Provisioning Profiles

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A provisioning profile is a type of system profile used to launch one or more apps on devices and use certain services.

Posts under Provisioning Profiles tag

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Missing Private key in CER file after installation in keychain
Creating CSR file from my Mac steps are :- Going to the Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority... Filling the required details in the field, save to desk then continue and save it desktop. Then going to the Developer account in Certification screen and creating a new certificate on click on plus icon then selecting Apple distribution > continue , Then uploading CSR file in the required box and continue. After this I have downloaded the “distribution.cer” file then double clicked on the file then going to the KeyChain Access to see the My Certificate section there is no certificate which I have installed but it showing in the Certificate section without Private key. This steps I have followed but not getting Private key in my certificate how to correct this issue System Configuration :- Mac OS- 14.5 Chip - Apple M1 Keychain Access version - Version 11.0 (55314)
Oct ’24
How to correctly regenerate expired provisioning profiles and use them in .NET MAUI iOS apps?
I have a .NET MAUI iOS app where its provisioning profiles at first expired a few days ago. So I created new "Apple Development" and "Apple Distribution" certificates using an existing certificate signing request created on 19 October 2023 at 11:46 AM, included the new certificates in the expired provisioning profiles, regenerated and downloaded the provisioning profiles. In the "bundle signing" section of the "project properties" window of Visual Studio for Mac version 17.6.14 (build 413), I have made the following settings: Configuration: release Platform: any CPU Signing identity is not set to automatic I have selected the correct provisioning profile, but when deploying the app in release mode, the following error message is thrown so the app cannot be deployed to the device: ERROR: Failed to install the app on the device. ( error 3002.) NSURL = file:///Users/intelligenthosting/Desktop/IMA-Attendance-App/maui/maui/bin/Release/net7.0-ios/ios-arm64/ ---------------------------------------- Unable to Install ?IMA Attendance? (IXUserPresentableErrorDomain error 14.) NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion = Failed to install embedded profile for com.imaedu.attendanceapp : 0xe800801f (Attempted to install a Beta profile without the proper entitlement.) NSLocalizedFailureReason = This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified. ---------------------------------------- Failed to install embedded profile for com.imaedu.attendanceapp : 0xe800801f (Attempted to install a Beta profile without the proper entitlement.) (MIInstallerErrorDomain error 13.) SourceFileLine = 308 FunctionName = -[MIInstallableBundle _installEmbeddedProfilesWithError:] LibMISErrorNumber = -402620385 LegacyErrorString = ApplicationVerificationFailed 1%... 2%... 3%... 4%... 5%... 6%... 7%... 8%... 9%... 10%... 11%... 12%... 13%... 14%... 15%... 16%... 18%... 19%... 20%... 21%... 22%... 23%... 24%... 25%... 26%... 27%... 28%... 30%... 31%... 32%... 33%... 34%... 35%... 36%... 37%... 38%... 39%... 40%... 41%... 42%... 43%... 44%... 45%... 46%... 47%... 48%... 49%... 50%... 51%... 52%... 53%... 54%... 55%... 56%... 57%... 59%... 60%... 62%... 66%... 68%... error MT1045: Failed to execute 'devicectl': 'devicectl -j /var/folders/ny/qt1fm9zx063__j1b_nglx8pw0000gn/T/tmpFalYTp.tmp device install app --device "iPad (3)" /Users/intelligenthosting/Desktop/IMA-Attendance-App/maui/maui/bin/Release/net7.0-ios/ios-arm64/' returned the exit code 1. Application could not be uploaded to the device. What have I done wrong in the above process? What is the most appropriate method to update expired provisioning profiles? Thanks in advance
Oct ’24
Xcode Cloud fail in task Export archive
Dear We try to generate IPA with Xcode Cloud but this task fail in Export archive phase (Export archive for app-store distribution). The error that appear in the archive logs is: error: exportArchive Provisioning profile "iOS Team Store Provisioning Profile:" doesn't include the entitlement. Any idea about to resolve this problem ? king regards
Oct ’24
App Transfer Issue: Upgrade's application-identifier entitlement string ({new_team_id}.{bundle_id}) does not match installed application's application-identifier string ({old_team_id}.{bundle_id}); rejecting upgrade.
