Share intents from within an app to drive system intelligence and show the app's actions in the Shortcuts app.

Posts under Intents tag

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How to remove INSendMessageIntent in Shortcuts app?
I’ve implemented an Intent Extension and added support for handling the INSendMessageIntent in the intent handler class. Currently, this intent is automatically visible in the Shortcuts app by default. However, for security reasons (as it involves handling phone numbers), I want to restrict the use of this intent to Siri only and ensure it does not appear in the Shortcuts app. Has anyone encountered this requirement before or knows a way to prevent the intent from appearing in the Shortcuts app, while still keeping it functional via Siri? Looking forward to your suggestions!
INUIHostedViewControlling ViewController's Life Cycle Events not being Called
I am implementing a new Intents UI Extension and am noticing that the viewWillDisappear, viewDidDisappear, and deinit methods are not being called on my UIViewController that implements INUIHostedViewControlling, when pressing the "Done" button and dismissing the UIViewController. This causes the memory for the UI Extension to slowly increase each time I re-run the UI Extension until it reaches the 120MB limit and crashes. Any ideas as to what's going on here and how to solve this issue?
get location in app intent for interactive widgets
I have an app intent for interactive widgets. when I touch the toggle, the app intent perform to request location. func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { var mark: LocationService.Placemark? do { mark = try await AsyncLocationServive.shared.requestLocation() print("[Widget] ConnectHandleIntent: \(mark)") } catch { WidgetHandler.shared.error = .locationUnauthorized print("[Widget] ConnectHandleIntent: \(WidgetHandler.shared.error!)") } return .result() } @available(iOSApplicationExtension 13.0, *) @available(iOS 13.0, *) final class AsyncLocationServive: NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate { static let shared = AsyncLocationServive() private let manager: CLLocationManager private let locationSubject: PassthroughSubject<Result<LocationService.Placemark, LocationService.Error>, Never> = .init() lazy var geocoder: CLGeocoder = { let geocoder = CLGeocoder() return geocoder }() @available(iOSApplicationExtension 14.0, *) @available(iOS 14.0, *) var isAuthorizedForWidgetUpdates: Bool { manager.isAuthorizedForWidgetUpdates } override init() { manager = CLLocationManager() super.init() manager.delegate = self } func requestLocation() async throws -> LocationService.Placemark { let result: Result<LocationService.Placemark, LocationService.Error> = try await withUnsafeThrowingContinuation { continuation in var cancellable: AnyCancellable? var didReceiveValue = false cancellable = locationSubject.sink( receiveCompletion: { _ in if !didReceiveValue { // subject completed without a value… continuation.resume(throwing: LocationService.Error.emptyLocations) } }, receiveValue: { value in // Make sure we only send a value once! guard !didReceiveValue else { return } didReceiveValue = true // Cancel current sink cancellable?.cancel() // We either got a location or an error continuation.resume(returning: value) } ) // Now that we monitor locationSubject, ask for the location { self.manager.requestLocation() } } switch result { case .success(let location): // We got the location! return location case .failure(let failure): // We got an error :( throw failure } } // MARK: CLLocationManagerDelegate func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) { defer { manager.stopUpdatingLocation() } guard let location = locations.first else { locationSubject.send(.failure(.emptyLocations)) return } debugPrint("[Location] location: \(location.coordinate)") manager.stopUpdatingLocation() if geocoder.isGeocoding { geocoder.cancelGeocode() } geocoder.reverseGeocodeLocation(location) { [weak self] marks, error in guard let mark = marks?.last else { self?.locationSubject.send(.failure(.emptyMarks)) return } debugPrint("[Location] mark: \(mark.description)") self?.locationSubject.send(.success(mark)) } } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didFailWithError error: Error) { locationSubject.send(.failure(.errorMsg(error.localizedDescription))) } } I found it had not any response when the app intent performed. And there is a location logo tips in the top left corner of phone screen.
