iPadOS is the operating system for iPad.

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Crash in iOS 18 regarding [AVPlayerController _observeValueForKeyPath:oldValue:newValue:]
There are significant crash reports coming from iOS 18 users regarding AVKit framework that starts from this line [AVPlayerController _observeValueForKeyPath:oldValue:newValue:] which seems to be coming from iOS internal SDK. There are 2 kinds of crash we found: UI modification on background thread From the stack trace it seems like when AVPictureInPictureController is being deallocated and its view is being removed from superview somehow the code is being executed in background thread because there is this line there _AssertAutoLayoutOnAllowedThreadsOnly highlighted before the crash. But I’ve checked our code that plays around AVPictureInPictureController, in the locations where we would deallocate the object it will always be called on main thread which are insideviewDidLoad and deinit inside UIViewController class. From the log, it seems like the crash happened when user try to open another content when PIP player is active resulting in the current PIP instance will be replaced with a new one. My suspect is the observation logic inside AVPlayerController could be the hint to this issue, probably something broken over there since this issue happened across our app versions on iOS 18 users only. Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce this issue yet but one of my colleagues reproduced it once but haven’t been able to do it again since. The reports keep raising each day up to 1.3k events in the last 30 days now. Over release object This one has lower reports than the first one but I decided to include it since it might have relevant information regarding the first crash since the starting stack trace is similar. The crash timing seems to be similar to the first one, where we deallocate existing AVPictureInPictureController and later replace it with a new one and also found only in iOS 18 users which also refers to [AVPlayerController _observeValueForKeyPath:oldValue:newValue:]. I also was unable to reproduce this issue so far. Oh, and both of the issues happened on both iPhone and iPad. We’d appreciate any advice on what we can do to avoid this in the future and probably any hint on why it could happened. I have reported this issue with bug number: FB15620734 I also attached one sample crash report for each of the crashes here. non ui thread access.crash over release.crash
Oct ’24
In PKCanvasview of IOS18, UIPanGestureRecognizer cannot be added
I am creating an application using PKCanvasview. One function of that app is the ability to trace and retrieve a UITextView that has been addSubviewed to a PKCanvasView. We have confirmed that this functionality works correctly in the simulator and on the actual device on IOS 17.4. This feature did not work correctly on the IOS18 simulator and the actual device. Is this a bug? And if it is normal behavior, is there an alternative?
Oct ’24
https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/deployment/dep6fa9dd532/web dangles a carrot about being able to facilitate "A list of domains that the Shared iPad sign-in screen displays. The user can pick a domain from the list to complete their Managed Apple ID." - this sounds ideal! In the absence of this seemingly being supported by Apple Configurator or iMazing Profile Editor at the time of writing, I have tried to create my own but I fall foul of knowing what PayloadIdentifier or PayloadType to use? This is the draft/work in progress/doomed to failure config so far (which doesn't - as expected - work): <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>HasRemovalPasscode</key> <false/> <key>PayloadContent</key> <array> <dict> <key>PayloadDescription</key> <string>Configures Managed Domains</string> <key>PayloadDisplayName</key> <string>Domains</string> <key>PayloadIdentifier</key> <string>com.apple.domains.DE12211A-CFDD-4F8C-8D7B-72E569CE3B6C</string> <key>PayloadType</key> <string>com.apple.domains</string> <key>PayloadUUID</key> <string>DE12211A-CFDD-4F8C-8D7B-72E569CE3B6C</string> <key>PayloadVersion</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>WebDomains</key> <array> <string>domain.com</string> </array> </dict> </array> <key>PayloadDescription</key> <string>For Shared iPad login convenience</string> <key>PayloadDisplayName</key> <string>DefaultDomain</string> <key>PayloadIdentifier</key> <string>Tom.77CF3CA5-4A48-41DD-9179-EF6F4C5E786E</string> <key>PayloadRemovalDisallowed</key> <true/> <key>PayloadType</key> <string>Configuration</string> <key>PayloadUUID</key> <string>A5594F17-155B-4A1C-8696-3F502D118C37</string> <key>PayloadVersion</key> <integer>1</integer> </dict> </plist> The support article is probably ~2-year old information so I'd have thought that by now that this would be documented somewhere - am I just not looking hard enough?
Oct ’24
Custom keyboard while using external keyboard for iPad
Hi! I'm developing a custom keyboard and my user reported that they can't switch to my keyboard while using external original iPad keyboard. Unfortunately, I can't test it on a real device and I can't find a way to test it using a simulator. My questions: Is it possible to simulate this case on a simulator? Is it possible to temporarily show a custom keyboard while using an external keyboard on iPad? I saw in the photos that this keyboard has a globe button, but my user told me that nothing happens when they hold or press hit.