Starting Point I recently transferred an app from an old to a new developer account. The transfer itself went smoothly with the app using the following capabilities: CoreData, CloudKit, Push Notifications, In-App Purchases Keychain is not used After completing the app transfer, I worked on a new update. For this, I set the new developer account as the development team of the project in Xcode. However, as soon as I try to install the new version locally on my physical test device, I get the following error message: application-identifier entitlement string ({new_team_id}.{bundle_id}) does not match installed application's application-identifier string ({old_team_id}.{bundle_id}); rejecting upgrade.` (Note: The test device has the latest production version installed, which was still published by the old developer account. The update can be installed without any problems if no previous version is installed. {new_team_id}, {old_team_id} and {bundle_id} are a substitute for the original content.) What I've tried so far I found a Technical Note on this topic and followed the steps suggested. However, the Apple Support wasn't able to provide me with the required Special Provisioning Profile. That's why I tested a different approach with a dummy application: I have completed an update as described above (new developer account selected as development team). Next, I uploaded it to App Store Connect and published it as a new version. I received the following warning during the upload process, but ignored it since I don't use the keychain: At first glance, the publication process appears to have gone smoothly. While the update caused the above error during local testing, the update via the App Store went smoothly. As the latest production version has now also been published from the new Apple Developer Account, further updates can now also be tested locally on a physical device without any problems. Questions Why is it that the update causes an error when tested locally, but works without problems via the App Store? Can this approach also be used without concern for an app with a large active user base, which also uses the capabilities described above (in particular CoreData & CloudKit) without causing problems? Thanks a lot for your support in advance!
Oct ’24
Renewing (not Editing) Provisioning development profile (universal distribution) that is about to expire
Hello there! I found the page on Docs about Editing provisioning profiles: but there, are showed only cases where one should edit it or when it is expired. It is not showed the case where the profile IS ABOUT to expire. What If it is about to expire and I want to act before expiring? Somewhere on the forum I read that clicking "save" with no changes could be enough, but it is not clear to me if I need to choose something more about it. I add a screenshot since It seems to me the UI changed a bit recently. using Enterprise developer program, in-house distribution I can see no certificate with dec 31 2025 (+ - 1 day) on my dev page certificates list. but I have, among my certificates, an iOS distribution certificate with exactly nov 23 2026 es expiration date. why are two choices present with two different expiration dates? with which criteria should I pick one or the other? if I have no need to change something, what should I do or do not in this screen at renewal time? (I.E. at beginning of December 2024?) app Id should be the bundle id, is it so? but in this moment app and id are different, shouldn't they be the same?
Oct ’24
Xcode won't download manual provisioning profles
Since a few days now, I'm using Xcode 16 and I try to install a newly made provisioning profile for my app. On the development profile I always get the message "Failed to install one or more provisioning profiles on the device". But no message at all for the distribution profile. I even tried setting up completely new certificates as I updated to macOS 15 and Xcode 16. No success. When checking the installed profiles via Finder under open ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles I only see profiles from my last project from june this year. It does not matter how often I press "Download Manual Profiles" in Xcode nothing new lands here. Is there any other way to install newly created profiles? As my project is done with .NET and not a native Xcode project I do not have the option to let Xcode it generate for me (if this would even work).
Sep ’24
Can't build with Xcode 14: "Doesn't match platform DriverKit"
I have an app that includes a DriverKit extension that up until now I've been building without issue using Xcode 13. It was time to regenerate my Developer ID Application certificate so I needed to rebuild the app. However, I'm now running macOS Ventura and Xcode 14.3.1, and cannot get it to build in this later version of Xcode for reasons that are totally inscrutable to me. I've tried using both the newly generated provisioning profiles I've manually created in the "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" developer page, and the (still valid) provisioning profiles I already had installed. The trouble is that, when I select a provisioning profile I made for the DriverKit extension, Xcode won't accept it for the following reason: Platform: macOS Doesn't match platform DriverKit This makes no sense to me! There is no way to create a distribution provisioning profile for the "DriverKit" platform. All I can select is either "Mac" or "Mac Catalyst". So there's seemingly no way out of this. What am I missing?
Sep ’24
Asset validation failed (90161)
I uploaded the ipa package to the Apple Developer Center, and it keeps showing the error "Asset validation failed (90161): Invalid Provisioning Profile." The provisioning profile included in the com.ttlock.roommaster bundle (Payload/keeperapp) is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate]. It says that my certificate is invalid, but I have created it many times and followed all the procedures correctly. However, I still cannot upload it successfully! I don't know how to solve this problem.
