Discuss using the camera on Apple devices.

Posts under Camera tag

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CMIO CameraExtension installation is not ATOMIC
If I do these tasks on random order, CMIO CameraExtension go into unstable condition. Copy MyApp.app under /Applications or /Applications/MyAppGroup/ Install by MyApp sending OSSystemExtensionRequest.activationRequest Check install condition by command : "systemextensionsctl list" uninstall by MyApp sending OSSystemExtensionRequest.deactivationRequest Remove /Applications/MyAppGroup/ by command line and Finder Remove /Applications/MyApp.app by command line and Finder Kill MyApp.app during activationRequest. Once my CMIO CameraExtension go into unstable condition, it is impossible to remove on normal way. "systemextensionsctl list" shows my extension is activated. Remove by API failed with code=4. Removing file of MyApp.app does not remove CameraExtension Only way to remove CameraExtension is "Boot macOS as recovery mode", disable SIP, "systemextensionsctl uninstall" Audio HAL extension is file based and ATOMIC. I can check file existence by "ls" command and remove by "rm -rf" command. I never met unstable condition.
Jan ’24
CameraExtension and Uninstaller
I need to write macOS App, CameraExtension(CMIO) and Uninstaller app. Bundle ID is like this App : com.my.app CameraExtension : com.my.app.cameraex Uninstaller app : com.my.app.unisntaller My App can activate CameraExtension by OSSystemExtensionRequest.activationRequest. But Uninstaller cannot deactivate CameraExtension. I got error : Error Domain=OSSystemExtensionErrorDomain Code=4 "Extension not found in App bundle: perhaps App is not validly structured" I set AppGroup and add SystemExtension feature and provision for uninstaller. I guess "com.my.app.unisntaller" cannot deactivate "com.my.app.cameraex". What kind of Bundle ID should I use for my uninstaller? Writing App and Uninstaller is correct way for CameraExtension? My manager ask to provide easy method for removing all modules.
Jan ’24
Wkwebview doesn't upload photo from camera
I have wkwebview, from it the camera is triggered, a photo is taken and uploaded to the web. 
The problem is that when the photo is taken nothing happens on the web, the camera just closes and that's it, the button in webview that opens the camera stops triggering until you re-enter the application. Permishen to use the camera is added. 

If you open through safari - everything works, android also has the expected behavior, but in webview ais does not want to load. Maybe something new has appeared in webview that needs to be enabled, given permission? Tryedto allow inlinedmediaplayback, allowArbitryLoads
Dec ’23
AVCaptureDevice.FocusMode cannot be set in iPhone15
We are developing an app which uses AVCaptureSession. Here is a part of my code: if context.config.basic_settings.auto_focus == 1 { // 自動フォーカス device.focusMode = AVCaptureDevice.FocusMode.continuousAutoFocus completion() } else { device.focusMode = AVCaptureDevice.FocusMode.locked var _lenspos = Float(context.config.basic_settings.lens_position) ?? 0.5 if _lenspos > 1.0 { _lenspos = 1.0 } if _lenspos < 0.0 { _lenspos = 0.0 } device.setFocusModeLocked(lensPosition: _lenspos, completionHandler: { (time) in completion() }) } This code can successfully set focus mode to autofoucs or manual focus and also can set lens position perfectly if we use iPhone13 or iPhone14. But If we use iPhone15, this code cannot set the focus mode or lensposition. We also tried with different iPhone15 devices, but the result is always the same(fails to set focus). And also used different iPhone13 and iPhone14 devices. But these iPhones can set the focus correctly everytime. Is it a bug of iPhone15? Or is there anything that I can do about the issue?
