Integrate iOS device camera and motion features to produce augmented reality experiences in your app or game using ARKit.

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Is it possible to create a sentence hover effect in Vision Pro?
I want a sentence custom hover effect, not a button. I want a hover effect when you look at one sentence out of many sentences. So I searched for reference videos , on apple youtube and visionOS documentation. But I haven't gotten anywhere near my wish feature yet. I respectfully request someone to help me. :)
Rounded button in realitykit using swiftui
I'm developing an ar app using reality kit and Arkit and i want to have my buttons in the same theme of vision os buttons thin , transparent background and round at corners.Following is the code i have written and need help with it func createButton(label: String, position: SIMD3<Float>) -> ModelEntity { let button = ModelEntity(mesh: .generateBox(size: [0.3, 0.1, 0.02], cornerRadius: 10), materials: [SimpleMaterial(color: .blue, isMetallic: false)]) button.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: true) button.position = position // Add button label let buttonText = ModelEntity(mesh: .generateText(label, extrusionDepth: 0.005, font: .systemFont(ofSize: 0.05))) buttonText.model?.materials = [SimpleMaterial(color: .white, isMetallic: true)] buttonText.position = [-0.07, -0.02, 0.01] button.addChild(buttonText) return button }
RealityKit fails with EXC_BAD_ACCESS at CMClockGetAnchorTime in the simulator
Starting with iOS 18.0 beta 1, I've noticed that RealityKit frequently crashes in the simulator when an app launches and presents an ARView. I was able to create a small sample app with repro steps that demonstrates the issue, and I've submitted feedback: FB16144085 I've included a crash log with the feedback. If possible, I'd appreciate it if an Apple engineer could investigate and suggest a workaround. It's awkward to be restricted to the iOS 17 simulator, which does not exhibit this behavior. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Thank you.
BillboardComponent causing Model Entity tap recognition issues on iOS 18
Hi, When I attach BillboardComponent to anchor entities, I am no longer able to retrieve the tapped entity anymore because the collision shapes of the entity are messed up due to always orienting it towards the camera. And it does not updated the collision shapes because if I try pressing everywhere that is not my model entity, I get a hit out of nowhere. I tried updating the collision shapes of the entity every frame: for child in existingPassport.mainEntity!.children { child.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: true) } However, nothing comes of it, and it is not a smart solution in the first places because it is too heavy to recreate the shapes every frame. I am using the usual AR View Controller that works when I comment out the BillboardComponent line just fine: private func setupTapRecognizer() { let tapRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleTap)) arView.addGestureRecognizer(tapRecognizer) } @objc func handleTap(_ recognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) { print("handle tap URL 1") let location = recognizer.location(in: arView) if let entity = arView.entity(at: location) { print("handle tap URL 2") // Assuming each entity has a URL stored in a component if let urlComponent = entity.components[URLComponent.self] { webViewPresenter?.presentFullScreenWebView(url: urlComponent.url) print("handle tap URL: \(urlComponent.url)") } } } How should we tackle this issue on iOS 18? Thanks!
VisionOS, passthrough through broadcast shows a black background
Hey, I have Enterprise Access on the account and have added the passthrough capability and the entitlement on the main project and the "Broadcast Upload" extension, too. The broadcast works except it returns a black screen. I am attaching some screenshots below of the entitlement file. I have tried searching online to no avail, so any help would be greatly appreciated. I am also attaching the code. import Foundation import AVFoundation import ReplayKit class VideoAssetWriter { private var isRecording = false private var outputStream: OutputStream? private func setupConnection() { guard outputStream == nil else { return } print("setting up connection.") let serverIP = macIP let port = 12345 var readStream: Unmanaged<CFReadStream>? var writeStream: Unmanaged<CFWriteStream>? CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost(kCFAllocatorDefault, serverIP as CFString, UInt32(port), &readStream, &writeStream) guard let writeStream = writeStream?.takeRetainedValue() else { print("Failed to create write stream") return } self.outputStream = writeStream as OutputStream self.outputStream?.open() } func startRecording() { isRecording = true } func processVideoSampleBuffer(_ sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer) { print("Processing Sample 1") guard isRecording else { return } print("Processing Sample 2") sendVideoChunkToServer(sampleBuffer) } private func sendVideoChunkToServer(_ sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer) { guard let imageBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) else { return } print("Processing Sample 3") let ciImage = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: imageBuffer) let context = CIContext() guard let cgImage = context.createCGImage(ciImage, from: ciImage.extent) else { return } print("Processing Sample 4") let image = UIImage(cgImage: cgImage) if let imageData = image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.5) { guard imageData.count <= 10_000_000 else { print("Frame too large: \(imageData.count) bytes") return } if outputStream == nil { setupConnection() } print("sending frame size up connection.") // Convert to network byte order (big-endian) var frameSize = UInt32(imageData.count).bigEndian let sizeData = Data(bytes: &frameSize, count: MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size) _ = sizeData.withUnsafeBytes { outputStream?.write($0.