error { Text("\(error)") .foregroundStyle(.red) } } .padding() .fileImporter(isPresented: $isPresentingFilePicker, allowedContentTypes: [.data]) { result in do { let url = try result.get() if url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() { bookmarkData = try url.bookmarkData() } } catch { self.error = error } } .onChange(of: bookmarkData, initial: true) { _, bookmarkData in if let bookmarkData = bookmarkData { do { url = try URL(resolvingBookmarkData: bookmarkData, bookmarkDataIsStale: &stale) } catch { self.error = error } } } } }
trashItem, recycle, but no put back depends
Hi all, I use the FileManager trashIitem function to put a file in the trash. If it is only one file, then the option to put it back is available. If, however, several files are deleted, the option to put it back is only available for the first deleted file. All others cannot be put back. The problem has been known for at least 10 years. See Put back only works for the first file. NSWorkspace recycle has the same problem. It seems to be due to .DS_Store in the trash. The files that are in the trash are stored there. This may also lead you to believe that the trashItem function is working properly because the deleted files are still in the .DS_Store file. If I call trashItem or recycle several times and wait 2 seconds between calls, then the option to put it back is available for all of them. That obviously can't be the solution. Waiting less than 2 seconds only offers to put the first file back. So trashItem and recycle are the same as remove, with the difference that you can look at the files in the trash can again, but not put them back. Are there other ways? The Finder can also delete multiple files and put them all back.
Getting a file icon on iOS
Some time ago I read somewhere that one can get a file icon on iOS like this: UIDocumentInteractionController(url: url).icons.last!) but this always returns the following image for every file: Today I tried the following, which always returns nil: (try? url.resourceValues(forKeys: [.effectiveIconKey]))?.allValues[.effectiveIconKey] as? UIImage Is there any way to get a file icon on iOS? You can try the above methods in this sample app: struct ContentView: View { @State private var isPresentingFilePicker = false @State private var url: URL? var body: some View { VStack { Button("Open") { isPresentingFilePicker = true } if let url = url { Image(uiImage: UIDocumentInteractionController(url: url).icons.last!) if let image = (try? url.resourceValues(forKeys: [.effectiveIconKey]))?.allValues[.effectiveIconKey] as? UIImage { Image(uiImage: image) } else { Text("none") } } } .padding() .fileImporter(isPresented: $isPresentingFilePicker, allowedContentTypes: [.data]) { result in do { let url = try result.get() if url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() { self.url = url } } catch { preconditionFailure(error.localizedDescription) } } } }
Diagnosing iOS disc contention impacting networking?
When my app launches, it makes maybe 9 or so network requests to load initial data. It also reads some data from disc. Sporadically, I'm seeing an issue where some of the network requests succeed, but anything involving reading from disc does not load immediately. I'm able to move around in the app, tap buttons, swap tabs, swipe pages, so my main actor isn't stuck. Other data that don't involve disc reading / writing is also blank. About 2 minutes in, suddenly everything loads (both stuff from disc and stuff from the network), nearly instantly, the way it should have done when the app launched. Server logs show more initial network requests succeed than we can see data loaded in the app, and then about 2 minutes later, there's a flood of the rest of the requests which then succeed. The responses to some of these initial network requests cause us to make other network requests, and the sever sees some of those start right away. However, other consequences of these first requests are to touch the disc (to search for manually-cached data), and anything that is supposed to happen after that does not succeed until the 2 minute mark. But what bothers me is some things in the app which don't touch the disc also seem to have successful network requests. I'm seeing it on an iPhone 14Pro running iOS 18.2.1, with 607 GB of disc space available. When I take screenshots of the loading screens in my app during the apparent freeze, the clock in the screenshots are right - they reflect the clock at the moment I took the screenshot, but the EXIF data in all dozen or so images shows the exact second 2 minutes later when the server gets the resulting flood of network requests. Screenshots taken after the freeze is over have exif timestamps that match the screenshots, as short as 5 seconds after the freeze ends. The screenshot file names, though sequential, are out of order. for instance, some screenshots from 12:58 have file names numbered after screenshots taken at 12:59. but not all are out of order. This seems like disc contention has spread outside the app, and is impacting the system writing the images to disc. How do I diagnose a cause for this? How does disc contention affect the networking? I have caching turned off for my network requests. We only have a manual image cache, but I don't know how that would stall the display of data that should fetch and display without attempting to hit the image cache. This happens maybe a couple of times a day for some people, maybe once every couple of weeks for others, but of course, it never when we're trying to debug it.