App Intents

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Extend your app’s custom functionality to support system-level services, like Siri and the Shortcuts app.

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Custom Intent ParameterSummary based on Widget Kind/ID
I'm trying to create two widgets, widget A and B. Currently A and B are very similar so they share the same Intent and Intent Timeline Provider. I use the Intent Configuration interface to set a parameter, in this example lets say its the background tint. On one of the widgets, widget A, I want to also set another String enum parameter (for a timescale), but I don't want this option to be there for widget B as it's not relevant. I'm aware of some of the options for configuring the ParameterSummary, but none that let me pass in or inject the "kind" string (or widget ID) of the widget that's being modified. I'll try to provide some code for examples. My Widget Definition (targeting >= iOS 17) struct WidgetA: Widget { // I'd like to access this parameter within the intent let kind: String = "WidgetA" var body: some WidgetConfiguration { AppIntentConfiguration(kind: kind, intent: WidgetIntent.self, provider: IntentTimelineProvider()) { entry in WidgetView(data: entry) } .configurationDisplayName("Widget A") .description("A widget.") .supportedFamilies([.systemMedium, .systemLarge]) } } struct WidgetB: Widget { let kind: String = "WidgetB" var body: some WidgetConfiguration { AppIntentConfiguration(kind: kind, intent: WidgetIntent.self, provider: IntentTimelineProvider()) { entry in WidgetView(data: entry) } .configurationDisplayName("Widget B") .description("B widget.") .supportedFamilies([.systemMedium, .systemLarge]) } } struct IntentTimelineProvider: AppIntentTimelineProvider { typealias Entry = WidgetIntentTimelineEntry typealias Intent = WidgetIntent ........ } struct WidgetIntent: AppIntent, WidgetConfigurationIntent { // This intent allows configuration of the widget background // This intent also allows for the widget to display interactive buttons for changing the Trend Type static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "Widget Configuration" static var description = IntentDescription("Description.") static var isDiscoverable: Bool { return false} init() {} init(trend:String) { self.trend = trend } // Used for implementing interactive Widget func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { print("WidgetIntent perform \(trend)") #if os(iOS) WidgetState.setState(type: trend) #endif return .result() } @Parameter(title: "Trend Type", default: "Trend") var trend:String // I only want to show this parameter for Widget A and not Widget B @Parameter(title: "Trend Timescale", default: .week) var timescale: TimescaleTypeAppEnum? @Parameter(title: "Background Tint", default: BackgroundTintTypeAppEnum.none) var backgroundTint: BackgroundTintTypeAppEnum? static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary { // Summary("Test Info") { // \.$timescale // \.$backgroundTint // } // An example of a configurable widget parameter summary, but not based of kind/ID string When(\.$backgroundTint, .equalTo, BackgroundTintTypeAppEnum.none) { Summary("Test Info") { \.$timescale \.$backgroundTint } } otherwise : { Summary("Test Info") { \.$backgroundTint } } } } enum TimescaleTypeAppEnum: String, AppEnum { case week case fortnight static var typeDisplayRepresentation = TypeDisplayRepresentation(name: "Trend Timescale") static var caseDisplayRepresentations: [Self: DisplayRepresentation] = [ .week: "Past Week", .fortnight: "Past Fortnight" ] } enum BackgroundTintTypeAppEnum: String, AppEnum { case blue case none static var typeDisplayRepresentation = TypeDisplayRepresentation(name: "Background Tint") static var caseDisplayRepresentations: [Self: DisplayRepresentation] = [ .none: "None (Default)", .blue: "Blue" ] } I know I could achieve what I'm after by having a separate Intent and separate IntentTimelineProvider for each widget. But this all seems unnessecary for just a simple optional parameter based on what widget its configuring.... unless I'm missing the point about Intents, Widgets or something! I've done a fair bit of other searching but can't find an answer to this overall scenario. Many thanks for any help.
How to remove INSendMessageIntent in Shortcuts app?
