Beta is the prerelease version of software or hardware.

Posts under Beta tag

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UITextView crash on iOS 18.4 beta
UITextView crash when setting attributed text that contains substring ffi and attributedText contains NSFontAttributeName, NSForegroundColorAttributeName Reproducible case: UITextView *textView = [[UITextView alloc] init]; textView.attributedText = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"ffi" attributes:@{ NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: [self createParagraphOfLineHeight:20], NSFontAttributeName: [UIFont systemFontOfSize:fontSize weight:UIFontWeightRegular], NSForegroundColorAttributeName: }];
18.4 broke URLSession Downloads
Getting cannot parse response on all downalod tasks. Example output "BackgroundDownloadTask <E277D3D6-2FF0-4574-A617-1612ED779151>.<1>", "LocalDownloadTask <E277D3D6-2FF0-4574-A617-1612ED779151>.<1>" ), NSLocalizedDescription=cannot parse response, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=} Can't seem to find a workaround that i can push for app to work with 18.4 beta. Can't believe that beta went to the public.
SwiftUI: Major unannounced change in iOS18.4 beta1
Hi, I have noticed a major change to a SwiftUI API behavior in iOS18.4beta1 which breaks my app's functionality, and I've started hearing from users running the new beta that the app doesn't correctly work for them anymore. The problem is with views that contain a List with multiple-selection, and the contextMenu API applied with the ‘primaryAction’ callback that is triggered when the user taps on a row. Previously, if the user tapped on a row, this callback was triggered with the 'selectedItems' showing the tapped item. With iOS18.4beta, the same callback is triggered with ‘selectedItems’ being empty. I have the code to demonstrate the problem: struct ListSelectionTestView: View { @State private var items: [TimedItem] = [ TimedItem(number: 1, timestamp: "2024-11-20 10:00"), TimedItem(number: 2, timestamp: "2024-11-20 11:00"), TimedItem(number: 3, timestamp: "2024-11-20 12:00") ] @State var selectedItems = Set<TimedItem.ID>() var body: some View { NavigationStack { List(selection: $selectedItems) { ForEach(items) { item in Text("Item \(item.number) - \(item.timestamp)") } } .contextMenu(forSelectionType: TimedItem.ID.self, menu: {_ in Button(action: { print("button called - count = \(selectedItems.count)") }) { Label("Add Item", systemImage: "square.and.pencil") } }, primaryAction: {_ in print("primaryAction called - count = \(selectedItems.count)") }) } } } struct TimedItem: Identifiable { let id = UUID() let number: Int let timestamp: String } #Preview { ListSelectionTestView() } Running the same code on iOS18.2, and tapping on a row will print this to the console: primaryAction called - count = 1 Running the same code on iOS18.4 beta1, and tapping on a row will print this to the console: primaryAction called - count = 0 So users who were previously selecting an item from the row, and then seeing expected behavior with the selected item, will now suddenly tap on a row and see nothing. My app's functionality relies on the user selecting an item from a list to see another detailed view with the selected item's contents, and it doesn't work anymore. This is a major regression issue. Please confirm and let me know. I have filed a feedback: FB16593120
Can't download 15.4 beta 1
Hi. I have three disk partitions on my MacBook Air M1. The one with Monterey, the one with Sonoma, and the one with Sequoia (15.3.1 in particular). When I try to download the 15.4 Beta from software update in settings, everything would go "fine" - the download process is being completed, the computer says it's going to restart in 60seconds, the countdown begins, etc. However, when restarting several times, I am being logged in once again into previous macOS (15.3.1) version, with a kernel panic report. I had the same panic on macOS 15.3 when attempting to download 15.4 Beta. I've upgraded my macOS to 15.3.1, as I thought I'd need the very last available version of regular macOS to participate in the newest beta. However, the panic occurs, pointing to some t8020dart.c file. I don't even theoretically know what is this and couldn't find any reference to that C file. Attaching a part of panic report: panic(cpu 3 caller 0x0): t8020dart 0xfffffdf02c980000 (dart-disp0): Can't ignore lock