




mac app store rankings
does anyone know if the mac app store ranking system has changed recently for mac apps? my mac apps have dropped like a proverbial rock in the ranking system near the end of last week. has any one done any experiments to see if mac app store rankings are higher if you recompile your apps for M1 apple silicon systems?
Nov ’20
neural engine for model training?
Can anyone clarify which devices or chips the so-called "neural engine" can be used for machine learning model Training? As opposed to inference (or prediction)? And can external libraries such as Tensorflow (perhaps via the browser-based javascript library) access the neural engine in any manner for training or inference?
Nov ’20
1024x1024 icon required...but the app has it
hi, i just tried to submit a mac catalyst app to the app store and it gave this msg: Unable to Submit for Review The items below are required to start the review process: A 1024 x 1024 pixel app icon for your app must be added to the asset catalog in Xcode. However, my asset catalog has that icon. App is not a new app, it has been submitted before. Any ideas what is causing this?
Sep ’20
random fail of SCNMaterial contents change
hi all, running into a strange problem changing contents of a material in SceneKit we are putting a placeholder image into a material content then changing it later when we get the real image from the net it works most of the time but fails randomly (the image seems to be changed in the material when i log out the description, but the display does not reflect this change) do i need to do this on some particular thread (i tried main thread, still fails randomly). is there some sort of refresh i have to call in scene kit if a material contents image changes? anyone else see this (or not see it, as the case may be) by random like 1 in 5 times maybe? so often enough to be a noticable bug. SCNMaterial* material;  @weakify(material) materialweak.diffuse.contents = placeholderimage; // UIImage // later, after image loads from internet: materialweak.diffuse.contents = image; // some UIImage // above line mostly works, but fails randomly (e.g. change not seen on screen).
Aug ’20
iCloud keyvalue pair, notification when stored safely in cloud?
Hi, is there a notification our app can register for to know when our key value pair data is stored up safely to the cloud? We get a notification NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreDidChangeExternallyNotification when the app recvs data from the cloud, but how do we known when our KV data is up safely. e.g. whebn testing our app, when can we delete the app after setting iCloud key/values? This is not necessarily an iCloud Drive question, could refer to old icloud, but that is the only iCloud tag that was provided to select from.
Jul ’20
build status changes to "invalid binary" After successful processing
this is a new one to meafter i upload a build, it processes ok, and I approve it for test flight and approve it for external beta,build status changes to invalid binary. i get a push notification of this on my phone probablyfrom test flight app indicating this invalid binary status.what causes this?I see now get an email now indicating:Invalid Swift Support - The file libswiftCore.dylib doesn’t have the correct code signature.I had installed the latest Xcode but I am not using it yet. Maybe that caused the old Xcode libraries to get trashed.Providing yet another reason to avoid coding in Swift.Objective C, for the win.
Jun ’20