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What machines are used for Xcode Cloud builds? I couldn't find any information on that in the documentation. Is Xcode Cloud using M1/M2? Or is it going to use Apple CPU in the future?
by maxik.
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Xcode Cloud is experiencing many problems with repository connection lately. Previously I had some issues with GitHub which disappeared after some time. And yesterday suddenly it stopped working with my Bitbucket repository. Now even if I try to add the repository again I always get 504 error: Why it is so unstable :(?
by maxik.
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My custom controls stopped working after updating Xcode to 12.1 from 12. It works in application project, but it doesn't work in Widget Extension. Sample view that stopped working: struct WidgetsEntryView : View { 		var body: some View { 				Circle() 						.trim(from: 0, to: 0.75) 		} } If you remove trim it renders correctly. With trim nothing appears. It worked before.
by maxik.
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How does providing localized descriptions for iOS application affect its positioning in search results? Of course, it will increase visibility for localized keywords, but let's assume that a German Apple Id is looking for an English keyword. Will the application be higher in results if it provides German localization (even if the search phrase is in English and does not occur in German localization)? In general, what is taken into account when presenting search results in the App Store? (only content for the user's current region assigned to Apple ID?). If I have "some position" in search results in X region and I will remove localization for Y region will it have any impact on my position in X?
by maxik.
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3 Replies
I'm trying to figure out what exactly should I do in getSnapshot method. However, it is not easy. In Apple's documentation, there is a very general description and in their demo app its implementation is also very simple. There is one obvious use-case when we need to return TimelineEntry for widget gallery preview when context.isPreview = true. However, what should be done when context.isPreview = false? Should I return there the last entry prepared in getTimeline method? Should I verify if the configuration has changed between calls of getTimeline and getSnapshot? My widget is using data from API. Should I call it in getSnapshot or only in getTimeline? If I don't have cached entry, what should I return then? Placeholder entry? Why they need getSnapshot if they could just take the entry from Timeline? Currently, I'm returning here either preview entry or the last cached entry during getTimeline also checking if it matches the new configuration. However, I'm not sure if this is the correct approach.
by maxik.
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