validation @t8020dart.c:535 Debugger message: panic Memory ID: 0xff OS release type: Not set yet OS version: Not set yet Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 24.4.0: Sat Feb 15 22:43:38 PST 2025; root:xnu-11417.100.533.501.4~3/RELEASE_ARM64_T8103 Fileset Kernelcache UUID: 232D67A6D42C66E14780A24B3C0AE05D Kernel UUID: F2602757-A486-30A9-8D8E-714224E5FE4A Boot session UUID: 575CD5EA-6898-47ED-9AEC-05E318135695 iBoot version: iBoot-11881.100.964.0.1 iBoot Stage 2 version: iBoot-11881.100.964.0.1 secure boot?: YES roots installed: 0 Paniclog version: 14 KernelCache slide: 0x00000000181d8000 KernelCache base: 0xfffffe001f1dc000 Kernel slide: 0x00000000181e0000 Kernel text base: 0xfffffe001f1e4000 Kernel text exec slide: 0x00000000198d0000 Kernel text exec base: 0xfffffe00208d4000 mach_absolute_time: 0x85b39c4 Epoch Time: sec usec Boot : 0x00000000 0x00000000 Sleep : 0x00000000 0x00000000 Wake : 0x00000000 0x00000000 Calendar: 0x00000000 0x00000000 Zone info: Zone map: 0xfffffe120c000000 - 0xfffffe380c000000 . VM : 0xfffffe120c000000 - 0xfffffe17d8000000 . RO : 0xfffffe17d8000000 - 0xfffffe1a72000000 . GEN0 : 0xfffffe1a72000000 - 0xfffffe203e000000 . GEN1 : 0xfffffe203e000000 - 0xfffffe260a000000 . GEN2 : 0xfffffe260a000000 - 0xfffffe2bd6000000 . GEN3 : 0xfffffe2bd6000000 - 0xfffffe31a2000000 . DATA : 0xfffffe31a2000000 - 0xfffffe380c000000 Metadata: 0xfffffe76ce010000 - 0xfffffe76d7810000 Bitmaps : 0xfffffe76d7810000 - 0xfffffe76d8d80000 Extra : 0 - 0 CORE 0 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 1 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 2 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 3 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9b9ec CORE 4 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 5 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 6 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 7 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 TPIDRx_ELy = {1: 0xfffffe2040392fb0 0: 0x0000000000000003 0ro: 0x0000000000000000 } CORE 0 PVH locks held: None CORE 1 PVH locks held: None CORE 2 PVH locks held: None CORE 3 PVH locks held: None CORE 4 PVH locks held: None CORE 5 PVH locks held: None CORE 6 PVH locks held: None CORE 7 PVH locks held: None CORE 0: PC=0xfffffe002102157c, LR=0xfffffe0021021568, FP=0xfffffebf22637890 CORE 1: PC=0xfffffe00210207a4, LR=0xfffffe0020fe4eb0, FP=0xfffffebf2262b890 CORE 2: PC=0xfffffe002094c790, LR=0xfffffe002094c63c, FP=0xfffffebf22643890 CORE 3 is the one that panicked. Check the full backtrace for details. CORE 4: PC=0xfffffe00209708b4, LR=0xfffffe00209708b4, FP=0xfffffebf2213fed0 CORE 5: PC=0xfffffe00209708b4, LR=0xfffffe00209708b4, FP=0xfffffebf22163ed0 CORE 6: PC=0xfffffe00209708b4, LR=0xfffffe00209708b4, FP=0xfffffebf2216fed0 CORE 7: PC=0xfffffe00209708b4, LR=0xfffffe00209708b4, FP=0xfffffebf2211bed0 Compressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 0% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space Panicked task 0xfffffe260c042b78: 0 pages, 268 threads: pid 0: kernel_task Panicked thread: 0xfffffe2040392fb0, backtrace: 0xfffffebf22666920, tid: 279 lr: 0xfffffe00209332bc fp: 0xfffffebf226669b0 lr: 0xfffffe0020a93cdc fp: 0xfffffebf22666a20 lr: 0xfffffe0020a91e94 fp: 0xfffffebf22666ae0 lr: 0xfffffe00208dbb94 fp: 0xfffffebf22666af0 lr: 0xfffffe0020932ba0 fp: 0xfffffebf22666ec0 lr: 0xfffffe0020932924 fp: 0xfffffe0031577e90 lr: 0xfffffe00211cb198 fp: 0xfffffe0031577eb0 lr: 0xfffffe002120aae4 fp: 0xfffffe0031577f80 lr: 0xfffffe00211f9104 fp: 0xfffffe0031577fe0 lr: 0xfffffe00208dc3fc fp: 0xfffffebf22666ee0 lr: 0xfffffe0020a82d74 fp: 0xfffffebf22666f30 lr: 0xfffffe00222f9964 fp: 0xfffffebf22667c00 lr: 0xfffffe002107c198 fp: 0xfffffebf22667c90 lr: 0xfffffe002107b79c fp: 0xfffffebf22667dc0 lr: 0xfffffe002107963c fp: 0xfffffebf22667e40 lr: 0xfffffe002107ffc8 fp: 0xfffffebf22667f20 lr: 0xfffffe00208e4f04 fp: 0x0000000000000000 Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[6BE1928B-115D-345C-B457-FD1101FC7E1E]@0xfffffe00222f9120->0xfffffe002230139b dependency:[4EB15554-31E0-3057-9A85-EAA79C69E848]@0xfffffe0021369200->0xfffffe00213bf21f dependency:[8FC5A69F-6052-3F02-9EA3-78D080116812]@0xfffffe0022ec6750->0xfffffe0022eda9cf last started kext at 139867172: 1340.12 (addr 0xfffffe001fba3f70, size 139368)
BGTaskScheduler crashes on iOS 18.4
