iPadOS is the operating system for iPad.

Posts under iPadOS tag

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UITabbarController - padOS18: at top, padOS17 and before: at Bottom
This pertains to iPad apps and UITabbarController in UIKit. Our internal app for employees utilizes UITabbarController displayed at the bottom of the screen. Users prefer to maintain consistency with it being at the bottom. It becomes challenging to argue against this when users point out the iPhone version displaying it "correctly" at the bottom. My response is to trust Apple's design team to keep it at the top. One workaround is to develop the app using the previous Xcode version, version 15 (via Xcode Cloud), targeting padOS17. This ensures the tab bar is shown at the bottom of the screen. However, this approach has its drawbacks: Apple may not support it in the future, leading to missed secure updates for the app, among other issues. Exploring the UITabbarController mode appears to be the solution I am seeking. To quote the documentation "on iPad, If the tabs array contains one or more UITabGroup items, the system displays the content as either a tab bar or a sidebar, depending on the context. Otherwise, it only displays the content only as a tab bar.". The part "displays the content only as a tab bar." made think this is BAU: class ViewController: UITabBarController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() self.mode = .tabBar } } Unfortunately, this does not resolve the issue. Is there an API method that can force the tabbar to its previous bottom position? The app uses multiple windows. When we split a window to launch another instance, the tab bar appears at the bottom. This behavior seems tied to the form factor—or potentially to how many items are in the tab bar. We could build a custom tab bar to override this, but that goes against my “don’t reinvent the wheel” principle. Any comments we welcome and thank you for reading this (to the end) Theo
Multiple issues with SwiftUI TabView in sidebarAdaptable mode
We are trying to write an iOS app that supports regular and constrained widths using a TabView with .tabViewStyle(.sidebarAdaptable). On the surface this seems like a great way to write an app that supports all the different widths that your app may run in. Especially since Stage Manager and Apple Vision have made it easy for users to resize your apps window while it is running. We are facing many challenges though. I will give a brief one liner of each below, but to truly experience them you need to run the sample app, or watch the sample videos included. Issues Basic TabView Issues Double Navigation Bar: When tabs are collapsed into a "More" tab, there's an unwanted double navigation bar Selection Sync: Tab selection gets out of sync when switching between narrow/wide layouts through the "More" tab TabView Crash Fatal crash occurs when resizing window to narrow width while Tab 5 is selected Error: SwiftUI/SidebarAdaptableTabViewStyle_iOS.swift:482: Fatal error: Tried to update with invalid selection value Section Handling Issues Section Display Bug: Bottom tabs incorrectly show section names instead of tab names in narrow width Tab Selection Mismatch: Tab identifiers don't match selected tabs in narrow width mode Customization Issues Inconsistent "Edit" button behavior in More tab Unable to properly disable tab customization Sample app and video https://github.com/copia-wealth-studios/swiftui-tabview-sample
Enabling Just-In-Time compiler on "Emulators" on AppStore and/or enabling hypervisor to the iPad
Hello, why is apple won’t adding Just-In-Time compiler to ”Emulators” in the app store. And/or hypervisor for newer devices. i feel like UTM (which is a PC Emulator) or other Apps that emulate need JIT to work properly, and will consume significantly less battery to emulate/virtualize, And will have a noticeably better performance than just not enabling JIT, and by the way jit is already being used on iPadOS/iOS 18.3/18.3.1 and newer/older version of that so being enabled by the choice of the developer of the App is more convenient than doing it with tools. and by the why apple wont let emulators on iPads and newer iPhones do hypervisor, it’s better than JIT but requires a good cpu, like making it available to people with newer/powerful devices, hypervisor is better than JIT by a lot and removing it in iPadOS/iOS 18.4 was an unnecessary choice?, becuase it had a better potential in virtualization instead of emulating, and I feel like enabling it In M1-M2 iPads and A14-18pro and newer devices is just better from having it disabled, to unlock the fullest potential of the iPad it needs to have a app or something to do instead of just running high graphics games/or Apps.