Oct ’24
[iPadOS 18] A series of TabBar questions
Hello, I am currently implementing the new iPadOS 18 TabBar with the new Tab API, but there are several things that don't look very good or aren't operating quite the way I'd hope and would like to know if there is a way around them or to change them. Here is what my sidebar for the TabBar looks like: My questions: The tabViewSidebarBottomBar isn't actually at the "bottom". Instead there is a gap below which you can see the sidebar scrolling. Is there a way to get the tabViewSidebarBottomBar actually at the bottom? Is there a way to make it so that the sections themselves are also reorderable? Can we turn scrollIndicators to .never or are we stuck with them being on? Is there any way at all to make the SF Symbols in the sidebar render in another color mode, particularly .palette? Is it possible to allow sections in between plain tabs? Like I want Dashboard, then the whole Events section, then the rest can continue. On iPhone why are sections not honored at all, in any way? Like even if they weren't going to be expandable menus, at least treating it like a list section would allow some visual hierarchy?! Bonus Question: Any way to make the tabViewSidebarHeader sticky so it's always at the top? Thank you in advance!
Oct ’24
iPad OS 18 Tab Bar Controller is ignoring isEnabled property on tar bar items
Running an existing Xcode project in an iPad OS 18 simulator is automatically using the newly introduced tab bar view, moved from the bottom to the top. Unfortunately, the isEnabled property on a tar bar item is no longer honored. In Xcode's Storyboard builder, some tab bar items are initially disabled. (can't add a screenshot here, I will try to do that after posting) The iPad OS 17 simulator shows them correctly as disabled and any user interaction is suppressed as expected. The iPad OS 18 simulator shows them as active and they can be selected. Also setting them to disabled inside of the UITabBarViewController doesn't work: for item in self.tabBar.items! { if item.tag != 99 { item.isEnabled = false } } They stay enabled and selectable. As a workaround, I implemented the UITabBarViewControllerDelegate and overrode this method: func tabBarController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, shouldSelect viewController: UIViewController) -> Bool { if Global.shared.accessToken == nil { if viewController is LoginViewController || viewController is SettingsViewController { return true } else { return false } } return true } The user can no longer select the tabs, however, there is no visual indicator that they are not selectable. I cannot find any indication in the release notes or documentation, that this behavior is intentional. So I assume this is a bug.
Nov ’24
iPad OS 18 UINavigationBar display incorrectly
I found iPadOS18 displayed navigation bar incorrectly when transition from screen with hidden navigation bar to screen that show navigation bar. I have 2 ViewController: FirstViewController and SecondViewController. FirstViewController navigationBar set isHidden to be true (hidden) and SecondViewController navigationBar set isHidden to be false (showing). When transition from FirstViewController to SecondViewController, the navigation bar is displayed incorrectly as shown in picture below: Actual Expected Note I set hide navigation bar in viewWillAppear() in both ViewController override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(..., animated: true) } source code: https://github.com/ornthita/TestTabbar
Jan ’25
EAAccessoryManager crashes
Hi, The company produces MFI-certified devices. A lot of users are affected. it happens when users are in the background. The crash happens in NSArray; it looks like the array is out of bounds to which EAAccessoryManager tries to access. The only assumption I have is that something is wrong with Threads. Maybe we are blocking a Thread somewhere, or EAAccessory should always work on the Main Thread but we switch streams to another thread. It is hard to believe that Apple could have such a simple bug. If it were Apple's bug, other companies who produce MFI devices could also experience the identical bug, but I don't see anyone raising the identical issue. The issues don't have a relation to iOS versions; it happens for us from iOS 13 till iOS 18. Thanks in advance, Eugene.
Oct ’24
Grouping Apps impossible when Apps are not lined up.
I have been playing around with the page layout on my IPad Pro and discovered that is is impossible to group apps if you leave an empty space in the page. I found the option fun to finally place my apps where i want and not just lined up from top to bottom. I discovered if you leave gaps in the page layout it is impossible to groupe apps. The moment you hover the app over the groupe, the groupe shifts back to fill the empty space. Once I filled up all the empty space then the groupe stops moving. It is pretty annoying. The was excited to see the new feature to finally hate it completely. I do hope someone will fix this problem.
Oct ’24
AppleArchive crashes on corrupt archive instead of failing gracefully
We're trying to implement a backup/restore data feature in our business productivity iPad app using UIDocumentPickerViewController and AppleArchive, but discovered AppleArchive crashes instead of failing gracefully when decrypting a corrupt archive. As described in forum post 765101, UIDocumentPickerViewController can handoff a corrupt copy of an archive to UIDocumentPickerDelegate under specific circumstances. We've duplicated this behavior with iPadOS 16.6.1 and 17.7 when building our app with Xcode 15.4 targeting minimum deployment of iPadOS 16. We haven't tested this with the bleeding edge iPadOS 18. Our app is primarily Objective-C, but it utilizes the Swift-based AppleArchive 'EncryptingAndDecryptingDirectories' sample code associated with WWDC21 session: 10233: Bring Encrypted Archives and Performance Improvements to Your App with Accelerate. The WWDC21 'EncryptingAndDecryptingDirectories' Swift sample project crashes in a similar manner when a corrupt archive file created by UIDocumentPickerViewController is dropped into the sample app's window for decryption (see attached crash log). Does anyone know if there's a workaround for the 'EncryptingAndDecryptingDirectories' sample project to prevent AppleArchive from crashing when decrypting a corrupt archive? crash log.txt
Dec ’24
iOS & iPad OS Beta 4, 5 Major Vulnerabilities !
