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Clone/Dual App for Banking App in India
Hello, I have located in Mumbai, India and i want to use a Clone/Dual App for my Banking App in India. I have a company accoutn and a personal account with the same bank and they done have dual login option. In my android phone i can use many Appcloner apps and have two instances of the same app and keep both my company and personal accoutns logged in. I want to move to iOS fully , but cannot for this one reason only. Is there any way i can do this ?
Dec ’23
Please Help!
Recently, I hid 800+ photos. Now, I'm trying to put them back in an album, everytime I attempt it doesn't put them back in album. How do I fix this problem. P.S i was just watching family guy after not watching it for a month. this show is so good. i might shed a tear P.S.S iPhone 13
Dec ’23
About ports to open to communicate with APNs
I'm an engineer at an MDM vendor. MDM push to devices via Apple Push Notification Service (APNs). According to the document below, port 5223 needs to be opened in order for the device to communicate with APNs. https://support.apple.com/ja-jp/guide/deployment/dep2de55389a/web https://support.apple.com/ja-jp/102266 https://support.apple.com/ja-jp/HT210060 Does this port need to be open for both in and out? Or should I only open out? in : APNs → iOS Device out: iOS Device → APNs
Dec ’23
Improving Apple's Support for Stolen Devices and Identity Theft
Affected platform apple.com and Apple Services Affected area Authentication Bypass What is required to reproduce the issue? A thief steals your cell phone and also obtains your pin against your will. Requirements: Enhanced Customer Support Protocols: Establish a dedicated support channel for victims of theft and identity-related incidents, ensuring expedited and specialized assistance. Implement stringent identity verification measures to safeguard user accounts during recovery processes. Geolocation Data Preservation: Modify policies to retain geolocation data even if "Find My iPhone" is disabled at the time of the incident, recognizing that initial settings may differ from the situation at the time of theft. Wait 24 or 48 Hours, or even a week, after a request to turn off "Find My iPhone" to really turn it off. Giving time to the victim to act in consequence. Strengthening 2FA Security: Introduce additional layers of authentication for sensitive actions like changing passwords, disabling "Find My iPhone," or making significant account alterations. Improved Reporting and Tracking: Enhance reporting mechanisms for stolen devices, ensuring that user information is promptly relayed to relevant authorities. Use alternative ways to locate the phone if the theft is recognized by the authorities. Enable a comprehensive tracking system for devices, allowing for efficient cooperation with law enforcement agencies. Summary: This feedback report addresses the critical need for Apple to enhance its support mechanisms for victims of stolen devices and identity theft. The proposed changes aim to provide users with swift and effective assistance during distressing situations while reinforcing the security of Apple accounts. Steps to Reproduce: User reports a stolen device, including relevant details such as the incident's time, location, and any available information about the perpetrator. Apple's dedicated support channel verifies the user's identity through robust authentication procedures. Apple collaborates with law enforcement, utilizing geolocation data and other available information to aid in the recovery of the stolen device and prevent unauthorized access to the user's accounts. Additional authentication steps are implemented to thwart unauthorized changes to the account, especially in cases involving potential identity theft. Expected Results: Users in distress due to stolen devices or identity-related incidents receive prompt, empathetic, and specialized assistance from Apple's support team. Improved security measures deter unauthorized access and changes to user accounts. Actual Results: Current support mechanisms fall short in adequately addressing the needs of users facing theft and identity-related issues. Instances such as disabling "Find My iPhone" should not undermine Apple's commitment to user security. This feedback report aims to underscore the urgency of implementing reforms that align with Apple's commitment to user security, empathy, and customer satisfaction. We trust that these proposed changes will contribute to a more secure and supportive environment for Apple users facing distressing situations. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Antonio, IT Engineer.
Feb ’24
Iphone 13 portrait camera glitch
Subject: Urgent: iPhone 13 Camera App Crashing Issue in Portrait Mode Dear Apple Support Team, I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to urgently bring to your attention a persistent issue I have encountered with my iPhone 13 camera. The problem arises when using Portrait Mode with studio lighting specifically for human subjects. In these instances, the camera screen consistently goes black, leading to a complete crash of the camera app. Despite attempts to address the issue, including resetting all settings and rebooting the device, the problem persists. Interestingly, I have not experienced any disruptions when capturing photos of objects in Portrait Mode. The camera app crash seems to be directly associated with capturing human subjects using studio lighting in Portrait Mode. Given that this issue has occurred over 10 times, it is causing a significant disruption to the functionality of the iPhone 13 camera and impacting my overall user experience. I am reaching out to seek your assistance in resolving this matter promptly. I kindly request a thorough investigation into this issue and appreciate your prompt attention to rectifying the problem. If any additional information is required, or if there are specific troubleshooting steps you recommend, please do let me know. Your swift resolution to this matter will be highly valued, and I thank you in advance for your assistance. I have also tried to reset all settings. Also i am in latest version on 17.2. The issue facing from i buy the the phone. Still not fixed.