Jan ’24
I need a way to permantently disable Reactions from my app, ideally the universe too
So I've spent the last five years optimizing my video AI system so that it runs with less than 5% CPU while processing a 30fps video feed on a Macbook Pro M2, and everything is great, until Sonoma comes out, and I find myself consuming 40% CPU for the exact same workload. So I fire up Instruments, and the "heaviest stack trace" (see screenshot) turns out to be Espresso doing some completely unasked-for and absolutely useless processing on my video frames. I turn off Reactions, but nothing helps - the CPU consumptions stays at 40%. "Reactions" is nothing but a useless toy to please some WWDC keynote fanboys, I don't want it anywhere near my app or my users, and I especially do not want to take the blame for it pissing away the user's CPU cycles and battery. Now, how do I make it go away, for ever? Best regards Jacob
Jan ’24
Iphone 13 portrait camera glitch
Subject: Urgent: iPhone 13 Camera App Crashing Issue in Portrait Mode Dear Apple Support Team, I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to urgently bring to your attention a persistent issue I have encountered with my iPhone 13 camera. The problem arises when using Portrait Mode with studio lighting specifically for human subjects. In these instances, the camera screen consistently goes black, leading to a complete crash of the camera app. Despite attempts to address the issue, including resetting all settings and rebooting the device, the problem persists. Interestingly, I have not experienced any disruptions when capturing photos of objects in Portrait Mode. The camera app crash seems to be directly associated with capturing human subjects using studio lighting in Portrait Mode. Given that this issue has occurred over 10 times, it is causing a significant disruption to the functionality of the iPhone 13 camera and impacting my overall user experience. I am reaching out to seek your assistance in resolving this matter promptly. I kindly request a thorough investigation into this issue and appreciate your prompt attention to rectifying the problem. If any additional information is required, or if there are specific troubleshooting steps you recommend, please do let me know. Your swift resolution to this matter will be highly valued, and I thank you in advance for your assistance. I have also tried to reset all settings. Also i am in latest version on 17.2. The issue facing from i buy the the phone. Still not fixed.
Dec ’23
macOS Sonoma 14.2 camera connection
Starting with Sonoma 14.2 it is not possible any longer to connect canon cameras to an app via USB using Canon's EDSDK framework. This has been working fine up to Sonoma 14.1. The app using the EDSDK is not crashing, but the SDK is not reporting back any connected cameras any longer. The camera is connected and can be seen in the system report as well as in e.g. gphoto2 and even in the EOS Utility Software. It seems that 14.2 introduced some breaking change to the access to cameras from within apps. I've tried upgrading to the newest EDSDK version and checked with and without App Sandbox. There is no way to find the camera any longer on 14.2.
Dec ’23
How to access a directly attached UVC camera with AVPlayer?
On macOS Sonoma I have a SwiftUI app that correctly plays remote video files and local video files from the app bundle. Where I'm having trouble is setting up the AVPlayer URL for a UVC camera device directly connected on the Mac. let url = URL(string: "https://some-remote-video.mp4")! player = AVPlayer(url: url) player.play() Is there some magic to using a UVC device with AVPlayer, or do I need to access the UVC device differently? Thanks, Grahm
Dec ’23
App is crash [AVCaptureSession startRunning] startRunning may not be called between calls to beginConfiguration and commitConfiguration
Greetings everyone, My app is crash when i open camera screen open and close i have added subview in the camera that shows the main screen but the app does not crash every time, the app works well 5-6 times after the app crashes. I'm using instead of the Quickpose.ai library and the app crashes instead of lib. so I don't know where is the problem i have shown some code and my crash log. *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSGenericException', reason: '*** -[AVCaptureSession startRunning] startRunning may not be called between calls to beginConfiguration and commitConfiguration' *** First throw call stack: (0x1889f4870 0x180d13c00 0x1a4e30b44 0x10505cff0 0x1047ed7cc 0x1047ed84c 0x105824f50 0x105826b34 0x10582e98c 0x10582f728 0x10583c5f8 0x10583bc2c 0x1f2365964 0x1f2365a04) libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type NSException ![]("https://developer.apple.com/forums/content/attachment/a1eeece3-6529-4c79-8931-963f58818a93" "title=Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 9.35.27 AM.png;width=1920;height=1080") ![]("https://developer.apple.com/forums/content/attachment/2184c975-e299-40e4-b466-cafa5165ae03" "title=Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 9.35.32 AM.png;width=1920;height=1080") ` ![]("https://developer.apple.com/forums/content/attachment/d78ac3ac-313a-4df9-960d-0c58c3087bec" "title=Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 12.11.38 PM.png;width=1920;height=1080") ``
