Construct and manage graphical, event-driven user interfaces for iOS or tvOS apps using UIKit.

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Occasional PDFKit crash at PageLayout::getWordRange(unsigned long, long)
At this line of code (SketchTextSelectionManager.swift:449), sometimes there will be crashes based on crashlytics reports. let selection = pdfPage.selectionForWord(at: location) This is directly calling into PDFKit's PDFPage#selection method: Attached the full stacktrace: Crashed: 0 CoreGraphics 0x30c968 PageLayout::getWordRange(unsigned long, long) const + 908 1 CoreGraphics 0x30bbc0 PageLayout::getTextRangeIndex(CGPoint, CGPDFSelectionType, SelectionPrecision) const + 2292 2 CoreGraphics 0x44a53c CGPDFSelectionCreateBetweenPointsWithOptions + 384 3 PDFKit 0x8d5f8 -[PDFPage selectionFromPoint:toPoint:type:] + 168 4 PDFKit 0x92040 -[PDFPage _rvItemAtPoint:] + 64 5 PDFKit 0x91f4c -[PDFPage rvItemAtPoint:] + 84 6 PDFKit 0x8caa8 -[PDFPage selectionForWordAtPoint:] + 40 7 MyApp 0x8420e0 closure #1 in SketchTextSelectionManager.startNewTextSelection(pageId:location:) + 449 (SketchTextSelectionManager.swift:449) 8 MyApp 0x841a70 SketchTextSelectionManager.startNewTextSelection(pageId:location:) + 205 (CurrentNoteManager.swift:205) 9 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x61104 swift::runJobInEstablishedExecutorContext(swift::Job*) + 252 10 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x63a28 (anonymous namespace)::ProcessOutOfLineJob::process(swift::Job*) + 480 11 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x611c4 swift::runJobInEstablishedExecutorContext(swift::Job*) + 444 12 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x62514 swift_job_runImpl(swift::Job*, swift::SerialExecutorRef) + 144 13 libdispatch.dylib 0x15d8c _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 392 14 libdispatch.dylib 0x16590 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 156 15 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x4c40 _pthread_wqthread + 228 16 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x1488 start_wqthread + 8 ```
Random PDFKit crash on text selection
At this line of code (SketchTextSelectionManager.swift:378), sometimes there will be crashes based on crashlytics reports. In the reports, it seems like this only happens for RTL text range. let selection = pdfPage.selection( from: CGPoint(x: fromStart.x + 1, y: fromStart.y - 1), to: CGPoint(x: toEnd.x - 1, y: toEnd.y + 1) ) This is directly calling into PDFKit's PDFPage#selection method: Attached the full stacktrace: Crashed: 0 CoreGraphics 0x30598c PageLayout::convertRTLTextRangeIndexToStringRangeIndex(long) const + 156 1 CoreGraphics 0x44c3f0 CGPDFSelectionCreateBetweenPointsWithOptions + 224 2 PDFKit 0x91d00 -[PDFPage selectionFromPoint:toPoint:type:] + 168 3 MyApp 0x841044 closure #1 in SketchTextSelectionManager.handleUserTouchMoved(_:) + 378 (SketchTextSelectionManager.swift:378) 4 MyApp 0x840cb0 SketchTextSelectionManager.handleUserTouchMoved(_:) + 205 (CurrentNoteManager.swift:205) 5 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x60f5c swift::runJobInEstablishedExecutorContext(swift::Job*) + 252 6 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x63a28 (anonymous namespace)::ProcessOutOfLineJob::process(swift::Job*) + 480 7 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x6101c swift::runJobInEstablishedExecutorContext(swift::Job*) + 444 8 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x62514 swift_job_runImpl(swift::Job*, swift::SerialExecutorRef) + 144 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x15ec0 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 392 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x166c4 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 156 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x3644 _pthread_wqthread + 228 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x1474 start_wqthread + 8
NSTextAttachment lagging in textkit 2
I have an attributedString with 100 NSTextAttachments(contains image of 400kb). When i scroll the textview, it is lagging, When i did the same in textkit 1, it is butter smooth. It can be because of how textkit 1 & 2 layout the elements. let attachment = NSTextAttachment() attachment.image = UIImage(named: "image2") let attachmentString = NSAttributedString(attachment: attachment) let mutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: textView.attributedText) for _ in 0...100 { mutableAttributedString.append(NSAttributedString(string: "\n")) mutableAttributedString.append(attachmentString) } textView.attributedText = mutableAttributedString How to handle images in textkit 2 so that it feels smooth while scrolling textview?