Dec ’23
About the dielectric of materials
Hi there! Having gone through the "Accessory Design Guidelines for Apple Devices" Release 21 for the material requirement, I got a questions about the permittivity required. On page 28, it is saying that "Materials with high dielectric (permittivity >5 F/m)" should be avoided. May I know if it means RELATIVE permittivity? Since permittivity of most of the materials including metals are with e-12 which is already much less than 1. Thus, it would be more make sense 5 is related to RELATIVE permittivity instead of permittivity. Otherwise, I am afraid most metals could also be used as they are always less than 5 F/m. Or do I miss something? Appreciate all kinds of help. Cheers~
Dec ’23
Thirty seconds silence answering phone calls using AirPods Pro 2nd Gen on iPhone Xs Max
In the 'normal' discussion forums there are year-long threads discussing this problem which still persist in the iOS 17.3 developer beta: with APP2 paired with Xs or Xs Max there is a delay of 30 seconds when answering a call before speaker and mic in the APP2 come to life. Most people trying to reach me usually give up before this half-minute delay have expired. They usually call back right away and this time the APP2 work immediately. Factory reset of both phone and APP2 makes no difference. For reference here is one thread opened in January 2023 with 571 marks as 'Me Too'. Until the problem is resolved I will use my APP2 with my old Nokia 7 Plus where phone calls are handled flawlessly.
Dec ’23
SwiftUI: Sheet Modal, unexpected resize behavior
Hey Everyone, I've been remaking an app using SwiftUI, and I am running into a weird animation bug/hitch using .sheet(isPresented:). I have a GIF illustrating the issue, but can't seem to attach it to this forum post. Let me know if there's anyway to share this. Link to gif detailing issue(self hosted) Regardless, my issue: To describe the issue: I'm using two Detents for the sheet, [.medium, .large]. I have a TextField that's displayed in the sheet, and when opening it, the keyboard moves my content upward (expected, working fine). My issue comes when I programmatically resign the TextField (using .focused($isFocused). The content on the sheet jumps up, beyond the upper bound of the sheet. My hypothesis is that the sheet's content is immediately redrawn, using the medium detent frame, but before the animation has finished going from large to medium. It's possible this is not a SwiftUI bug, but something wrong with my implementation. I'll provide the relevant code below. Any help is greatly appreciated! Onboarding.swift (presents the sheet) @ViewBuilder var content: some View { VStack { headline .foregroundStyle(.white.opacity(0.95)) subHeadline .foregroundStyle(.white) Spacer() messages .foregroundStyle(.white) Spacer() callToAction } .ignoresSafeArea(.keyboard) .sheet(isPresented: $showJoin) { join } } var join: some View { Join() .ignoresSafeArea() .presentationCornerRadius(40) .presentationDragIndicator(.hidden) .presentationBackground { Rectangle() .fill(.ultraThinMaterial) .padding(.bottom, -1000) } .presentationDetents([.medium, .large]) } Join.swift (holds the sheet's content, and displays the heading) struct Join: View { @State private var didSignUp = false var body: some View { VStack { heading Divider() contentView } .animation(.easeInOut, value: didSignUp) .transition(.opacity) .interactiveDismissDisabled(didSignUp) } var heading: some View { VStack(spacing: 8) { Text(didSignUp ? "Verify" : "Start here") .frame(maxWidth : .infinity, alignment: .leading) .font(.largeTitle.bold()) .foregroundColor(.primary) .blendMode(.overlay) Text(didSignUp ? "Enter code" : "Create an account") .frame(maxWidth : .infinity, alignment: .leading) .font(.callout) .foregroundColor(.primary) .blendMode(.overlay) } .padding(.top, 20) .padding(.horizontal) } var contentView: some View { Group { if didSignUp { Verification() .transition(.move(edge: .trailing).combined(with: .opacity)) } else { SignUp(didSignUp: $didSignUp) .transition(.move(edge: .leading).combined(with: .opacity)) } } .padding(.horizontal) } } SignUp.swift (the sheet content) struct SignUp: View { @Binding var didSignUp: Bool @State private var phoneNumber: String = "" @State private var sendingTextMessage = false @FocusState private var isFocused: Bool private let notice = """ By creating an account, you agree to our **[Terms of Service](https://cordia.app/tos)** and **[Privacy Policy](https://cordia.app/privacy)** """ var body: some View { VStack { VStack { phoneNumberLabel phoneNumberInput } .padding() if sendingTextMessage { LoadingIndicator(isVisible: $sendingTextMessage) .padding() } else { continueButton .padding() } Spacer() termsAndConditions .padding(.bottom) } } var phoneNumberLabel: some View { Text("Enter your phone number") .font(.title3) .foregroundColor(.primary) .blendMode(.overlay) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading) } var phoneNumberInput: some View { iPhoneNumberField("(***) 867-5309", text: $phoneNumber) .maximumDigits(10) .formatted() .clearsOnEditingBegan(true) .clearButtonMode(.always) .font(.system(size: 25, weight: .semibold)) .padding() .glass(cornerRadius: 10) .focused($isFocused) } var termsAndConditions: some View { Text(addPolicyLinks() ?? AttributedString(notice)) .multilineTextAlignment(.center) .fixedSize(horizontal: false, vertical: true) .font(.body) .blendMode(.overlay) .padding() } var continueButton: some View { Button(action: { guard !sendingTextMessage else { return } sendingTextMessage = true isFocused = false UIImpactFeedbackGenerator(style: .rigid).impactOccurred() Auth.signUp(with: phoneNumber) { user, error in didSignUp = true } }) { Text("Join Cordia") .font(.system(size: 25, weight: .semibold)) .foregroundColor(.primary.opacity(0.8)) .frame(width: 200, height: 60) .tintedGlass( cornerRadius: 20, strokeColor: .cordiaGoldDark, strokeSize: 1.0, tint: .cordiaGold ) } } private func addPolicyLinks() -> AttributedString? { var string = try? AttributedString(markdown: notice) if let range = string?.range(of: "Terms of Service") { string?[range].foregroundColor = .cordiaGold } if let range = string?.range(of: "Privacy Policy") { string?[range].foregroundColor = .cordiaGold } return string } }
Jan ’24
Creating AR applications using Nearby Interaction and ARkit
Hi, sorry if the sentence is wrong as I am using the translate function. I am looking to create an AR application using Nearby Interaction and ARkit. The devices to be used are iPhone 15pro and apple watch 9. The iPhone implementation will measure the distance to the apple watch while simultaneously using AR to track images. The apple watch implementation will only measure the distance to the iPhone. Is it possible to implement this feature? If you know of any, I would like to know.
Dec ’23
Activity log app on iPhone?
Hey. Is there any app that shows a precise activity log? When I was using Android I had an app Quality Time which keeps the track of what are you doing minute by minute. It has a log which shows 13:24 PM Open Facebook, 13:45 Open Instagram etc. Is there any app on iPhone that tracks your activity like this and stores it into a log or something? I need an app like this or something similar Thank you.
Dec ’23
MFMessageComposeViewController cannot send special characters via iOS 17
I have a text in the application that comes with special characters (the text is written in French) that I want to send using MFMessageComposeViewController. I define the text in the body field: messageComposeVC.body = body and call to present the message compose like that : UIApplication.topViewController()?.present(messageComposeVC, animated: true, completion: nil) The message/imessage open and display the preview with the text i defined. But, since the upgrade of the iPhone to ios 17 it stopped working, when i send the message the message was not send and I received a message that the message failed. I also tested on ios 16 - it works great. Any idea how i can fix it?
Dec ’23
Icon font in Private Use Area (PUA) on iOS overwritten by emojis
A set of clients in Kuwait is reporting that one of our main mobile application's icons has been replaced with inappropriate emojis (such as Bootstrap Glyphicon Search turning into lips and others). This issue is reported exclusively by iPhone users, and we are struggling to find a solution. Our initial observations suggest that there might be an overlap between the icon mapping and iOS emoji mapping. Could this be the reason for the problem, and can you provide assistance?
Dec ’23