I have a widely-used app that lets users keep track of personal data. This data is persisted with SwiftData, and synced with CloudKit.
I understand that if the user's iCloud account changes on a device (for example, user logs out or toggles off an app's access to iCloud), then NSPersistentCloudKitContainer will erase the local data records on app launch. This is intentional behavior, intended as a privacy feature.
However, we are receiving regular reports from users for whom the system has incorrectly indicated that the app's access to iCloud is unavailable, even when the user hasn't logged out or toggled off permission to access iCloud. This triggers the behavior to clear the local records, and even though the data is still available in iCloud, to the user, it looks like their data has disappeared for no reason. Helping the user find and troubleshoot their iCloud app data settings can be very difficult, since in many cases the user has no idea what iCloud is, and we can't link them directly to the correct settings screen.
We seem to get these reports most frequently from users whose iCloud storage is full (which feels like punishment for not paying for additional storage), but we've also received reports from users who have enough storage space available (and are logged in and have the app's iCloud data permissions toggled on). It appears to happen randomly, as far as we can tell.
I found a blog post from two years ago from another app developer who encountered the same issue: https://crunchybagel.com/nspersistentcloudkitcontainer/#:~:text=The%20problem%20we%20were%20experiencing
To work around this and improve the user experience, we want to use CKContainer.accountStatus to check if the user has an available iCloud account, and if not, disable the CloudKit sync before it erases the local data.
I've found steps to accomplish this workaround using CoreData, but I'm not sure how to best modify the ModelContainer's configuration after receiving the CKAccountStatus when using SwiftData. I've put together this approach so far; is this the right way to handle disabling/enabling sync based on account status?
import SwiftUI
import SwiftData
import CloudKit
struct AccountStatusTestApp: App {
@State private var modelContainer: ModelContainer?
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
if let modelContainer {
} else {
.task {
await initializeModelContainer()
func initializeModelContainer() async {
let schema = Schema([
do {
let accountStatus = try await CKContainer.default().accountStatus()
let modelConfiguration = ModelConfiguration(
schema: schema,
cloudKitDatabase: accountStatus == .available ? .private("iCloud.com.AccountStatusTestApp") : .none
do {
let container = try ModelContainer(for: schema, configurations: [modelConfiguration])
modelContainer = container
} catch {
print("Could not create ModelContainer: \(error)")
} catch {
print("Could not determine iCloud account status: \(error)")
I understand that bypassing the clearing of local data when the iCloud account is "unavailable" introduces possible issues with data being mingled on shared devices, but I plan to mitigate that with warning messages when users are in this state. This would be a far more preferable user experience than what's happening now.
iCloud & Data
RSS for tagLearn how to integrate your app with iCloud and data frameworks for effective data storage
I apologize if this post could be slightly out of forum topic but I have one issue that I cannot solve.
I tried a few times to call Apple support but the only indication that have given to me is to try with this forum.
The issue I have is simple. Sometimes the modifications performed on iCloud Drive on one computer are not properly synced between the local folder /Users/[username]/Library/Mobile Documents/... and the cloud and therefore are not shared across all devices that use the same iCloud Drive.
This is very disturbing as it may lead to a data loss.
I would like to write a simple software that activates the iCloud Drive sync between the local iCloud folder /Users/[username]/Library/Mobile Documents/... and the Cloud.
A simple macOS bash script would be fine but also other pieces of software are welcome.
Can anyone please help me?
I have integrated CloudKit into a CoreData application and am ready to deploy the schema to production but keep getting an "internal error" when trying to deploy to production or reset my CloudKit environment. I have attached images of what I am seeing including one of the console error. Is there any way to resolve this?
I am using NSPersistentCloudKitContainer and I decided to add a property to an entity. I accidentally ran try! container.initializeCloudKitSchema(options: []) while using the production container in Xcode (com.apple.developer.icloud-container-environment) which throw a couple of errors and created some FAKE_ records in my production container.
So I changed to my development container and ran the try! container.initializeCloudKitSchema(options: []) and now it succeeded.
