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MP3 works on simulator but not after I upload the build
Hello Everyone, I am having a problem here with my app. I developed a timer that play a sound .mp3 and the sound play every time that the timer start and finish. Everything works very well in the simulator but not on the devices after I distribute the build and install using the testflight. I saw the build content and the file is inside. However, I have no idea what I am doing wrong (if it is some option that i forgot to check or some problem in my code). Please, somebody can help me? Here is the func with the path. (I inserted the sound on the root) in the same place that we can find the Contentview. func playFinishSound() { guard let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "finish_sound", withExtension: "mp3") else { return } do { player = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: url) player?.play() } catch { print("Error playing finish sound") } } } Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate. Antonio
Apr ’24
Enabling a multipathServiceType in NWParameters on iOS 17.x+ breaks establishing peer to peer NWConnections
We've been using network framework for peer to peer connectivity since iOS 15. Since the introduction of iOS 17 we've been getting the following for our NWListener when attempting to establish a connection with any multipathServiceType enabled. We're not doing anything special here. On iOS 17.x devices (we've tested 17.1, 17.2, 17.4) we simply enable multipath services by adding the multipath capability and then setting multipathServiceType to .handover or .interactive on our NWParameters. The devices never connect when we try establish an NWConnection. This works on all non-iOS 17.x devices. This is reproducible using the Apple Peer-to-Peer NWConnection TicTacToe sample code.
Apr ’24
nw_proto_tcp_route_init [C6:3] no mtu received
We have a relatively simple app that using Network.Framework, NWConnection, NWEndpoint to setup TCP connections with nearby devices also using the app. It's actually been working great for a while now but we've recently noticed with iOS 17.4/17.4.1 that we're spontaneously getting: nw_proto_tcp_route_init [C6:3] no mtu received sometimes the [C6:3] will be [C7:3] or another similar code. We may also occasionally see No route to Host appear in our console logs though this isn't definite. After this point the connection is effectively lost but we don't actually receive any updates on our NWConnection stateUpdateHandler to action on. It's sort of dead in the water so to speak. We've reproduced this issue with multiple devices on iOS 17.4.x and in multiple network settings (in office, cafe, home networks...etc). Nothing seems to make a difference. Any ideas on how to fix or workaround this? I saw a similar issue here: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/669519 but the original author never followed up and it's around 3 years old. I've captured a sysdiagnose log and can submit an issue if it warrants filing a bug report.
AVCaptureMetadataOutput delegate not working for Barcode in iPad OS 17.4.1
Following the recent 17.4.1 update, while QR code scanning has been resolved, we're still experiencing problems with barcode scanning on iPad devices. Specifically, the AVCaptureMetadataOutput delegate is not functioning as expected. This issue is significantly impacting our application's functionality. We kindly request immediate attention to this matter to ensure seamless operation.
Apr ’24
iOS Device Support Keylogger
Hello, I recently ran a virus/malware scan on my dev machine using ClamAV, this was run via macOS Terminal using the 'clamscan' function. Everything came back okay except a keylogger in the ProVideo Framework for physical iOS Test Devices. Please see below for 'clamscan' output: /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/iPad8,11 17.4 (21E219)/Symbols/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProVideo.framework/ProVideo: Unix.Keylogger.Macos-10023932-0 FOUND My understanding is that '/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/' is where Xcode keeps the files related to physical test devices that are required for debug. There were 3 Instances of this keylogger, all of which corresponded to physical devices I own and iOS Versions that I have installed / were installed. Can anyone verify if 'Unix.Keylogger.Macos-10023932-0' is a valid file that ClamAV is incorrectly detecting as malicious? If it is a valid debug file provided by Apple, it seems strange that it's located in the ProVideo Framework. I couldn't find any documentation online about this so any information would be appreciated. At this stage I have deleted the contents of '/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/', my understanding is that these symbols are only transferred to the system when I test software via Xcode on a physical device and will not reproduce until I do that again. To me it's unclear if perhaps this keylogger is present on my iOS Device and is being transferred to the Mac via Xcode? Or somehow it is just appearing in this folder? Thanks!
Apr ’24
Shared Ipad: Storage issues
We mangage around 500 iPads wich were configured as shared iPads. Since ipados17 the problem is that we have constantly the issue that were not able to log in to the iPads because we got the error that there is no space available. This happens with every IpadOS Version we tried sind iOS 17 release and is still an issue with 17.4 we are were also in contact with Jamf and we tried various configs but nothing worked out, but when we search for it, it seems that not only I/we have this issues.