Siri Shortcuts Response Templates No work on iOS18.1.1
I have shortcuts up and running and I have my custom response added to my completion handler since day1. Recently I upgraded to iOS18, and found out the app I develop can not display the custom response. I test the app on iOS17.6, the display of custom response is no problem. The situation is exactly like the problem posted on 2018: Can anyone help me or have the same bugs? Thank you so much! Happy 2025
Inform iOS about AppShortcutsProvider
I've been following along with "App Shortcuts" development but cannot get Siri to run my Intent. The intent on its own works in Shortcuts, along with a couple others that aren't in the AppShortcutsProvder structure. I keep getting the following two errors, but cannot figure out why this is occurring with documentation or other forum posts. No ConnectionContext found for 12909953344 Attempted to fetch App Shortcuts, but couldn't find the AppShortcutsProvider. Here are the relevant snippets of code - (1) The AppIntent definition struct SetBrightnessIntent: AppIntent { static var title = LocalizedStringResource("Set Brightness") static var description = IntentDescription("Set Glass Display Brightness") @Parameter(title: "Level") var level: Int? static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary { Summary("Set Brightness to \(\.$level)%") } func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { guard let level = level else { throw $level.needsValueError("Please provide a brightness value") } if level > 100 || level <= 0 { throw $level.needsValueError("Brightness must be between 1 and 100") } // do stuff with level return .result() } } (2) The AppShortcutsProvider (defined in my iOS app target, there are no other targets) struct MyAppShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider { static var shortcutTileColor: ShortcutTileColor = .grayBlue @AppShortcutsBuilder static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] { AppShortcut( intent: SetBrightnessIntent(), phrases: [ "set \(.applicationName) brightness to \(\.$level)", "set \(.applicationName) brightness to \(\.$level) percent" ], shortTitle: LocalizedStringResource("Set Glass Brightness"), systemImageName: "sun.max" ) } } Does anything here look wrong? Is there some magical key that I need to specify in Info.plist to get Siri to recognize the AppShortcutsProvider? On Xcode 16.2 and iOS 18.2 (non-beta).
AppIntents: Shortcuts phrases with parameters are not resolving correctly
Exploring AppIntents and Shortcuts. No matter what I try Siri won't understand parameters in an initial spoken phrase. For example, if I ask: "Start my planning for School in TestApp", Siri responds: "What's plan?", I say: "School" and Siri responds "Ok, starting Shool plan" What am I missing so it won't pick up parameters right away? Logs inside func entities(matching string: String) are only called after "What's plan?" question and me answering "School". No logs after the initial phrase Tried to use Apple's Trails example as a reference but with no luck
Dec ’24
Xcode 16.x project doesn’t build with (SiriKit / Widget) intent definition file + translations
If you add a (SiriKit / Widget) intent definition file to an Xcode project and then translate it into another language, the build of the iOS app only works until you close the project. As soon as you open the project again, you get the error message with the next build: Unexpected duplicate tasks A workaround for this bug is, that you convert the folder (where the intent file is located) in Xcode to a group. After that every thing works without problems. Steps to reproduce: Create a new iOS project Add a localization to the project (German for example) Add a SiriKit Intent Definition File Localize the SiriKit Intent Definition File Build the project (should work without errors) Close the project Open the project again Build the project again Expected result: The project builds without problems Current result: The project doesn’t build and returns the error: Unexpected duplicate tasks Is this a known problem? Is there a way to solve this without switching to Xcode groups (instead of folders)
How to use a Decimal as @Property of AppEntity
I’m trying to use a Decimal as a @Property in my AppEntity, but using the following code shows me a compiler error. I’m using Xcode 16.1. The documentation notes the following: You can use the @Parameter property wrapper with common Swift and Foundation types: Primitives such as Bool, Int, Double, String, Duration, Date, Decimal, Measurement, and URL. Collections such as Array and Set. Make sure the collection’s elements are of a type that’s compatible with IntentParameter. Everything works fine for other primitives as bools, strings and integers. How do I use the Decimal though? Code struct MyEntity: AppEntity { var id: UUID @Property(title: "Amount") var amount: Decimal // … } Compiler Error This error appears at the line of the @Property definition: Generic class 'EntityProperty' requires that 'Decimal' conform to '_IntentValue'
Dec ’24
Intents not showing up in WatchOS Shortcuts
I have developed a standalone WatchOS app which runs a stopwatch. I want to develop a shortcut that launches the stopwatch. So far I have created the Intent file, and added the basic code (shown below) but the intent doesn't show in the shortcuts app. In the build, I can see the intent metadata is extracted, so it can see it, but for some reason it doesn't show in the watch. I downloaded Apple's demo Intent app and the intents show in the watch there. The only obvious difference is that the Apple app is developed as an iOS app with a WatchOS companion, whereas mine is standalone. Can anyone point me to where I should look for an indicator of the problem? Many thanks! // // StartStopwatch.swift // LapStopWatchMaster import AppIntents import Foundation struct StartStopWatchAppIntent: AppIntent { static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "Start Stopwatch" static let description = IntentDescription("Starts the stopwatch and subsequently triggers a lap.") static let openAppWhenRun: Bool = true @MainActor func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { // Implement your app logic here return .result(value: "Started stopwatch.") } }
Dec ’24
Parametrized Shortcuts do not show up in Shortcuts app and search with localisation.