input type="file"でアップロードした画像のGPS情報
input type="file"でアップロードした画像データからGPS情報が除去されます。 こちらはiPadOS16.5.1で発生しておりました。 iPadOS17.4.1、iPadOS18.3では正常にGPS情報が保持されます。 iOS、iPadOSのアップデートでGPS情報を保持するよう修正されたと見受けられますが、リリースノートを参照しても上記修正についての記事を見つけられませんでした。 お手数ですが、上記修正に該当する記事をご教示頂けませんでしょうか。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。
Extending iOS screen to an external display
I understand two key concepts from desktop platforms: Screen Mirroring – The same content is displayed on both the primary and external screens. Screen Extension – The external display shows different content that complements what's on the main screen. My question pertains to the second point: Is it possible to extend the display on iOS and iPadOS devices? I'm referring to this Apple documentation, which explains how to extend content from an iOS/iPadOS device to an external display. I tested this in a sample iOS Xcode project. In the iOS Simulator, I was able to detect an "external display" and present a separate UIWindow on it. However, when I tried the same on a real device (iPhone 15 connected to a MacBook Pro via cable), the external display connection was not detected. I’d like to confirm whether screen extension is possible on a real iOS device. From my research, it appears that extension is only supported on iPadOS via Stage Manager, but I want to verify if there’s any way to achieve this on an iPhone. If so, are there any known apps that currently utilize extended display functionality on iOS? If extension is not possible on iOS, what does the documentation mentions iOS?
Videojs player stopped working for few proxies after ipad os update from 16 to 18.
I am using videojs player to play my hls m3u8 proxies, and there was no issue with ipad os 16, ater i upgraded it to 18, i started getting this warning -> [Warning] VIDEOJS: – "WARN:" "Problem encountered with playlist 0-https://coludFront.m3u8. Trying again since it is the only playlist." After this warning logs, the player just freeze's and even the source is not loaded into player. This issue doesn't exist in mac safari and iphone safari with latest os.
Failing UI Test for new floating Tabbar iOS 18+
Xcode 16.1 iOS 18.1 iPad Air 13-inch (M2) I have created a completely new Xcode project with Swift and Storyboard. In Storyboard, I only have a tabBarController with two attached UIViewControllers. The code from the base project hasn't been changed at all. I created a UITest with a very simple premise. let app = XCUIApplication() override func setupWithError() throws { continueAfterFailure = false app.launch() } func testTabBarExistence() { let tabBar = app.tabBars.element(boundBy: 0) XCTAssertTrue(tabBar.waitForExistence(timeout: 5), "Tab bar should exist") } But this test always fails for iPad on iOS 18+, but it will succeed for anything lower (e.g. 17.5)
iPad Pro M4 Freezing and Restarting Daily Without Heavy Usage
I purchased an iPad Pro M4 in early December, and since day one, I’ve been experiencing a recurring issue. Almost every day, at random times, the device freezes for 1–5 minutes and then restarts itself. The tablet is not under heavy load when this happens — I mainly use it for light tasks such as watching videos in a player or Safari browser, web surfing, and reading books. The issue has even occurred while the iPad was idle and locked; it froze, displayed the Apple logo, and rebooted. I brought the device back to the store where I purchased it, and they sent it for a diagnostic check. However, the experts concluded that the device is fully functional, and no defects were found. After one of these crashes, I noticed that my Apple Pencil started lagging (see video file IMG_5688.MOV). However, after another reboot, the issue with the Apple Pencil resolved itself. I’ve documented the issue with several video recordings showing the freezing and rebooting behavior, as well as error logs generated after such incidents. Device Details: Model: iPad Pro M4 Usage: Light tasks only (video streaming, web browsing, reading) Environment: No overheating, no resource-heavy applications running What could be causing this issue, and how can I resolve it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! P.S. I’ve uploaded all the device logs and videos demonstrating the issue to Google Drive. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_R0i_iazADWo5EgStrPdgmf1XjgPP_RC?usp=sharing
