XPC is the preferred inter-process communication (IPC) mechanism on Apple platforms. XPC has three APIs:
The high-level NSXPCConnection API, for Objective-C and Swift
The low-level Swift API, introduced with macOS 14
The low-level C API, which, while callable from all languages, works best with C-based languages
DevForums tag: XPC
Creating XPC services documentation
NSXPCConnection class documentation
Low-level API documentation
XPC has extensive man pages — For the low-level API, start with the xpc man page; this is the original source for the XPC C API documentation and still contains titbits that you can’t find elsewhere. Also read the xpcservice.plist man page, which documents the property list format used by XPC services.
Daemons and Services Programming Guide archived documentation
WWDC 2012 Session 241 Cocoa Interprocess Communication with XPC — This is no longer available from the Apple Developer website )-:
Technote 2083 Daemons and Agents — It hasn’t been updated in… well… decades, but it’s still remarkably relevant.
TN3113 Testing and Debugging XPC Code With an Anonymous Listener
XPC and App-to-App Communication DevForums post
Validating Signature Of XPC Process DevForums post
This DevForums post summarises the options for bidirectional communication
Related tags include:
Inter-process communication, for other IPC mechanisms
Service Management, for installing and uninstalling Service Management login items, launchd agents, and launchd daemons
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RSS for tagXPC is a a low-level (libSystem) interprocess communication mechanism that is based on serialized property lists.
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I have two privileged service(s) and a desktop app. The privileged services are packaged into /Library/*** and are run using launchd at runtime. The desktop app is just dropped into /Applications.
The desktop app connects to one of the services (let's say service "B") via XPC. That is, B is running an XPC listener (using libxpc). Both applications are written in golang with xpc interaction via CGO.
This is all working fine: The desktop app is receiving notifications over XPC from service B. However, during our build we dump the built and signed apps (before .pkg'ing) into a dist folder. When we run the app (using a makefile target), we copy the services from dist to another location as root, then execute the binaries directly. This is problematic for the desktop app, because my understanding is that XPC requires launchd to assert the namespace it's under. Thus, when service B is launched this way, it says "operation not permitted." We also want to reserve the ability to run a production version of our app on the same machine (drink our own champagne and all that), and I would like to avoid having development versions running on startup, so I don't want to use the same launch configurations.
MacOS is one of three platforms we support (linux, windows as well). Our IPC implementation under MacOS uses XPC via golang build tags.
Is it possible to start the XPC server without using launchd, or by using launchd but without registering it as an actual service?
Is this a use case where using a unix domain socket would be better (albeit i feel like securing the socket between the privileged / unprivileged process would be ... fun).
Additional / somewhat unrelated questions:
is it possible for me to somehow restrict another process from chatting with service B over XPC (restrict to my other desktop app)?
This is an app bundle question, so very unrelated: The service "app" that contains services A and B is in /Library, with the plist pointing to A, but B resides in Contents/MacOS next to A. Should this be split out into its own app bundle under Frameworks, or is this fine?
I am using C APIs for XPC communication.
When my XPC server gets a xpc_dictionary as a message, I use xpc_dictionary_get_string to get the string which is of type const char*. Afterwards, when I try to free up the memory for the string, I get an error.
I could not find any details on why this happens.
Does XPC handle the lifecycle of these C strings ?
I did some tests to see the behaviour.
The following code snippet prints a string temp before and after releasing the dictionary memory.
char* string = "dummy-string";
xpc_object_t dict = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); xpc_dictionary_set_string(dict, "str", string);
const char* temp = xpc_dictionary_get_string(reply, "str");
printf("temp before release: %s\n", temp);
printf("temp after release: %s\n", temp);
# temp before release: dummy-string
# temp after release:
I tried to free the variable temp before and after releasing dict .
char* string = "dummy-string";
xpc_object_t dict = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); xpc_dictionary_set_string(dict, "str", string);
const char* temp = xpc_dictionary_get_string(dict, "str");
printf("temp before release: %s\n", temp);
free((void *)temp); // case 1
// free((void *)temp); // case 2
printf("temp after release: %s\n", temp);
in both the cases i got the output:
# temp before release: dummy-string
# app(18502,0x1f02fc840) malloc: Double free of object 0x145004a20
# app(18502,0x1f02fc840) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
# SIGABRT: abort
# PC=0x186953720 m=0 sigcode=0
# signal arrived during cgo execution
# ...
# ...
There is one xpc server and two xpc clients (clientA and clientB). When clientB sends a message to the xpc server, xpc server fills a value for dummyString in it's memory and I want clientA to know that dummyString got updated and also the new value for this dummyString. The updation of dummyString is not something that happens often.