Device name: iPhone 15 Pro Max Purchase date: January this year Usage: The following problems never occurred before upgrading to iOS18.1 beta4 and 5 Current system version: iOS 18.1 beta 5 (22B5054e) Current status: System stuck, unable to operate, abnormal heating, battery capacity reduced by 1% after upgrading to beta5 Detailed description: My phone has been in normal use since purchase, and I have never downloaded or installed cracking tools or files from unknown sources. I concluded that the problem was caused by upgrading the beta version of the ios system. During a period of time when using ios18 beta 4, the phone suddenly became inoperable, the screen failed intermittently, and the failure time became longer and longer. Specifically, the app cannot be operated, and there is no response to sliding up and down, left and right, clicking, touching, and long pressing (almost all APPs, not an exception). In recent days, I found that this phenomenon of the phone seems to be related to charging. Every time it is fully charged, it will not be able to operate when the device is turned on. The iPad and iPhone have the same reaction. During the period when the device is unresponsive, iCloud cannot be synchronized normally, the phone heats up, the software crashes, white dots appear on the edge of the screen (just like a bad pixel on the screen), the video cannot be loaded, and a series of problems. Supplement: Which version can solve these problems? How to return to the official version without flashing? Can I receive version push normally by turning off the beta test switch? Feeling: Since I did not make a full backup of the lower version, I hope that iOS18.1beta5 will solve the problem. Unfortunately, it is still not solved in beta5, and the problem is getting worse. My phone is now a brick and cannot be used normally. This accident is the first time I have encountered such a serious problem since I used Apple devices. I am very disappointed. I hope Apple engineers can fix it as soon as possible.
Sep ’24
NavigationSplitView's toolbar item disappears on resize
When a NavigationSplitView's sidebar has a default selected value, the detail's toolbar item disappears when resizing the view from compact to regular size. @State private var selectedId: String? = "anything" NavigationSplitView { List(selection: $selectedId) { Text("Sidebar") } } detail: { Text("Detail") .toolbar { Button("Button") {} } } There is no way to get the toolbar item back, other than reloading the view. I have no idea why this happens. In my example I have a dummy Text("Sidebar") without a value, but the problem occurs regardless of its content. Tested on Simulator iPadOS 18.0, and I've seen this happen in our production app.
Oct ’24
iOS 18 NavigationSplitView in NavigationStack not loading properly
With iOS 18.0, this snippet of code that has a NavigationSplitView inside a NavigationStack will not display the sidebar until the navigation transition is completed. NavigationStack { NavigationLink("Link") { NavigationSplitView { Text("Example") } detail: { Text("Does not appear") } } } Directly after pressing the link, a toolbar briefly appears. Once the transition is completed, the split view's sidebar appears and the toolbar disappears. The detail view does not visually appear at all. The same problem occurs when using .navigationDestination(…), which I am in our production code. I've tested this in Xcode 16.0 Previews for iOS 18.0, iPhone SE Simulator iOS 18.0, iPadOS 18.0 when horizontal size class is compact, and on my personal iPhone 13 mini iOS 18.0 I experienced this problem on our production app. Is there any workaround to not have this delay? Our app is heavily built around this nested approach, and has been working perfectly in previous iOS versions.
Sep ’24
SwiftUI Table multiple section bug in iPadOS 18 and mac Catalyst
Hi all, Before updating to iPadOS 18, the Table component in SwiftUI worked as expected, allowing multiple selections using the Shift key and mouse clicks. However, after the update, this functionality no longer works on iPadOS 18 and macOS 15 (running with Catalyst). Here’s a simplified version of the code: @State var selections: Set<String> = [] var body: some View { Table(devices, selection: $selections) { // ... } } Is there any workaround for this issue, or has anyone else encountered the same problem? Thanks!
Sep ’24
UITabBarController didSelect item not working on iOS 18
I have been using the following function in my UITabBarController for several years, which runs some code when the user clicks a tab. I have now built the app using Xcode 16 and when I run it on my iPad with iPadOS 18, the function is not called. When I run the same app on iPadOS 16, it works just fine like it always has. Is this a bug, or is there something new that I need to do for iOS 18 support? override func tabBar(_tabBar: UITabBar, didSelect item: UITabBarItem) { // Some code } NOTE: My UITabBarController is presented from my root view controller, which is a UINavigationController.
Sep ’24
IOS Safari support for WebTransport
We're developing a service that requires webtransport support in the browser. Currently, the only browser that doesn't provide support is the IOS version of Safari. Our current way forward for client use is to flag iphone and ipad as non compliant and recommend either desktop use or android. Is there any ballpark date as to when WebTransport will be included in IOS Safari (- webkit supports webtransport)?
Sep ’24