After that I cleaned up the FAKE_ records scattered in production container but in Xcode when I'm running I now get these logs in the console (and I can't seem to get rid of them):
error: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate _importFinishedWithResult:importer:](1398): <PFCloudKitImporter: 0x300cc72c0>: Import failed with error:
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4864 "*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _initForReadingFromData:error:throwLegacyExceptions:]: incomprehensible archive (0x53, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x20, 0x73, 0x61, 0x6d)" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _initForReadingFromData:error:throwLegacyExceptions:]: incomprehensible archive (0x53, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x20, 0x73, 0x61, 0x6d)}
error: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate recoverFromError:](2310): <NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate: 0x302695770> - Attempting recovery from error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4864 "*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _initForReadingFromData:error:throwLegacyExceptions:]: incomprehensible archive (0x53, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x20, 0x73, 0x61, 0x6d)" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _initForReadingFromData:error:throwLegacyExceptions:]: incomprehensible archive (0x53, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x20, 0x73, 0x61, 0x6d)}
error: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate _recoverFromError:withZoneIDs:forStore:inMonitor:](2620): <NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate: 0x302695770> - Failed to recover from error: NSCocoaErrorDomain:4864
Recovery encountered the following error: (null):0
error: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate resetAfterError:andKeepContainer:](610): <NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate: 0x302695770> - resetting internal state after error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4864 "*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _initForReadingFromData:error:throwLegacyExceptions:]: incomprehensible archive (0x53, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x20, 0x73, 0x61, 0x6d)" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _initForReadingFromData:error:throwLegacyExceptions:]: incomprehensible archive (0x53, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x20, 0x73, 0x61, 0x6d)}
error: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate _requestAbortedNotInitialized:](2198): <NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate: 0x302695770> - Never successfully initialized and cannot execute request '<NSCloudKitMirroringExportRequest: 0x303a52d00> 548CB420-E378-42E5-9607-D23E7A2A364D' due to error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4864 "*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _initForReadingFromData:error:throwLegacyExceptions:]: incomprehensible archive (0x53, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x20, 0x73, 0x61, 0x6d)" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _initForReadingFromData:error:throwLegacyExceptions:]: incomprehensible archive (0x53, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x20, 0x73, 0x61, 0x6d)}
Hi everyone,
I am a beginner in iOS/Swift programming. I'm trying to develop a mobile application that allows to mount a network drive in the iphone Files application via the WebDav protocol.
I saw on the internet that WebDav is no longer implemented in iOS because considered deprecated by apple.
To accomplish this task, I decided to separate responsibilities as follows:
WebDav (responsible for communication with the WebDav server)
FileBridge (Responsible for bridging the gap between the WebDav Framework and the iOS Files app)
Main App
I also have an AppGroup that includes the main application and the fileproviderextension
Initially, to measure the feasibility and complexity of this task, I'd like to make a simplistic version that simply displays the files on my drive in the Files app, without necessarily being able to interact with them.
import FileProvider
import WebDav
class FileProviderExtension: NSObject, NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension {
private var webDavService: WebDavService?
required init(domain: NSFileProviderDomain)
self.webDavService = WebDavService(baseURL: URL(string: "https://www.mydrive.com/drive")!)