Two options we tried:
Have a timer for 5 seconds in clientA and keep polling and request for the value of this dummyString.
Setup a darwin notification in server that gets posted whenever dummyString is being updated. clientA receives requests for dummyString value only when it observes a notification being posted.
Which of these two approaches causes the least delay for clientA to know the updated value of dummyString?
I have 2 XPC clients and an XPC server. One of the XPC clients is a binary-helper that serves as a native messaging host for the browserExtension. The other XPC client sends a specific event to the XPC server, which then triggers a Darwin notification. The binary-helper observes this Darwin notification and sends a response to the browserExtension.
Currently, we're considering two options to communicate the response from binary-helper to browserExtension:
Polling: Every 5 seconds, the browserExtension checks for a response.
Darwin Notifications: The binary-helper sends a message to the browserExtension as soon as it observes the Darwin notification.
I'm wondering if Darwin notifications are fast enough to reliably deliver this response to the browserExtension in real time, or if polling would be a more reliable approach. Any insights or experiences with using Darwin notifications in a similar scenario would be greatly appreciated.
I'm using libxpc in a C server and Swift client. I set up a code-signing requirement in the server using xpc_connection_set_peer_code_signing_requirement(). However, when the client doesn't meet the requirement, the server just closes the connection, and I get XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED on the client side instead of XPC_ERROR_PEER_CODE_SIGNING_REQUIREMENT, making debugging harder.
What I want:
To receive XPC_ERROR_PEER_CODE_SIGNING_REQUIREMENT on the client when code-signing fails, for better debugging.
What I’ve tried:
Using xpc_connection_set_peer_code_signing_requirement(), but it causes the connection to be dropped immediately.
Why does the server close the connection without sending the expected error?
How can I receive the correct error on the client side?
Are there any other methods for debugging code-signing failures with libxpc?
Thanks for any insights!
On my MAC, I have a XPC server running as a daemon. It also checks the clients for codesigning requirements.
I have multiple clients(2 or more).
Each of these clients periodically(say 5 seconds) poll the XPC server to ask for a particular data.
I want to understand how the performance of my MAC will be affected when multiple XPC clients keep polling a XPC server.
Hi! I've been developing iOS and macOS apps for many years, but now I am looking to dive into smth i have never touched before, namely privileged helpers, and i am struggling hard trying to find my footing.
Here’s my use case: I have a CLI tool that requires elevated privileges. I want to create a menu bar app that can interact with this tool, but I’m struggling to find solid documentation or examples of how to accomplish this using SMAppService. I might just be missing something obvious.
If anyone could point me toward relevant documentation, examples, articles, tutorials, or even a WWDC session that covers running privileged helpers with SMAppService, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance!
I have created a XPC server and client using C APIs. I want to ensure that I trust the client, so I want to have a codesigning requirement on the server side, something like -
xpc_connection_set_peer_code_signing_requirement(listener, "anchor apple generic and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = \"1234567\"")
This checks if the client code was signed by a code-signing-identity issued by Apple and that the teamID in the leaf certificate is 1234567.
My questions are-
Is using teamID as a signing requirement enough? What else can I add to this requirement to make it more secure?
How does xpc_connection_set_peer_code_signing_requirement work internally? Does it do any cryptographic operations to verify the clients signature or does it simply do string matching on the teamID?
Is there a way actually verify the clients signature(cryptographically) before establishing a connection with the server? (so we know the client is who he claims to be)
This is the functionality I am trying to achieve with libxpc:
There's one xpc server and two xpc clients. When the xpc server receives a particular dictionary item from clientB, the server needs to send a response to both clientA and clientB.
This is the approach I am currently using:
First, clientA creates a dictionary item that indicates that this item is from clientA. Now, clientA sends this dictionary to server. When server receives this item, it stores the connection instance with clientA in a global variable. Next, when clientB sends a particular dictionary item, server uses this global variable where it perviously stored clientA's connection instance to send a response back to clientA, alongside clientB.
Only one edge case I can see is that when clientA closes this connection instance, server will be trying to send a response to an invalidated connection.
