Sign in with Apple

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Sign in with Apple enables users to sign into apps and websites using their Apple ID.

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Handling account deletions and revoking tokens for Sign in with Apple
The revoke tokens endpoint (/auth/revoke) is the only way to programmatically invalidate user tokens associated to your developer account without user interaction. This endpoint requires either a valid refresh token or access token for invalidation, as Sign in with Apple expects all apps to securely transmit and store these tokens for validation and user identity verification while managing user sessions. If you don’t have the user’s refresh token, access token, or authorization code, you must still fulfill the user’s account deletion request and meet the account deletion requirement. You'll need to follow this workaround to manually revoke the user credentials: Delete the user’s account data from your systems. Direct the user to manually revoke access for your client. Respond to the credential revoked notification to revert the client to an unauthenticated state Important: If the manual token revocation isn’t completed, the next time the user authenticates with your client using Sign in with Apple, they won’t be presented with the initial authorization flow to enter their full name, email address, or both. This is because the user credential state managed by Sign in with Apple remains unchanged and returns the.authorizedcredential state, which may also result in the system auth UI displaying the “Continue with Apple” button. Respond to the credential revoked notification Once the user’s credentials are revoked by Apple, your client will receive a notification signaling the revocation event:  For apps using the Authentication Services framework to implement Sign in with Apple, register to observe the notification named credentialRevokedNotification. For web services, if an endpoint is registered for server-to-server notifications, Apple broadcasts a notification to the specified endpoint with the consent-revokedevent type. When receiving either notification, ensure you’ve already performed the following operations to meet the requirements of account deletion: Deleted all user-related account data, including: The token used for token revocation; Any user-related data stored in your app servers; and Any user-related data store in the Keychain or securely on disk in the native app or locally on web client. Reverted the client to an unauthenticated state. Securely store user tokens for account creations For all new user account creations, follow the expected authorization flow below: Securely transmit the identity token and authorization code to your app server. Verify the identity token and validate the authorization code using the /auth/token endpoint.  Once the authorization code is validated, securely store the token response — including the identity token, refresh token, and access token. Validate the refresh token up to once per day with Apple servers (to manage the lifetime of your user session and for future token revocation requests), and obtain access tokens (for future token revocation, app transfer, or user migration requests). For information about verifying an identity token and validating tokens, visit Verifying a user and Generate and validate tokens. If you have questions about implementing these flows, including client authorization, token validation, or token revocation, please submit a Technical Support Incident.
Sep ’24
Gathering required information for troubleshooting Sign in with Apple user migration
Hi, Please see TN3159: Migrating Sign in with Apple users for an app transfer for more information on the expected end-to-end app transfer and user migration flow. Additionally, if you'd like for the iCloud and App Store engineering teams to confirm if the errors are related to a revoked authorization to previous users accounts, please submit a report via Feedback Assistant and include the following information: Gathering required information for troubleshooting Sign in with Apple user migration To prevent sending sensitive JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) in plain text, you should create a report in Feedback Assistant to share the details requested below. Additionally, if I determine the error is caused by an internal issue in the operating system or Apple ID servers, the appropriate engineering teams have access to the same information and can communicate with you directly for more information, if needed. Please follow the instructions below to submit your feedback. For issues occurring with your user migration, ensure your feedback contains the following information: the primary App ID and Services ID the client secret for the transferring team (Team A) and the recipient team (Team B) the failing request(s), including all parameter values, and error responses (if applicable) the timestamp of when the issue was reproduced (optional) screenshots or videos of errors and unexpected behaviors (optional) Important: If providing a web service request, please ensure the client secret (JWT) has an extended expiration time (exp) of at least ten (10) business days, so I have enough time to diagnose the issue. Additionally, if your request requires access token or refresh tokens, please provide refresh tokens as they do not have a time-based expiration time; most access tokens have a maximum lifetime of one (1) hour, and will expire before I have a chance to look at the issue. Submitting your feedback Before you submit via Feedback Assistant, please confirm the requested information above (for your native app or web service) is included in your feedback. Failure to provide the requested information will only delay my investigation into the reported issue within your Sign in with Apple client. After your submission to Feedback Assistant is complete, please respond in your existing Developer Forums post with the Feedback ID. Once received, I can begin my investigation and determine if this issue is caused by an error within your client, a configuration issue within your developer account, or an underlying system bug. Cheers, Paris X Pinkney |  WWDR | DTS Engineer
Aug ’24
Inconsistent "Sign in with Apple" behaviour: Missing Claims in ID Token and App Icon/Name Issues
Context We are experiencing inconsistent behaviour with "Sign in with Apple" across different environments (we have an app for "A" and "B" regions) on our web client in browsers. Specifically, we have observed two key issues: Missing email and email_verified Claims in ID Token In some cases, the ID token received after successful authentication does not contain the email and email_verified claims. Here the docs state that "Alternatively, if the managed Apple ID is in Apple School Manager, the email claim may be empty. Students, for example, often don’t have an email that the school issues.", but this was experienced with a non-student Apple ID. This issue was observed for certain users in the "A" environment, while the same users had no issues in the "B" environment. For one affected user, removing and re-enabling the "Sign in with Apple" integration resolved the issue ( However, for another user, the integration could not be removed, preventing this workaround (button was active, but did nothing). In contrast, for some users, authentication works correctly in both environments without missing claims. Inconsistent Display of App Icon and App Name The app icon and app name do not always appear on the Apple login interface. One user observed that the app icon and name were displayed in "A" but not in "B". Another user had the opposite experience, with the app icon and name appearing in "B" but not in "A". A third user did not see the app icon or name in either environment. Questions Why does the app icon and name not always appear on the "Sign in with Apple" login screen? How is it possible that the ID token sometimes lacks email and email_verified claims when using the same Apple ID in different environments?