func invalidate() {
// TODO: cleanup any resources
func item(for identifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier,
request: NSFileProviderRequest,
completionHandler: @escaping (NSFileProviderItem?, Error?) -> Void) -> Progress {
let progress = Progress(totalUnitCount: 1)
Task {
do {
if let items = try await webDavService?.propfind(path: identifier.rawValue, depth: 1),
let item = items.first(where: { $0.itemIdentifier == identifier }) {
completionHandler(item, nil)
} else {
completionHandler(nil, NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain,
code: NSFileNoSuchFileError,
userInfo: nil))
} catch {
completionHandler(nil, error)
return progress
func fetchContents(for itemIdentifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier,
version requestedVersion: NSFileProviderItemVersion?,
request: NSFileProviderRequest,
completionHandler: @escaping (URL?, NSFileProviderItem?, Error?) -> Void) -> Progress {
let progress = Progress(totalUnitCount: 1)
Task {
do {
guard let service = webDavService else {
throw WebDavError.invalidResponse
let data = try await service.get(fileAt: itemIdentifier.rawValue)
let tempURL = FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory.appendingPathComponent(itemIdentifier.rawValue)
try data.write(to: tempURL)
completionHandler(tempURL, nil, nil)
} catch {
completionHandler(nil, nil, error)
return progress
func createItem(basedOn itemTemplate: NSFileProviderItem, fields: NSFileProviderItemFields, contents url: URL?, options: NSFileProviderCreateItemOptions = [], request: NSFileProviderRequest, completionHandler: @escaping (NSFileProviderItem?, NSFileProviderItemFields, Bool, Error?) -> Void) -> Progress {
// TODO: a new item was created on disk, process the item's creation
completionHandler(itemTemplate, [], false, nil)
return Progress()
func modifyItem(_ item: NSFileProviderItem, baseVersion version: NSFileProviderItemVersion, changedFields: NSFileProviderItemFields, contents newContents: URL?, options: NSFileProviderModifyItemOptions = [], request: NSFileProviderRequest, completionHandler: @escaping (NSFileProviderItem?, NSFileProviderItemFields, Bool, Error?) -> Void) -> Progress {
// TODO: an item was modified on disk, process the item's modification
completionHandler(nil, [], false, NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: NSFeatureUnsupportedError, userInfo:[:]))
return Progress()
func deleteItem(identifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier, baseVersion version: NSFileProviderItemVersion, options: NSFileProviderDeleteItemOptions = [], request: NSFileProviderRequest, completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) -> Progress {
// TODO: an item was deleted on disk, process the item's deletion
completionHandler(NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: NSFeatureUnsupportedError, userInfo:[:]))
return Progress()
func enumerator(for containerItemIdentifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier,
request: NSFileProviderRequest) throws -> NSFileProviderEnumerator {
return FileProviderEnumerator(enumeratedItemIdentifier: containerItemIdentifier,
service: webDavService)
Here's the code I use to initialize my domain in the main app files:
fileprivate func registerFileProviderDomain() {
let domainIdentifier = NSFileProviderDomainIdentifier("FileProviderExtension Bundle Identifier")
let domain = NSFileProviderDomain(identifier: domainIdentifier,
displayName: "My Drive")
NSFileProviderManager.add(domain) { error in
NSFileProviderManager.add(domain) { error in
if let error = error {
print("Error cannot add domain file provider : \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
print("Success domain file provider added")
I can't get rid of the Error :
Error cannot add domain file provider : The operation couldn’t be completed. Invalid argument.
I don't know what I'm missing
Please help me understand
Hello, on every Apple device, iPhone/Watch I have the option to install developer beta versions. I would like to unsubscribe from developer beta versions - not have them in settings. I know that developer beta is assigned to my iCloud account. After logging out and restoring factory settings, the tab disappears. When I log into my iCloud account, it appears everywhere. I did not sign up for developer beta. How do I remove it?
When attempting to deploy schema changes in the iCloudKit Database by clicking the Deploy Schema Changes button, a Confirm Deployment dialog appears, showing an error: “Internal error”. The following error details were observed in the JavaScript console:
• description: “The request has failed due to an error.”
• headers: undefined
• message: “Known response error: The request has failed due to an error.”
• result:
• code: 400
• detailedMessage: undefined
• message: “bad-request”
• reason: “Internal error”
• redirectUrl: undefined
• requestUuid: “0c5b4af2-15c9-425f-87ea-************”
• retryAfterSeconds: undefined
Witam, na każdym urządzeniu Apple, iPhone’a/Watch mam możliwość instalować wersje beta developer. chciałbym wypisać się z wersji beta developer - nie mieć ich w ustawieniach. wiem że beta developer jest przypisana do mojego konta iCloud. po wylogowaniu się i przywróceniu ustawień fabrycznych, zakładka znika. gdy loguje się na konto iCloud pojawia Się wszędzie. nie zapisałem sie do developer bety. jak to usunąc?
is there a way to fix this?
throughout all of Foundation's URL documentation, its called out in multiple places that data stored inside an app sandox's caches directory doesn't count towards data and documents usage in the settings app
but in practice, it looks like storing data there does in fact count towards documents & data for the app
i'm trying to understand if the docs are wrong, if theres a bug in the settings app, or if this is a mistake on my part
Hello the documentation for message filtering has been offline for a few days now, is it possible to get it back, or is there somewhere else it can be viewed in the meanwhile?
