I found that when the development tool above Xcode16 ran my app, I opened the suspended inscription function, and then opened the system camera, the content in the suspended window would not be displayed, and the suspended window would have a black screen. However, this phenomenon does not appear on Xcode15.4 development tools, it is the same code, I do not know why
App Clips
RSS for tagProvide a way to quickly access and experience what your app has to offer. An app clip is a small part of your app that lets users start and finish an experience in seconds, even before downloading your app.
Posts under App Clips tag
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A few days ago scanning NFC tags or QR codes for AppClips with advanced experiences started showing the error "The operation couldn't be completed. (CPSErrorDomain error 2.)" in the AppClip sheet as seen here:
We are providing AppClips to our customers and they trust AppClips to always work, since it is a big part of their business.
Since this is happening at our customers phones and on the phones of their customers, I don't have a sysdiagnose.
I already created a feedback entry about this FB16601674.
We checked everything, our AASA file, the Appstore Experiences.
I have a SwiftuI App which includes an App Clip. There is one target for the iOS app and one for the App Clip. All good.
But I want to create a new target for the test flight app so that test users can distinguish it from the App Store app. E.g. Test Flight app has a different icon asset file in the target but is identical in all other aspects.
However, when I try to build the test flight target I see the message:
The com.apple.developer.parent-application-identifiers entitlement (...]') of an App Clip must match the application-identifier entitlement ('...') of its containing parent app.
This implies that I’d have to change the entitlement of the app clip, which would mess up the production version so I clearly don’t want to go that route.
Any ideas how to overcome this conflict?
I have a SwiftuI App which includes an App Clip. There is one target for the iOS app and one for the App Clip. All good.
But I want to create a new target for the test flight app so that test users can distinguish it from the App Store app. E.g. Test Flight app has a different icon Asset file in the target but includes all the other source code files.
However, when I try to build the test flight target I see the message:
The com.apple.developer.parent-application-identifiers entitlement (...]') of an App Clip must match the application-identifier entitlement ('...') of its containing parent app.
I can't figure how to do this without messing up the original production App.
Any ideas?
My app helps users connect to Wi-Fi networks, and I have requested the Access Wi-Fi information entitlement. This allows the app to retrieve the current Wi-Fi information to ensure the user’s connection is successful.
Now, we are trying to implement an App Clip that enables users to connect to a specific Wi-Fi network through a QR code scan or NFC in certain scenarios. In the App Clip, I’ve requested the Hotspot entitlement, which allows the app to use the hotspot manager to configure Wi-Fi networks. However, since I cannot access the current Wi-Fi information in the App Clip, I’m unable to confirm whether the connection was successful.
In our app clip, we open/show the full app download banner. We used to have the expected behavior, but with seemingly no changes to the app download banner code we have the following issue.
Expected behavior:
App download banner shows in app clip, user presses "Get" button, app is downloaded and installs, "Get" button changes to "Open" button (note: button is blue), user presses "Open" button and the full app is opened.
Current behavior:
App download banner shows in app clip, user presses "Get" button, app is downloaded and installs, "Get" button changes to "Open" button (note: button is now grey), user presses "Open" button but nothing happens.
With the current behavior, the full app is correctly downloaded and the appclip removes itself from the phone, but the open button does nothing.
I want to know how to directly open the host app instead of appclips during the development and testing process of appclips
I was forced by App Review to release a new app binary due to significant rebranding. My existing app used app clips and registered afew advanced app clip experience urls. I published a new binary but the app clips no longer work.
Old binary bundle id: com.example.app
App Clip Advanced Experience Url: https://example.com
New binary bundle id: com.example.new.app
New App Clip Advanced Experience URL: https://example.com.
Error Message: This URL is already registered as an App Clip Experience.
After uploading the app to App Store Connect, Apple automatically generated a Default App Clip Link. However, the App Clip card only opens successfully if the main app is already installed on the device. If the main app is not installed, the App Clip card displays an image and the message "App Clip Unavailable"
What could cause this behavior, and how do I ensure the App Clip works without requiring the main app to be installed?
I am studying a possible scenario.
Let's say I create an App Clip that features a WKWebView.
The WKWebView hosts a sort of webapp that uses local storage and IndexDB.
When the complete app is installed, are the data persisted so the WKWebView of the complete app finds them as it was reading them before?
Are the data transferred by the operating system to a new location but still accessed the same way by the WKWebView (Or even the location is the same because it is the WKWebView special storage)? Or are they wiped out?
Thank you in advance
Best regards
Hi, hi
We recently released a new version of our app that included an app clip. The actual app has been approved and released to the store but it seem that the app clip is not getting much love and not getting released.
When we check the associated url in the diagnostics tools it just reports back that the app clip is not released and when I look into the advanced experience tab for in app store connect the status is just stuck in "Received".
This app clip is a critical feature of our app so it would be great if anyone it would not be stuck in this limbo.
Has anyone had similar experience ?
I am wondering if anyone has experience with Smart Banners for an application not released on the app store, but still in TestFlight, specifically an AppClip.
I am working on an exisiting project where a Smart Clip is used with a smart banner on the website for core functionality. Previously, even in test environment (app is in test flight and not app store) the smart banner would correctly show on the website and allow testers to launch the app clip experience, however this no longer seems to work.
Its noted the test environment was last tested and deployed 2 years ago, and was working correctly, and there have been no changes to the website (the meta tag and .aasa file are all setup correctly). The only recent change was upgrading the app to support the latest iOS version, however beyond that no functionality in the app has changed.