I’ve implemented an Intent Extension and added support for handling the INSendMessageIntent in the intent handler class. Currently, this intent is automatically visible in the Shortcuts app by default. However, for security reasons (as it involves handling phone numbers), I want to restrict the use of this intent to Siri only and ensure it does not appear in the Shortcuts app. Has anyone encountered this requirement before or knows a way to prevent the intent from appearing in the Shortcuts app, while still keeping it functional via Siri? Looking forward to your suggestions!
Spotlight results | AppShortcut with AppEntity parameter vs CSSearchableItem.associateAppEntity
I've been exploring the Trails Sample App from this session at WWDC24. The app has a TrailEntity of type AppEntity which is leveraged in multiple places throughout the app, including: The GetTrailInfo App Intent with a trail parameter of type TrailEntity. A parameterized App Shortcut which calls the GetTrailInfo intent. The TrailDataManager's init calls updateSpotlightIndex(), which creates a CSSearchableItem for each Trail in the app, along with an associateAppEntity call linking the corresponding TrailEntity to each item that gets added to the CSSearchableIndex. If you build the app and search "trails" in Spotlight, the Trails Sample App section includes instances of TrailEntity as search results. But if you comment out the App Shortcut that takes a TrailEntity as a parameter and rebuild, there are no instances of TrailEntity in the search results. In both cases, the console prints [Spotlight] Trails indexed by Spotlight. Is this expected behavior? Why are the TrailEntity instances only appearing in Spotlight via the App Shortcut? Shouldn't the CSSearchableItem instances show up in Spotlight on their own regardless? If not, then what is the purpose of adopting Core Spotlight with App Entities? Does this add the app entities to the semantic index for "new Siri", even though they're not user facing in the Spotlight UI?
Set Default Value for Date Picker in App Intent
Hi everyone, I have a simple question regarding App Intents. I have an intent that defines a few parameters, one of which is a Date. When the user is prompted for input, I’d like the date picker to start at a specific value (e.g., tomorrow) instead of the default current date. Is there a way to set an initial/default value for the date parameter in an App Intent? Thanks in advance for any guidance!
transferRepresentation for AppEntity containing parameters of multiple types
I have an App Intent that returns a MyEntity value with the following properties: struct MyEntity: AppEntity { @Property(title: "Title") var title: String? @Property(title: "Image") var image: IntentFile? } I created a Shortcut that takes the output value of this intent and passes it as the input to the Send Message action. When I tap the MyEntity parameter in the message action, it shows to be of Type MyEntity. Below that, I can select 1 of 3 options: MyEntity, Title, or Image. When I run the shortcut, a new message compose window appears with the following behavior depending on the selected option: MyEntity - the message draft is empty Title - the message draft shows the title string Image - the message draft shows the image My expected and desired result when MyEntity is selected would be a message draft populated with the image and the title string as text. How would I achieve this? Is it possible? I've experimented with conforming MyEntity to Transferable. That's enabled use cases such as passing the MyEntity input as Type Image for example. Do I need to create a custom UTType to represent MyEntity, or is that unrelated to my issue? I haven't explored this yet but seems potentially related!
The "right" way to add parameters to Siri voice operations
In this thread, I asked about adding parameters to App Shortcuts. The conclusion that I've drawn so far is that for App Shortcuts, there cannot be any parameters in the prompt, otherwise the system cannot find the AppShortcutsProvider. While this is fine for Shortcuts and non-voice interaction, I'd like to find a way to add parameters to the prompt. Here is the scenario: My app controls a device that displays some content on "pages." The pages are defined in an AppEnum, which I use for Shortcuts integration via App Intents. The App Intent functions as expected, and is able to change the page based on the user selection within Shortcuts (or prompted if using the App Shortcut). What I'd like to do is allow the user to be able to say "Siri, open with ." So far, The closest I've come to understanding how this works is through the .intentsdefinition file you can create (and SiriKit in general), however the part that really confused me there is a button in the File Editor that says "Convert to App Intent." To me, this means that I should be able to use the app intent I've already authored and hook that into Siri, rather than making an entirely new function/code-block that does exactly the same thing. Ideally, that's what I want to do. What's the right way to define this behavior? p.s. If I had to pick an intent schema in the context of AssistantSchemas, I'd say it's closest to the "Open File" one, if that helps. I'd ultimately like to make the "pages" user-customizable so in the long run, that would be what I'd do.
