




Submitting in-app purchases
I have got from App Review Team this same feedback during several months: Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness We are unable to complete the review of your app because one or more of your in-app purchase products have not been submitted for review. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please be sure to take action and submit your in-app purchases and upload a new binary in App Store Connect so we can proceed with our review. I am unable to understand and implement what is meant by the feedback: … take action … What "action" to take? … submit your in-app purchases … How to "submit in-app purchases"? I know how to submit my app but how "submitting in-app purchases”? My app contains no separate in-app purchases but several pathways through the app. The app's code contains three flags that act as signposts on user’s way through the app (Basic, Standard, Premium). The signposts are not extra content and features distributed on the App Store. They are existing parts in the app from the very beginning. They are activated according to the model user chooses (Basic, Standard, Premium) and loads down from the App Store. I try to solve the problem since several months - without success. Links offer no solution. Links say what one can do but not how to do it. What is missing are a couple of lines of code I can adapt and integrate into my app's Objective-C code. Best regards gefa
Oct ’24
NSKeyedArchiver + NSKeyedUnarchiver deprecated
My Objective-C app contains several hundreds lines of deprecated code like these: NSData *tmp = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:singleTaskCleanUserArrayItem]; singleTaskUserArrayItem = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:tmp]; New recommended methods: +archivedDataWithRootObject:requiringSecureCoding:error: +unarchivedObjectOfClass:fromData:error: How to implement the new methods in Objective-C? Forums and Documentation refer to Swift but not to Objective-C. Please give me a sample code for the two lines of code Best regards, Gerhard
May ’24
Including property list file in app bundle
I try to set up auto-renewable subscriptions. I learned I need to add in my app bundle a file like this: I wasn't successful. I don't know how to access my app's bundle and where it is located. I learned too, placing the file at an incorrect location could result in strange behaviour of my app or even in damage. So I am very careful Who can help? Best regards, Gerhard
Feb ’24
In-app Purchase
Hello, I try to set up an in-App Purchase of my app. I have studied quite a lot of manuals and links. The app is written in Objective-C. But manuals and links refer to Swift code. I found no solution how to implement an in-App Purchase in Objective-C code. I am looking for a code example which I can adapt to and integrate into my app. Thank you for any help Best regards gefa
Jun ’23
Upgrade, downgrade auto-renewable subscription
Hello, Having two app versions: basic and premium. Both are with equal content but with different allowances. Basic version can do less than the premium version. When upgrading from basic to premium is the basic version on the mac deleted or is it still there but only disabled by the App Store? In the last case there are two subscriptions on the mac: one enabled the other disabled. If only subscription duration or price is upgraded or downgraded there is no problem involved because both have the same allowances. Thanks for any help or advice
Mar ’23
DTS not working
Apple Developer Technical Support usually sent a feedback email like this: DTS Auto-Ack - Title of problem - Follow-up: xxxxxxxxxxxx (number) After my last submission (a week ago) I didn't receive such a feedback email. Instead I received an email sent by "Apple Support" like this: "Your request has been assigned the case number xxxxxxxxxxxxx. .Our team is working diligently to assist you with your request. We will respond to you in one to two business days. Please do not reply to this automated-email response." Said this, they want to respond in "one to two business day". Now I am waiting for a week. The title of the submission is missing. If one submits more than one request it is difficult to differentiate them according to the case number xxxxxxxxxxxxx. Has anyone an idea what is going on? Best regards Gerhard
Nov ’22
Missing print() output in Xcode
Previously, print() logs in a separate app’s window of Xcode worked well. Now the following (an example) no longer works: print ("newRecordName is: (self.newRecordName)") print ("newPassword is: (self.newPassword)") print ("newUserName is: (self.newUsername)") print () print ("8. viewDidLoad()") print () The debug area is empty. I found no way to display the print output. Thanks for any help. Gerhard
Jan ’22
Quit iPhone app programmatically
Hello, MyApp asks a user to do a job on his iPhone. After user has finished this job, data user has produced are uploaded to iCloud. Thereafter MyApp should be quitted. I do the following: DispatchQueue.main.async { self.credentialView.removeFromSuperview() } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS) This seems to work. No Error message. Unfortunately, the data user produces cannot be queried on iCloud. Data seem to be inexistent. But, if I do the following: DispatchQueue.main.async { self.credentialView.removeFromSuperview() } // exit(EXIT_SUCCESS) Now user's data can be queried on iCloud. But MyApp does NOT quit. The superview is still present. MyApp should be quitted to prevent user from doing impermissible operations. How can I quit MyApp programmatically? Best regards Gerhard
Jun ’21
sorting an array with strings
To make it simple (my array may contain more than 2 strings) myArray is:       (     "u011.08.20, 16:40:53 CEST00d 00h 00m 00su35",     "u011.08.20, 16:40:53 CEST00d 00h 00m 00su34" )  Sorted array should be:      (     "u011.08.20, 16:40:53 CEST00d 00h 00m 00su34",     "u011.08.20, 16:40:53 CEST00d 00h 00m 00su35" )  I looked at the NSArray doc. There are several proposals. Unfortunately, I don't know how to implement the declarations. I am grateful for any help
Aug ’20