




Studying this session and trying to add code to add in- App purchases to my App, currently free in the App Store. Referring to the Code at 14:10 - 19:37 the code references await BirdBrain.shared.xxxxxxx Where is explanation of the declaration of BirdBrain struct/class or function?
Dec ’23
Testing CloudKit App with TestFlight vs development devices
Does TestFlight disable CloudKIt somehow? Detailed use case below. When I use Xcode to load/test on my 3 physical devices and Mac mini, it works beautifully, all the data entered on any of the devices appears magically on the other 3. I uploaded the exact same code to TestFlight as a build. If I install that build onto my 3 same development iOS machines, it no longer replicates new data or changed data across the devices. There is no other change. I can submit and deploy to users without declaring that function works, but I am hopeful when I am in production, that it will work as it does on my development devices?
Jan ’23
Core Data 1 to many, overwriting first array element
I am writing a 66 data elements(scores) into an array associated with one data element(match). The other properties of the match are stored and retrieved correctly. Writing of the scores is resulting in only the last score being stores, so there is only one score element and it has the values associated with the last one stored. context is saved each time values for the score are updated, and no errors are thrown. But when reading back, there is just one - score, not 66 for each match.
Apr ’22
Help making existing IOS Application on Mac
Looking to make my existing IOS application available on Mac. I have done all of the steps as best I can determine across all the articles tools and topics for Xcode/App Connect/Transporter. I have no builds to upload in the MacO/S apps part of Apple Connect. The app runs fine in the simulator for Mac OS and I have managed to export an executable which I might be able to send to someone outside of the App Store but haven't tried/tested. Transporter won't load the exported (notarized? supposedly) file into Xcode because its already got a build with the same number. I targeted Standard Architecture option, which says should run on Intel or ARM, - I am not clear on which OS I should have selected to target to make that happen. Any hints to a concise todo list to make it happen would be good. My observation is that most of the examples in the various documentation are either MacOS Store oriented or Xcode on IOS for details. The high level information describes the planned/expected support but doesn't match the tools examples
Mar ’22
Connecting Button to Action Code
In one-story board scene, cannot connect the button(s) to the code in the View Controller. It had a connection under with Touch Up Inside, but has "Exit" instead of the ViewController Name. I was also not able to add IBOutlet into my code from this storyboard scene. So ... I looked all my other storyboards and do know what is set differently in this one. Any hints. Basically I can do nothing from this storyboard. Is the problem in the storyboard scene? or in the ViewController/Class?
Jun ’20