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Help users access and manage their external accounts from within your app without requiring them to enter login credentials using Accounts.

Posts under Accounts tag

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Apple Developer Enterprise Program
We are currently enrolling in the Apple Developer Enterprise Program. However, after 5 working days since we submitted our application, we still haven't received any status update. We tried to contact Apple Developer Program Support, but No response was received either (more than 2 working days). We've read the Apple Developer Enterprise Program carefully. of the registration requirements and make sure we meet them all. We would like to receive a possible recommendation to continue our Apple Developer Enterprise Program enrollment. Thanks.
Oct ’23
Any chance to survive after “Apple Developer Program membership will be terminated” message?
Hello. I get the message from Apple: Hello, Thank you for your patience while we thoroughly evaluated the activity associated with your Apple Developer Program membership. We have completed our investigation and have determined that your Apple Developer Program membership, or another membership associated with your developer account, has been used for dishonest or fraudulent activity. This is prohibited by Section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement: "You will not, directly or indirectly, commit any act intended to interfere with the Apple Software or Services, the intent of this Agreement, or Apple’s business practices including, but not limited to, taking actions that may hinder the performance or intended use of the App Store, Custom App Distribution, or the Program." For this reason, your Apple Developer Program membership will be terminated. This appeal decision is final, and any subsequent appeals you file will be closed without review. The guiding principle of the App Store is to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for users and a great opportunity for all developers to be successful. We work hard to make the App Store a trustworthy ecosystem and expect our app developers to be honest with users and with us. Manipulative or misleading behavior degrades user trust in the App Store and is grounds for removal from the Apple Developer Program. We have found a pattern of manipulative or misleading behavior that has led to the termination of your Apple Developer Program membership. These behaviors can include, but are not limited to, inaccurate metadata describing your app or service, misleading app content, engaging in inauthentic ratings and reviews manipulation, providing misleading customer support responses, providing misleading responses in Resolution Center, engaging in misleading purchasing or bait and switch schemes, or other dishonest or fraudulent activity within or outside of the app. This notification is not intended to be a complete statement of the facts regarding this matter, and nothing in this letter should be construed as a waiver of any rights or remedies Apple may have, all of which are hereby reserved. Once your Apple Developer Program membership is formally terminated in our systems, we will deny your reapplication to the Apple Developer Program for one year. After one year, you may petition the App Review Board to reinstate your account by completing this form: Re-instate a Terminated Developer Program Membership. In your petition, provide the specific reasons why the App Review Board should consider re-instating your Apple Developer Program membership. Best regards, App Review Board Is this decision is final? Can I argue it somehow and send them letter and urge them not to delete my account? Can I do something or not? I deleted all the apps, which I think can cause the termination. Does it help me or not?
Aug ’23
Stuck at Add new bank account
I'm trying to set up a bank account for in-purchase payments, i never did that before. So I added my IBAN, account, etc but I'm stuck at the same page forever spinning the button "Add". This is really bad in terms of user experience, are there any solutions? It never returns any error or nothing. Obviously, my internet connection is ok and I had lost a lot of time because it won't save the data I put there before, I had to fill all over again and again! Come on guys... I'm in Portugal.
Jul ’23
Strange behavior in PUBLIC Beta Program
Background This post got removed from Apple Support Communities due to me talking about beta software.... so I'm trying to get help over here since that's what the automatically generated email about the removal told me to do... even though the developer Email support already told me that they can't give me support on public beta program since it's not their job. I'm really struggling to get in contact with someone responsible for the public beta program! Now to the question I'm looking for help regarding the Apple beta program because I seem to be blocked from the beta program. The situation is like this: I've used the public beta program in the past (iOS 13 public beta I think) so I already have an account which I can use to login on However I can't register ( any device and I also can't deregister ( any device. I always get redirected to the welcome page straight after visiting these sites - they don't even load! ( Even while being logged in to the beta program website, the welcome page suggests registering for the program or signing in with an account. I suspect that something regarding my Apple ID is blocked in the background since I always get redirects to the welcome page. I chatted with the support and even got called back but they were unable to help me. The developer support was also not able to help me since the beta program is not their part. Does anybody know how this can get fixed or who I should contact? Creating a new Apple ID to get the public beta is not a solution... Regards Philipp
Jul ’23
The bank identification code you selected does not match the corresponding part of your IBAN.