How can I create a AppIntent with SwiftData correctly?
I currently create a AppIntent that contains a custom AppEntity, it shows like this struct GetTimerIntent: AppIntent { static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "Get Timer" @Parameter(title: "Timer") var timer: TimerEntity func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { .result(value: timerText(timer.entity)) } static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary { Summary("Get time of \(\.$timer)") } func timerText(_ timer: ETimer) -> String { // Implementation Folded } } struct TimerEntity: AppEntity { var entity: ETimer static let defaultQuery: TimerQuery = .init() static var typeDisplayRepresentation: TypeDisplayRepresentation { TypeDisplayRepresentation(name: "Timer") } var id: UUID { entity.identifier } var displayRepresentation: DisplayRepresentation { DisplayRepresentation(title: "\(entity.title)") } } To get the timers, I create a TimerQuery type to fetch them from SwiftData containers. struct TimerQuery: EntityQuery, Sendable { func entities(for identifiers: [UUID]) async throws -> [TimerEntity] { print(identifiers) let context = ModelContext(ModelMigration.sharedContainer) let descriptor = FetchDescriptor<ETimer>( predicate: #Predicate { identifiers.contains($0.identifier) }, sortBy: [.init(\.index)] ) let timers = try context.fetch(descriptor) print(\.title)) return { TimerEntity(entity: $0) } } } Everything looks make sense since I code it. When I'm testing, the console jump No ConnectionContext found for 105553169752832 and I can't get my datas. How can I solve this issue?
Conforming an existing AppIntent to the photos domain schema
I have an image based app with albums, except in my app, albums are known as galleries. When I tried to conform my existing OpenGalleryIntent with @AssistantIntent(schema: .photos.openAlbum), I had to change my existing gallery parameter to be called target in order to fit the predefined shape of this domain. Previously, my intent was configured to display as “Open Gallery” with the description “Opens the selected Gallery” in the Shortcuts app. After conforming to the photos domain, it displays as “Open Album” with a description “Opens the Provided Album”. Shortcuts is ignoring my configured title and description now. My code builds, but with the following build warnings: Parameter argument title of a required Assistant schema intent parameter target should not be overridden Implementation of the property title of an AppIntent conforming to AssistantSchemaIntent should not be overridden Implementation of the property description of an AppIntent conforming to AssistantSchemaIntent should not be overridden Is my only option to change the concept of a Gallery inside of my app into an Album? I don't want to do this... Conceptually, my app aligns well with this domain does, but I didn't consider that conforming to the shape of an AI schema intent would also dictate exactly how it's presented to the user. FB16283840
Documentation of parameters to enable Apple Maps EV routing
Hi, I'm building an aftermarket solution to enable Apple Maps to support EV routing for any EV. I am going through the documentation and found some gaps - does anyone know how the following properties work? INGetCarPowerLevelStatusIntentResponse - consumptionFormulaArguments INGetCarPowerLevelStatusIntentResponse - chargingFormulaArguments Is there a working example that anyone has seen? Many thanks
AssistantIntent behaviour
Given that iOS 18.2 is out and following documentation and WWDC example (limited to iOS 18.2+), I am attempting to use @AssistantIntent(schema: along an AppIntent. Questions: Has anyone made this to work on a real device?! In my case (code below): when I run the intent from Shortcuts or Siri, it does NOT open the App but only calls the perform method (and the App is not foregrounded) -- changing openAppWhenRun has no effect! Strangely: If my App was backgrounded before invocation and I foreground it after, it has navigated to Search but just not foregrounded the App! Am I doing anything wrong? (adding @Parameter etc doesn't change anything). Where is the intelligence here? The criteria parameter can NOT be used in the Siri phrase -- build error if you try that since only AppEntity/AppEnum is permitted as variable in Siri phrase but not a StringSearchCriteria. Said otherwise: What's the gain in using @AssistantIntent(schema: vs a regular AppIntent in this case?! Some code: @available(iOS 18.2, *) @AssistantIntent(schema: struct MySearchIntent: ShowInAppSearchResultsIntent { static let searchScopes: [StringSearchScope] = [.general] static let openAppWhenRun = true var criteria: StringSearchCriteria @MainActor func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { NavigationHandler().to(.search(.init(query: criteria.term)), from: .siri) return .result() } } Along with this ShortCut in AppShortcutsProvider: AppShortcut( intent: MySearchIntent(), phrases: [ "Search \(.applicationName)" ], shortTitle: "Search", systemImageName: "magnifyingglass" )