Lazy cell registration causes crash while dequeue the collectionview cell in collectionview
Cell Registration lazy var headerCell: UICollectionView.SupplementaryRegistration<UICollectionReusableView> = .init(elementKind: UICollectionView.elementKindSectionHeader) { supplementaryView, elementKind, indexPath in } and Cell Dequeue datasource.supplementaryViewProvider = { [weak self] collectionView, kind, indexPath in return collectionView.dequeueConfiguredReusableSupplementary(using: headerCell, for: indexPath) } I am registering a collectionview cell or collwctionview reusable view as lazy variable. It causes a crash like Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Attempted to dequeue a supplementary view using a registration that was created inside -collectionView:viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind:atIndexPath: or inside a UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource supplementary view provider. Creating a new registration each time a supplementary view is requested will prevent reuse and cause created supplementary views to remain inaccessible in memory for the lifetime of the collection view. Registrations should be created up front and reused. Registration: <UICollectionViewSupplementaryRegistration: 0x600001798a00>
Does `requestGeometryUpdate()` Override Orientation Lock by Design?
Hi everyone, I've been testing the requestGeometryUpdate() API in iOS, and I noticed something unexpected: it allows orientation changes even when the device’s orientation lock is enabled. Test Setup: Use requestGeometryUpdate() in a SwiftUI sample app to toggle between portrait and landscape (code below). Manually enable orientation lock in Control Center. Press a button to request an orientation change in sample app. Result: The orientation changes even when orientation lock is ON, which seems to override the expected system behavior. Questions: Is this intended behavior? Is there official documentation confirming whether this is expected? I haven’t found anything in Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) or UIKit documentation that explicitly states this. Since this behavior affects a system-wide user setting, could using requestGeometryUpdate() in this way lead to App Store rejection? Since Apple has historically enforced respecting user settings, I want to clarify whether this approach is compliant. Would love any official guidance or insights from Apple engineers. Thanks! struct ContentView: View { @State private var isLandscape = false // Track current orientation state var body: some View { VStack { Text("Orientation Test") .font(.title) .padding() Button(action: toggleOrientation) { Text(isLandscape ? "Switch to Portrait" : "Switch to Landscape") .bold() .padding() .background( .foregroundColor(.white) .cornerRadius(10) } } } private func toggleOrientation() { guard let scene = UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes.first as? UIWindowScene else { print("No valid window scene found") return } // Toggle between portrait and landscape let newOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientationMask = isLandscape ? .portrait : .landscapeRight let geometryPreferences = UIWindowScene.GeometryPreferences.iOS(interfaceOrientations: newOrientation) scene.requestGeometryUpdate(geometryPreferences) { error in print("Failed to change orientation: \(error.localizedDescription)") } self.isLandscape.toggle() } }
.fileImporter not working on iPhone
I've been running into an issue using .fileImporter in SwiftUI already for a year. On iPhone simulator, Mac Catalyst and real iPad it works as expected, but when it comes to the test on a real iPhone, the picker just won't let you select files. It's not the permission issue, the sheet won't close at all and the callback isn't called. At the same time, if you use UIKits DocumentPickerViewController, everything starts working as expected, on Mac Catalyst/Simulator/iPad as well as on a real iPhone. Steps to reproduce: Create a new Xcode project using SwiftUI. Paste following code: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State var sShowing = false @State var uShowing = false @State var showAlert = false @State var alertText = "" var body: some View { VStack { VStack { Button("Test SWIFTUI") { sShowing = true } } .fileImporter(isPresented: $sShowing, allowedContentTypes: [.item]) {result in alertText = String(describing: result) showAlert = true } VStack { Button("Test UIKIT") { uShowing = true } } .sheet(isPresented: $uShowing) { DocumentPicker(contentTypes: [.item]) {url in alertText = String(describing: url) showAlert = true } } .padding(.top, 50) } .padding() .alert(isPresented: $showAlert) { Alert(title: Text("Result"), message: Text(alertText)) } } } DocumentPicker.swift: import SwiftUI import UniformTypeIdentifiers struct DocumentPicker: UIViewControllerRepresentable { let contentTypes: [UTType] let onPicked: (URL) -> Void func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator { Coordinator(self) } func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> UIDocumentPickerViewController { let documentPicker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(forOpeningContentTypes: contentTypes, asCopy: true) documentPicker.delegate = context.coordinator documentPicker.modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet return documentPicker } func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: UIDocumentPickerViewController, context: Context) {} class Coordinator: NSObject, UIDocumentPickerDelegate { var parent: DocumentPicker init(_ parent: DocumentPicker) { self.parent = parent } func documentPicker(_ controller: UIDocumentPickerViewController, didPickDocumentsAt urls: [URL]) { print("Success!", urls) guard let url = urls.first else { return } parent.onPicked(url) } func documentPickerWasCancelled(_ controller: UIDocumentPickerViewController) { print("Picker was cancelled") } } } Run the project on Mac Catalyst to confirm it working. Try it out on a real iPhone. For some reason, I can't attach a video, so I can only show a screenshot
UITabbarController - padOS18: at top, padOS17 and before: at Bottom
This pertains to iPad apps and UITabbarController in UIKit. Our internal app for employees utilizes UITabbarController displayed at the bottom of the screen. Users prefer to maintain consistency with it being at the bottom. It becomes challenging to argue against this when users point out the iPhone version displaying it "correctly" at the bottom. My response is to trust Apple's design team to keep it at the top. One workaround is to develop the app using the previous Xcode version, version 15 (via Xcode Cloud), targeting padOS17. This ensures the tab bar is shown at the bottom of the screen. However, this approach has its drawbacks: Apple may not support it in the future, leading to missed secure updates for the app, among other issues. Exploring the UITabbarController mode appears to be the solution I am seeking. To quote the documentation "on iPad, If the tabs array contains one or more UITabGroup items, the system displays the content as either a tab bar or a sidebar, depending on the context. Otherwise, it only displays the content only as a tab bar.". The part "displays the content only as a tab bar." made think this is BAU: class ViewController: UITabBarController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() self.mode = .tabBar } } Unfortunately, this does not resolve the issue. Is there an API method that can force the tabbar to its previous bottom position? The app uses multiple windows. When we split a window to launch another instance, the tab bar appears at the bottom. This behavior seems tied to the form factor—or potentially to how many items are in the tab bar. We could build a custom tab bar to override this, but that goes against my “don’t reinvent the wheel” principle. Any comments we welcome and thank you for reading this (to the end) Theo
How do I properly mix SwiftUI Views with Auto Layout Constraint animations?
I have a SwiftUI View I've introduced to a UIKit app, using UIHostingController. The UIView instance that contains the SwiftUI view is animated using auto layout constraints. In this code block, when a view controller's viewDidAppear method I'm creating the hosting controller and adding its view as a subview of this view controller's view, in addition to doing the Container View Controller dance. override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) let hostingViewController = UIHostingController(rootView: TestView()) hostingViewController.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false addChild(hostingViewController) view.addSubview(hostingViewController.view) let centerXConstraint = hostingViewController.view.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerXAnchor) let topConstraint = hostingViewController.view.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.topAnchor) widthConstraint = hostingViewController.view.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 361) heightConstraint = hostingViewController.view.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 342) NSLayoutConstraint.activate([centerXConstraint, topConstraint, widthConstraint, heightConstraint]) hostingViewController.didMove(toParent: self) self.hostingViewController = hostingViewController } I add a button to the UI which will scale the UIHostingViewController by adjusting its height and width constraints. When it's tapped, this action method runs. @IBAction func animate(_ sender: Any) { widthConstraint.constant = 120.3 heightConstraint.constant = 114.0 UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5) { self.view.layoutIfNeeded() } } The problem is, the SwiftUI view's contents "jump" at the start of the animation to the final height, then animate into place. I see this both using UIView.animate the UIKit way, or creating a SwiftUI animation and calling `UIView. What else do I need to add to make this animate smoothly?