(I just chose topic/tags at random, there aren't any relevant for this)
I really don't understand what kind of cyber crap CloudKit is!
In macOS, CloudKit basically doesn’t work properly
Здравствуйте, я зашел на чужой Apple ID под предлогом мошенников и теперь не могу выйти, помогите мне пожалуйста, это полностью мой телефон и я смогу доказать, что он мой.
I am trying to implement record sharing in my project, but when I try to copy the link on the UICloudSharingController, the sheet closes and the link doesn't get copied.
My CloudKitManager function:
public func shareTeam(_ team: Team) -> AnyPublisher<CKShare, Error> {
Future { [weak self] promise in
guard let self = self else {
let record = team.toCKRecord()
let share = CKShare(rootRecord: record)
share[CKShare.SystemFieldKey.title] = "Join \(team.name)" as CKRecordValue
share.publicPermission = .readWrite
let operation = CKModifyRecordsOperation(recordsToSave: [record, share], recordIDsToDelete: nil)
operation.savePolicy = .ifServerRecordUnchanged
operation.qualityOfService = .userInitiated
operation.modifyRecordsResultBlock = { result in
switch result {
case .success:
case .failure(let error):
ViewModel function:
func shareTeam() {
guard let selectedTeam = selectedTeam else { return }
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink { [weak self] completion in
switch completion {
case .finished:
case .failure(let error):
self?.didError = true
self?.error = error
} receiveValue: { share in
let sharePresenter = SharePresenter(
share: share,
container: CloudKitManager.shared.container,
teamName: selectedTeam.name,
rootRecord: selectedTeam.toCKRecord()
.store(in: &cancellables)
Something has caused my CloudKit queries to fail. On the dashboard I get an error message "Failed to execute query" when I try to "SORT BY" a field. The field is listed under Indexes as "sortable". For a different field, when I enter the field under "FILTER BY", and before I tap "Query", I get "No results". That field is listed under the Indexes as "queryable".
It used to work fine.
I have described this further, with screenshots at FB16114560
Hi everyone,
I have an application that allows to share Core Data records through CKShare.
If I compile the app in debug or release mode on my devices with Xcode the Sharing functionality work like a charm, but if I download the application from App Store doesn't work, It seems that can't generate the link for sharing.
Does anyone have any idea why?
Looking at my CloudKit Telemetry console I noticed a significant increase in 'Other' errors recently. These errors are impacting user experience and I really don't know how to better understand the issues that may be occurring due to the "other" category. If I query the logs for "other" errors, only 2 results show up for the week. There are 2500+ errors in the telemetry graph (see attached).
Is anyone else experiencing this or does anyone have a suggestion on how I can better understand this issue? Thank you!
Hello. I am re-writing our way of storing data into Core Data in our app, so it can be done concurrently.
The solution I opted for is to have a singleton actor that takes an API model, and maps it to a Core Data object and saves it.
For example, to store an API order model, I have something like this:
func store(
order apiOrder: APIOrder,
currentContext: NSManagedObjectContext?
) -> NSManagedObjectID? {
let context = currentContext ?? self.persistentContainer.newBackgroundContext()
// …
In the arguments, there is a context you can pass, in case you need to create additional models and relate them to each other. I am not sure this is how you're supposed to do it, but it seemed to work.
From what I've understood of Core Data and using multiple contexts, the appropriate way use them is with context.perform or context.performAndWait.
However, since my storage helper is an actor, @globalActor actor Storage2 { … }, my storage's methods are actor-isolated.