Sep ’24
Unable to deploy the app on iPhone
When installing the application on my iPhone, connected using USB cable, i am facing the following issue: ERROR: The application failed to launch. ( error 10002 (0x2712)) NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion = Provide a valid bundle identifier. NSLocalizedFailureReason = The requested application VALID_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER is not installed. BundleIdentifier = VALID_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER ---------------------------------------- The operation couldn?t be completed. (OSStatus error -10814.) (NSOSStatusErrorDomain error -10814 (0xFFFFD5C2)) _LSFunction = runEvaluator _LSLine = 1734 10:02:16 Acquired tunnel connection to device. 10:02:16 Enabling developer disk image services. 10:02:17 Acquired usage assertion. error MT1045: Failed to execute 'devicectl': 'devicectl -j /var/folders/vq/cdyy2xmd7g9cly1gh_hzvsj00000gn/T/tmp93djQj.tmp device process launch --terminate-existing --device "User’s iPhone" VALID_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER --monodevelop-port 10000 --connection-mode usb' returned the exit code 1 Xcode version used: 15.4 IDE used to deploy the app: Visual Studio for MAC
Sep ’24
What are these kind of certificates?
Hello there, I need guidance understanding what some certificates are related to. a) On my Apple developer page home I see that RENEWAL date for my apple developer enterprise program subscription is 2024-october-10 b) in devices section, there is a banner showing that my membership will EXPIRE on 2024-october-09 c) in certificates section I have 6 "development" certificates expiring in multiple dates from 2024-october-11 to 2025-may-22. these ones are "certificate Type - development" and **"certification name with my personal name" ** none of dates in certificates section matches exactly renewal or expiring dates for my apple developer page subscription or profile certificate. why dates in a and b are different? what are certificates in certificates section (those mentioned in "c") ? they seems different from "mac development" and such. What happens if they expire? thank you in advance.
Sep ’24
How and when to renew expiring provisioning profile?
Hi everyone, I maintain an app that is developed and distributed with an Apple Developer Enterprise subscription and delivered via my institution’s private site, where users download the .ipa file after logging in. From what I see, we use automatic signing in Xcode where possible. On the 1st of January 2024, the provisioning profile expired, and the developer before me had to rush to renew it because the app stopped working. Now, I have some questions about how to prevent this from happening again: When should I renew the provisioning profile? Can I renew it before the expiration without blocking the current app version that users have already downloaded? How do I renew it? If I need to download a certificate, does it need to be converted into a different format? Do we need to build a new .ipa file that users will have to download before the expiration date? here a screenshot clearance and guide:
Oct ’24
iOS Developer BETA updates - not getting latest updates
HELP NEEDED! I'm part of the developer programme and have got iOS 18.1 (22B5023e) installed but I am not getting any of the latest updates, everything is setup on my device to receive them. Beta Updates - iOS 18 Developer Beta My Beta profile has disappeared from my iPhone 15 Pro Max but it won't allow me to install it again, I've downloaded from the developer site, click install, the iPhone restarts but the profile doesn't install, could this be the issue? Any help would be appreciated.
Aug ’24
can't see my distribution profile anywhere except Xcode
I created a distribution profile (many, many, many times now) but no matter what I do, when I go to Accounts under Xcode it lists it there, no problem, but when I go to VS for Mac or even VS Code the distribution profile simply doesn't seem to exist. In VSCode it just doesn't;t appear as an option but in VS For Mac it at least tells me that "No valid profile was found" and it instructs me to make sure everything is setup properly. Normally when this happens I delete every single last key and certificate from KeyChain and on the Apple dev portal and I start from scratch making sure to add all my devices, creating a new certificate using a new CSR, selecting Apple Distribution and... nope, Xcode sees it just fine, bat I can't build any MAUI apps because "No valid profile was found" Once in a while, doing the same thing for the n-th time actually works and lo-and-behold there is the profile! Hallelujah! Then I install the latest version of MacOS or Xcode or Visual Studio and poof goes my profile. So I create it again and no luck. So I delete it and this time say "iOS publishing only, please" and lo and behold the profile appears... then I go to sleep / drink a coffee / reboot / think of pizza and lo-and-behold my profile is gone again. I restart the entire process deleting everything and after n attempts it finally shows ... until it doesn't, any more. When it comes to development, I click a button and the app is on my phone. When it comes to TestFlight it takes me weeks to get a profile visible so I can send it to Apple. Now as an added bonus the "Archive for distribution" option vanished from VS For Mac also. Fun. This prompted me to try and use VS Code, which is when I found that I have the same problem there as I do in VS For Mac. So the TL;DR version is that VS For Mac has a simple GUI interface while VS Code requires a simple keyboard shortcut before clicking the mouse a few times, both apps make life super simple... but neither can do the job of generating a distribution build because neither can see the distribution certificate. The only thing that can see it is Xcode What am I doing wrong? Why does it take weeks of doing the same thing over and over, praying for different results, only to be blessed with a success every n-th time lasting for n2 days before the loop restarts?
