Updated screenshots don't reflect for reviewers when editing a rejected submission

Hello there!

Two weeks ago our app store submission was rejected, citing 2.3.3 (inaccurate metadata) - specifically, screenshots that were out-of-date. We happily replaced the screenshots with ones of the current version and resubmitted, but were once again rejected on the same grounds. After quite a few attempts at fixing the issue and our noticing with every rejection that the reviewers' explanations always reference the original now-replaced screenshots, we are starting to wonder if there isn't a bug somewhere that is preventing them from seeing the ones we've uploaded since.

Since we haven't heard back from Apple Support or the appeals team, we thought we'd ask here: Has anyone experienced something like this before? Does anyone possibly have any advice on what to do in this situation?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Answered by App Review in 793120022

Thank you for your post. We're investigating this issue and will contact you in App Store Connect to provide further assistance. If you continue to experience issues during review, please contact us.

Thank you for your post. We're investigating this issue and will contact you in App Store Connect to provide further assistance. If you continue to experience issues during review, please contact us.

Thank you for your post. We believe we have resolved this issue. If you continue to experience issues during review, please contact us.

Updated screenshots don't reflect for reviewers when editing a rejected submission