




Unable to Add for Review - Xcode 15.0.1 - New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 11 or later
I just tried to submit a new version of an app for review. Doesn't work with the following error message: Unable to Add for Review The items below are required to start the review process: New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 11 or later, iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS SDKs. Apps built with beta versions aren’t allowed. The app was built with the latest public version of Xcode (15.0.1). Does anyone else have this problem?
Nov ’23
What is that little cloud icon in Xcode 15.0.1?
Today I briefly saw this small cloud symbol with a blue circle/dot on it in Xcode 15.0.1. I hovered the mouse over it and no hint was displayed. I was distracted by someone, then wanted to click on it later, but it was no longer there. Now it is no longer displayed. No matter what project I open or what I do in Xcode. I haven't found any information about the icon on the internet. Does anyone know what it is for and what exactly happens at the moment it is displayed? I do not use Xcode Cloud.
Oct ’23
Share Extension for public.url but only for image file?
I would like to be able to receive images from Safari in my Share Extension. To do this I need to add public.url in NSExtensionActivationRule. This works and my app can receive shared images from Safari. The problem is that my app also appears in the list when sharing a URL to a website and not an image. Now I'm looking for a way to hide my app when sharing in Safari if the URL doesn't lead to an image.
Nov ’22
Interface Builder changes x, y, width and height values randomly.
I have old projects without autolayout. When I open the storyboard in Interface Builder everything looks fine. But if I move a button or label by one pixel, for example, or add a new UIView, then the Interface Builder randomly changes the x, y, width, or height values for almost all elements in all UIViewControllers in the storyboard file. Not all values are changed, but a lot. If I close and open Storyboard a few times and do an action, the values are changed so many times that the user interface is completely broken. Does anyone have an idea how I can fix the problem? I am using Xcode 14.0.1 and it happens with all projects I have. The changes look like this, for example:
Oct ’22
How to completely block touch interaction in the upper half of the display?
I would like to completely block touch interaction on the top half of the display and only allow it on the bottom half. And in such a way that touching the top half doesn't even generate a UIEvent. I would like to make an app where a physical object can be placed on the upper half of the display. This physical object generates many touch events and as a result the lower half of the display is no longer operable. Setting userInteractionEnabled to false on the top UIView doesn't help, because the touch events are still generated on the internal level. Is there a trick to completely deactivating the touch in the upper half so that the maximum possible number of touches is not exhausted by the item placed on the display? I'm afraid that it happens on the hardware level and my project is not feasible. But I still have a small hope that someone here knows a trick through the software to have the lower half of the display operable despite the object on the upper half of the display.
Oct ’22
On UINavigationBar the leftBarButtonItem and rightBarButtonItem of the UINavigationItem are placed incorrectly on iOS 16
When I build an app with Xcode 14.0.1, then on iOS 16 the leftBarButtonItem is placed too far to the left and the rightBarButtonItem is placed way too far to the right on the UINavigationBar. But with the same build it still looks fine on iOS 15.5 and below. Does anyone have an idea how I can get everything on the UINavigationBar to display properly on iOS 16? I have already tried all three styles of UINavigationItemStyle that are available since iOS 16. No success. With all 3 styles it looks like on the picture. It's about the "Cancel" and "Done" buttons, which you can see in the image:
Sep ’22
Apple Developer Program: Change country, address, phone number and VAT number
My company from Germany had been registered as a developer at Apple for many years. I have now moved to Switzerland with my family. I deregistered the company in Germany and registered a new company with the same name in Switzerland. Now, almost two months ago, I have communicated the changes on the account management page under the link "Need to edit this information?" with the request to switch my account to Switzerland and enter the new address, the new VAT number and the new telephone number. I got a link where I should upload documents for the proof. I did that and nothing has happened for two months. When I ask the support, they answer that my case is in the right department and they can't tell me anything more specific. It is not possible to contact the department directly. How long can an update of the data take? Is there any way I can contact the responsible department?
Nov ’20