Aug ’24
Attempted to install a Beta profile without the proper entitlement.
I'm trying to install from Xcode (15.4) to my physical device but I get the following error: Failed to install embedded profile for : 0xe800801f (Attempted to install a Beta profile without the proper entitlement.) The project was successfully building previously, but after encountering an issue while implementing Infobip (a 3rd party library for push notifications) where we weren't getting notifications sent from the Infobip dashboard, we had to change Provisioning Profile to one with a production setup for the aps-environment (given that the suggestion from the Infobip support team was to ensure that the provisioning profile and environment match). Note that it was development before. After downloading the new Provisioning Profile onto Xcode, the project fails to build now with the error mentioned above. I don't know what to do now, and I'm stuck.
Aug ’24
Help With Provisioning Profile(s) for Development & Distribution
I've followed all the posts (most of which are fairly stale). I've generated dozens of certificates both for "Apple Development" and "Apple Distribution", created several profiles of "iOS App Development" and "App Store Connect". Up until now I have had very little problem installing my app (generated using Ionic/Capacitor v5/Angular v16, Xcode 15.4, macos 14.6). Now when I try to install directly on a test device (I've used regularly, previously), I get "Failed to verify code signature of... The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid..." I've restarted Xcode and macbook. I've deleted all certificates and revoked all profiles, and started over. I have tried using automatic signing and manual signing. Nothing is working. I just want be able to install the app on a test device (mostly to see logs in Xcode's console), and to be able to upload the same app to appstoreconnect. What am I doing wrong?
Aug ’24
Cannot Install Downloaded Profile on iPadOS 18.0
Hey there everyone, I recently swapped over to the 18 beta on my iPad Pro. I'm trying to install Mullvad's DNS-over-HTTPS from GitHub (Google "mullvad encrypted-dns-profiles" and it should be near the top) When downloading on my iPhone, it shows properly in settings that I just downloaded a profile and can install it. However on my iPad, nothing appears when I download the .mobileconfig profile. Since it isn't automatically finding the profile, is there a way to select the file and install it or am I missing a step?
Aug ’24
Provisioning Profile Failed Qualification Doesn't Match Entitlements
I’m seeing an error message when trying to upload/validate my Archive. “Provisioning Profile failed qualification. ”
Profile Doesn’t match the entitlement’s file’s value for

 My app uses Local Push Connectivity (NEAppPushProvider) and requires the App Push Provider entitlement. My profiles are set to include the Local Push Connectivity entitlement instead of Default. I don’t (cant’t?) automatically manage signing because of this. My provisioning profiles are set to use the Local Push Connectivity entitlement instead of default. 

 My entitlement files for each target have app-push-provider This is my first upload since upgrading Xcode to 15. And My first upload since I updated my profiles. This was working for years, but I think either I rebuilt my profile wrong or something has changed on Apple’s end ( Xcode, reqs etc). I’ve double/triple checked everything and rebuilt my profiles over. I’m stuck.
Oct ’24
Sign in with Apple not working when iCloud disabled via MDM profile
Hi, My app uses Sign in with Apple as the only login option and this has worked great for 99.99% of my user base. A small number of users though have Mobile Device Management (MDM) profiles installed on their devices that have disabled iCloud (using Apple Configurator). Even though my app makes no use of iCloud at all, when they try and use Sign in with Apple they get the prompt "You need to sign in with your Apple ID in Settings" even though they are signed in already as shown in Settings and the App Store. I have a subscription based app and they can see in the App Store that they are considered signed in and when they use my app it sees an active subscription tied to that Apple ID. Same Apple ID on a device without the MDM profile, everything works as expected. Anyone know if there is a way to solve this? Thanks!
Aug ’24