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Saving Multiple Photo Url to FireStore Database
@MainActor class AddCarViewModel: ObservableObject { @Published var photoUrls : [String] = [] func uploadImages(images: [Image], customerId: String) async throws { let subFolderId = UUID().uuidString let pictureFolderRef = Storage.storage().reference().child("CarPhotos").child(customerId).child("\(subFolderId)") images.enumerated().forEach { index, image in guard let imageData = image.asUIImage().jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.5) else { return } let pictureReference = pictureFolderRef.child("image_\(index).jpeg") pictureReference.putData(imageData, metadata: nil) { metadata, error in if let error = error { print("failed to put data") } pictureReference.downloadURL { url, error in if let error = error { print("error while downloading url ") } guard let urlString = url?.absoluteString else { return } self.photoUrls.append(urlString) } } } } func addCar(carInfo: Car) async throws { try await Firestore.firestore().collection("cars").document().setData(from: carInfo) } } VStack { Button { Task { do { try await viewModel.uploadImages(images: selectedImages, customerId: viewModel.user!.uid) try await viewModel.addCar(carInfo: Car(photoUrls: viewModel.photoUrls)) } catch { print(error) } } dismiss() } label: { Text("Post") } }
Apple Developer certificate Revoke
I have received email about your development certificate has been revoked, but couldn't identify who did that, due to this revocation one of our enterprise application stopped working. So posting here to seek some suggestion on following 1.) Identification of Revoking Party: Though I have already raised a support ticket to Apple still waiting for their reply. Is it possible for Apple to send logs or account activity logs that from which account or who did the revocation? 2.) How much does Apple take to reply to the support tickets. 3.) No one else received email in my development team. Is it because the certificate which I created is revoked that's the reason only I have received email? 4.) May I know what are the other scenarios that certificate can be revoked other than a human error? 5.) Is there a way for us to internally monitor activity within our developer account, such as identifying who has been actively logged in and updating certificates?
Is it possible to use Mac Os as a container?
hello developers, First priority I couldn't find a proper title for the question :( The reason why I open a topic here is not to find the answer by direct point shooting; My goal is what do Apple, Developer, Companies and Devops teams think and comments about the subject I'm going to ask here? We use Jenkins as the Devops CI/CD tool at our company, and in Macos/Apple/iOS development, we use a lot of Mac Mini devices. Since we build/compilers on a project-based, version-based basis, we cannot get 100% efficiency from our devices. (For example, because the dependencies of a project are different from other projects; we dedicate only 1 Mac Mini to that project. (As the dependecys of the projects are too many and large, the migration process is very difficult for us, the cost of moving to a lower-level Mac Mini device is high / but this is just an example)) While researching, I saw that there is no docker container image for MacOs X (enterprise or legal) and I know about the Apple EULA. (For virtualization, Apple hardware must be used as a basis. Because the MacOs system is paid for on a device-based basis.) What I want to ask here is can I find or create a MacOs docker container image legally? How is the structure of other companies in their CI processes? If I install MacOs with more than one VMware/VirtualBox on Mac Mini, What harm could it do me in Jenkins? (I'm curious about people's comments on this.)
Nov ’22
Crash:Exceeded system-wide per-process Port Limit
Hi everyone, I’m encountering a crash in my app and need help understanding what’s causing it and how to resolve it. As stated in the crash report, the issue is caused by exceeding the system-wide per-process port limit. Can you tell me how to locate and identify why this is happening? Below are the full report of the crash log: crash.log Summary of Crash: ------------------------------------- Translated Report (Full Report Below) ------------------------------------- Incident Identifier: B509FF2B-C8D8-4E9F-B664-E24464CFD5F8 CrashReporter Key: b390cfe931a83efde49bd8b523023a275b55ef64 Hardware Model: iPhone14,2 Process: MyApp [22515] Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/F73212A7-4CB9-485A-A8B7-8114F4E9A9AB/MyApp.app/MyApp Identifier: com.beeasy.app.id.enterprise Version: 3.41.38-ID-MySDKMemory-12261114 (3.41.38-ID-MySDKMemory-12261114) Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Role: Foreground Parent Process: launchd [1] Coalition: com.beeasy.app.id.enterprise [515] Date/Time: 2024-12-29 01:29:48.3023 +0800 Launch Time: 2024-12-26 16:38:36.7895 +0800 OS Version: iPhone OS 16.6.1 (20G81) Release Type: User Baseband Version: 2.80.01 Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_RESOURCE (SIGKILL) Exception Codes: 0x000000000001c1d6, 0x0000000000000000 Termination Reason: PORT_SPACE 14123288431433990614 (Limit 115158 ports) Exceeded system-wide per-process Port Limit Triggered by Thread: 64 Thread 64 name: AURemoteIO::IOThread Thread 64 Crashed: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x20ce5eca4 mach_msg2_trap + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x20ce71b74 mach_msg2_internal + 80 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x20ce71e4c mach_msg_overwrite + 540 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x20ce5f1e8 mach_msg + 24 4 libEmbeddedSystemAUs.dylib 0x238bb2148 void* caulk::thread_proxy<std::__1::tuple<caulk::thread::attributes, AURemoteIO::IOThread::IOThread(AURemoteIO&, caulk::thread::attributes const&, caulk::mach::os_workgroup_managed const&)::'lambda'(), std::__1::tuple<>>>(void*) + 556 5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x22dcda6b8 _pthread_start + 148 6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x22dcd9b88 thread_start + 8
Issue with Custom Error Message on invalidate in CoreNFC APDU Tag Reader Session