Jan ’25
iPad Pro M4. Panic. Freezing and Restarting Daily Without Heavy Usage
I purchased an iPad Pro M4 in early December, and since day one, I’ve been experiencing a recurring issue. Almost every day, at random times, the device freezes for 1–5 minutes and then restarts itself. The tablet is not under heavy load when this happens — I mainly use it for light tasks such as watching videos in a player or Safari browser, web surfing, and reading books. The issue has even occurred while the iPad was idle and locked; it froze, displayed the Apple logo, and rebooted. I brought the device back to the store where I purchased it, and they sent it for a diagnostic check. However, the experts concluded that the device is fully functional, and no defects were found. After one of these crashes, I noticed that my Apple Pencil started lagging (see video file IMG_5688.MOV). However, after another reboot, the issue with the Apple Pencil resolved itself. I’ve documented the issue with several video recordings showing the freezing and rebooting behavior, as well as error logs generated after such incidents. Device Details: Model: iPad Pro M4 Usage: Light tasks only (video streaming, web browsing, reading) Environment: No overheating, no resource-heavy applications running What could be causing this issue, and how can I resolve it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! P.S. I’ve uploaded all the device logs and videos demonstrating the issue to Google Drive. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_R0i_iazADWo5EgStrPdgmf1XjgPP_RC?usp=sharing
Jan ’25
@Environment(\.dismiss) causes endless loop in iOS 18.2.1
Hello, I've been using the @Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss in a SwiftUI app for the last 2 years which means it was working as expected in iOS 16, iOS 17 and for the most part iOS 18 up until iOS 18.2.1 in which it is causing an endless loop and eventually a crash. It seems to be something about using a the @Environment(\.dismiss) with a NavigationLink which seems to cause this issue. When I add a log in my swiftUI views with let _ = Self._printChanges(), I see the following printed out in a loop: CurrentProjectView: _dismiss changed. SurveyView: @self changed. Similar issues have been reported: https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/720803 https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/739512 Any idea how to resolve this ?
iPadOS 18 App (on Apple Silicon) - Duplicate Tab Bar Appearing in Toolbar
With iPadOS 18, the UITabBar now defaults to the floating style. I successfully reverted the tab bar to its traditional style by overriding the UITabBarController's horizontalSizeClass property: self.tabBarController?.traitOverrides.horizontalSizeClass = .unspecified When I launch the app on my Mac using Apple Silicon, TWO tab bars appear: One appears at the bottom of the screen, like a traditional tab bar. The second tab bar is still embedded in the app toolbar in its floating style. Is this a bug? How do you ensure that overriding the horizontalSizeClass will remove/hide the floating tab bar when running an app on Apple Silicon? TIA! (Demonstrated on a test project)
Jan ’25
iOS 18.x PDFKit Page.string and Page.attributedString return some text way out of oder
Reading text out of PDFs with PDFKit results in some text being returned way out of order when using .string or .attributedString functions. Way out of order means not just wrong sorting of words on a line or wrongly showing up on the next line (as has happened with PDFKit on older iOS releases, e.g. 17.x), but some text (one or more words) may show up near the end of a page of text, while it should show near the beginning. As Page.characterBounds(at:) is buggy in iOS 18.x returns wrong bounds, devs cannot correct such faulty PDFKit behaviour programmatically. I believe it is on Apple to fix this iOS 18 bug asap. Thank you for giving it priority as this is killing apps that need PDFKit to get and parse text data out of PDFs. I have filed Feedback FB16264926.