Dec ’23
UIImagePickerController crashes on M2 Mac
if UIImagePickerController.isSourceTypeAvailable(.camera) { let imagePicker = UIImagePickerController() imagePicker.delegate = self imagePicker.allowsEditing = false imagePicker.sourceType = .camera self.present(imagePicker, animated: true, completion: nil) } this code crashes on M2 Mac (Designed for iPad) with the following exception <<<< FigCaptureCameraParameters >>>> Fig assert: "success" at bail (FigCaptureCameraParameters.m:249) - (err=0) An uncaught exception was raised *** -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[0] ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x0000000180b02800 __exceptionPreprocess + 176 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00000001805f9eb4 objc_exception_throw + 60 2 CoreFoundation 0x0000000180a1a724 -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:] + 728 3 CoreFoundation 0x0000000180a1a420 +[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:count:] + 52 4 AVFCapture 0x000000019de90374 -[AVCaptureFigVideoDevice _cameraInfo] + 200 5 AVFCapture 0x000000019de90278 -[AVCaptureFigVideoDevice updateStreamingDeviceHistory] + 36 6 AVFCapture 0x000000019deec8c0 -[AVCaptureSession _startFigCaptureSession] + 464 7 AVFCapture 0x000000019def0980 -[AVCaptureSession _buildAndRunGraph:] + 1936 8 AVFCapture 0x000000019deecc00 -[AVCaptureSession _setRunning:] + 120 9 AVFCapture 0x000000019deec46c -[AVCaptureSession startRunning] + 452 10 libRPAC.dylib 0x00000001051c9024 _replacement_AVCaptureSession_startRunning + 104 11 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010509cf14 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 32 12 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010509eb4c _dispatch_client_callout + 20 13 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001050a7cd8 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 864 14 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001050a8dcc _dispatch_lane_invoke + 416 15 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001050b877c _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_wlh + 652 16 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001050b7a54 _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 444 17 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000105147d9c _pthread_wqthread + 288 18 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000010514fab4 start_wqthread + 8 )
Jan ’24
App using camera crashes on macOS in "Designed for iPad" mode
I tried running this demo app in "Designed for iPad" mode on my M3 MacBook Pro, and it crashes with the following errors: LSPrefs: could not find untranslocated node for <FSNode 0x6000022578c0> { isDir = ?, path = '/private/var/folders/yk/2vw8ntf53r79cyldlxx4t4t80000gn/X/6527F067-B4CF-5E9F-8412-6ADCB21853EE/d/Wrapper/Capturing Photos.app' }, proceeding on the assumption it is not translocated: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted" LSPrefs: could not find untranslocated node for <FSNode 0x6000022578c0> { isDir = ?, path = '/private/var/folders/yk/2vw8ntf53r79cyldlxx4t4t80000gn/X/6527F067-B4CF-5E9F-8412-6ADCB21853EE/d/Wrapper/Capturing Photos.app' }, proceeding on the assumption it is not translocated: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted" LSPrefs: could not find untranslocated node for <FSNode 0x6000022578c0> { isDir = ?, path = '/private/var/folders/yk/2vw8ntf53r79cyldlxx4t4t80000gn/X/6527F067-B4CF-5E9F-8412-6ADCB21853EE/d/Wrapper/Capturing Photos.app' }, proceeding on the assumption it is not translocated: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted" CMIO_DAL_PlugInManagement.cpp:917:CreatePlugIn Could not find plugin with kCMIOHardwarePlugInTypeID CMIO_DAL_CMIOExtension_Device.mm:355:Device legacy uuid isn't present, using new style uuid instead CMIO_DAL_CMIOExtension_Device.mm:355:Device legacy uuid isn't present, using new style uuid instead [C:1-3] Error received: Invalidated by remote connection. CMIO_DAL_CMIOExtension_Stream.mm:1429:GetPropertyData wrong data size for kCMIOStreamPropertyCenterStageFramingMode CMIOHardware.cpp:331:CMIOObjectGetPropertyData Error: 561211770, failed Fig assert: "err == 0 " at bail (CMIOUtilities.h:133) - (err=561211770) CMIO_DAL_CMIOExtension_Stream.mm:1429:GetPropertyData