In-App Purchase Review Delaying App Release - Next Steps?

Our submitted binary app version has been approved by Apple reviewers. It's currently pending Developer Release.

However, our in-app purchase, which was submitted at the same time, is still under review.

Since the newly added in-app purchase hasn't been approved yet, we've decided to hold off on releasing the binary app version.

Should we just wait for Apple to approve the in-app purchase, or are there any other recommended actions?

Thank you.

Answered by endecotp in 792424022

I had a similar situation last week; the IAP was approved about 3 days after the app itself. I suggest you just wait.

Accepted Answer

I had a similar situation last week; the IAP was approved about 3 days after the app itself. I suggest you just wait.

Thank you for your post. We believe we have resolved this issue. If you continue to experience issues during review, please contact us.

In-App Purchase Review Delaying App Release - Next Steps?