Triggering a Live Activity from a Widget-Based App Intent
Hello everyone, I have an app leveraging SwiftData, App Intents, Interactive Widgets, and a Control Center Widget. I recently added Live Activity support, and I’m using an App Intent to trigger the activity whenever the model changes. When the App Intent is called from within the app, the Live Activity is created successfully and appears on both the Lock Screen and in the Dynamic Island. However, if the same App Intent is invoked from a widget, the model is updated as expected, but no Live Activity is started. Here’s the relevant code snippet where I call the Live Activity: ` await LiveActivityManager.shared.newSessionActivity(session: session) And here’s how my attribute is defined: struct ContentState: Codable, Hashable { var session: Session } } Is there any known limitation or workaround for triggering a Live Activity when the App Intent is initiated from a widget? Any guidance or best practices would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! David
get location in app intent for interactive widgets
I have an app intent for interactive widgets. when I touch the toggle, the app intent perform to request location. func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { var mark: LocationService.Placemark? do { mark = try await AsyncLocationServive.shared.requestLocation() print("[Widget] ConnectHandleIntent: \(mark)") } catch { WidgetHandler.shared.error = .locationUnauthorized print("[Widget] ConnectHandleIntent: \(WidgetHandler.shared.error!)") } return .result() } @available(iOSApplicationExtension 13.0, *) @available(iOS 13.0, *) final class AsyncLocationServive: NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate { static let shared = AsyncLocationServive() private let manager: CLLocationManager private let locationSubject: PassthroughSubject<Result<LocationService.Placemark, LocationService.Error>, Never> = .init() lazy var geocoder: CLGeocoder = { let geocoder = CLGeocoder() return geocoder }() @available(iOSApplicationExtension 14.0, *) @available(iOS 14.0, *) var isAuthorizedForWidgetUpdates: Bool { manager.isAuthorizedForWidgetUpdates } override init() { manager = CLLocationManager() super.init() manager.delegate = self } func requestLocation() async throws -> LocationService.Placemark { let result: Result<LocationService.Placemark, LocationService.Error> = try await withUnsafeThrowingContinuation { continuation in var cancellable: AnyCancellable? var didReceiveValue = false cancellable = locationSubject.sink( receiveCompletion: { _ in if !didReceiveValue { // subject completed without a value… continuation.resume(throwing: LocationService.Error.emptyLocations) } }, receiveValue: { value in // Make sure we only send a value once! guard !didReceiveValue else { return } didReceiveValue = true // Cancel current sink cancellable?.cancel() // We either got a location or an error continuation.resume(returning: value) } ) // Now that we monitor locationSubject, ask for the location { self.manager.requestLocation() } } switch result { case .success(let location): // We got the location! return location case .failure(let failure): // We got an error :( throw failure } } // MARK: CLLocationManagerDelegate func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) { defer { manager.stopUpdatingLocation() } guard let location = locations.first else { locationSubject.send(.failure(.emptyLocations)) return } debugPrint("[Location] location: \(location.coordinate)") manager.stopUpdatingLocation() if geocoder.isGeocoding { geocoder.cancelGeocode() } geocoder.reverseGeocodeLocation(location) { [weak self] marks, error in guard let mark = marks?.last else { self?.locationSubject.send(.failure(.emptyMarks)) return } debugPrint("[Location] mark: \(mark.description)") self?.locationSubject.send(.success(mark)) } } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didFailWithError error: Error) { locationSubject.send(.failure(.errorMsg(error.localizedDescription))) } } I found it had not any response when the app intent performed. And there is a location logo tips in the top left corner of phone screen.