wrong data size for kCMIOStreamPropertyCenterStageFramingMode CMIOHardware.cpp:331:CMIOObjectGetPropertyData Error: 561211770, failed Fig assert: "err == 0 " at bail (CMIOUtilities.h:133) - (err=561211770) Using capture device: FaceTime HD Camera Camera access not determined. Unknown client: Capturing Photos LSPrefs: could not find untranslocated node for <FSNode 0x6000022578c0> { isDir = ?, path = '/private/var/folders/yk/2vw8ntf53r79cyldlxx4t4t80000gn/X/6527F067-B4CF-5E9F-8412-6ADCB21853EE/d/Wrapper/Capturing Photos.app' }, proceeding on the assumption it is not translocated: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted" Error loading /System/Library/Accessibility/BundlesBase/com.apple.Photos.axbundle/com.apple.Photos (84): dlopen(/System/Library/Accessibility/BundlesBase/com.apple.Photos.axbundle/com.apple.Photos, 0x0109): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_PXSearchResultsViewModel Referenced from: <128FED4B-1EFC-38CC-BFB9-F6980FB96165> /System/Library/Accessibility/BundlesBase/com.apple.Photos.axbundle/Versions/A/com.apple.Photos Expected in: <0E82B4EE-CAFC-36CC-8E72-5DF1BAD3BBD2> /System/iOSSupport/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PhotosUICore.framework/Versions/A/PhotosUICore Error loading /System/Library/Accessibility/BundlesBase/com.apple.Photos.axbundle/com.apple.Photos (84): dlopen(/System/Library/Accessibility/BundlesBase/com.apple.Photos.axbundle/com.apple.Photos, 0x0109): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_PXSearchResultsViewModel Referenced from: <128FED4B-1EFC-38CC-BFB9-F6980FB96165> /System/Library/Accessibility/BundlesBase/com.apple.Photos.axbundle/Versions/A/com.apple.Photos Expected in: <0E82B4EE-CAFC-36CC-8E72-5DF1BAD3BBD2> /System/iOSSupport/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PhotosUICore.framework/Versions/A/PhotosUICore Error loading /System/Library/Accessibility/BundlesBase/com.apple.Photos.axbundle/com.apple.Photos (84): dlopen(/System/Library/Accessibility/BundlesBase/com.apple.Photos.axbundle/com.apple.Photos, 0x0109): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_PXSearchResultsViewModel Referenced from: <128FED4B-1EFC-38CC-BFB9-F6980FB96165> /System/Library/Accessibility/BundlesBase/com.apple.Photos.axbundle/Versions/A/com.apple.Photos Expected in: <0E82B4EE-CAFC-36CC-8E72-5DF1BAD3BBD2> /System/iOSSupport/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PhotosUICore.framework/Versions/A/PhotosUICore AX Safe category class 'SFUnifiedBarRegistrationAccessibility' was not found! Photo library access not determined. <<<< FigCaptureCameraParameters >>>> Fig assert: "success" at bail (FigCaptureCameraParameters.m:252) - (err=0) <<<< FigCaptureCameraParameters >>>> Fig assert: "success" at bail (FigCaptureCameraParameters.m:252) - (err=0) <<<< FigCaptureCameraParameters >>>> Fig assert: "success" at bail (FigCaptureCameraParameters.m:252) - (err=0) fopen failed for data file: errno = 2 (No such file or directory) Errors found! Invalidating cache... fopen failed for data file: errno = 2 (No such file or directory) Errors found! Invalidating cache... CMIOHardware.cpp:1388:CMIOStreamRegisterAsyncStillCaptureCallback stream doesn't support async still capture CMIOHardware.cpp:1412:CMIOStreamRegisterAsyncStillCaptureCallback Error: 1970171760, failed <<<< CMIOFigCaptureStream >>>> Fig assert: "! stream->streaming" at bail (CMIOFigCaptureStream.m:1173) - (err=0) -[MTLDebugDevice newTextureWithDescriptor:iosurface:plane:]:2641: failed assertion `Texture Descriptor Validation IOSurface textures must use MTLStorageModeShared libsystem_kernel.dylib`: 0x188f2e0d4 <+0>: mov x16, #0x148 0x188f2e0d8 <+4>: svc #0x80 -> 0x188f2e0dc <+8>: b.lo 0x188f2e0fc ; <+40> Thread 19: signal SIGABRT 0x188f2e0e0 <+12>: pacibsp 0x188f2e0e4 <+16>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #-0x10]! 0x188f2e0e8 <+20>: mov x29, sp 0x188f2e0ec <+24>: bl 0x188f26230 ; cerror_nocancel 0x188f2e0f0 <+28>: mov sp, x29 0x188f2e0f4 <+32>: ldp x29, x30, [sp], #0x10 0x188f2e0f8 <+36>: retab 0x188f2e0fc <+40>: ret
Dec ’23
Customized camera can’t take photos on iPhone 15 Pro Max
When developing a custom camera for iOS, when the sessionPreset of AVCaptureSession is set to AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto, photos cannot be taken on the iPhone 15 Pro Max, but other devices are normal.SessionPreset settings and other enumerations can be shot normally. Please help Apple developers to determine the cause. In addition, I initially thought there was a problem with our code writing, but when I looked at some demos written by others, the same problem would occur when using the AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto enumeration and running it on iPhone15 pro max.
