App Submission

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Submit your apps to the App Store using App Store Connect.

Posts under App Submission tag

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Server error on AppStoreConnect
Hi Everyone, I'm experiencing a lot of problems with AppStore Connect in the past three days. Official status page says all is well. But when I tried to log in to the app store connect, it directly redirected to the Users and Access page. I can't go to the apps page ( I tried changing the size of the screen to very narrow, and then I found a hamburger menu in the upper left corner. Even in the hamburger menu, it is showing only Users and Access I can't go to the apps page or anyother page. Anyone else have the same problems? Thanks!
Nov ’24
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
Hello, I'm trying to submit my app to the App Store, but I keep getting rejected because of this: Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed We’re looking forward to completing our review, but we need additional information about your app's cryptocurrency exchange services. This information is required to review the app for compliance with App Review Guideline 3.1.5(iii), which requires exchange services only be offered in countries or regions where the app has appropriate licensing and permissions to provide a cryptocurrency exchange. Next Steps Please provide the following information and/or documentation: - Provide documentary evidence of the licensing and permissions for the cryptocurrency exchange services in your app for all of the countries or regions where your app is available. The documentation you provide should indicate where you intend to distribute your app. - Provide links to government websites that display the licenses you've secured to provide exchange services in all the countries or regions where your app is available. - Provide information on the third-party exchange APIs that your app connects with, including links to public APIs and documentation of partnership with specific third-party exchanges. Resources For more information on our policies for apps with cryptocurrency exchange services, see App Review Guideline 3.1.5. My app is not a cryptocurrency exchange and is not affiliated with any crypto exchange. This app is a dashboard for my clients to access their subscriptions and receive insights to support their cryptocurrency investment decisions. The app serves as an information tool, providing market trends, analytical data, and trading insights—useful tools for clients as they consider their independent investments outside the app. Specifically, my app does not provide, facilitate, or simulate any form of crypto trading, buying, selling, or custody services. There is no mechanism within the app for clients to transact, hold, or manage cryptocurrency assets, nor does it link to any external exchange for this purpose. It is not structured as a transaction tool but rather as a financial advisory aid that helps clients analyze the cryptocurrency market independently. For example, the app includes features such as: Cryptocurrency market analysis and trends Tools to help interpret market movements An automated alert system that clients can configure to receive customized notifications on market data My app operates purely within the realm of financial advisement without any transactional or custodial functions. The app does not handle assets nor facilitate exchange services. I have responded with this to the App Review, but I keep getting declined with the same guideline. No matter what I say or do - whoever reviews my app just keeps saying it's a cryptocurrency exchange... Which is simply not true... I tried appealing the review as well, but I haven't gotten any confirmation my appeal has been received so far, not to mention a response to the appeal, and it's been days... Any help with fighting this review is much appreciated, thank you!
Nov ’24
Trouble Creating An Apple Silicon (arm64 only) PKG
I'm running into issues creating a valid .pkg file for I'm building an Electron app for the Mac App Store. I have a working build that's live, but I've encountered issues on x86 architectures. The delivery process fails with the following error: Asset validation failed (90981) Invalid bundle. The “com.XXXX.***.pkg/Payload/” bundle supports arm64 but not Intel-based Mac computers. Your build must include the x86_64 architecture to support Intel-based Mac computers. For details, view: (ID: 56e46e1a-6e77-4468-80e6-249ec8990fa8) My build script that creates the .app and code signs the application uses the productbuild utility to create the .pkg. This is the command: productbuild --sign "$INSTALLER_KEY" --product "./build/requirements.plist" --component "$APP_PATH" /Applications "$RESULT_PATH" From my research, I would have assumed that the requirements property list was all that I would need to specify for the .pkg. This is this contents of /build/requirements.plist/: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>arch</key> <array> <string>arm64</string> </array> </dict> </plist> The application included in the .pkg is correctly built for arm64 and I've verified this with: lipo -archs /Path/To/ arm64 Other research ha led me to solutions via Xcode, but as stated at the beginning I'm using Electron. Any suggestions or insights would be very beneficial.