Jan ’25
Compatibility Issue Between 360 Cameras and iPad Pro M4
Hello everyone, I need some help about this things. If you also know, pls comment. Overview We are planning to develop an app using the “Support external cameras in your iPadOS app” feature introduced in iPadOS 17. Before implementing this feature, it is necessary for the iPad to recognize external cameras. However, among the iPad models compatible with iPadOS 17, we have found that some of the iPads owned by our development team can recognize external cameras, while others cannot. If you have any reports regarding compatibility issues or information on how to resolve these problems, please share them with us. Detailed Explanation: The results of our investigation are as follows: External Camera Used: A 360-degree camera Devices Firmware RICOH Theta X 2.61.0(2024/12/26Latest) RICOH Theta Z1 Tested iPad Devices Firmware Status 12.9インチiPad Pro(第3世代) IOS 17.5.1 OK 11インチiPad Pro(M4) IOS 18.2 NG Verification Method Step 1: Power on the iPad and the external camera, ensuring both are ready for connection. Step 2: Connect the iPad and the external camera using a USB-C cable. Step 3: Launch FaceTime on the iPad and check the displayed camera feed. If the external camera is recognized, the feed from the external camera will be displayed.
Jan ’25
iPadOS 18 TabView with Large Navigation Title
I’m following the example code from Apple to implement the new iPadOS 18 TabView() with the new Tab(). While the tabbing itself is working fine, I can’t get it to show up a (large) navigation title in the sidebar (like the Home or Files app). I’ve tried placing .navigationTitle("App Name") at the TabView, but that doesn’t work. Is it possible to do this in any way or is this not recommended to show? TabView { Tab("Overview", systemImage: "film") { Text("Put a OverviewView here") } TabSection("Watch") { Tab("Movies", systemImage: "film") { Text("Put a MoviesView here") } Tab("TV Shows", systemImage: "tv") { Text("Put a TVShowsView here") } } TabSection("Listen") { Tab("Music", systemImage: "music.note.list") { Text("Put a MusicView here") } Tab("Podcasts", systemImage: "mic") { Text("Put a PodcastsView here") } } } .tabViewStyle(.sidebarAdaptable) .navigationTitle("App Name") .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.large) I know that there is also the .tabViewSidebarHeader() modifier, but that adds any view above the scroll view content. Neither does that easily allow to make it look like the regular navigation title, nor does it actually display in the navigation bar at the top, when scrolling down.
Jan ’25
[UIViewController willMoveToParentViewController:] provides an incorrect navStack when popping a view controller in iPadOS 18.2
The Apple documentation for [UIViewController willMoveToParentViewController:] states, Called just before the view controller is added or removed from a container view controller. Hence, the view controller being popped should appear at the top of the navStack when willMoveToParentViewController: is called. In iPadOS 16 and 17 the view controller being popped appears at the top of the navStack when willMoveToParentViewController: is called. In iPadOS 18 the view controller being popped has already been (incorrectly) removed from the navStack. We confirmed this bug using iPadOS 18.2 as well as 18.0. Our app relies upon the contents of the navStack within willMoveToParentViewController: to track the user's location within a folder hierarchy. Our app works smoothly on iPadOS 16 and 17. Conversely, our customers running iPadOS 18 have lost client data and corrupted their data folders as a result of this bug! These customers are angry -- not surprisingly, some have asked for refunds and submitted negative app reviews. Why doesn't willMoveToParentViewController: provide the correct navStack in iPadOS 18.2?
Dec ’24
iOS 18 iPad Toolbar .principal Placement
Hi, I am having some spacing issues with the new TabViewStyle.sidebarAdaptable. My app uses @ToolBarContentBuilder for navigationBar elements as there are some custom design requirements. One of these is title text that is set in the principal position. Simplified example: var body: some View { Text("Body") .toolbar { toolbar() } } @ToolbarContentBuilder private func toolbar() -> some ToolbarContent { ToolbarItem(placement: placement) { Text("Title") } } Everything with this setup works fine till I use an iPad with iOS 18 where the new toggleable sidebar is present. Upon switching to the sidebar layout the title does not move to the space adjacent to the navigation button (where the tab bar just was) and instead remains in its own bar, below the rest of the navigation. I've noticed that when navigationTitle is set the the title set in toolbar() does appear in the right place. var body: some View { Text("Body") .toolbar { toolbar() } .navigationTitle("anything") } Is this expected behaviour? How can I achieve a single line nav bar with a title set this way? Happy to provide a sandbox app to reproduce this issue. Many thanks, Matt
Dec ’24