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Custom ethernet device does not reconnect on M4 iPad Pro
We are experiencing problems with the USB port on iPad Pro 11 inch (M4) model number MVW13NF/A. Our custom peripheral device (based on Raspberry Pi Pico + tinyUSB stack, is configured as a network adapter class and has communication with our App over UDP protocol. Our device also acts as a DHCP server, providing the IP address for iPad. The problem can be described as a “bus stall” or "bus hold" after sleep mode. To reproduce it we just send the iPad into sleep mode using a power button, the USB bus on M4 goes to the suspended state and won’t resume anymore when we wake the iPad up. The problem has occurred since the upgrade to iOS 18.2.1 and has not been observed before on the previously installed iOS 17 on the same iPad Pro M4. Also, the problem does not happen on the iPad Pro 11 inch (3rd gen with M1) model number MHW73FD/A, with the same iOS 18.2.1 installed. The problem also does not arise, if we connect our device via USB hub to the same iPad Pro M4. We have tested different versions of tinyUSB stack (either included in RPi Pico SDK or native unpatched). The problem is independent of the library version. It occurs always if our device is connected directly to the USB port of iPad Pro (M4) with iOS 18. It also stays after upgrading to the latest iOS 18.3 (beta) In the attached logs is (reduced for clarity) debug output from tinyUSB library about events on the USB bus. These logs were captured via RTT debugging output, using Segger J-Link debugger, so logging process does not affect the timings on the USB bus. There are three logs attached, for cases 1: "iPad Pro M4 + iOS18" (i.e. problematic case), 2: "iPad Pro M1 + iOS18", and 3: "iPad Pro M4 + iOS18 + external USB hub" (they are non-problematic cases). case1_usbd_log.txt case2_usbd_log.txt case3_usbd_log.txt This was already posted as feedback with id FB16366509
Im having issue with OneDrive that is affected our company iPads. User are able to drag and drop any folder or files over and now they cant. they are on the latest update for OneDrive and the IOS. Can someone look at this and also i reach to Microsoft and they said that nothing have change on there end.
SceneKit Performance Issues with Large Node Counts on iPad (10th Gen, iPadOS 18.3)
We’re developing an iPad application that visualizes 2D and 3D building floor plans, including a mesh network of nodes that control lighting and climate. The node count ranges from 1,000 to 15,000. We’re using SceneKit to dynamically render the floor plan and node mesh on an iPad 10th generation running iPadOS 18.3. While the core visualization works, we are experiencing significant performance degradation as the node count increases. Specifically: At 750–1,000 nodes, UI responsiveness noticeably declines. At 2,000 nodes, navigating the floor plan becomes nearly unusable. We attempted to optimize performance with a Geometric Pool algorithm, but the impact was minimal. Strangely, the same iPad handles 30,000+ 3D objects effortlessly when using Unity or Unreal Engine, raising the question of whether SceneKit may not be optimized for this scale. Our questions: Is SceneKit suitable for visualizing such large node counts, or are we hitting an inherent limitation of the framework? Are there best practices or optimization techniques for SceneKit that we might be missing? Should we consider a hybrid approach or fully transition to a different 3D engine for this use case? We’ve attached a code sample below demonstrating the issue. Any insights, suggestions, or experiences would be greatly appreciated! ContentView.swift
App rejected due ipad image unsupported
So my app was rejected in review and the review stated this : The 13-inch iPad screenshots show an iPhone image that has been modified or stretched to appear to be an iPad image. Screenshots should highlight the app's core concept to help users understand the app’s functionality and value. I don't want my app to be supported on ipad, as it probably won't look that good on it. So is there any way i could restrict that to iphones only? Also the review said that We have started our review, but we need additional information to continue. Specifically, it appears your app may access or include paid digital content or services, and we want to understand your business model before completing our review. And they have asked some 5 questions regarding the same. Now, My application is completely free , yet they are saying that may include paid content. So where can i turn this off? In the pricing section , I have selected 0 in my local currency.
Playground SwiftUI on iPad wont save .png image using fileExporter.