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self), maxLength: sizeData.count) } print("sending image data up connection.") // Send frame data _ = imageData.withUnsafeBytes { outputStream?.write($0.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self), maxLength: imageData.count) } } } func stopRecording() { isRecording = false outputStream?.close() outputStream = nil } } This is the broadcast picker view wrapper: // Broadcast Picker View wrapper struct BroadcastButtonView: UIViewRepresentable { func makeUIView(context: Context) -> RPSystemBroadcastPickerView { let broadcastPickerView = RPSystemBroadcastPickerView( frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 200) ) // Make sure this matches your broadcast extension bundle identifier broadcastPickerView.preferredExtension = "my-extension-bundle-identifier" broadcastPickerView.showsMicrophoneButton = false return broadcastPickerView } func updateUIView(_ uiView: RPSystemBroadcastPickerView, context: Context) { } } The extension SampleHandler: override func broadcastPaused() { print("paused broadcast") // User has requested to pause the broadcast. Samples will stop being delivered. } override func broadcastResumed() { print("resumed broadcast") // User has requested to resume the broadcast. Samples delivery will resume. } override func processSampleBuffer(_ sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, with sampleBufferType: RPSampleBufferType) { print("broadcast received") assetWriter?.processVideoSampleBuffer(sampleBuffer) } Looking forward to any and all help. Information Property list: Information property list for the extension: The capabilities:
Nested USDZs new behaviour with Quick Look
Hello there I have a nested USDZ file I had created a long time ago with some make-up products. Its behaviour was always the same in the past: nested usdz files allow you to control each object "nested" separately. So I used this as a way to allow people to play around with a "set of objects". Today I went to try it and since I'm on ios 18 it shows an "assets tab" on the bottom that allows me to see all the assets inside the tab but doesn't allow me to see or anchor them at all! What changes do I need to do in order for this to work and where can I check documentation on these new behaviours for USDZ files? And what will this allow for in the future? Thank you in advance
Create Anchor on Objects from 2D Data
We're developing a VisionOS application, where we would like to do product recognition (like food items). We have enterprise entitlements and therefore also main camera access for VisionOS. We send this live camera frames to a trained CoreML model where we will receive 2D coordinates from the model detection prediction. Now, we would like to create a 3D anchor on the detected items so it can be visible for user. The 3D anchor is going to be the class name of the detected item. How do we transform this 2D coordinate from the model prediction to a 3D anchor?
Object Capture Not Working – Blank Screen Displayed
Hello everyone, Since last night, the Object Capture feature in my app has stopped working. Whenever I try to use it, a blank screen is displayed instead of the expected functionality. I’ve also tested several other apps that rely on Object Capture, and they are experiencing the same issue. This makes me think it might not be a problem specific to my device or app. I’ve already tried restarting my device and ensuring all apps are up to date, but the issue persists. Does anyone have more information about this issue? If so, is there any update on when it might be resolved? Thank you in advance for your help! Best regards
VisionOS ARKit CameraFrame Sample Parameters Extrinsics
the following documentation tells me that the CameraFrame.Sample.Parameters.extrinsics is of type simd_float4x4, great! I have read in the answer of another post that this extrinsics represents the pose of the physical camera relative to the device anchor. Did I understand correctly that the device anchor is where the scene is rendered from onto the user's display? What is the coordinate system in which this offset is defined, which axis is left, which one is up, which one is forward? The last column of the extrinsics seems to define a translation of approximately 2 cm along the x axis, -2cm along the y axis and -5 cm along the z axis. I tried to measure the physical distance between the main left and right cameras in order to find out if it's rather 2cm or 5 cm from the "middle", it looks more like 5, so I assume that the z axis is looking towards the right (from the user's perspective). Is that so? For x and y, I assume that the physical camera is approximately 2 cm to the front of the user and 2cm to the bottom, which of x and y is horizontal, which on vertical? How is the camera image indexed, is it row-major and is the origin on the top left? I am looking forward to learning about all the details on these extrinsics in order to make use of it.