Simulating key press event to type text in UITextField
in iOS, user can set focus on UItextField and tapping a key in the virtual keyboard updates the text in the textfield. This user action causes the relevant delegates of UITextFieldDelegate to get invoked, i.e the handlers associated with action of user entering some text in the textfield. I m trying to simulate this user action where I am trying to do this programatically. I want to simulate it in a way such that all the handlers/listeners which otherwise would have been invoked as a result of user typing in the textfield should also get invoked now when i am trying to do it programatically. I have a specific usecase of this in my application. Below is how I m performing this simulation. I m manually updating the text field associated(UITextField.text) and updating its value. And then I m invoking the delegate manually as textField.delegate?.textField?(textField, shouldChangeCharactersIn: nsRange, replacementString: replacementString) I wanted to know If this is the right way to do this. Is there something better available that can be used, such that simulation has the same affect as the user performing the update?
Is using to SwiftUI entry point and using NSViewControllerRepresentable to add NSViewController to hirarchy right approach ?
In macOS application, we are using SwiftUI as an entry point to our application and attaching appdelegate using NSApplicationDelegateAdaptor. We are using NSViewControllerRepresentable to add a View Controller to the hiracrchy so that we can store intance of viewcontroller and add content to it programatically . @main struct TWMainApp: App { @NSApplicationDelegateAdaptor private var appDelegate: TWAppDelegate internal var body : some Scene { TWInitialScene () } } TWInitialScene : public struct TWInitialScene : Scene { public var body : some Scene { WindowGroup { TWInitialView () } } } TWInitialView : struct TWInitialView : View { @Environment(\.scenePhase) private var scenePhase var body : some View { TWAppKitToSwiftUIBridge () } } TWAppKitToSwiftUIBridge : struct TWNSKitToSwiftUIBridge : NSViewControllerRepresentable { func makeNSViewController(context: Context) -> TWNSViewController { let view_hierarchy : TWNSViewController view_hierarchy = TWStaticContext.sViewController return view_hierarchy } func updateNSViewController(_ nsViewController: TWNSViewController, context: Context) { } } @objc public class TWStaticContext : NSObject { public static let sViewController = TWNSViewController () public override init () {} @objc public static func GetViewController () -> TWNSViewController { return TWStaticContext.sViewController } } public class TWNSViewController : NSViewController { override public func viewDidLoad () { super.viewDidLoad () } } To add content to the hirarchy we are accessing viewcontroller's intance and adding content to it like this : public func PaintInitialScreen () { let label = NSTextField(labelWithString: "TW window") label.frame = NSRect(x: 100, y: 200, width: 200, height: 200) // Adding content to viewcontroller TWStaticContext.sViewController.view.addSubview(label) } We are using this approach because we have a contraint in our application that we have to update UI programatically and on compile time we dont know what we want to show . We will be adding content on runtime based on how many button we want, what label we want , where to place it etc. When we were using purely appKit application, doing things programatically was simple but since SwiftUI is a declarative application we have to use above approach. Rational for shifting to SwiftUI entry point is that we want our application to be future safe and since apple is more inclined to SwiffUI, we want to design our entry flow to use SwiftUI entry point . And SwiftUI being declarative, we are using appKit to add content to hiracrchy programtically. We have used similar apprach in iOS also , where are using UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor inplace of NSApplicationAdaptor . And UIViewControllerReprestable in place of NSViewControllerRepresentable. Is this right approach to use ?