Apple developer support hasn't been very helpful, and reviewed our account and stated "everything appears to be running as expected on our end"
Has something changed in Safari in that it no longer accepts test flight app smart banners, and if it doesn't, does anyone have any other suggestions?
Hi guys, we have been stuck on this issue for over two weeks, please help.
We created a advance app clip experience which is current in Received status. We expect scan the QR code of the url of the experience will open app clip card (Using the iOS system scan tool in the control panel), but it opens the Safari to display the url.
We have search the internet for a few days and contact apple support, but it does not resolve the issue, and we are suggested to find help here.
Sample QR code that should open the App Clip Card when scanned
There are the details to help diagnostic.
apple-app-site-association file content
"applinks": {
"apps": [],
"details": [
"appID": "F9B4LW56P8.com.pisenpower.ChargerRental",
"paths": [
"appclips": {
"apps": [
The AASA file is located at: https://public.pisenpower.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association
The associated domains config
Full app target:
App clip target:
The advanced app clip experience list
The Settings - Developer - App Clips Testing - Diagnostics outputs
From an iPhone in China
From an iPhone in USA
The From Your Website section's outputs are different.
For both diagnostics, The Register Advanced Experience, App Clip Published on App Store, and Associated Domains under Codes and Tags section are not marked with the green checkmark.
Scan the QR code of the default app clip experience link,
The system opens the App Clip Card successfully.
Click the Open button of the Smart App banner can open the app clip card
If more information is needed, please let me know.
Hello everyone,
We recently (a week ago) released our app, which includes an App Clip as a target. Before going live, we thoroughly tested the App Clip functionality using both the "Local Experience" and the "_XCAppClipURL" method. During testing, everything worked seamlessly.
After going live, when we manually create QR codes using the default App Clip URLs, such as:
The App Clip card is displayed, and the functionality works as expected.
However, we encountered an issue where scanning the App Clip QR codes displays the message: "No usable data found."
Our App Clip QR codes are dynamically generated with URLs in the format:
We implemented an advanced App Clip experience with the URL:
This advanced App Clip experience is currently showing the status "Received" in App Store Connect. If this issue is due to the "Received" state of the advanced App Clip experience.
Here are the key implementation details for your reference:
We have added the domain "appclips:example.com" to the App Clip target's entitlement.
The AASA (Apple App Site Association) file is hosted at https://example.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association This file has been validated successfully and includes the correct entries for App Clips.
The domain URL is "validated" status on App Store Connect.
The Advance app clip is in "Received" status.
The diagnostic for the URL is showing like a screen shot attached.
This issue is critical for our marketing and user adoption.
Could any of you please assist us in identifying and resolving this issue? If additional details or documentation are needed, we are happy to provide them promptly.
Thank you for your support and assistance in this matter.
My app is available in TestFlight but has been rejected in App Review with the review feedback that the app clip "just shows a blank screen".
However, in the TestFlight app, the App Clip works as expected and brings up the clip. It also works correctly from Xcode testing.
Any ideas on what the problem could be? It is using the default App Clip link (appclip.apple.com)
Lately, when adding a new advanced experience with a new path (with the same domain), it is taking more than a week to get published, when it used to take around 24h. Am I doing something wrong that causes the long delay? Someone else is having this problem? Is something wrong with our assumptions of how it works?
Some assumptions and observations we have around app clip advanced experiences:
Once the app and its appClip are published, new advanced experiences (new paths + cards) don't require a new app review
When adding a new advanced experience, it gets reviewed before being published
There is some bug where even after the experience is published, its status only shows 'Received'
Edits of existing url paths (changing text or image) take less than 24h to propagate
As a workaround we are publishing paths we are still not using with general app clip metadata and then editing when we require them, but this does not allow us to have custom path names for the experiences as we need to 'reserve' them beforehand.
We're encountering a UX challenge with the automatic App Store notification banner that appears when users first launch our App Clips (not the App Clip sheet). This notification, which suggests downloading the full app, is creating confusion among our users. We've observed that some users tap the notification instead of completing their intended action within the App Clip, interrupting their workflow.
Is there a way to disable this banner?
Hi developers,
I have a question if it is possible to open in my application not main window but a specific ViewController, when application is installed but not running.
When the application is running in background and I scan QR code, then specific ViewController is opened over SceneDelegate and method 'userActivity'. But this does not work when the application is only installed, but not running.
The Appstore link is here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/don%C3%A1tor/id6473955033
iOS 14.2 iPhone 11 & iOS 14.3 iPoneXs max
When Testfight tests the light app, click the configured light app link, and the button status changes from test to open, but the button cannot be opened and the light app cannot be accessed. May I ask how to solve this problem?However, when the main app is installed, the light app will be overwritten
1.APPStore Arraignment passed. Not yet released. The diagnostic link configuration is not available.
Firstly,We filled in the configuration of the corresponding domain name, and the verification was successful.
My AASA file is configured correctly (general deep links work with it, as well as some app clip URLs) and is also configured for app clips.
"applinks": {
"apps": [],
"details": [
"appID": "***.com.xx.easyshare",
"paths": [
"appID": "***.com.xx.easyshareExport",
"paths": [
"appclips": {
"apps": [
Well,I used https://es.xx.com/send or https://es.xx.com to get diagnostic information is wrong
My TestFight config is ok
Another problem is that using NFT jumps directly to Safire.