Hi! When my device is set to English, both search and the Shortcuts up automatically show multiple shortcuts parametrised for each value of the AppEnum - which is what I expected. When my device is set to German, I get only the basic AppShortcut without the (optional) parameter. I am using an AppEnum (see below) for the parametrised phrases and localise the phrases into German with an AppShortcuts String Catalog added to my project. Everything else seems to work, I can use my AppShortcut in the Shortcuts app and invoke it via Siri in both English and German. The Shortcuts app displays the values correctly using the localized strings. Any ideas? import AppIntents class ApolloShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider { static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] { AppShortcut( intent: GetIntent(), phrases: [ "Get data from \(.applicationName)", "Get data from \(.applicationName) for \(\.$day)", "Get data from \(.applicationName) for the \(\.$day)" ], shortTitle: "Get Data", systemImageName: "wand.and.sparkles") } } enum ForecastDays: String, AppEnum { static var typeDisplayRepresentation: TypeDisplayRepresentation = "Day" static var caseDisplayRepresentations: [Self : DisplayRepresentation] = [ .today: DisplayRepresentation(title: LocalizedStringResource("today", table: "Days")), .tomorrow: DisplayRepresentation(title: LocalizedStringResource("tomorrow", table: "Days")), .dayAfterTomorrow: DisplayRepresentation(title: LocalizedStringResource("dayAfterTomorrow", table: "Days")) ] case today case tomorrow case dayAfterTomorrow var displayName: String { String(localized: .init(rawValue), table: "Days") } }
Nov ’24
Handle InSendMessageIntent in the app
Hi, I'm implementing InSendMessageIntent handling in our app. I can handle InSendMessageIntent through extension, but handling also includes business logic like authorisation status and some heavy operation which I can't expose from the main target. I tried to handle it in-app, but func application(_ application: UIApplication, handlerFor intent: INIntent) -> Any? didn't trigger. At the first glance the configuration looks correct - the InSendMessageIntent is added under INIntentsSupported and UIApplicationSupportsMultipleScenes is set to YES in info.plist. After that reply with message button disappeared from the incoming Voip callKit screen. So I had a question - Is this intent possible to be handled in-app?
Nov ’24
Localized App Shortcuts phrases don't work with AppIntents consumed from a Framework
Imagine we have an Xcode workspace containing two projects: MyLibrary.xcodeproj holding a framework target MyShortcutsApp.xcodeproj holding an app target which consumes MyLibrary framework Both targets define App Intents and the ones from MyLibrary are exposed via AppIntentsPackage accordingly. When trying to wrap the App Intent from framework as App Shortcut and passing localized AppShortcutPhrases I do see the following compile error: ".../Resources/de.lproj/AppShortcuts.strings:11:1: error: This AppShortcut does not map to a known action (MyLibraryIntent specified). (in target 'MyShortcutsApp' from project 'MyShortcutsApp')" If I use the same localized App Shortcut phrases for an App Intent which is locally defined in the app target, everything works fine and also if I use the framework-provided App Intent in and App Shortcut without passing any localized phrases. This is happening with Xcode 16.0 (16A242d), with 16.1 (16B40) and with 16.2 beta 2 (16C5013f). I already raised this issue via FB15701779 which contains a sample project to reproduce and to further analyze the issue. Thanks for any hint on how to solve that. Frank
Dec ’24
Shortcuts not appearing in
I'm curious if anyone else has figured out why an intent defined in the intents file never seems to appear in the Shortcuts app on MacOS. I'm following the steps outlined in "Meet Shortcuts for MacOS" from WWDC 2021. I build and run my app, launch Shortcuts, and the intent I defined refuses to show up! There's one caveat - I allowed Xcode to update to 16.1, and mysteriously the intent became available in When I went to add a second intent, I see the same as above - it simply never shows up in I have a few intents I'd like to write/add, but this build/test cycle is really slowing me down. This app is a completely fresh Swift-AppKit app, I've never archived it, so there shouldn't be more than one copy on disk. I have also cleaned the build folder, restarted Xcode, restarted Shortcuts, restarted my machine entirely... Anyone see this before and find a workaround? Any advice on how to give a kick in the rear to try and find my second intent?