Is this approach recommended? Any edge cases I should be aware of? Is there any better way to achieve this functionality?
In the macOS 14.0 SDK, environment and library constraints were introduced, which made defense against common attack vectors relatively simple (especially with the LightWeightCodeRequirements framework added in 14.4).
Now, the application I'm working on must support macOS 13.0 too, so I was looking into alternatives that do work for those operating systems as well.
What I found myself is that the SecCode/SecStaticCode APIs in the Security Framework do offer very similar fashion checks as the LightWeightCodeRequirements framework does:
SecCodeCopySigningInformation can return values like signing identifier, team identifier, code requirement string and so on.
SecStaticCodeCreateWithPath can return a SecStaticCode object to an executable/app bundle on the file system.
Let's say, I would want to protect myself against launchd executable swap.
From macOS 14.0 onward, I would use a Spawn Constraint for this, directly in the launchd.plist file.
Before macOS 14.0, I would create a SecStaticCode object for the executable path found in the launchd.plist, and then examine its SecCodeCopySigningInformation dictionary. If the expectations are met, only then would I execute the launchd.plist-defined executable or connect to it via XPC.
Are these two equivalent? If not, what are the differences?
I have followed this post for creating a Launch Agent that provides an XPC service on macOS using Swift-
post link - https://rderik.com/blog/creating-a-launch-agent-that-provides-an-xpc-service-on-macos/
In the swift code the interface of the XPC service is defined by protocols which makes the code nice and neat. I want to implement the XPC service using C APIs for XPC, and C APIs send and receive messages using dictionaries, which need manual handling with conditional statements.
I want to know if its possible to go with the protocol based approach with C APIs.
I have several processes maintaining NSXPConnection to an XPC service. The connections are bi-directional. Each side service and clients) of the connection exports an object, and an XPCInterface. The @protocols are different - to the service, and from the service to clients.
So long as all the "clients" fully implement their "call-back" @protocol, there's no problem. All works fine.
However - If a client does NOT implement a method in the "call back protocol", or completely neglects to export an object, or interface - and the service attempts to call back using the nonexistent method -- the XPC connection invalidates immediately.
So far - expected behaviour.
However, if I want the service to behave to the client a little like a "delegate" style -- and check first whether the client "respondsToSelector" or even - supports an interface BEFORE calling it, then this doesn't work.
When my XPC service tries the following on a client connection:
if (xpcConnection.remoteObjectInterface == nil)
os_log_error(myXPCLog, "client has no remote interface);
the condition is never met - i.e. the "remoteObjectInterface is never nil even when the client does NOT configure its NSXPCConnection with any incoming NSXPCInterface, and does not set an "exportedObject"
Furthermore, the next check:
if ([proxy respondsToSelector:@selector(downloadFiltersForCustomer:withReply:)]) {
will not only fail - but will drop the connection. The client side gets the invalidation with the following error:
<NSXPCConnection: 0x600000b20000> connection to service with pid 2477 named com.proofpoint.ecd: received an undecodable message for proxy 1 (no exported object to receive message). Dropping message.
I guess the "undecidable message" is the respondsToSelector - because the code doesn't get to attempt anything else afterwards, the connection drops.
Is there a way to do this check "quietly", or suffering only "interruption", but without losing the connection,
Hello, I'm developing a Mac application that uses a network extension. I'm trying to implement XPC to pass data between my main app and system extension and I'm using the SimpleFirewall demo app as a guide to do this. One thing I can't understand is how the ViewController in the SimpleFirewall main app has access to the class IPCConnection in the SimpleFirewallExtension without it being public and without SimpleFirewallExtension being imported in ViewController.
