Hello All,
My company has a Flutter application that has a signup process where we collect information like the user's name, address, etc. This data is not sold to advertisers or shared with any third parties, just used for functionality available in the application. (It's an FSM where contractors can operate there business).
The app has been rejected twice now for not having the prompt and app tracking transparency framework in it. We adjusted the policy to indicate we don't collect private information and share it, but still got rejected for it.
Does anyone have any clarity on if we need it in this scenario?
App Tracking Transparency
RSS for tagRequest user permission to access user data for tracking a user or device.
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I don't know why? 🤷 My uuid and imi as well as ip have been leaked, I don't know what to do? Can someone help me?
Hello. I am trying to give an update to my app but it again and again gets rejected due to the ATT Prompt. Before this late week I gave the update and it got live without any issue. Now I done some minor changes in the App.
Apple Response.
The app uses the AppTrackingTransparency framework, but we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed on iPadOS 18.2.
Next Steps
Explain where we can find the App Tracking Transparency permission request in the app. The request should appear before any data is collected that could be used to track the user.
If App Tracking Transparency is implemented but the permission request is not appearing on devices running the latest operating system, review the available documentation and confirm App Tracking Transparency has been correctly implemented.
If your app does not track users, update your app privacy information in App Store Connect to not declare tracking. You must have the Account Holder or Admin role to update app privacy information.
My Response:
Hello Apple Team
Thank you for your feedback.
We have tested the app on iPadOS 18.2, also on iPhone 18.1 and the App Tracking Transparency dialogue is appearing as expected on the main home screen when the user enters the app. To help demonstrate this, we’ve attached a video showing the ATT prompt in action.
If there is still an issue with the dialogue or if it needs to be placed in a different position, we kindly request your guidance on what needs to be adjusted. Please let us know the details so we can address it promptly.
Thank you for your support
"I uploaded a video with images showcasing the ATT prompt but now again they rejected the update with the exact same reply. Which I am thinking it may be a bot reply.
Now what to do how to solve it?
I'm facing a bug about App Tracking Transparency permission, my app still shows this permission popup before, and that version was still working fine. I don't understand why today it doesn't show the permission popup anymore, is anyone else having the same problem?
I need this app solution
I have an app where I'm integrating the Branch.io SDK for deeplinks. I plan to use it just for deeplinks and that's it.
The SDK provides it's own privacy manifest file with privacy tracking domains defined and some collected data types with "Used for Tracking" set to YES.
Does anyone know if I can keep tracking disabled in the App Store Connect - App Privacy section in case if I'll configure the SDK to disable tracking completely without asking users with the ATT permission request?
Hello everyone,
I have recently published my app on the App Store and am planning to implement ads. I have a couple of questions regarding Apple's App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework and best practices for integrating ads.
ATT Dialog and Showing Ads: If a user selects "Ask App Not to Track" on the ATT dialog, am I still allowed to show ads in my app? I understand that ATT restricts tracking for personalized ads, but does this mean I cannot show any ads at all, or is it just the personalized (targeted) ads that are restricted?
Best Practices for Implementing Native Ads: I want to integrate native ads into my app. Could you share any best practices or guidelines for integrating native ads in a way that provides a good user experience and complies with Apple's policies? I’m especially interested in how to implement them in a non-intrusive way and what ad networks are best for this type of integration.
Thanks for your help!
Is there a way to detect the activation of "Safari's advanced protection against the tracking ..." ?
When creating an AddtoCalendar (ics, google, yahoo, outlook) Safari detects tracking only for outlook.live and outlook.office via the url used to add an event to the online calendar.
I would like to inform web users that if this option is activated and they want to add the event to their online outlook calendar, they will need to temporarily deactivate this security feature!
Is it possible to detect this option in jsx?
Would there be a solution, like requesting authorisation to locate on a website, to allow only this url or this site (outlook.live or outlook.office) for tracking?
I'm obviously thinking of something simple for the web user: a button to click.
I have developed iOS app using Cordova platform, now I am trying to open the upi app which is not happening. Can anyone guide me how to do this.
From my app i am hitting the below URL
I would like to explore the option of restricting system prompts to share information with ChatGPT on my company's laptops. Is this possible, and if so, how can it be implemented? Should this be centralized, or should each user handle it individually?
Hello, our app gets rejected as it crashes on launch. According to the logs, it happens because the app attempts to access private-sensitive data. We don't collect any of personal data, so it is probably done by Google Firebase embedded in the app (Core, Firestore, Auth). Maybe you have met similar cases and know any of Firebase settings that disable attempts of accessing privacy-sensitive data? We already set FirebaseDataCollectionDefaultEnabled to NO in info.plist, but it still not enough. Maybe error in facebook sdk? Before that it was written that there was an error when starting the ipad air 5
func setupUDPSocket() {
udpSocket = GCDAsyncUdpSocket(delegate: self, delegateQueue: DispatchQueue.main)
do {
try udpSocket?.bind(toPort: 4012)
try udpSocket?.beginReceiving()
try udpSocket?.joinMulticastGroup("")
} catch let error {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
private func search() {
guard let udpSocket = udpSocket else {
print("not set udpSocket")
let message = "M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
"HOST:\r\n" +
"MAN: \"ssdp:discover\"\r\n" +
"MX: 3\r\n" +
"ST: ssdp:all\r\n" +
let data = message.data(using: .utf8)!
udpSocket.send(data, toHost: "", port: 1900, withTimeout: -1, tag: 0)
This is my send SSDP code, my project was inited in Objective-C, recently I update xcode to 16, I get Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=65 "No route to host", when I send UPD data in iOS 18, but iOS 17 is ok.