Impact of SIWA App transfer on migration on relay emails
Hello, we're currently evaluating the side effects of transferring our app to a different Apple developer account. Our users use SIWA to sign in to our platform which uses Auth0. As I understand it, the identifiers provided by Apple will change, and as such Auth0 will not recognise them and treat them as new users. I've read conflicting documentation, reports, discussions, etc, so it would be great if I could get some clarification on the topic. Furthermore we're concerned about the Hide My Email functionality. A lot of our users use this feature. Will the relay email for each user change with the transfer? If so, does the 'old' relay email stop working as soon as the transfer happens? Thanks in advance!
Sending emails from AWS SES to private relay service
Feedback report id: FB16605524 I'm trying to send emails to private relay service addresses using AWS SES and emails are not received. My emails are sent from and I've set a custom FROM domain of I've added both domains and the adress to the "Certificates, Identifies & Profiles" section. I've set up DKIM and SPF for both. Attached a redacted version of email headers. email_headers_redacted.txt
Sign in with Apple Keychain savedEmail Stored Incorrectly
Using personal physical iPhone for simulations. Can't get Keychain to read or store AppleID name/email. I want to avoid hard reseting physical phone. Logs confirm Keychain is working, but userIdentifier and savedEmail are not being stored correctly. 🔄 Initializing UserManager... ✅ Saved testKeychain to Keychain: Test Value ✅ Retrieved testKeychain from Keychain: Test Value 🔍 Keychain Test - Retrieved Value: Test Value ⚠️ Keychain Retrieve Warning: No stored value found for userIdentifier ⚠️ Keychain Retrieve Warning: No stored value found for savedEmail 🔍 Debug - Retrieved from Keychain: userIdentifier=nil, savedEmail=nil ⚠️ No stored userIdentifier in Keychain. User needs to sign in. 📦 Converting User to CKRecord: Unknown, No Email ✅ User saved locally: Unknown, No Email ✅ User saved to CloudKit: Unknown, No Email Below UserManager.swift if someone can help troubleshoot. Or step by step tutorial to configure a project and build a User Login & User Account creation for Apple Only app. import Foundation import CloudKit import AuthenticationServices import SwiftData @MainActor class UserManager: ObservableObject { @Published var user: User? @Published var isLoggedIn = false @Published var errorMessage: String? private let database = CKContainer.default().publicCloudDatabase init() { print("🔄 Initializing UserManager...") // 🔍 Keychain Debug Test let testKey = "testKeychain""Test Value", forKey: testKey) let retrievedValue = KeychainHelper.shared.retrieve(forKey: testKey) print("🔍 Keychain Test - Retrieved Value: \(retrievedValue ?? "nil")") fetchUser() // Continue normal initialization } // ✅ Sign in & Save User func handleSignIn(_ authResults: ASAuthorization) { guard let appleIDCredential = authResults.credential as? ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential else { errorMessage = "Error retrieving Apple credentials" print("❌ ASAuthorization Error: Invalid credentials received") return } let userIdentifier = appleIDCredential.user let fullName = appleIDCredential.fullName?.givenName ?? retrieveSavedName() var email = ?? retrieveSavedEmail() print("🔍 Apple Sign-In Data: userIdentifier=\(userIdentifier), fullName=\(fullName), email=\(email)") // 🔄 If Apple doesn't return an email, check if it exists in Keychain if == nil { print("⚠️ Apple Sign-In didn't return an email. Retrieving saved email from Keychain.") } // ✅ Store userIdentifier & email in Keychain, forKey: "userIdentifier"), forKey: "savedEmail") let newUser = User(fullName: fullName, email: email, userIdentifier: userIdentifier) saveUserToCloudKit(newUser) } func saveUserToCloudKit(_ user: User) { let record = user.toRecord() Task { do { try await DispatchQueue.main.async { self.user = user self.isLoggedIn = true self.saveUserLocally(user) print("✅ User saved to CloudKit: \(user.fullName), \(") } } catch { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.errorMessage = "Error saving user: \(error.localizedDescription)" print("❌ CloudKit Save Error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } } } // ✅ Fetch User from CloudKit func fetchUser() { let userIdentifier = KeychainHelper.shared.retrieve(forKey: "userIdentifier") let savedEmail = KeychainHelper.shared.retrieve(forKey: "savedEmail") print("🔍 Debug - Retrieved from Keychain: userIdentifier=\(userIdentifier ?? "nil"), savedEmail=\(savedEmail ?? "nil")") guard let userIdentifier = userIdentifier else { print("⚠️ No stored userIdentifier in Keychain. User needs to sign in.") return } let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "userIdentifier == %@", userIdentifier) let query = CKQuery(recordType: "User", predicate: predicate) Task { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } do { let results = try await self.database.records(matching: query, resultsLimit: 1).matchResults if let (_, result) = results.first { switch result { case .success(let record): DispatchQueue.main.async { let fetchedUser = User(record: record) self.user = User( fullName: fetchedUser.fullName, email: savedEmail ??, userIdentifier: userIdentifier ) self.isLoggedIn = true self.saveUserLocally(self.user!) print("✅ User loaded from CloudKit: \(fetchedUser.fullName), \(") } case .failure(let error): DispatchQueue.main.async { print("❌ Error fetching user from CloudKit: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } } } catch { DispatchQueue.main.async { print("❌ CloudKit fetch error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } } } // ✅ Save User Locally private func saveUserLocally(_ user: User) { if let encoded = try? JSONEncoder().encode(user) { UserDefaults.standard.set(encoded, forKey: "savedUser") UserDefaults.standard.set(user.fullName, forKey: "savedFullName") UserDefaults.standard.set(, forKey: "savedEmail") print("✅ User saved locally: \(user.fullName), \(") } else { print("❌ Local Save Error: Failed to encode user data") } } // ✅ Retrieve Previously Saved Name private func retrieveSavedName() -> String { return UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "savedFullName") ?? "Unknown" } // ✅ Retrieve Previously Saved Email private func retrieveSavedEmail() -> String { return KeychainHelper.shared.retrieve(forKey: "savedEmail") ?? UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "savedEmail") ?? "No Email" } // ✅ Sign Out func signOut() { isLoggedIn = false user = nil UserDefaults.standard.removeObject(forKey: "savedUser") print("🚪 Signed Out") } }
Sign in with Apple but I got `Failed to verify your identity. Try again.``
Hey there, I used our team's account to configure sign in with Apple, the mode is pop up, my clientId scope redirectUrl state are both correct. I got Failed to verify your identity. Try again., actually my account is valid because I can login to my mac and every apple website. I have tried many apple accounts and still got this error. That was so weird, I didn't find a solution online. Pls help me thanks.
itsme and Apple Sign In
Hi, We currently have in our application homemade authentication system. We are planning on integrating itsme ( ) as an authentication system in our app (more infos: ). itsme is an official Belgian digital identity provider, which provides a platform to quickly and effortlessly identify a user on a website or an application. It is widely used across Belgium (our target market) as a e-ID to authenticate users: In regards of this part of the documentation : I understand that our use case with itsme complies to the following exception: "Your app uses a government or industry-backed citizen identification system or electronic ID to authenticate users" Can you confirm me that this is the case and with the documentation linked above to assess that my understanding of the itsme product in regard to the Appstore guidelines, we don't need to implement Apple Sign In? Thank you in advance. Kind regards
App Closes After Apple Sign-In on Vision Pro When Launched Directly
I am experiencing an issue with Apple Sign-In on Vision Pro. When I build and run the app from Xcode, everything works fine—after signing in, the app returns to the foreground as expected. However, when I launch the app directly on Vision Pro (not from Xcode), after completing the sign-in process, the app does not reopen from the background automatically. Instead, it closes, and I have to manually tap the app icon to reopen it. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is there a way to ensure the app properly resumes after sign-in without requiring manual intervention?