Nov ’24
INPlayMediaIntentHandling, Unable to Trigger App to Play Specific Podcast
I have an app that's capable of playing podcasts via Siri requests, e.g. "Hey Siri, play [Podcast Name]". I’m using INPlayMediaIntentHandling, that is, the SiriKit domain intents, as opposed to the newer AppIntents framework for its ability to select my app for audio playback without the need to specify the name of the app in the user's request to Siri. This works great overall for the many podcasts I’ve tested the app with, with the exception of one. There's a podcast called "The Headlines", and I when I test the app with the request "Hey Siri, play The Headlines", my app is never selected. Instead, Apple Podcasts begins playback of a show called "NPR News Now". Oddly, if the Apple Podcasts app is deleted, my app will still not be selected by the system, and instead, Siri responds with "I don’t see an app for that. You’ll need to download one" with a button to open the App Store. Additionally, if I do add the app name to the request using this style of intent, Siri responds with "[App Name] hasn’t added support for that with Siri." However, I’d still like to accomplish this without requiring the app name in the Siri request. There's nothing complex in my setup: The target declares one supported intent, INPlayMediaIntent, with "Podcasts" selected as a supported media category. The Siri entitlement is enabled. My INSiriAuthorizationStatus is .authorized. My intent handler is specified in my AppDelegate as follows: func application(_ application: UIApplication, handlerFor intent: INIntent) -> Any? { return IntentHandler.shared } My intent handler is simple: final class IntentHandler: NSObject, INPlayMediaIntentHandling { static let shared = IntentHandler() func handle(intent: INPlayMediaIntent) async -> INPlayMediaIntentResponse { print("IntentHandler: processing intent: \(intent)") /** code to start playback based on information found in `intent` **/ } When requesting Siri to "Play The Headlines", my handler code is not called at all. For all other supported shows, the print statement executes, and playback begins as expected. Is there any way I can get my app to be selected instead of Apple Podcasts for this request?
Nov ’24
Issue with Siri Not Displaying Prompt in App Intent
Hello everyone, I'm currently working on an App Intent for my iOS app, and I’ve encountered a frustrating issue related to how Siri prompts for a category selection. Here’s an overview of what I’m dealing with: extension Category: AppEntity, @unchecked Sendable { var displayRepresentation: DisplayRepresentation { DisplayRepresentation(title: "\(name)") } static var typeDisplayRepresentation = TypeDisplayRepresentation(name: "Category") typealias DefaultQueryType = ShortcutsCategoryQuery static var defaultQuery: ShortcutsCategoryQuery = ShortcutsCategoryQuery() } struct ShortcutsCategoryQuery: EntityQuery { func entities(for identifiers: [String]) async throws -> [Category] { let context = await ModelContext(sharedModelContainer) let categories = try CategoryDataProvider(context: context).getItems() return categories.filter { identifiers.contains($ } } func entities(matching string: String) async throws -> [Category] { return try await suggestedEntities() } func suggestedEntities() async throws -> [Category] { let context = await ModelContext(sharedModelContainer) do { let categories = try CategoryDataProvider(context: context).getItems() if categories.isEmpty { print("No categories found.") } return { category in Category( id:, name:, stringSymbol: category.stringSymbol, symbol: category.symbol, stringColor: category.stringColor, color: category.color ) } } catch { print(error) return [] } } } The issue arises when I use Siri to invoke the intent. Siri correctly asks me to select a category but does not display any options unless I said something that Siri recognized, like "Casa(House) or *****(Test)" in portuguese. Only then does it show the list of available categories. I would like the categories to appear immediately when Siri asks for a selection. I've already tried refining the ShortcutsCategoryQuery and debugging various parts of my code, but nothing seems to fix this behavior.
Nov ’24
AppIntentTimelineProvider "func timeline(for" is called twice after a widget button triggers an AppIntent Perform
I'm adding widget interactivity to my home screen widgets via buttons and AppIntents, but running into some interesting behavior the way the timeline is reloaded after. I'm following this guide from Apple And the widget is guaranteed to be reloaded when a button pressed with an intent, But whenever the AppIntent is done with the perform action, the widget timeline is always reloaded twice. It's also interesting to note that both reloads happen after the perform method. If you add a 10 second sleep in the perform, nothing happens for 10 seconds, then both reloads happen. This issue with this is 2-fold. calculating and rendering the entire widget timeline can be Networking and DB intensive operations, so I would ideally like to avoid doing all the work twice and save the users battery and processing. The even worse issue, sometimes data on the server changes in between the split second duplicate widget timeline reloads, causing the widget to flash one state, then update to another a second later which is not a good user experience. I have a sample project which shows the issue and is very easy to reproduce. The widget simply keeps track of the number of reloads. To reproduce: Add the widget to the homescreen Press the refresh button, and observe the timeline refresh count always goes up by 2. I've filed a Feedback and attached the sample project and screen recording for anyone to reproduce. FB15595835
Nov ’24