NSItemProvider make .jpg image to .jpeg

Hi, I'm not sure why but when my fileURL is .jpg file and I drop the file from my app to Finder folders it make the dropped file as .jpeg Is there a way to fix it?

[.onDrag { if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: file.path) { // Provide the file as an item for dragging let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: file.path) let itemProvider = NSItemProvider(contentsOf: fileURL)

                // Remove the file extension in the suggestedName
                let baseNameWithoutExtension = fileURL.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent
                itemProvider?.suggestedName = baseNameWithoutExtension
                return itemProvider ?? NSItemProvider()
            } else {
                // Handle the case where the file no longer exists
                print("File no longer exists at path: \(file.path)")
                return NSItemProvider()
NSItemProvider make .jpg image to .jpeg