Hi everyone, I'm working on an NFC-related app using CoreNFC with APDU commands to read and write tags. I’ve encountered an issue when trying to handle the scenario where the user cancels the NFC session. Here’s what’s happening: When a user cancels the NFC session manually (e.g., by tapping "Cancel"), I see an error log indicating tagReaderSession|userCancelled. However, when I explicitly call session.invalidate(errorMessage: "No NFC tag found") in my code to handle a scenario where no tag is detected, the session still shows the error as userCancelled instead of my custom error message. This behavior is confusing both in terms of debugging and for providing feedback to users, as I expect my custom message to appear instead of the generic "user cancelled" message. func tagReaderSessionDidBecomeActive(_ session: NFCTagReaderSession) { // Session becomes active } func tagReaderSession(_ session: NFCTagReaderSession, didDetect tags: [NFCTag]) { // Handle tag detection logic } func tagReaderSession(_ session: NFCTagReaderSession, didInvalidateWithError error: Error) { print("Session invalidated with error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } func handleNoTagDetected(session: NFCTagReaderSession) { session.invalidate(errorMessage: "No NFC tag found") } I call handleNoTagDetected(session:) explicitly when no tag is detected, expecting the custom error message to show. However, the system still shows the cancellation error. Has anyone else experienced this behavior? Is this the intended behavior for CoreNFC, or am I missing something in my implementation? Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
NSItemProvider make .jpg image to .jpeg
Hi, I'm not sure why but when my fileURL is .jpg file and I drop the file from my app to Finder folders it make the dropped file as .jpeg Is there a way to fix it? [.onDrag { if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: file.path) { // Provide the file as an item for dragging let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: file.path) let itemProvider = NSItemProvider(contentsOf: fileURL) // Remove the file extension in the suggestedName let baseNameWithoutExtension = fileURL.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent itemProvider?.suggestedName = baseNameWithoutExtension return itemProvider ?? NSItemProvider() } else { // Handle the case where the file no longer exists print("File no longer exists at path: \(file.path)") return NSItemProvider() } })
Problem with simulator (Asked again)
I already asked this, although I want to ask again so it boots and gets more people; When I try to run my project on the simulator, it tells me there is a bug. It is not in the code I wrote, but I believe in the compiler. It would work perfectly, say the build succeeded, but the phone turns white and stops there. I don't know how to debunk it, what to do! Picture of what happens with the phone: Picture of the debugging area: Picture of my code: If I need to add more things, please let me know. Have a great day!
Testflight Auto renewable subscirption doesnt expire.
Hi, Apple changed the renewal rate for auto renewable subscriptions in testflight to 24hrs and after 6 renewals it is supposed to expire. My subscription is now active for more than 13 days, it didnt expire as its supposed to. I heard that there is no chance to cancel it manually. Is there anyone else who had this problem and found a solution? I use RevenueCat to manage subscriptions. Maybe its because they have not adapted to apples update yet. Are there any other RevenueCat users that can confirm this experience? Or non RC users who don't have the issue I'm facing? Any responds are welcome.
Please support device mirroring with cable and without iCloud login
Hi all, if anyone from apple Dev team is seeing this, please do consider supporting device mirroring without the need to login to icloud and with cable connection in addition to wi-fi. I am working in a corporate setting which does not allow us to login to icloud, thus I am unable to use device mirroring when my work really needs is, I am stuck with Quick time preview. I am quite sure, that this does not only apply to me.
DateFormatter return wrong year
my Date type data is "2024-12-28 15:00:00 +0000" and when I use Date formatter to format date with timezone TimeZone(identifier: "Asia/Seoul"), date formatter return wrong year like below (lldb) po print(date); let formatter = DateFormatter(); formatter.timeZone = TimeZone(identifier: "Asia/Seoul"); formatter.dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-dd"; formatter.string(from: date) 2024-12-28 15:00:00 +0000 "2025-12-29" (lldb) po print(date); let formatter = DateFormatter(); formatter.timeZone = .gmt; formatter.dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-dd"; formatter.string(from: date) 2024-12-28 15:00:00 +0000 "2024-12-28"
PyCharm venv is corrupted, again
I am a new user of PyCharm, but have years of experience with MacOS, python and similar. My set up is MacBook Pro M1, 32GB ram, MacOS Sequoia 15.2, and PyCharm Pro latest. Path to projects leads to an external SSD via usb-c. I have set up some projects, each using python 3.12 in a venv. The projects work for a while then “lose” a module (module not found). I have gone through every troubleshooting method the built-in AI and web search have come up with. The first module to disappear is docx2txt. I created a new project and it worked, for a couple of days then the error returned. The docx2txt module could not be found working within or outside of PyCharm. In site-packages there is no “docx2txt” folder, only an “info” folder containing WHEEL and its companions. For the most recent disappearance, I noticed the package used distutils. I cloned the docx2txt project from GitHub and updated setup.py to use setup tools instead of distutils, and installed it. Python invoked from the command line can import it, but not from PyCharm. When I run the project from PyCharm, the interpreter cannot find dotenv. I have lost days of work time at this point so I am a bit worried. Advice on what to look at and for would be great.
Developer Account Renewal Country Payment Change
Hi, Help!! So I was in Thailand for a number of years and developed an app over there and signed up as a developer over there. But now I'm in the USA indefinitely and I'm unable to change my payment method. How can I change it? I called the USA support line twice and no one was able to help me. I tried the Thailand phone number and I'm unable to call from the USA. Any suggestions? Thanks!!