Even I found, if I init a new project in Swift, this bug is disappear.
I would like to implement the same kind of behavior as the Dropoverapp application, specifically being able to perform a specific action when files are dragged (such as opening a window, for example).
I have written the code below to capture the mouse coordinates, drag, drop, and click globally. However, I don't know how to determine the nature of what is being dropped. Do you have any ideas on how to detect the nature of what is being dragged outside the application's scope?
Here is my current code:
import SwiftUI
import CoreGraphics
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var mouseX: CGFloat = 0.0
@State private var mouseY: CGFloat = 0.0
@State private var isClicked: Bool = false
@State private var isDragging: Bool = false
private var mouseTracker = MouseTracker.shared
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Mouse coordinates: \(mouseX, specifier: "%.2f"), \(mouseY, specifier: "%.2f")")
Text(isClicked ? "Mouse is clicked" : "Mouse is not clicked")
Text(isDragging ? "Mouse is dragging" : "Mouse is not dragging")
.frame(width: 400, height: 200)
.onAppear {
mouseTracker.startTracking { newMouseX, newMouseY, newIsClicked, newIsDragging in
self.mouseX = newMouseX
self.mouseY = newMouseY
self.isClicked = newIsClicked
self.isDragging = newIsDragging
class MouseTracker {
static let shared = MouseTracker()
private var eventTap: CFMachPort?
private var runLoopSource: CFRunLoopSource?
private var isClicked: Bool = false
private var isDragging: Bool = false
private var callback: ((CGFloat, CGFloat, Bool, Bool) -> Void)?
func startTracking(callback: @escaping (CGFloat, CGFloat, Bool, Bool) -> Void) {
self.callback = callback
let mask: CGEventMask = (1 << CGEventType.mouseMoved.rawValue) |
(1 << CGEventType.leftMouseDown.rawValue) |
(1 << CGEventType.leftMouseUp.rawValue) |
(1 << CGEventType.leftMouseDragged.rawValue)
// Pass 'self' via 'userInfo'
let selfPointer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque())
guard let eventTap = CGEvent.tapCreate(
tap: .cghidEventTap,
place: .headInsertEventTap,
options: .defaultTap,
eventsOfInterest: mask,
callback: MouseTracker.mouseEventCallback,
userInfo: selfPointer
) else {
print("Failed to create event tap")
self.eventTap = eventTap
runLoopSource = CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource(kCFAllocatorDefault, eventTap, 0)
CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), runLoopSource, .commonModes)
CGEvent.tapEnable(tap: eventTap, enable: true)
// Static callback function
private static let mouseEventCallback: CGEventTapCallBack = { _, eventType, event, userInfo in
guard let userInfo = userInfo else {
return Unmanaged.passUnretained(event)
// Retrieve the instance of MouseTracker from userInfo
let tracker = Unmanaged<MouseTracker>.fromOpaque(userInfo).takeUnretainedValue()
let location = NSEvent.mouseLocation
// Update the click and drag state
switch eventType {
case .leftMouseDown:
tracker.isClicked = true
tracker.isDragging = false
case .leftMouseUp:
tracker.isClicked = false
tracker.isDragging = false
case .leftMouseDragged:
tracker.isDragging = true
// Call the callback on the main thread
DispatchQueue.main.async {
tracker.callback?(location.x, location.y, tracker.isClicked, tracker.isDragging)
return Unmanaged.passUnretained(event)
Have anyone seen a orange microphone logo open on the dynamic island, and after you click on it opens a accessibility app with the black screen?
I have been eagerly awaiting the activation and granting of access to the image creation tool for the past two days, in order to explore the potential opportunities for service provision. Could anyone kindly assist me with this matter?
Playground long time 24h don’t early access request ed
I´m working within the health felid with a few apps. Accordingly to science one of the most important parts to keep healthy is every day walking.
But it is not to walk slow. You need to come to a little speed (not running or even jogging). But to rais your puls. This is when you get the "real health effect". In general it is around 6km/h.
It would be great if apple could make this info available for us developers. I think lots of developers will be happa and use this to make better apps and get more people in a healtheyer life.
Looking forward to get some feedback on this.
Thank you!
please check and help me how to finish it.
Phone Pe's customer support:09798-179-306
app migration has been found to cause a change in the team ID. The Associated Domians section of Xcode includes the team ID. If the transfer is completed, will the team ID that has already installed my Nanjing app automatically change? If not, how can I ensure compatibility between the new and old versions