Image Anchoring Not Working Outside Reality Composer/Reality Composer Pro
Hi everyone, I’m having trouble with image anchoring when working on a project in Reality Composer and Reality Composer Pro. Here’s the issue: 1. What I’m Trying to Achieve: I want to create an AR scene where an object anchors to an image I provide. I don't want to create an app for this but just use the USDZ File the Scene creates. The USDZ File then should be viewable via the various integrations of AR Quick Look across the Apple Ecosystem. The image anchoring works perfectly when I preview the scene inside Reality Composer using AR mode. 2. The Problem: When I export the project (tried both USDZ and Reality formats) and open it on my iPhone using the Files app (which uses AR Quick Look), the image anchoring no longer works. The object doesn’t anchor to the provided image as expected. It just anchors to the first plane it recognizes and not the image. 3. What I’ve Tried: Exporting the scene in USDZ format. Exporting the scene in Reality format. Both formats result in the same issue: no image anchoring outside of the Reality Composer environment. Trying different images but all resulting in same manor that the image anchoring is not working Tried different iOS Version but resulting in the same issue 4. Current Setup: Reality Composer Pro version: 2.0 iPhone model: iPhone 13 Pro iOS version: 18.1. 5. What I Need Help With: Is there a way to ensure image anchoring works in exported files when opened via AR Quick Look? Do I need to configure something specific during the export process? Are there limitations in AR Quick Look that prevent image anchoring from functioning correctly? Do i need to create an app to make this work? I’d appreciate any advice or insights from the community. If anyone has experience with similar issues or knows of a workaround, please let me know! Thanks in advance, Mav
Crash: offlineFloorPlanGeneration
Lately i got a lot of crashes on iOS 18 devices (mostly 13 Pro devices but also a 16 Pro Max), has anyone encountered similar issues and is there more information about offlineFloorPlanGeneration? EXC_BAD_ACCESS KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS 0x0000f5cab18e03c0 RoomScanCore RSFrameFromDictionary + 110992
App building in ARKit
I wanted to know if I could create an app that involves some AR scenes using ARKit. I have a Figma prototype and was thinking of making some AR scenes that involve object tracking on ARKit. I wanted to know if I would be able to incorporate these AR scenes into my app somehow. I want these experiences to be triggered by a button from my app design. Also would this be easy to do and involve lots of coding? Thank you!!!
RealityComposer text items (arkit/ios18) not displaying
I have created a simple scene in reality composer (composer not composer pro). It contains just a cube and text item. I convert this to usdz file and load it into a Arkit swift app. Since ios 18/xcode 16 - the "text" element is not displayed at all. The cube is displayed, anchors correctly and can be moved etc.... The output from usdchecker ➜ Desktop usdchecker GKTUHR1.6.3.usdz -v --arkit Opening GKTUHR1.6.3.usdz Checking layer <GKTUHR1.6.3.usdz>. Checking package <GKTUHR1.6.3.usdz> Checking prim </Root>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Gravity>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/sceneGroundPlane>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/sceneGroundPlane/physicsMaterial>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/hello>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/hello/Generated>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/hello/Generated/Text>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/hello/Generated/Text/Material>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/hello/Generated/Text/Material/PBRShader>. Checking shader </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/hello/Generated/Text/Material/PBRShader>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/hello/Children>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/Box>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/Box/Generated>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/Box/Generated/Mesh0>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/Box/Generated/Mesh0/Mesh0>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/Box/Generated/Mesh0/Material>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/Box/Generated/Mesh0/Material/PBRShader>. Checking shader </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/Box/Generated/Mesh0/Material/PBRShader>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/Box/Children>. Checking prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/Box/PhysicsMaterial_Box>. Found material bindings but no MaterialBindingAPI applied on the prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/sceneGroundPlane>. (fails 'MaterialBindingAPIAppliedChecker') Found material bindings but no MaterialBindingAPI applied on the prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/hello/Generated/Text>. (fails 'MaterialBindingAPIAppliedChecker') Found material bindings but no MaterialBindingAPI applied on the prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/Box>. (fails 'MaterialBindingAPIAppliedChecker') Found material bindings but no MaterialBindingAPI applied on the prim </Root/Scenes/Scene/Children/Box/Generated/Mesh0>. (fails 'MaterialBindingAPIAppliedChecker') Failed!
Nov ’24
How to Capture 48MP Photos with Ultra-Wide Camera During AR Session on iPhone 16 Pro?