I've been seeing a high number of BGTaskScheduler related crashes, all of them coming from iOS 18.4. I've encountered this myself once on launch upon installing my app, but haven't been able to reproduce it since, even after doing multiple relaunches and reinstalls. Crash report attached at the bottom of this post. I am not even able to symbolicate the reports despite having the archive on my MacBook: Does anyone know if this is an iOS 18.4 bug or am I doing something wrong when scheduling the task? Below is my code for scheduling the background task on the view that appears when my app launches: .onChange(of: scenePhase) { newPhase in if newPhase == .active { #if !os(macOS) let request = BGAppRefreshTaskRequest(identifier: "notifications") request.earliestBeginDate = .hour, value: 3, to: Date()) do { try BGTaskScheduler.shared.submit(request) Logger.notifications.log("Background task scheduled. Earliest begin date: \(request.earliestBeginDate?.description ?? "nil", privacy: .public)") } catch let error { // print("Scheduling Error \(error.localizedDescription)") Logger.notifications.error("Error scheduling background task: \(error.localizedDescription, privacy: .public)") } #endif ... } 2025-02-23_19-53-50.2294_+0000-876d2b8ec083447af883961da90398f00562f781.crash
iPhone 16 Pro boot loop with iOS 18.4 beta
I installed iOS 18.4 on Friday evening, all worked well during Saturday and Sunday, Monday morning the Phone rebooted and appeared to have installed an Update, I didn´t notice, I was about to answer a WhatsApp and the TestFlight beta didn´t start up, a renew of the App was not possible due to TestFlight not being available. So I thought a reboot would help, but I did a reset, since then BOOT LOOP. I brought in recovery mode, updated with the 18.4 ipsw, no change - BOOT LOOP
Xcode 16.3 beta Predictive Code Completion not working
With MacOS Sequoia 15.4 Beta (24E5206s) and Xcode 16.3 beta (16E5104o), Predictive Code Completion no longer works. Prior to the update, (as of yesterday) completion worked under Xcode 16.2 and MacOS 15.3 Beta. The models are already loaded. So far, I've found the Predictive Completion to be useful in some situations (eg multiple cases in a switch), variably reliable in others (eg code suggestions in a CoreData stack) and downright wrong & annoying in others (eg referring to functions / modules that don't exist). Regards, Michaela
rebot when i close the lid@mac air 2024#M2 chipset#Version 15.2 Beta (24C5073e)
I have been experiencing an issue with my MacBook Air 2024 model that is equipped with the latest M3 chip. After upgrading to the beta version of the operating system, I've noticed that when I close the lid to put the laptop to sleep, and then open it to wake it up, the system unexpectedly restarts instead of resuming from where it left off. This behavior is not only inconvenient but also raises concerns about potential data loss or corruption during the unexpected restarts. I understand that beta versions can have bugs, but I was hoping to receive some guidance on whether this is a known issue or if there are any steps I can take to troubleshoot and resolve this problem. Any assistance or insights into this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Suddenly receiving "Attempted to install a Beta profile without the proper entitlement" on a Flutter-based app
Hello! I'm suddenly having some difficulty debugging a Flutter-based app. When I run an app from VS Code, it launches Xcode and builds & installs the app on an iPhone running 18.1. However, once the app is installed on the phone, it disappears and in Xcode, a dialog appears with: Failed to install embedded profile for : 0xe800801f (Attempted to install a Beta profile without the proper entitlement.) However, when I look at the provisioning profile being used, it seems to have the correct entitlement: I've also tried enabling automatic signing (instead of the current manual signing using match), as well as generating an adhoc profile and re-adding the device UDID in None of these have worked. This issue appeared within the past day or so and was working fine yesterday with no code changes, so I've been stumped. All my certs are relatively new and were issued within the past few months. I've tried regenerating the provisioning profiles using match, but this gives the same thing. What's odd is that I can run the build and upload to testflight, then download and install the app just fine through there. But this obviously makes debugging an issue.