Dec ’23
AVCam for iPhone 15
With the iPhone 15's addition of the USB-C port which can power external devices, such as USB cameras or capture devices, I'm curious what would have to happen to enable the same external USB Camera functionality in iOS 17 that is currently available in iPadOS?
Dec ’23
CMIO CameraExtension with DistributedNotificationCenter and Process.run
I got code of CMIO CameraExtension by Xcode target and it is running with FaceTime. I guess this kind of Extension has lots of security limitation. I like to run command like "netstat" in Extension. Is that possible to call Process.run()? I got keep getting error like "The file zsh doesn’t exist". Same code with Process.run() worked in macOS app. I like to run DistributedNotificationCenter and send text from App to CameraExtension. Is that possible? I do not receive any message on CameraExtension. If there is any other IPC method between macOS app and CameraExtension, please let me know.
Dec ’23
Synchronized depth and video data not being received with builtInLiDARDepthCamera
Hello, Faced with a really perplexing issue. Primary problem is that sometimes I get depth and video data as expected, but at other times I don't. And sometimes I'll get both data outputs for a 4-5 frames and then it'll just stop. The source code I implemented is a modified version of the sample code provided by Apple, and interestingly enough I can't re-create this issue with the Apple sample app. So wondering what I could be doing wrong? Here's the code for setting up the capture input. preferredDepthResolution is 1280 in my case. I'm running this on an iPad Pro (6th gen). iOS version 17.0.3 (21A360). Encounter this issue on iPhone 13 Pro as well. iOS version is 17.0 (21A329) private func setupLiDARCaptureInput() throws { // Look up the LiDAR camera. guard let device = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInLiDARDepthCamera, for: .video, position: .back) else { throw ConfigurationError.lidarDeviceUnavailable } guard let format = (device.formats.last { format in format.formatDescription.dimensions.width == preferredWidthResolution && format.formatDescription.mediaSubType.rawValue == kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange && format.videoSupportedFrameRateRanges.first(where: {$0.maxFrameRate >= 60}) != nil && !format.isVideoBinned && !format.supportedDepthDataFormats.isEmpty }) else { throw ConfigurationError.requiredFormatUnavailable } guard let depthFormat = (format.supportedDepthDataFormats.last { depthFormat in depthFormat.formatDescription.mediaSubType.rawValue == kCVPixelFormatType_DepthFloat16 }) else { throw ConfigurationError.requiredFormatUnavailable } // Begin the device configuration. try device.lockForConfiguration() // Configure the device and depth formats. device.activeFormat = format device.activeDepthDataFormat = depthFormat let desc = format.formatDescription dimensions = CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetDimensions(desc) let duration = CMTime(value:1, timescale:CMTimeScale(60)) device.activeVideoMinFrameDuration = duration device.activeVideoMaxFrameDuration = duration // Finish the device configuration. device.unlockForConfiguration() self.device = device print("Selected video format: \(device.activeFormat)") print("Selected depth format: \(String(describing: device.activeDepthDataFormat))") // Add a device input to the capture session. let deviceInput = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: device) captureSession.addInput(deviceInput) guard let audioDevice = AVCaptureDevice.default(for: .audio) else { return } // Configure audio input - always configure audio even if isAudioEnabled is false audioDeviceInput = try! AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: audioDevice) captureSession.addInput(audioDeviceInput) deviceSystemPressureStateObservation = device.observe( \.systemPressureState, options: .new ) { _, change in guard let systemPressureState = change.newValue else { return } print("system pressure \(systemPressureState.levelAsString()) due