Simulator device returned an error for the requested operation. The parent bundle has the same identifier as sub-bundle

Two days ago everything was working fine. Then I decided to step on with the OneSignal Sdk and the problems starts to come. Now I have two big problem but I want to go with order and begin from the first and maybe the second will follow.

When I try the app on emulator, it builds fine but stopped immediately with

The parent bundle has the same identifier (com.domain.bundlename) as sub-bundle at /Users/myname/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/F2D73A5F-1B86-4D2D-9989-518387D0FB24/data/Library/Caches/

(com.domain.bundlename is for obscuring the real ones)

Then I tried creating a new emulator device, but I got the same error. No clues on my internet search.

As to your specific problem, it seems that your app and your framework have the same bundle ID. That’s always been a bad idea, and it seems that iOS is now telling you about it. Change the bundle ID of your framework.

IMPORTANT Changing the bundle ID of your app also changes its App ID, which means it looks like a different app to App Store Connect and so on. Thus, it’s best to change the bundle ID of the framework, which shouldn’t have any significant consequences.

ps The simulator is not an emulator, and I encourage you to learn about the difference.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Simulator device returned an error for the requested operation. The parent bundle has the same identifier as sub-bundle