Nov ’24
I'll publish my app on App Store but it needs Accessibility Permission
Hi, this is my app: Here, a video that demonstrates my app: It's a very cute window management app with unique features. It needs Accessibility Permission but App Store requires App Sandbox enabled which makes to request Accessibility Permission impossible. How can I submit my app without App Sandbox enabled to Apple? Apple can review the code and build it themselves? There are apps that uses Accessibility Permissions on App Store as I can see. Hope you help to have my app on App Store, it will be very good. 😇 I hope you'll give my app a place on App Store. 🥳 Thank you.
Nov ’24
App Flagged 3.2(f)
We are a team of beginner developers, and we recently published our game (made in Unity) on the App Store for both macOS and iOS. It was live for about 15 days until three days ago, when we received a notice from Apple that our account had been flagged for removal. The email mentioned that our game violates section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. We've been trying to identify the issue since then, but we're not involved in any fraudulent activities. Any guidance on how to resolve this would be a huge help. Thanks.
Nov ’24
App Rejection for iOS 18.1 issue I cant replicate
Forgive me for using this forum I need a quick reply and resolution. Apple says on the iPad Air, ios18.1 the "enter as guest" button doesn't work. But it works for me. Can you tell me if you have the same issue or not? Heres the TestFlight URL: Apples message: Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness Issue Description The app exhibited one or more bugs that would negatively impact App Store users. Bug description: We were unable to login or enter as guest. The "sign in" and "enter as guest" buttons were unresponsive when tapped on. Review device details: Device type: iPad Air (5th generation) OS version: iPadOS 18.1
Nov ’24
App Review rejected due to Guideline 4.3(a) - Design - Spam
Hello, My app was rejected because of App Review Guideline 4.3(a). The guideline says: "Don’t create multiple Bundle IDs of the same app. If your app has different versions for specific locations, sports teams, universities, etc., consider submitting a single app and provide the variations using in-app purchase." The original answer is: "We noticed your app shares a similar binary, metadata, and/or concept as apps submitted to the App Store by other developers, with only minor differences. Submitting similar or repackaged apps is a form of spam that creates clutter and makes it difficult for users to discover new apps." I am very confused. I just bought a Mac and iPhone and ported my Android app "Travel Trivia" from Weltraumerei to iOS. So I don't have other apps in the Apple App Store. I created my app all by myself and did not repacked another apps or similar procedure. I have only one bundle id. There is one app with a similar concept in the store which unfortunately has the name "Travel Trivia". So I renamed my app for iOS to "Travel Trivia World Quiz". The difference is that this app asks questions about the world and my app has a map and asks questions about countries. On Android the only similar app to my app is "Backpacker". From my understanding my app is relatively unique in concept. Anyway I don't understand why my app is rejected. The uploaded version does not contain In-App-Purchase, Achievement, Leaderboard and Sharing like the Android version does because it is still work in progress. I admit the uploaded screenshots are not that polished and final but ok, you can check it in the Android Store. I don't know how "shares similar binaries, metadata" with other apps can be fixed if this is the case. It is because I used Unity like most developers and this results in similar filename? Anyone can help? Kind regards, Chris
Nov ’24
Performance 2.3.3 Metadata reason for App review error
I am trying to understand the 2.3.3 section as it was cited as an issue with my submission for an iOS App. "2.3.3 Screenshots should show the app in use, and not merely the title art, login page, or splash screen. They may also include text and image overlays (e.g. to demonstrate input mechanisms, such as an animated touch point or Apple Pencil) and show extended functionality on device, such as Touch Bar." I have provided some iOS screens for showing a stage of one game being played. However my App includes 5 games and 4 modes of play. Should I include similar screenshots for each game? I fear I may run out of screenshots. Could using videos help? I believe we are restricted to 3. Do I need to show screenshots for the App on iPad ( it is not Universal ) ? The input mechanism is a text field next to a submit button. Do I have to highlight/overlay the same? If I do the above, is it okay/recommended to skip the info page, Home Screen which neatly shows all modes and the next screen which compactly shows all the games, example of dark mode , achievements and leaderboards? Is there some other thing I should consider here? I was asked to check on Support Forum first. I am in the midst of an App Review. Please advise!! Thanks in advance.