I'm stuck in "Add bank account" step when filling User informations in Agreements, Tax, and Banking for Paid Apps. When I try to save, i get the error The bank identification code you selected does not match the corresponding part of your IBAN. I checked many times, all of my informations are valid (Valid IBAN, Account number same as given by my bank). I even tried to take every part of my IBAN as account number because I was desperate, nothing changed. I'm with Qonto bank. What am I doing wrong ?
Nov ’23
This request is forbidden for security reasons - You currently don't have access to this membership resource. Contact your team's Account Holder
x Failed to fetch Apple distribution certificates Failed to set up credentials.     Error: Apple 403 detected - Access forbidden.     This request is forbidden for security reasons - You currently don't have access to this membership resource. Contact your team's Account Holder, Joao Paulo Freitas de Oliveira, or an Admin. =============================================== I had this error when I tried to build IPA with expo, I am already App Manager and I have Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles permission. I created the project again with the same code but the error persisted. I don't know what could be causing this error, I need possibilities of what it could be.
Oct ’23
Why is app store displaying Chinese developer names in non-Chinese markets?
I'm Chinese and I get that develpers in China must have their legal Chinese names submitted as a required step during registration. But why the hell is my Chinese name displayed in a non-Chinese market as my developer name? Please at leave give us an option to display English names on global markets. (In case you don't know, Chinese names can be translated to English via pinyin, it's a 1-to-1 mapping. Any Chinese names have their corresponding English names via pinyin) I also called Apple today, they said that it's due to regulations. Again, I get that. But displaying Chinese as developer names in non-Chinese markets just dont make any sense.
Feb ’24
"An error has occurred" while saving Pricing tiers in Appstore Connect – for 2 days already
In Appstore Connect I'm getting "An error has occurred. Try again later." when trying to set up a price tier (Free) for our new app, which is ready to be submitted. The only missing part is a price, but each time a set up a "US $0 Free" tier and Save, the loading wheel spins for 2 seconds and then I got an error. This is happening for 2 days already, I've tried using different apple ID, admin roles, app manager role.. Safari, Chrome... still the same error. Updating existing apps works fine though! I'm also getting the same error when trying to update some Users in our Appstore connect account. All subscriptions are paid, logged out>logged in... We have about 160 apps in our account and this is happening only when creating new apps. Thanks for your help!
Sep ’23
Help with blocked developer account
Hi all I don’t even know if this is a help post or just a cry from my soul. I'll start from the very beginning. My firm is developing software for small and medium businesses. For us developers, there is nothing unusual about this. If the client's store, we transfer it beautifully and without problems to the mobile application. We have been releasing apps since 2019. And everything was fine, even excellent, until August 2022. In August, after submitting the application for review, I, as the account developer, received a notice that clause 3.2f was violated and that my account would be closed. It is clear that I immediately filed an appeal, but the Apple inspectors said that they would not change their minds. To say that I was shocked = to say nothing. Since then, I have filed 6 appeals, created other accounts (tried), so that our clients are calm that we are fulfilling our obligations. no response to appeals (no calls, no letters) Does anyone know how else to contact support? Because I have no more ideas, honestly - I'm broken. Thanks for reading, Tim
Apr ’24
I can't renew my app store connect membership because of "Apple ID is not active." error
I have one Apple ID that I use it for only Account holder of my app store connect account. I forgot to renew my card details and my apps at the account got "The status of your app has changed to Pending Agreement." I wanted to renew my subscription but I can't log in my account when I click reset password and try to reset "Apple ID is not active" error occurs. What is the solution?