AppIntents - Choosing a default Measurement<UnitMass> for body weight based on locale
Here’s a clearer and more concise version of your question: I’m creating an AppIntent to allow users to log their body weight. My intent includes a @Parameter defined as: @Parameter( title: "Weight", description: "Current Weight", defaultUnit: .pounds, supportsNegativeNumbers: false ) var weight: Measurement<UnitMass> This works but doesn’t respect the user’s Locale and its measurementSystem. When I add defaultUnitAdjustForLocale: true to the @Parameter macro, the default always switches to kilograms, regardless of the locale. How can I correctly set the default unit to match the user’s locale for the purpose of entering a users body weight?
Inform iOS about AppShortcutsProvider
I've been following along with "App Shortcuts" development but cannot get Siri to run my Intent. The intent on its own works in Shortcuts, along with a couple others that aren't in the AppShortcutsProvder structure. I keep getting the following two errors, but cannot figure out why this is occurring with documentation or other forum posts. No ConnectionContext found for 12909953344 Attempted to fetch App Shortcuts, but couldn't find the AppShortcutsProvider. Here are the relevant snippets of code - (1) The AppIntent definition struct SetBrightnessIntent: AppIntent { static var title = LocalizedStringResource("Set Brightness") static var description = IntentDescription("Set Glass Display Brightness") @Parameter(title: "Level") var level: Int? static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary { Summary("Set Brightness to \(\.$level)%") } func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { guard let level = level else { throw $level.needsValueError("Please provide a brightness value") } if level > 100 || level <= 0 { throw $level.needsValueError("Brightness must be between 1 and 100") } // do stuff with level return .result() } } (2) The AppShortcutsProvider (defined in my iOS app target, there are no other targets) struct MyAppShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider { static var shortcutTileColor: ShortcutTileColor = .grayBlue @AppShortcutsBuilder static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] { AppShortcut( intent: SetBrightnessIntent(), phrases: [ "set \(.applicationName) brightness to \(\.$level)", "set \(.applicationName) brightness to \(\.$level) percent" ], shortTitle: LocalizedStringResource("Set Glass Brightness"), systemImageName: "sun.max" ) } } Does anything here look wrong? Is there some magical key that I need to specify in Info.plist to get Siri to recognize the AppShortcutsProvider? On Xcode 16.2 and iOS 18.2 (non-beta).
Is it possible to Add Reply of Push Notification from Airpod using Voice ?
We want to do below addition to iOS Mobile App. Airpod announces Push notification = which is workking now we want to use voice command that "Reply to this" and sending Reply to that notification but it is saying it is not supported in your app. So basically we need to use feature - Listen and respond to messages with AirPods Do we need to add any integration inside app for this or it will directly worked with Siri settings ? Is it possible to do in non messaging App? Is it possible to do without syncing contacts ?
AppIntents: Shortcuts phrases with parameters are not resolving correctly
Exploring AppIntents and Shortcuts. No matter what I try Siri won't understand parameters in an initial spoken phrase. For example, if I ask: "Start my planning for School in TestApp", Siri responds: "What's plan?", I say: "School" and Siri responds "Ok, starting Shool plan" What am I missing so it won't pick up parameters right away? Logs inside func entities(matching string: String) are only called after "What's plan?" question and me answering "School". No logs after the initial phrase Tried to use Apple's Trails example as a reference but with no luck
Dec ’24
Making onscreen content available to Siri not requesting my Transferable
Howdy, I'm following along with this sample: I've got everything up and building. I can confirm that the userActivity modifier is associating my App Intent via EntityIdentifier but my custom Transferable representation (text) is never being called and when Siri is doing the ChatGPT handoff, it's just offering to send a screenshot which is what it does when it has no custom representation. What could I doing wrong? Where should I be looking?
Dec ’24