The SwiftUI Playground code below demonstrates that a .jpeg image can be read and written to the iOS file system. While, a.png image can only be read; the writing request appears to be ignored. Can anyone please tell me how to code to save a .png image using SwiftUI to the iOS file system. Code: import SwiftUI import UniformTypeIdentifiers /* (Copied from Playground 'Help' menu popup.) UIImage Summary An object that manages image data in your app. You use image objects to represent image data of all kinds, and the UIImage class is capable of managing data for all image formats supported by the underlying platform. Image objects are immutable, so you always create them from existing image data, such as an image file on disk or programmatically created image data. An image object may contain a single image or a sequence of images for use in an animation. You can use image objects in several different ways: Assign an image to a UIImageView object to display the image in your interface. Use an image to customize system controls such as buttons, sliders, and segmented controls. Draw an image directly into a view or other graphics context. Pass an image to other APIs that might require image data. Although image objects support all platform-native image formats, it’s recommended that you use PNG or JPEG files for most images in your app. Image objects are optimized for reading and displaying both formats, and those formats offer better performance than most other image formats. Because the PNG format is lossless, it’s especially recommended for the images you use in your app’s interface. Declaration class UIImage : NSObject UIImage Class Reference */ @main struct MyApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } } } struct ImageFileDoc: FileDocument { static var readableContentTypes = [UTType.jpeg, UTType.png] static var writableContentTypes = [UTType.jpeg, UTType.png] var someUIImage: UIImage = UIImage() init(initialImage: UIImage = UIImage()) { self.someUIImage = initialImage } init(configuration: ReadConfiguration) throws { guard let data = configuration.file.regularFileContents, let some = UIImage(data: data) else { throw CocoaError(.fileReadCorruptFile) } self.someUIImage = some } func fileWrapper(configuration: WriteConfiguration) throws -> FileWrapper { switch configuration.contentType { case UTType.png: if let data = self.someUIImage.pngData() { return .init(regularFileWithContents: data) } case UTType.jpeg: if let data = self.someUIImage.jpegData(compressionQuality: 1.0) { return .init(regularFileWithContents: data) } default: break } throw CocoaError(.fileWriteUnknown) } } struct ContentView: View { @State private var showingExporterPNG = false @State private var showingExporterJPG = false @State private var showingImporter = false @State var message = "Hello, World!" @State var document: ImageFileDoc = ImageFileDoc() @State var documentExtension = "" var body: some View { VStack { Image(systemName: "globe") .imageScale(.large) .foregroundColor(.accentColor) Text(message) Button("export") { if documentExtension == "png" { message += ", showingExporterPNG is true." showingExporterPNG = true } if documentExtension == "jpeg" { message += ", showingExporterJPG is true." showingExporterJPG = true } } .padding(20) .border(.white, width: 2.0) .disabled(documentExtension == "") Button("import") { showingImporter = true } .padding(20) .border(.white, width: 2.0) Image(uiImage: document.someUIImage) .resizable() .padding() .frame(width: 300, height: 300) } // exporter .png .fileExporter(isPresented: $showingExporterPNG, document: document, contentType: UTType.png) { result in switch result { case .success(let url): message += ", .\(documentExtension) Saved to \(url.lastPathComponent)" case .failure(let error): message += ", Some error saving file: " + error.localizedDescription } } // exporter .jpeg .fileExporter(isPresented: $showingExporterJPG, document: document, contentType: UTType.jpeg) { result in switch result { case .success(let url): message += ", .\(documentExtension) Saved to \(url.lastPathComponent)" case .failure(let error): message += ", Some error saving file: " + error.localizedDescription } } // importer .fileImporter(isPresented: $showingImporter, allowedContentTypes: [.png, .jpeg]) { result in switch result { case .failure(let error): message += ", Some error reading file: " + error.localizedDescription case .success(let url): let gotAccess = url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() if !gotAccess { message += ", Unable to Access \(url.lastPathComponent)" return } documentExtension = url.pathExtension guard let fileContents = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else { message += ",\n\nUnable to read file: \(url.lastPathComponent)\n\n" url.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() return } url.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() message += ", Read file: \(url.lastPathComponent)" message += ", path extension is '\(documentExtension)'." if let uiImage = UIImage(data: fileContents) { self.document.someUIImage = uiImage }else{ message += ", File Content is not an Image." } } } } }
Preventing app from installing on iPad.
Hello, The app that I am working on has capabilities where it needs Phone App to place a call. The app has never been published to App Store before and will be publishing soon after making the configuration changes to prevent it from installing on iPad. I went through Apple documentation and while I understand that Apple expects apps to be allowed to installed on as many device sizes as possible, this app needs Phone app and hence I wanted to prevent it from getting installed on iPad, just like Whatsapp does. In Xcode, I only have iPhone in supported destinations and I also added "Required device capabilities" in Info.plist with values as arm7, Camera flash (since the app uses torch) and Phone App. However, when I sideload the app on iPad, I am able to install the app (looks like emulated iPhone) instead of getting an error. Are there any other changes that I need to make to prevent installation of the app on iPad?
