




Reply to in-app purchases rejected for "business model" but no details on how to fix
apple Really needs to improve its in-app purchase system from the developer side, especially anything involving subscriptions. it is far too complicated. there is no reason for it to be so complicated. ordinary developers have to deal with the most obscure APIs... this is how to make money in apps! subscriptions! it should be the smoooothest part of development! they spent a ton of money making Swift and SwiftUI to make things easier and better, yet ObjC and UIKit isnt that bad once you learn it. however, IAP...holy guacamole it's bad.
Jun ’23
Reply to App hanging in XCode simulator
FYI i deleted the app container and re-launched and it worked (this is mac catalyst) i suspect some mac window settings like position etc are stored in there and may have gotten trashed due to repeated launching & killing of the app when in the debugger e.g. look for the directory ~/Library/Containers/yourappbundleid get rid of it make sure first there is no data you need in there :)
May ’23
Reply to xcode new build system errors can't find header files?
FYI as a temp patch we added some script lines to copy *.h files to where the build wants to look for them based on analyzing the build output Compile steps that were failing. and there was one case where we added a couple of extra header paths manually to the RNSVG module Xcode proj file. unfortunately, with the yarn package manager and the cocoapods package manager working simultaneously, it is not obvious where the header paths need to be modified. this, coupled with module maintainers sometimes changing project folder structures in a breaking manner = trouble. we havent figured out why the new build system would not respect the same header path rules as the old build system. that is also non obvious.
May ’23
Reply to dispatch_async to global much slower in recent Mac Catalyst versions?
Non optimized workaround to above thread serialization problem w/ concurrent thread uses of drand48. The key is the __thread keyword. If you just make these __thread variable static or global, you see similar slowdowns. My code does not depend so much on pure random numbers so this is good enough to get rolling. There may be a better solution. #if 1 const int s_nrandoms = 10000; __thread double s_someRandoms[s_nrandoms]; __thread int s_init = 0; __thread int s_lastRandomIndex = 0; double drand48x() { if (!s_init) { for (int i = 0; i < s_nrandoms; i++) { s_someRandoms[i] = drand48(); } s_init = 1; } s_lastRandomIndex++; if (s_lastRandomIndex > s_nrandoms-1) s_lastRandomIndex = 0; return s_someRandoms[s_lastRandomIndex]; } #define drand48 drand48x #endif
May ’23
Reply to dispatch_async to global much slower in recent Mac Catalyst versions?
i think i have traced the problem to drand48() system call random number generator which i use extensively it seems like when you use the drand48 function a lot in the block sent to dispatch, the various threads that run the block get serialized or otherwise jammed up because of this function, so your code doesnt speed up the the expected amount when you dispatch concurrent blocks and just runs the same speed or slower as on 1 thread (slower due to the extra overhead of other threads, dispatch, thread syncing, etc) the thing i found is that this slow down doesnt seem to show up in the Instruments app. it shows a little bit of drand48 taking up CPU as expected, but not huge.... since it is not using CPU power and is just waiting for other threads to handle memory access, i would guess. such waiting may show up in some portion of instruments i didnt look at. this post seems to get into the details of why this is occurring: will post a workaround. tentatively working on pre-generating some randoms in per-thread arrays or a global array using a per thread index. if you use a global index to pull from the pre generated randoms, it shows a similar slowdown as drand48
May ’23
Reply to icloud media retrv'l ... speed up?
I guess another question would be, if we set networkAccessAllowed to NO would we get a reduced size (local to device) media or would we get nothing or error? (E.g. in our original requestContentEditingInputWithOptions call)  PHContentEditingInputRequestOptions * options = [[PHContentEditingInputRequestOptions alloc] init];                    options.networkAccessAllowed = YES; doc doesnt mention this issue:
Mar ’23
Reply to icloud media retrv'l ... speed up?
another question has arisen on this issue. the PHImageManager seems to only return a UIImage. however, the noted API above requestContentEditingInputWithOptions works for live photos and videos also (and our code is using it for that) is there is there a similar fast replacement we can use for live photos and videos? e.g. to avoid the long download from icloud and just use local editions of these other media types? thanks again!
Mar ’23
Reply to icloud media retrv'l ... speed up?
Added note: in the Settings for iCloud under Optimize storage, it mentions: "If your phone is low on space, full resolution photos and videos are automatically replaced with smaller, device size versions. We want the smaller device size versions." Anyone know how to get these from photo kit to avoid the big icloud download delay?
Jan ’23
Reply to hdr dolby vision video color correction to 8 bit still images
fyi we had an apple office hours meeting to address this, this is the first part of the solution we found based on those discussions pixel format needed to change, and 3 dictionary key values added to AVAssetReaderTrackOutput outputSettings: argument per below with these, the UIImage seem to come out much better but we havent done a full check yet the next step is to get these images written back to a video file w/o losing their color again this is just a code snippet, if anyone needs to full code we can post the full xcode sample as we have extracted the buggy dolby stuff into a small test case the info about the color properties (noted below) we had found previously in the apple docs about this technology, but it also needed the updated pixel key to cause any positive effect on the outputted images. that part was not clear from the docs immediately. NSArray* video_tracks = [asset tracksWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo]; AVAssetTrack* video_track = [video_tracks firstObject]; NSMutableDictionary* dictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; // kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA // this was the what we had // 420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange // this is the correct one (see next line) [dictionary setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange] forKey:(NSString*)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey]; // this is also needed dictionary[AVVideoColorPropertiesKey] =             @{AVVideoColorPrimariesKey:                 AVVideoColorPrimaries_ITU_R_709_2,             AVVideoTransferFunctionKey:                 AVVideoTransferFunction_ITU_R_709_2,             AVVideoYCbCrMatrixKey:                 AVVideoYCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_709_2};         AVAssetReaderTrackOutput* asset_reader_output = [[AVAssetReaderTrackOutput alloc] initWithTrack:video_track outputSettings:dictionary];
Oct ’22