Moving SceneDelegate to a different target
I have a SwiftUI project which has the following hierarchy: IOSSceneDelegate (App target) - depends on EntryPoint and Presentation static libs. Presentation (Static library) - Depends on EntryPoint static lib. Contains UI related logic and updates the UI after querying the data layer. EntryPoint (Static library) - Contains the entry point, AppDelegate (for its lifecycle aspects) etc. I've only listed the relevant targets here. SceneDelegate was initially present in EntryPoint library, because the AppDelegate references it when a scene is created. public func application(_ application: UIApplication, configurationForConnecting connectingSceneSession: UISceneSession, options: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) -&gt; UISceneConfiguration { // Set the SceneDelegate dynamically let sceneConfig: UISceneConfiguration = UISceneConfiguration(name: "mainWindow", sessionRole: connectingSceneSession.role) sceneConfig.delegateClass = SceneDelegate.self return sceneConfig } The intent is to move the SceneDelegate to the Presentation library. When moved, the EntryPoint library fails to compile because it's referencing the SceneDelegate (as shown above). To remove this reference, I tried to set up the SceneDelegate in the old way - In the info.plist file, mention a SceneConfiguration and set the SceneDelegate in Presentation. // In the Info.plist file &lt;key&gt;UIApplicationSceneManifest&lt;/key&gt; &lt;dict&gt; &lt;key&gt;UIApplicationSupportsMultipleScenes&lt;/key&gt; &lt;true/&gt; &lt;key&gt;UISceneConfigurations&lt;/key&gt; &lt;dict&gt; &lt;key&gt;UIWindowSceneSessionRoleApplication&lt;/key&gt; &lt;array&gt; &lt;dict&gt; &lt;key&gt;UISceneConfigurationName&lt;/key&gt; &lt;string&gt;Default Configuration&lt;/string&gt; &lt;key&gt;UISceneDelegateClassName&lt;/key&gt; &lt;string&gt;Presentation.SceneDelegate&lt;/string&gt; &lt;/dict&gt; &lt;/array&gt; &lt;/dict&gt; &lt;/dict&gt; // In the AppDelegate public func application(_ application: UIApplication, configurationForConnecting connectingSceneSession: UISceneSession, options: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) -&gt; UISceneConfiguration { // Refer to a static UISceneconfiguration listed in the info.plist file return UISceneConfiguration(name: "Default Configuration", sessionRole: connectingSceneSession.role) } As shown above, the Presentation.SceneDelegate is referred in the Info.plist file and the reference is removed from the AppDelegate (in EntryPoint library). The app target compiles, but when I run it, the SceneDelegate is not invoked. None of the methods from the SceneDelegate (scene(_:willConnectTo:options:), sceneDidDisconnect(_:), sceneDidEnterBackground(_:) etc.) are invoked. I only get the AppDelegate logs. It seems like the Configuration is ignored because it was incorrect. Any thoughts? Is it possible to move the SceneDelegate in this situation?
EntityAction for MaterialBaseTint - incorrect colours
Hello, I'm writing an EntityAction that animates a material base tint between two different colours. However, the colour that is being actually set differs in RGB values from that requested. For example, trying to set an end target of R0.5, G0.5, B0.5, results in a value of R0.735357, G0.735357, B0.735357. I can also see during the animation cycle that intermediate actual tint values are also incorrect, versus those being set. My understanding is the the values of material base colour are passed as a SIMD4. Therefore I have a couple of helper extensions to convert a UIColor into this format and mix between two colours. Note however, I don't think the issue is with this functions - even if their outputs are wrong, the final value of the base tint doesn't match the value being set. I wondered if this was a colour space issue? import simd import RealityKit import UIKit typealias Float4 = SIMD4<Float> extension Float4 { func mixedWith(_ value: Float4, by mix: Float) -> Float4 { Float4( simd_mix(x, value.x, mix), simd_mix(y, value.y, mix), simd_mix(z, value.z, mix), simd_mix(w, value.w, mix) ) } } extension UIColor { var float4: Float4 { var r: CGFloat = 0.0 var g: CGFloat = 0.0 var b: CGFloat = 0.0 var a: CGFloat = 0.0 getRed(&r, green: &g, blue: &b, alpha: &a) return Float4(Float(r), Float(g), Float(b), Float(a)) } } struct ColourAction: EntityAction { let startColour: SIMD4<Float> let targetColour: SIMD4<Float> var animatedValueType: (any AnimatableData.Type)? { SIMD4<Float>.self } init(startColour: UIColor, targetColour: UIColor) { self.startColour = startColour.float4 self.targetColour = targetColour.float4 } static func registerEntityAction() { ColourAction.subscribe(to: .updated) { event in guard let animationState = event.animationState else { return } let interpolatedColour = event.action.startColour.mixedWith(event.action.targetColour, by: Float(animationState.normalizedTime)) animationState.storeAnimatedValue(interpolatedColour) } } } extension Entity { func updateColour(from currentColour: UIColor, to targetColour: UIColor, duration: Double, endAction: @escaping (Entity) -> Void = { _ in }) { let colourAction = ColourAction(startColour: currentColour, targetColour: targetColour, endedAction: endAction) if let colourAnimation = try? AnimationResource.makeActionAnimation(for: colourAction, duration: duration, bindTarget: .material(0).baseColorTint) { playAnimation(colourAnimation) } } } The EntityAction can only be applied to an entity with a ModelComponent (because of the material), so it can be called like so: guard let modelComponent = entity.components[ModelComponent.self], let material = modelComponent.materials.first as? PhysicallyBasedMaterial else { return } let currentColour = material.baseColor.tint let targetColour = UIColor(_colorLiteralRed: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1.0) entity.updateColour(from:currentColour, to: targetColour, duration: 2)
Performing simulations in the UI elements in uikit
I wanted to perform simulation in my application as a self tour guide for my user. For this I want to programatically simulate various user interaction events like button click, keypress event in the UITextField or moving the cursor around in the textField. These are only few examples to state, it can be any user interaction event or other events. I wanted to know what is the apple recommendation on how should these simulations be performed? Is there something that apple offers like creating an event which can be directly executed for simulations. Is there some library available for this purpose?