This gives me warnings / errors in Swift 6 when I try to pass the context for to another of my actor's methods.
let context = …
return context.performAndWait {
// …
if let apiBooking = apiOrder.booking {
self.store(booking: apiBooking, context: context)
/* causes warning:
Sending 'context' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
'self'-isolated 'context' is captured by a actor-isolated closure. actor-isolated uses in closure may race against later nonisolated uses
Access can happen concurrently
// …
From what I understand this is because my methods are actor-isolated, but the closure of performAndWait does not execute in a thread safe environment.
With all this, what are my options? I've extracted the store(departure:context:) into its own method to avoid duplicated code, but since I can't call it from within performAndWait I am not sure what to do.
Can I ditch the performAndWait? Removing that makes the warning "go away", but I don't feel confident enough with Core Data to know the answer.
I would love to get any feedback on this, hoping to learn!
Hello! 😊
I currently manage an app called MoneyKeeper that uses SwiftData for its data storage framework. Many users have requested a "sharing" feature, but unfortunately, SwiftData does not yet support this functionality, and it’s unclear when it will. 😭
Initially, I considered using CloudKit and CKSyncEngine to implement quick synchronization and sharing. However, due to the complexity of the current data model’s relationships, modeling it with CloudKit’s schema alone seemed overly complicated and likely to introduce bugs.
As a result, I’ve decided to implement the sharing feature using CoreData and CloudKit. My plan to avoid conflicts with SwiftData includes:
Keeping the local storage locations for SwiftData and CoreData separate.
Using entirely separate CloudKit containers for SwiftData and CoreData.
I believe these measures will minimize potential issues, but I’m wondering if there’s anything else I should consider.
Using both SwiftData (for the personal database) and CoreData (for the shared database) feels like it could lead to significant technical debt in the future, and I anticipate encountering even more challenges during actual implementation.
I’d greatly appreciate your valuable insights on this matter. 🙏
The app MoneyKeeper, currently operated using SwiftData.
I'm building a habit tracking app for iOS and macOS. I want to use up to date technologies, so I'm using SwiftUI and SwiftData.
I want to store user data locally on device and also sync data between device and iCloud server so that the user could use the app conveniently on multiple devices (iPhone, iPad, Mac).
I already tried SwiftData + NSPersistentCloudKitContainer, but I need to control when to sync data, which I can't control with NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. For example, I want to upload data to server right after data is saved locally and download data from server on every app open, on pull-to-refresh etc. I also need to monitor sync progress, so I can update the UI and run code based on the progress. For example, when downloading data from server to device is in progress, show "Loading..." UI, and when downloading finishes, I want to run some app business logic code and update UI.
So I'm considering switching from NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to CKSyncEngine, because it seems that with CKSyncEngine I can control when to upload and download data and also monitor the progress.
My database schema (image below) has relationships - "1 to many" and "many to many" - so it's convenient to use SwiftData (and underlying CoreData).
Development environment: Xcode 16.1, macOS 15.1.1
Run-time configuration: iOS 18.1.1, macOS 15.1.1
My questions:
1-Is it possible to use SwiftData for local data storage and CKSyncEngine to sync this local data storage with iCloud?
2-If yes, is there any example code to implement this?
I've been studying the "CloudKit Samples: CKSyncEngine" demo app (https://github.com/apple/sample-cloudkit-sync-engine), but it uses a very primitive approach to local data storage by saving data to a JSON file on disk.
It would be very helpful to have the same demo app with SwiftData implementation!
3-Also, to make sure I don't run into problems later - is it okay to fire data upload (sendChanges) and download (fetchChanges) manually with CKSyncEngine and do it often? Are there any limits how often these functions can be called to not get "blocked" by the server?
4-If it's not possible to use SwiftData for local data storage and CKSyncEngine to sync this local data storage with iCloud, then what to use for local storage instead of SwiftData to sync it with iCloud using CKSyncEngine? Maybe use SwiftData with the new DataStore protocol instead of the underlying CoreData?
All information highly appreciated!