Hello Developers, I am working on an app where I need to capture 48MP high-resolution photos using the ultra-wide camera of the iPhone 16 Pro while an AR session is running. The goal is to take these photos without interrupting or impacting the AR session, which uses the main wide-angle camera. Despite extensive testing and various approaches, we have been unable to achieve the desired functionality. What We Have Tried So Far 1. Using AVCaptureMultiCamSession: • We attempted to leverage AVCaptureMultiCamSession to simultaneously use the wide-angle camera for ARKit and the ultra-wide camera for photo capture. • However, this approach resulted in resource conflicts, with errors such as Cannot Record (OSStatus error -16409) and dropped frames. Additionally, the ultra-wide camera feed would frequently freeze or stop. 2. Dedicated AVCaptureSession for the Ultra-Wide Camera: • We separated the ultra-wide camera into its own AVCaptureSession while letting ARKit exclusively use the wide-angle camera. • This setup showed initial promise, but the ultra-wide camera feed would still stop running after a very short time (under one second). • Debugging logs indicated potential system-level interruptions, possibly due to resource prioritization by iOS. 3. Notification-Based Monitoring: • We implemented monitoring for session interruptions (AVCaptureSession.wasInterruptedNotification), but this provided limited insights into the exact cause of the session stopping. • We suspect iOS is de-prioritizing the ultra-wide camera session due to resource management policies or conflicts with ARKit. 4. Adjusting Camera Configurations: • We attempted to simplify both ARKit and AVCaptureSession configurations by reducing features like depth data and by using lower session presets for video capture. However, the core issue persisted. The Core Problem • The ultra-wide camera session frequently stops or freezes when used alongside ARKit. • Capturing high-resolution 48MP photos during the AR session is critical to the functionality of our app. Question Has anyone successfully implemented a similar setup? Specifically: • Capturing 48MP photos with the ultra-wide camera while ARKit is actively using the main camera. • Avoiding conflicts between ARKit and AVCaptureSession for the ultra-wide camera. Any insights, suggestions, or alternative approaches would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help! 😊
Issues setting up the Enterprise API entitlements (Main Camera Access)
Hello, i've recently received the entitlements to access the main camera stream for a project on the Apple Vision Pro. What happens : When executing code from this WWDC tutorial , i'm getting this error when trying to use a Camera Frame Provider : ar_camera_frame_provider_t <0x300d58870>: Failed to start camera stream with error: <ar_error_t: 0x303fcc4c0 Error Code=100 "App not authorized." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Using camera frame provider requires an entitlement., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=, NSLocalizedDescription=App not authorized.} What I've tried : I followed the instructions given by mail, by : adding the .license file at the root of my project, adding the .entitlements file by adding capabilities in the project (Main Camera Access & Passthrough in screen capture are there). I've added NSCameraDescription, NSEnterpriseMCAMUsageDescription and NSWorldSensingUsageDescription (they all have a value assigned). I've also followed those post & post advices. When checking on the Account settings, i do see the capabilities in the "additional capabilities" On first launch, I'm also getting prompted to accept the NSEnterpriseMCAMUsageDescription, so I assume the info.plist file is valid? What did i missed to get the entitlements working ? Here's the code : import ARKit import SwiftUI import Vision import RealityKit class MainCameraAccess { var arKitSession = ARKitSession() var cameraFrameProvider = CameraFrameProvider() var pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer? func startCameraSession() async { let formats = CameraVideoFormat.supportedVideoFormats(for: .main, cameraPositions: [.left]) // Request authorization await arKitSession.requestAuthorization(for: [.cameraAccess]) // Start the session do { try await[cameraFrameProvider]) } catch { print("Failed to start ARKit session: \(error)") return } // Get camera frame updates guard let cameraFrameUpdates = cameraFrameProvider.cameraFrameUpdates(for: formats[0]) else { return } // Process frames for await cameraFrame in cameraFrameUpdates { guard let mainCameraSample = cameraFrame.sample(for: .left) else { continue } self.pixelBuffer = mainCameraSample.pixelBuffer } } func saveLatestImage() { guard let pixelBuffer = self.pixelBuffer else { print("No image available to save.") return } // Convert CVPixelBuffer to UIImage let ciImage = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer) let context = CIContext() guard let cgImage = context.createCGImage(ciImage, from: ciImage.extent) else { print("Failed to create CGImage.") return } let uiImage = UIImage(cgImage: cgImage) // Save UIImage to Photos Album UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(uiImage, nil, nil, nil) print("Image saved to photo library.") } } Thanks in advance for the help, Jeremy