Failing UI Test for new floating Tabbar iOS 18+
Xcode 16.1 iOS 18.1 iPad Air 13-inch (M2) I have created a completely new Xcode project with Swift and Storyboard. In Storyboard, I only have a tabBarController with two attached UIViewControllers. The code from the base project hasn't been changed at all. I created a UITest with a very simple premise. let app = XCUIApplication() override func setupWithError() throws { continueAfterFailure = false app.launch() } func testTabBarExistence() { let tabBar = app.tabBars.element(boundBy: 0) XCTAssertTrue(tabBar.waitForExistence(timeout: 5), "Tab bar should exist") } But this test always fails for iPad on iOS 18+, but it will succeed for anything lower (e.g. 17.5)
iPad Pro M4 Freezing and Restarting Daily Without Heavy Usage
I purchased an iPad Pro M4 in early December, and since day one, I’ve been experiencing a recurring issue. Almost every day, at random times, the device freezes for 1–5 minutes and then restarts itself. The tablet is not under heavy load when this happens — I mainly use it for light tasks such as watching videos in a player or Safari browser, web surfing, and reading books. The issue has even occurred while the iPad was idle and locked; it froze, displayed the Apple logo, and rebooted. I brought the device back to the store where I purchased it, and they sent it for a diagnostic check. However, the experts concluded that the device is fully functional, and no defects were found. After one of these crashes, I noticed that my Apple Pencil started lagging (see video file IMG_5688.MOV). However, after another reboot, the issue with the Apple Pencil resolved itself. I’ve documented the issue with several video recordings showing the freezing and rebooting behavior, as well as error logs generated after such incidents. Device Details: Model: iPad Pro M4 Usage: Light tasks only (video streaming, web browsing, reading) Environment: No overheating, no resource-heavy applications running What could be causing this issue, and how can I resolve it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! P.S. I’ve uploaded all the device logs and videos demonstrating the issue to Google Drive. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_R0i_iazADWo5EgStrPdgmf1XjgPP_RC?usp=sharing
Jan ’25
iPad Pro M4. Panic. Freezing and Restarting Daily Without Heavy Usage
I purchased an iPad Pro M4 in early December, and since day one, I’ve been experiencing a recurring issue. Almost every day, at random times, the device freezes for 1–5 minutes and then restarts itself. The tablet is not under heavy load when this happens — I mainly use it for light tasks such as watching videos in a player or Safari browser, web surfing, and reading books. The issue has even occurred while the iPad was idle and locked; it froze, displayed the Apple logo, and rebooted. I brought the device back to the store where I purchased it, and they sent it for a diagnostic check. However, the experts concluded that the device is fully functional, and no defects were found. After one of these crashes, I noticed that my Apple Pencil started lagging (see video file IMG_5688.MOV). However, after another reboot, the issue with the Apple Pencil resolved itself. I’ve documented the issue with several video recordings showing the freezing and rebooting behavior, as well as error logs generated after such incidents. Device Details: Model: iPad Pro M4 Usage: Light tasks only (video streaming, web browsing, reading) Environment: No overheating, no resource-heavy applications running What could be causing this issue, and how can I resolve it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! P.S. I’ve uploaded all the device logs and videos demonstrating the issue to Google Drive. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_R0i_iazADWo5EgStrPdgmf1XjgPP_RC?usp=sharing
Jan ’25
iPadOS18 UITabBarController not releasing viewControllers after deinit with sidebar enabled
In iPadOS18 UITabBarController not releasing viewControllers after deinit with sidebar enabled. On checking the memory Graph Debugger we could see that the viewControllers are hold by UITab which in turn hold by UITabSidebarItem. We don't have control over the UITabSidebarItem and unable to remove the reference. The issue not happens when tabbarController mode is set to 'tabBar' instead of 'sidebar'. We have event tried to set empty tabs before dismiss the view but still the original tabs are not removing in memory and holding the viewcontollers as well. Anyone assist on this issue. Sharing the sample code here
Jan ’25
No sound after updating.
I have updated my ipad 7th gen to ipados18.3 Beta last week and I realized that there is no sound at all no sound from speakers and no sound from bluetooth devices and no sound from airplay, I've checked google and reddit and alot of research people told me its a software bug, i submitted a bug report and now im still waiting for a bug fix update, youtube dosent work neither spotify aswell their UI stops working when i try to use it, So how long do i have to wait for a bug fix? Thanks apple.
Jan ’25
Inquiry about WebRTC camera access when using Chrome browser and WKWebView API on iPadOS
We are Java application developers and we have a question regarding camera access via WebRTC on iPadOS. Specifically, on iPadOS 17.1, we are encountering an issue when trying to access the camera via the WKWebView API in the Chrome browser, where an error occurs and the camera capture fails. Our investigation suggests that device access through the navigator.mediaDevices property via the WKWebView API may not work in Chrome. However, it works as expected in the Safari browser, leading us to wonder if this is a Chrome-specific limitation, or if it's due to an iPadOS setting or specification. At this point, we are unsure if this issue is related to the WKWebView and WebRTC specifications on iPadOS 17.1, or if there are specific limitations in Chrome. We would appreciate any insights or solutions regarding camera access in iPadOS 17.1 with WKWebView and WebRTC, especially in relation to Chrome.