Sign in with Apple Sync Issues Across Teams
We have 2 developers: Developer A created a Bundle ID and configured Sign in with Apple, but didn't create a corresponding App. This Bundle ID is only used for login on our official website. Developer B created a Bundle ID, configured Sign in with Apple, and has a corresponding App. The issue we're encountering is that because these two Bundle IDs are under different teams, when using the same Apple ID to log into these two applications, different accounts are generated. (We've tested that when creating Service IDs under the same team, logging in with Bundle IDs under the same team generates the same account.) Since Developer A's Bundle ID doesn't have a created app, it cannot be transferred to Developer B. Therefore, we'd like to know if there's any way to make the accounts generated from logging in with the same Apple ID be identical across these two teams?
"Sign In with Apple" AuthorizationController not validating
Hello, I have tried to add Sign in with Apple to my application, and I get to the point where the app asks which AppleID to use and does succesfull facial recognition, but does not return failed or successful validation - the loading animation does not end and just keeps going. I have tried to create the sertificates and provision profiles again. I have also set the entitlements file Apple access level to Default. I don't understand what is going wrong here. Can the certificates be in wrong place? Is something wrong with the code?
Sign-up not completed error
My app has been rejected by App Store review because the sign in with Apple functionality is not working properly. I'm able to reproduce the issue on my end but I don't understand why it's happening. I have two other apps that implement the same OAuth flow in an identical manner, and those apps have no issues signing in with Apple. I've copied my OAuth flow to a fresh project to see if that would make a difference, and it gives me the exact same error. In the simulator I get "invalid_request, invalid web redirect URL", and on-device the FaceID authentication fails with a very non-specific "Sign Up Not Completed" error. I'm completely out of ideas here, so any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!
Do we need native app to configure Sign in with Apple for the web?
We're developing a web app and want to add "Sign in with Apple" functionality. We don’t have a native iOS app, but it looks like a native app bundle ID (Primary App ID) is required for configuration. Does this app need to be published on the App Store, or can we create a "dummy" app and use its ID as the Primary App ID? We only need the web experience and don’t plan to build a native app.
Can't get user info more than once upon signin ?
Hi, I know it's been discussed before, but I'm testing the Sign in with Apple feature, and I only get the user info on the first try. Now, I know that you're supposed to go to the account settings, and look for the list of accounts that you used your Apple account to sign in with, and it used to work a few months back. But for the last few weeks I haven't been able to get the user info, even after deleting the entry from my Sign In With Apple app list. Has there been a recent change to Apple security policy that prevents such a move from working ? Or am I doing something wrong ? Thank you
About Configure Sign in with Apple for Email Communication
In response to inquiries from users, we have confirmed the following phenomenon. If you select "Private email address" in the flow of new user registration with Apple ID, you will not receive the verification code email when performing two-factor authentication. ■User impact If you use your Apple ID to link an external account without making your email address public, you will not receive the authentication code during two-factor authentication and will not be able to proceed. The date and time of the impact is currently unknown. ◎Impact 1: New registration If you select "Private email address" in the flow of registering a new user with Apple ID, the verification code will not be received during two-factor authentication and registration will not be completed. ◎Impact 2: Login of existing account When two-factor authentication is required for an existing account registered with Apple ID set to "Private email address," the verification code is not received and the user cannot log in. →If you have not registered a login method other than Apple ID for the relevant account, there is no other way to log in. ■About workarounds ・I thought that I could avoid this issue by canceling the private setting of my Apple ID, but I was unable to do so. →There is currently no workaround found for existing users who are experiencing this issue. ・However, the scope of influence is limited. ■Cause investigation status Premise: For an Apple ID whose email address is not made public, the two-factor authentication authentication code email follows the following route. ①CDC/GIGYA (SendGrid) Apple's email server (relay server to hide the user's real email address) User mailbox →Since '1' are working, the problem seems to have occurred after the connection from ② or ③. (At this stage, we cannot determine who is at fault: the user, MIRAIZ, or Apple. We are currently investigating.) ◎Hypothesis ・Is there something wrong with Apple's mail server? ・Is it not delivered because the user's mailbox is full? ■Questions, research, and responses we would like to receive Please check the following two points and reply. 1st point As shown in the attached image, there seems to be no problem with the SPF settings. Is it possible to check to see if any errors have occurred with Apple's mail server? 2nd point Are there any cases where you still can't receive emails even if you deactivate your Apple ID? I would like to know if there are any patterns in which emails are not being delivered in terms of past inquiries or overall specifications
Sign in with Apple
Hey there, I’m currently exploring the possibility of integrating Sign in with Apple into my iOS app and backend. Regarding the iOS app, I’ve read that when a user is signed in, you always need to call getCredentialState on the app’s launch. Is this true? If so, how is it possible to sign the user out then? I intend to incorporate SwiftData and CloudKit into my application. In light of this, I’m curious about your approach to user management. Specifically, I’m wondering if you would store the user’s data in a Redis database after successful authentication on the backend. Or, would you separate the user data and save it using SwiftData/ CloudKit?