Nov ’24
Multiple dynamic libraries in a package under SPM
We are currently building an app in Swift, reusing an internal C++ backend used in other platforms ( Linux/Windows/Mac ). Current state of the project: App W - ( Swift App ) Package X - Swift Package Y.xcframework - Binary Target (ios-arm64 and ios-arm64-simulator) Z.framework Z - (C++ Backend as a library) Dynamic Library Headers - Library header files Frameworks (Folder) - Required .dylib’s for Z ( libA.dylib (Dependency of Z) [ 58 of them ] libB.dylib (Runtime dependency of python) [ 123 of them ] data - Supporting binary files for Z conf - Supporting configuration files, both text and binary. for Z python - Supporting .py scripts Z.framework ( C++ ) contains 182 Dynamic Libraries. Goal: Validate the app for distribution with the Apple Store validation tool. Learning when trying to solve the problem: A framework can contain only one dynamic library (e.g. .dylib ) A framework cannot have nested frameworks within a Frameworks folder Certain file types within a framework are not treated as resource files (e.g. .py files) Possible solutions Allow to have nested Frameworks in Z.framework. It’s currently not allowed Link 182 dynamic libraries into the project via SPM Problem: Some of the libraries need to dynamically loaded at runtime (related to the python runtime) Making the libraries static adds significantly technical challenges to the Z.framework. Other questions: What’s the best way to achieve this
Nov ’24
Validate fail Archive bundle is invalid Unable to load ‘Info.plist’ for bundle at path
This bundle is invalid. Unable to load ‘Info.plist’ for bundle at path: ‘My’.. This mdimporter is embedded in my app with a Copy step in Build Phases and when I Archive the compiled app, I get that error when I try to Validate. The app works OK, the mdimporter Spotlight works OK, all runs fine. But the Validate on the Archive does not work, it fails with that error.
Nov ’24
App store listing name availability after name change
We have an existing app called "abc". We want to rename it to "def". We have another new app called "ghi" and we want to name it "abc". We know it's possible to name "abc" to "def" with an app update on the existing app. The question is, after how long will the name "abc" become available to use, so we can name our new app "abc"? Will simply putting the name "abc" for new app on AppStore under "General -> App Information -> Name" suffice? Thanks in advance!
Oct ’24
What to do to get an IOS App accepted with OpenSSL
Hi, our IOS App will use the OpenSSL library for a secure websocket communication with network devices. As far as i have understood we need to provide "Export compliance documentation" because we are using "standard encryption algorithm instead of, or in addition to, using or accessing the encryption within Apple's OS". But the documentation here does not indicate that we need to provide anything. Independently of that, the App needs to include a Privacy Manifest, right ? How does that look like ? Thanks in advance
Oct ’24
How to Publish App as Public in the App Store for Business Use
I’m currently trying to distribute my app on the App Store, but I received the following response during the review process: "We found in our review that your app is intended to be used by a specific business or organization, including partners, clients, or employees, but you've selected public distribution on the App Store in App Store Connect. Since the App Store is intended for apps with a public audience, we recommend reviewing the other distribution options available to you through your Apple Developer Program Account." My app is primarily for business use, but it's designed to be accessible to multiple companies who register with us, rather than being limited to just one specific organization. It doesn't contain any features for the general public at the moment, but I do want it to be available publicly on the App Store for any business that registers. Can anyone guide me on why my app was flagged during the review process and how I can adjust my submission to ensure it can be published as a public app in the App Store? Thanks in advance!
Oct ’24
Encryption and Info.plist
"" -> "macOS Builds -> The following builds are available to test." show this message about Encryption: "Missing Compliance Manage". My Mac OS application don't use any encryption. From "Complying with Encryption Export Regulations" ( "Add the ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption key to your app’s Info.plist file with a Boolean value that indicates whether your app uses encryption. Set the value to NO if your app—including any third-party libraries it links against—doesn’t use encryption" But Info.plist no longer in Xcode (Version 15.4). What can I do ?
Oct ’24
iTMSTransporter lookupMetadata apple_id not supported by the metadata lookup functionality
Hello, I am trying to use iTMSTransporter to update my app's metadata, however I am getting error code 1117. "The content type for the specified apple_id of 'XXXXXX' is not supported by the metadata lookup functionality. (1117)" Any idea on what would cause that? I have no outstanding terms to accept or anything like that and my app is in status "Prepare for Submission". I suspect this might be happening because I currently have new In App Purchases in review that have been denied because they were not yet accessible in the app for testing. The recommendation was to upload a new build. However, in order to upload a new build for testing I need to update my metadata. I have a lot of metadata so would like to use iTMSTransporter, but then I get that error. Thanks for your help!
Oct ’24