to \(systemPressureState.factors)") } } Here's how I'm setting up the output: private func setupLiDARCaptureOutputs() { // Create an object to output video sample buffers. videoDataOutput = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput() captureSession.addOutput(videoDataOutput) // Create an object to output depth data. depthDataOutput = AVCaptureDepthDataOutput() depthDataOutput.isFilteringEnabled = false captureSession.addOutput(depthDataOutput) audioDeviceOutput = AVCaptureAudioDataOutput() audioDeviceOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: videoQueue) captureSession.addOutput(audioDeviceOutput) // Create an object to synchronize the delivery of depth and video data. outputVideoSync = AVCaptureDataOutputSynchronizer(dataOutputs: [depthDataOutput, videoDataOutput]) outputVideoSync.setDelegate(self, queue: videoQueue) // Enable camera intrinsics matrix delivery. guard let outputConnection = videoDataOutput.connection(with: .video) else { return } if outputConnection.isCameraIntrinsicMatrixDeliverySupported { outputConnection.isCameraIntrinsicMatrixDeliveryEnabled = true } } The top part of my delegate implementation is as follows: func dataOutputSynchronizer( _ synchronizer: AVCaptureDataOutputSynchronizer, didOutput synchronizedDataCollection: AVCaptureSynchronizedDataCollection ) { // Retrieve the synchronized depth and sample buffer container objects. guard let syncedDepthData = synchronizedDataCollection.synchronizedData(for: depthDataOutput) as? AVCaptureSynchronizedDepthData, let syncedVideoData = synchronizedDataCollection.synchronizedData(for: videoDataOutput) as? AVCaptureSynchronizedSampleBufferData else { if synchronizedDataCollection.synchronizedData(for: depthDataOutput) == nil { print("no depth data at time \(mach_absolute_time())") } if synchronizedDataCollection.synchronizedData(for: videoDataOutput) == nil { print("no video data at time \(mach_absolute_time())") } return } print("received depth data \(mach_absolute_time())") } As you can see, I'm console logging whenever depth data is not received. Note because I'm driving the video frames at 60 fps, its expected that I'll only receive depth data for every alternate video frame. Console output is posted as a follow up comment (because of the character limit). I edited some lines out for brevity. You'll see it started streaming correctly but after a while it stopped received both video and depth outputs (in some other runs, it works perfectly and in some other runs I receive no depth data whatsoever). One thing to note, I sometimes run quicktime mirroring to see the device screen to see what the app is displaying (so not sure if that's causing any interference - that said I don't see any system pressure changes either). Any help is most appreciated! Thanks.
Dec ’23
Error setting up camera using DiscoverySession
Trying to access camera hardware using let deviceDiscoverySession = AVCaptureDevice.DiscoverySession(deviceTypes: [.builtInWideAngleCamera], mediaType: AVMediaType.video, position: AVCaptureDevice.Position.front) guard let captureDevice = deviceDiscoverySession.devices.first else { print("Failed to get the camera device") } In many devices I get the Failed to get camera device error. Devices like iPhone XS iPhone X iPhone 7 iPhone 11 iPhone 11 Pro Max iPhone 8 iPhone14,7 iPhone 12 iPhone XR iPhone SE (2nd generation) iPhone 13 iPhone 13 Pro iPhone 6s iPhone 6s Plus Is there a reason why this might happen if the hardware is functioning properly. Please help as a lot of users are facing this issue.
Dec ’23
CMIO Camera Extension and debug log
I made s target of "Camera Extension" on Xcode macOS Swift app. I got Swift code with CMIOExtensionDeviceSource. I add NSLog() and String.write() to file under FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory. My camera extension installaion was success and running with FaceTime. But I cannot see NSLog output or debug output temp file on Xcode or Console. How can I see debug output from my Camera Extension?
Dec ’23