Nov ’23
Xcode Organiser is trying to download crashes from wrong account after transferring app
I transferred an app to a new developer account about 2 months ago. Since then, I am unable to view crashes through the Xcode Organiser. It gives me the error title "Error downloading Crashes List" with message "An error occurred preventing Xcode from downloading crashes list. xxxxxx@xxxxxx failed with error: Access Restricted with bundle id: xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx The account listed is the OLD account that owned the app. So it is trying to download crash reports from the old account and not the new account. How can I let it know the account changed for this app? The project itself has been updated to use the new account certs and i've even submitted multiple builds to the new account.
Aug ’23
I've never used the services of the apple store before
I've never used the services of the apple store before. This is my first time uploading and now I'm confused. Am I in a suspended state or is it a normal state and is it related that I have hired another website to upload my app and do some code work for it? What should I do next? Could you please tell me in a way that is easier to understand? I'm a bit confused And now I'm so shocked that it's my account suspended or something. And why is it still in check status back to being in state? Waiting for another review Previously rejected by message notified as follows: Upon further review of the activity associated with your Apple Developer Program membership, we have determined that your membership, or a membership associated with your account, has been used for dishonest or fraudulent activity. Given the severity of the issues we identified, all apps associated with your Apple Developer Program account have been removed from the App Store and your account has been flagged for removal. Specifically, we found that one or more apps in your account engaged in concept or feature switch schemes, in direct violation of section 3.2(f) Apple Developer Program License Agreement, which states: "You will not, directly or indirectly, commit any act intended to interfere with any of the Apple Software or Services, the intent of this Agreement, or Apple’s business practices including, but not limited to, taking actions that may hinder the performance or intended use of the App Store, Custom App Distribution, TestFlight, Xcode Cloud, Ad Hoc distribution, or the Program (e.g., submitting fraudulent reviews of Your own Application or any third party application, choosing a name for Your Application that is substantially similar to the name of a third party application in order to create consumer confusion, or squatting on application names to prevent legitimate third party use). Further, You will not engage, or encourage others to engage, in any unlawful, unfair, misleading, fraudulent, improper, or dishonest acts or business practices relating to Your Covered Products (e.g., engaging in bait-and-switch pricing, consumer misrepresentation, deceptive business practices, or unfair competition against other developers)." Because your account has been flagged for removal, any earnings payments are paused. Transferring your apps to another Apple Developer Program account or creating new accounts after receiving this message may result in the termination of the new or associated accounts. If you would like to appeal this termination decision to the App Review Board, you must do so within 30 calendar days. When submitting your appeal, be sure to select "I would like to appeal an app rejection or app removal" from the drop-down menu on the Contact the App Review Team page and provide a written statement that includes the following: A thorough explanation of the issues we identified Specific steps you will take to prevent its recurrence New information clarifying these issues, if you disagree with our findings Otherwise, your Apple Developer Program membership will be terminated. If you have questions, contact us. Best regards, App Store Review
Sep ’23
Help! - Not Able to renew Apple Developer Membership
Hello, I require assistance urgently. My Apple Developer membership has expired and I am unable to renew it. Upon logging in to the Developer website, I was directed to use the Developer app to renew the membership. However, I cannot locate the renew button on the app. I have attempted to log in and out multiple times, as well as signing in from other devices, but to no avail. This situation is highly frustrating, and I feel let down by Apple's poor service.
Sep ’23
Company Enrollment and DUNS
Pulling my hair out over here! I have confirmation of my D-U-N-S number from Apple. But whenever I try to enroll my business as a developer over at I get "The information you entered did not match your D&B profile. Before submitting your information, check your D&B profile. If you've recently changed your legal entity name, update your D&B profile." But I am entering the information exactly as I received it from Apple when I did the D-U-N-S lookup (!/search) When I clicked "date your D&B profile", I got confirmation that my entity name and D-U-N-S were as I was entering and nothing was changed. Any ideas? This has put the brakes on our app releases.
Jul ’23