Jan ’25
Haptics seem to stop working in iOS 18.3 (22D5055b)
I checked the latest release notes for latest beta, and there doesn't seem to be a fix for this. But basically, the vibrations that you receive for when you long press a message to react, or hold down on an app in Home Screen, seem to stop working after a while. This issue is reoccurring randomly. Steps to repro: Not fully sure on this, but I'm on iPhone 16 pro max and running the iOS 18.3 dev beta described in the title. I have the default haptics enabled in which you receive a vibration when you long press on a message in iMessage or Messenger, and also when you long press on an app on the Home Screen. These seem to stop working, along with any other vibrations apart from calls and notifications) after a while. The only workaround is to restart the iPhone entirely. anyone else face the same?
Jan ’25
Sequoia 15.3 Beta 24D5034f
Hi folks, First - I'm not a developer. Some time ago I came across Sequoia Beta and installed it thinking it was just a usage data collection thing. I recently wanted to delete it because I suspected it was causing other issues, but was only offered to have updates stopped. My MacBook Pro M2 still says I'm running Sequoia 15.3 (Beta 24D5034f). I have another, maybe unrelated issue and posted a question about it on Apple Community but the question was deleted and I was pointed here because I mentioned the Beta! This was my question: I can FaceTime from the iPhone but when I try to FaceTime from the Mac, I get a notification on the Mac saying: "iPhone calls not available. Your iPhone is not configured to allow calls using this Mac". My iPhone is a 14Plus on iOS 18.2.1 (22C161). I've tried the iPhone and Mac fixes suggested by Apple but no luck there - that was all about turning iMessages and FaceTime off or signing out for both devices, then power cycling both devices. I don't understand how this is supposed to work. Could my issue be related to the Beta? If so, and in any case, how do I remove the Beta? TIA
Jan ’25
iPad IOS 18.3 Beta 2 Disables All Audio
With the installation of IPad IOS 18.3 Beta 1 a few weeks ago all audio on my iPad has been disabled. This includes internal speakers and all external devices from Bluetooth and Airplay. Today I installed a much anticipated 18.3 Beta 2 update hoping that the issues would be resolved as I had been following multiple posts about the audios issue on this site along with site as Reddit. Still no audio. I don‘t understand how the developers rolled out with this update knowing that the biggest fix needed to be the audio. I honestly don’t see how 18.3 Beta 1 even made it out of the sandbox without someone discovering this issue.
Jan ’25
Beta update 18.3 on IOS
Beta Update Feedback: iOS 18.3 The iOS 18.3 beta update has been a deeply frustrating experience due to numerous critical issues that severely impact the device's functionality. Below is a detailed report of the problems encountered: All major social applications, including WhatsApp, Instagram, and Photos, consistently crash. When launching these apps, the screen often turns dark before reverting to the home screen. This issue persists across other third-party and native apps, making the device unusable for basic tasks. The system frequently hangs, failing to process basic operations effectively. Restarting the device is often the only temporary solution; however, even after multiple restarts, the issues remain unresolved. Significant charging drops are observed, and the device intermittently fails to recognize the charger. Charging efficiency has drastically decreased, creating inconvenience for daily usage. The Photos app is riddled with bugs, making it nearly impossible to use. Basic functions such as viewing, editing, or sharing photos do not work properly. Every aspect of the update feels unstable, with issues cropping up in every corner of the system. The phone’s functionality has deteriorated, so it no longer performs as expected. Device Affected: iPhone 13 Impact Level: Severe This update has caused immense frustration and has made the iPhone 13 difficult.
Jan ’25