hello everyone
On iOS18.0+, app crashed at BSXPCCnx:com.apple.backboard.hid-services.xpc (BSCnx:client:BKHIDEventDeliveryObserver) when app enter background sometimes
crash stacktrace:
Crashed: BSXPCCnx:com.apple.backboard.hid-services.xpc (BSCnx:client:BKHIDEventDeliveryObserver)
0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x4078 pthread_mutex_lock + 12
1 ilink_live 0xbd884 (缺少 UUID 973fe6c5058c35bda98679b0c8aa0129)
2 ilink_live 0xb75fc (缺少 UUID 973fe6c5058c35bda98679b0c8aa0129)
3 libsystem_c.dylib 0x23190 __cxa_finalize_ranges + 492
4 libsystem_c.dylib 0x22f8c exit + 32
5 BackBoardServices 0x31b78 -[BKSHIDEventObserver init] + 98
6 BoardServices 0x1dc78 __31-[BSServiceConnection activate]_block_invoke.182 + 128
7 BoardServices 0x1beb4 __61-[BSXPCServiceConnectionEventHandler _connectionInvalidated:]_block_invoke + 196
8 BoardServices 0x4a58 BSXPCServiceConnectionExecuteCallOut + 240
9 BoardServices 0x1d6e8 -[BSXPCServiceConnectionEventHandler _connectionInvalidated:] + 180
10 libdispatch.dylib 0x2248 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 32
11 libdispatch.dylib 0x3fa8 _dispatch_client_callout + 20
12 libdispatch.dylib 0xb5cc _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 768
13 libdispatch.dylib 0xc158 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 432
14 libdispatch.dylib 0xb42c _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 352
15 libdispatch.dylib 0xc158 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 432
16 libdispatch.dylib 0x1738c _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_wlh + 288
17 libdispatch.dylib 0x16bd8 _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 540
18 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x3680 _pthread_wqthread + 288
19 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x1474 start_wqthread + 8
when crash happened ,most of time app recieved CBManagerStateResetting and CBManagerStateUnsupported event
i would appreciate any insights or recommendations on how to resolve this issue
I'm trying to create a launch daemon that uses XPC to receive requests from an unprivileged app. Ultimately both components will be written in Go. For now I'm trying to write a PoC in Objective-C to make sure I get everything right, so I'm compiling / signing from the CLI, and writing plist files by hand -- I'm not using XCode.
My current daemon code is pretty much the same as the boilerplate code that XCode generates when creating a new 'XPC Service':
#import <stdio.h>
#include <xpc/xpc.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
xpc_rich_error_t error;
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("com.foobar.daemon", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
xpc_listener_t listener = xpc_listener_create(
^(xpc_session_t _Nonnull peer) {
xpc_session_set_incoming_message_handler(peer, ^(xpc_object_t _Nonnull message) {
int64_t firstNumber = xpc_dictionary_get_int64(message, "firstNumber");
int64_t secondNumber = xpc_dictionary_get_int64(message, "secondNumber");
// Create a reply and send it back to the client.
xpc_object_t reply = xpc_dictionary_create_reply(message);
xpc_dictionary_set_int64(reply, "result", firstNumber + secondNumber);
xpc_rich_error_t replyError = xpc_session_send_message(peer, reply);
if (replyError) {
printf("Reply failed, error: %s", xpc_rich_error_copy_description(replyError));
if (error != NULL) {
printf("ERROR: %s\n", xpc_rich_error_copy_description(error));
printf("Created listener: %s", xpc_listener_copy_description(listener));
// Resuming the serviceListener starts this service. This method does not return.
return 0;
I'm compiling, signing and installing my daemon with the following commands:
build_foobar() {
clang -Wall -x objective-c -o com.foobar.daemon poc/main.m
codesign --force --verify --verbose --options=runtime \
--identifier="com.foobar.daemon" \
--sign="Mac Developer: Albin Kerouanton (XYZ)" \
--entitlements=poc/entitlements.plist \
install_foobar() {
sudo cp com.foobar.daemon /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.foobar.daemon
sudo cp poc/com.foobar.daemon.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.foobar.daemon.plist
sudo launchctl bootout system/com.foobar.daemon || true
sudo launchctl bootstrap system /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.foobar.daemon.plist
Here's the content of my entitlements.plist file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
And finally, here's my launchd plist file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
Whenever I start my service using sudo launchctl start com.foobar.daemon, it exits with the following error message:
ERROR: Unable to activate listener: failed at listener activation with error 1 - Operation not permitted
System logs don't show anything interesting -- they're just repeating the same error message. I tried to add / remove some properties from both the entitlement and the launchd plist file but to no avail.
Any idea what's going wrong?
I'm attempting to install a NetworkExtension as a system extension, using the OSSystemExtensionManager.shared.submitRequest(request) API call. I can see from console logs and systemextensionsctl that my system extension is getting installed, but the OSSystemExtensionRequestDelegate I attach to the request never gets a callback.
