1.APPStore Arraignment passed. Not yet released. The diagnostic link configuration is not available. Firstly,We filled in the configuration of the corresponding domain name, and the verification was successful.
My AASA file is configured correctly (general deep links work with it, as well as some app clip URLs) and is also configured for app clips.
"applinks": {
"apps": [],
"details": [
"appID": "***.com.xx.easyshare",
"paths": [
"appID": "***.com.xx.easyshareExport",
"paths": [
"appclips": {
"apps": [
Well,I used https://es.xx.com/send
or https://es.xx.com
to get diagnostic information is wrong
My TestFight config is ok
Another problem is that using NFT jumps directly to Safire.