Dec ’24
Inquiry about WebRTC camera access when using Chrome browser and WKWebView API on iPadOS
We are Java application developers and we have a question regarding camera access via WebRTC on iPadOS. Specifically, on iPadOS 17.1, we are encountering an issue when trying to access the camera via the WKWebView API in the Chrome browser, where an error occurs and the camera capture fails. Our investigation suggests that device access through the navigator.mediaDevices property via the WKWebView API may not work in Chrome. However, it works as expected in the Safari browser, leading us to wonder if this is a Chrome-specific limitation, or if it's due to an iPadOS setting or specification. At this point, we are unsure if this issue is related to the WKWebView and WebRTC specifications on iPadOS 17.1, or if there are specific limitations in Chrome. We would appreciate any insights or solutions regarding camera access in iPadOS 17.1 with WKWebView and WebRTC, especially in relation to Chrome.
Dec ’24
iPad - Bluetooth Peripheral MTU No More Than 20 Bytes
All, Thanks in advance! I'm having a very hard time increasing the MTU to any value beyond 20. The research I've done states iOS 16.1 and beyond supports up to 512 bytes. Yet, the peripheral device will only read 20 bytes. It's to be noted that I'm using Expo SDK 51 Bare Workflow, and the react-native-ble-plx library. I have the app functioning as both Central and Peripheral on iOS 18.1 devices, and data is successfully being written and read to the characteristic. Because the Expo app is Bare Workflow, I'm able to make any configurations via Xcode, and if there is any patches needed to the react-native-ble-plx library, we have the architecture to support that too. I wanted to provide that context before being recommended to go to the Expo forums (which I have/will be). I also added the CoreBluetooth framework to the project in hopes that would overwrite the react-native-ble-plx imports, but I noticed react-native-ble-plx uses Swift while CoreBluetooth is Objective-C. Looking forward to your responses!
Jan ’25
Video Volume Issue on Ipad
we are using angular and Html5 to develop our application, in our application we play videos that are placed on s3. Video when played on desktop borwser are adequatley audible but when played on iPad their volume is too low to be audible. I have tried video.volume =1 but it does not work for iPad because this property is only readable for ios devices. I have tried using javascript audioContext. It worked for my local machine. But when code is deployed on some hosted environments, it just does not work. Did anyone face the same issue? Any help regarding it will be appreciated.
Dec ’24
IOUSBHostInterface::Open for interrupt interfaces works on iPad Air but not iPad Pro
I am trying to open the CommunicationControl class IOUSBHostInterface in my USB driver, but it only seems to open on iPad Airs and not iPad Pros. I'm calling ivars->interruptInterface->Open(this, 0, NULL); After retrieving the interruptInterface from the device's InterfaceIterator. I try and open this, but on iPad Pros it returns kIOReturnNotOpen. I've tried closing and reopening the IOUSBHostDevice, closing and reopening the Interface, AbortDeviceRequests before opening, etc. but it just seems to work on iPad Air and not iPad Pro. I've tried on both iPadOS 17.6.1 and 18.2 Has anyone else seen this?
Dec ’24
SwiftUI Popover Crash During Resizing in Stage Manager
SwiftUI Popover Crash on iPad During Resizing in Stage Manager with Exception. *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Trying to layout popover in the delegate callback popoverPresentationController:willRepositionPopoverToRect:inView: will lead to recursion. Do not force the popover's container view or an ancestor to layout in this callback.' (Occurred from iPadOS 18.1) struct ContentView: View { @State var showPopover: Bool = false var body: some View { VStack { Text("Hello, world!") Button(action: { showPopover = true }, label: { Text("Open Popover") }) } .padding() .popover(isPresented: $showPopover, attachmentAnchor: .point(.trailing), content: { VStack { Text("Popover Content") } }) } }
Select input language with ctrl-space stopped working
I have two iPad Pros iPad Pro (12.9 inch) (3rd Generation) iPad Pro 13-inch M4 Both with their Apple Magic Keyboard and trackpad. With iPadOS 17 I could ctrl-space to jump between input languages. Now with 18.1.1 and 18.2 beta this is broken. On the old iPad, the languages used to show EN, then DE. Now it shows EN DE, EN DE. I went to settings and the keyboards were shown as having English and German input for two physical keyboards. I deleted and recreated, now each keyboard has only one language and ctrl-space now alternates between EN and DE. On the new iPad Pro, two keyboards are already set with a single input language, but ctrl-space is not changing the input, it types a space instead. There does not seem to be any way to change the input language using the keyboard.
Nov ’24