In the console logs I see:
com.apple.sx default 14:13:25.811827+0400 sysextd activateDecision found entry to replace: com.coder.Coder-Desktop.VPN, BundleVersion(CFBundleShortVersionString: "1.0", CFBundleVersion: "1")
default 14:13:25.811888+0400 sysextd initial activation decision: requestAppReplaceAction(<sysextd.Extension: 0xa94030100>)
com.apple.sx default 14:13:25.811928+0400 sysextd notifying client of activation conflict
com.apple.xpc default 14:13:25.812156+0400 Coder Desktop [0x154f2d5b0] invalidated because the current process cancelled the connection by calling xpc_connection_cancel()
com.apple.xpc default 14:13:25.813924+0400 sysextd [0xa941d4280] invalidated because the client process (pid 2599) either cancelled the connection or exited
com.apple.sx default 14:13:25.814027+0400 sysextd client connection (pid 2599) invalidated
It appears that something within my app process is cancelling the XPC connection to sysextd, but I'm certainly not calling it from within my code. Presumably something within the OSSystemExtension* APIs are cancelling the connection but I don't know why. It seems to be happening very quickly (within a few hundred ms) after sending the request, and before sysextd can reply.
What could cause this connection to be canceled?
Hi everyone,
I’m encountering a crash in my app and need help understanding what’s causing it and how to resolve it.
As stated in the crash report, the issue is caused by exceeding the system-wide per-process port limit. Can you tell me how to locate and identify why this is happening?
Below are the full report of the crash log:
Summary of Crash:
Translated Report (Full Report Below)
Incident Identifier: B509FF2B-C8D8-4E9F-B664-E24464CFD5F8
CrashReporter Key: b390cfe931a83efde49bd8b523023a275b55ef64
Hardware Model: iPhone14,2
Process: MyApp [22515]
Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/F73212A7-4CB9-485A-A8B7-8114F4E9A9AB/MyApp.app/MyApp
Identifier: com.beeasy.app.id.enterprise
Version: 3.41.38-ID-MySDKMemory-12261114 (3.41.38-ID-MySDKMemory-12261114)
Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)
Role: Foreground
Parent Process: launchd [1]
Coalition: com.beeasy.app.id.enterprise [515]
Date/Time: 2024-12-29 01:29:48.3023 +0800
Launch Time: 2024-12-26 16:38:36.7895 +0800
OS Version: iPhone OS 16.6.1 (20G81)
Release Type: User
Baseband Version: 2.80.01
Report Version: 104
Exception Codes: 0x000000000001c1d6, 0x0000000000000000
Termination Reason: PORT_SPACE 14123288431433990614 (Limit 115158 ports) Exceeded system-wide per-process Port Limit
Triggered by Thread: 64
Thread 64 name: AURemoteIO::IOThread
Thread 64 Crashed:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x20ce5eca4 mach_msg2_trap + 8
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x20ce71b74 mach_msg2_internal + 80
2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x20ce71e4c mach_msg_overwrite + 540
3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x20ce5f1e8 mach_msg + 24
4 libEmbeddedSystemAUs.dylib 0x238bb2148 void* caulk::thread_proxy<std::__1::tuple<caulk::thread::attributes, AURemoteIO::IOThread::IOThread(AURemoteIO&, caulk::thread::attributes const&, caulk::mach::os_workgroup_managed const&)::'lambda'(), std::__1::tuple<>>>(void*) + 556
5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x22dcda6b8 _pthread_start + 148
6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x22dcd9b88 thread_start + 8
My team has developed a DNS proxy for macOS. We have this set up with a system extension that interacts with the OS, and an always-running daemon that does all the heavy lifting. Communication between the two is DNS request and response packet traffic.
With this architecture what are best practices for how the system extension communicates with a daemon?
We tried making the daemon a socket server, but the system extension could not connect to it.
We tried using XPC but it did not work and we could not understand the errors that were returned.
So what is the best way to do this sort of thing?
My iphone 12 has been restarting unexpectedly, and often followed by wifi, bluetooth, and airdrop grayed out. I had to force restart/shutdown several times to turn it on again.
Found this analytics after crash. Please help if somebody know what this means:
I'm try to monitor all processes by ES client. But I found the process name is different from the Activity Monitor displayed. As shown in the picture below, there are ShareSheetUI(Pages) and ShareSheetUI(Finder) processes in Activity Monitor, but I can only get the same name ShareSheetUI, I thought of many ways to display the name in parentheses, but nothing worked, so there is a way to display the process name like Activity Monitor?