Feb ’25
Japanese Katakana and Sign up With Apple
We have an app that has failed during the app review for the Japanese market but has been accepted in several other markets successfully. We need the user's name in native Katakana format as we need it to be displayed in our restaurant Point of Sale systems for workers to be able to read and understand. We use 'Sign up with Apple', but when doing so, if this returns an anglicised given and family name, we have to request the customer supply their Katakana format name so that our in-store systems and staff can process and fulfil their orders. When the App Review process automatically tests the app, it uses "Apple John" as a customer's name. Since this is not a Japanese name, we ask for it again in the correct format, or we cannot allow the user to register. This contravenes Apple's rules, and thus, our app is rejected. If the Apple identity used belonged to a user more typical of the target market, it would work as required. Does anyone else have this issue, and how did you work around it? Tim
Feb ’25
Sign In With Apple not Removable by Users
I've just implemented Sign-In-With-Apple and everything is working perfectly, but my app seems to be in some strange state where users are unable to remove it from the Sign-In-With-Apple section of their settings. Things I've tried: -- Deleting from Mac. (It just stays in the list) -- Deleting from the iPhone (It stays in the list) -- Deleting from (same issue) -- I've noticed in the browser inspector tools I receive a 200 on the DELETE request, but the app remains. -- Multiple users Also have tried: -- Revoking the token through the REST API -- I get an email saying the token has been revoked, but it's still working -- Same code, different app id (works fine!) It seems like maybe my app is in some sort of weird state? Has anyone come across this before?
Jan ’25
Sign in with apple not working on ipad Air & iphone 13 mini
Hi everyone,  We’ve been trying to submit our app to the App Store for quite some time now, but we’ve encountered multiple rejections despite addressing all the feedback we’ve received. Initially, we resolved a few issues, but there is one recurring problem that continues to block us.  Every time, the review team reports an issue with the “Sign in with Apple” feature, specifically stating: “App did not produce further action when we tapped on Sign in with Apple.”  However, we’ve tested the feature on multiple devices, including iPads and iPhones, targeting all iOS versions from 17 and above. The login process works flawlessly in all our tests. We’ve ensured that we are following Apple’s best practices and have meticulously reviewed our implementation numerous times and also reviewed with another team which implemented it the same way and did got approved.  It’s becoming frustrating as the issue appears to be on the review side. We’ve even uploaded videos demonstrating various scenarios, yet we still receive no detailed feedback. Each review cycle takes about 24 hours, which is significantly delaying our iOS launch.  Has anyone experienced a similar situation, where a working feature consistently fails during App Store review? If so, how did you resolve it? We’re quite behind schedule and would appreciate any advice.   The app is made with Xcode 16.  Thank You!  ------- This is the reviewer notes -------  Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness Issue Description   The app still exhibited one or more bugs that would negatively impact App Store users.   Bug description: App did not produce further action when we tapped on Sign in with Apple.   Review device details:   Device type: iphone 13 mini & iPad Air (5th generation)  OS version: iPadOS 18.2  Next Steps   Test the app on supported devices to identify and resolve bugs and stability issues before submitting for review.   If the bug cannot be reproduced, try the following:   For new apps, uninstall all previous versions of the app from a device, then install and follow the steps to reproduce.  For app updates, install the new version as an update to the previous version, then follow the steps to reproduce. I have tested it on my ipad using testflight build & even on iphone 13 pro it is working absolutely fine for me. I am not able to reproduce the error on my side.
Jan ’25
How to manage User Account Token
I am running a service available on both an app and a web platform with "Sign In with Apple." Should I store the tokens separately, or should I overwrite them in a single storage location? When a user requests to sign out, should I revoke both the app and web tokens, or will revoking the app token automatically cover the web token as well?
Jan ’25
Can't send email to private 550 5.1.1 unauthorized sender
I have add my domani and email address to Configure Sign in with Apple for Email Communication ( and it pass SPF already but when it send from server that i setup is had "Error Description : Permanament error. Please do not try again, according to the information returned by the other party to confirm the specific cause of the error. Cause:550 5.1.1 : unauthorized sender" a mail service is on Alibaba Cloud the email that i want to sending to is ending with it that have any solve problem or i missing any thing else ?
Jan ’25