ContactAccessPicker crashing issue
Given Apple's new .limited contact authorization introduced in ios18, I want to be able to present the ContactAccessPicker directly from my app, via ionic capacitor. I present the .contactAccessPicker view via a UIHostingController, and I manage the view controller's dismissal accordingly when the ContactAccessPicker completes and is no longer presented. Bug: After a few searches or interactions with the Contact Access Picker (ex. searching, selecting contacts, clicking the "show selected" button), the contact access picker crashes and the overlay remains. Any interaction with my app is then blocked because I can't detect that the contact access picker has disappeared when it crashes so I can't dismiss the viewController. Is there a way for me to prevent the contact access picker from crashing, and how can I detect if it does crash, so I can at least dismiss the view controller if that happens? struct ContactAccessPickerView: View { @Binding var isPresented: Bool let completion: @MainActor ([String]) -> Void var body: some View { Group { if #available(iOS 18.0, *) { Color.clear .contactAccessPicker(isPresented: $isPresented) { result in Task { @MainActor in completion(result) } } } else { } } } } @objc func selectMoreContacts(_ call: CAPPluginCall) { guard isContactsPermissionGranted() else { call.resolve(["success": false]) return } // Save the call to ensure it's available until we finish self.bridge?.saveCall(call) DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } var isPresented = true let picker = ContactAccessPickerView(isPresented: .init(get: { isPresented }, set: { isPresented = $0 })) { contacts in call.resolve(["success": true]) self.dismissAndCleanup(call) } let hostingController = UIHostingController(rootView: picker) hostingController.modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen self.bridge?.viewController?.present(hostingController, animated: true) } }
Setting rounded corners via CAShapeLayer.path looks problematic
class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() view.backgroundColor = .white do { let shapeLayer = CAShapeLayer() shapeLayer.frame = CGRect(x: 50, y: 100, width: 200, height: 108) let path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: shapeLayer.bounds, cornerRadius: 36) shapeLayer.path = path.cgPath shapeLayer.fillColor = view.layer.addSublayer(shapeLayer) } do { let layer = CALayer() layer.backgroundColor = layer.cornerRadius = 36 layer.frame = CGRect(x: 50, y: 300, width: 200, height: 108) view.layer.addSublayer(layer) } } } The corner radius is set to 36 through CAShapeLayer, but the actual effect is larger than 36, close to half of the height. Setting it through CALayer is fine Can anyone explain it to me? Thank you
UIDocumentPickerViewController of type pdf cannot pick pdf in simulator
I'm having this problem, with this code: let docPicker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(forOpeningContentTypes: [ .pdf ]) docPicker.delegate = self docPicker.modalPresentationStyle = .currentContext view.window?.rootViewController?.present(docPicker, animated: true, completion: nil) but then when I open the simulator and click the button that calls to the method that has this code... Cannot pick the pdf document. Testing in browserstack with real devices is working, but it's a very slow process, why I cannot use simulators to make work this?