Apr ’24
External NFC on iPad
Hello all! I have an app (Scriptio Medication Management) that uses NFC on iPhone, and that works really well. However, I need a larger screen to satisfy customer requests (reports, etc). Because we use NFC tags to authenticate & authorize I need to stick with this tech. I cannot assume that all my customers have iPhone (we also deploy to Android) so pairing an iPad with an iPhone doesn't work for us. I was looking at an external device such as FlowJack, but since iPad no longer has an audio port, this won't work for me. Has anyone been able to solve this type of issue? Ideally I can find a solution that non-technical folks can attach/pair with an iPad to read NFC devices (NOT payment processing). Thanks in advance
Apr ’24
ARKit rgbimage frame acces
Hi, Im Unity Developer and using Apple ARkit XR Plugin package for my project development. I want to access ARkit rgbimage frame and convert to texture2D in my project. It seems that ARkit overrides camera authorization both back and front, so grabbing wecamtexture using another API(e.g. unitywebcamtexture class) does not allowed. Also ARKit does not provide official root to directly get frame from AR camera. Is ther anyone resolved this issue? Thank you.
Apr ’24
Why is my iPad not accepting screenshot images from my Mac?
I frequently use the Universal Control feature from my Mac, the 27in, to my iPad Pro 5th gen, and recently, when I take a screenshot from my Mac and drag and drop to my tablet, the image won't appear. To be clear, I see the mouse going from the Mac to the iPad, and I see the image floating on the iPad, but when I release the image, it does not appear on the screen. I have the latest update, the Sonoma 14.4. I've searched everywhere and I honestly don't know what to do. I am not good with tech, but I don't know what else to do. In addition, I don't know if this is relevant, but my Mac does not find my iPad on Bluetooth and I have tried everything as well. I restarted it, and everything and nothing.
Mar ’24
iPad Split View causing crash due to incorrect parent view controller in multitasking mode
I'm encountering a crash in my iPad application when using Split View or Slide Over multitasking mode. The crash is occurring with the error message: Crashing on exception: child view controller:<UIPageViewController: 0x155f84200> should have parent view controller:<MyApp.HomeViewController: 0x29e040800> but actual parent is:<MyAoo.HomeViewController: 0x12d2c5e00> The issue seems to be related to incorrect parent view controller assignments when retrieving the top view controller using the window. I've tried to address this by saving the persistent identifier in UserDefaults and comparing it when retrieving the key window, but the problem persists. Here's a snippet of the code I'm using to retrieve the key window: `static func getKeyWindow(for role: UISceneSession.Role = .windowApplication) -> UIWindow? { for scene in shared.connectedScenes { guard scene.session.role == role else { continue } if let savedIdentifier = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "\(scene.session.persistentIdentifier)") { debugPrint("#### saved identifier is \(savedIdentifier)") if scene.session.persistentIdentifier == savedIdentifier { return (scene as? UIWindowScene)?.windows.first { $0.isKeyWindow } } else { debugPrint("#### didn't match identifier") } } else { return (scene as? UIWindowScene)?.windows.first { $0.isKeyWindow } } } return nil }` It seems like the issue arises when the app is opened in a split view, as the persistent identifier changes but the app fails to differentiate between the different instances. Consequently, it takes the wrong Split View window and returns the wrong HomeViewController instance, leading to the crash. How can I properly handle the retrieval of the top view controller to avoid this crash in multitasking mode on iPad? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Mar ’24
parallax on iPadPro
Is apple still deciding what we can view, disabling parallax on websites (safari) or is there a workaround? I am a graphic designer and web developer with an iPad Pro. iPadPro uses "desktop" css not tablet (due to its larger size), so it looks like the desktop website but the beautiful features of parallax are missing. Not helpful with troubleshooting and editing websites on iPadPro after hours. Anyone know a way to force parallax to work?
Mar ’24
iPad app with NFC and camera - No compatible hardware
I'm working on an app (actually in Test Flight) that has camera and NFC support. So in iPhone is obviously working as expected, but when testers want to try the camera "aspect" of the app on iPads they can't even download the app it says "No compatible hardware" in Test Flight. What I need to do in this case, I already have a UI/UX solution when theres no NFC support or it's disabled (Android can detect this) but here I have no clue if I'm missing something. Thanks in advance
Mar ’24
iOS 17 crash on UIDocumentInteractionController 'Print' option
When showing PDF document in UIDocumentInteractionController and when tap on share button > Print, app crash. Below is the crash log *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'UIApplicationInvalidInterfaceOrientation', reason: 'Supported orientations has no common orientation with the application, and [UIPrintPanelNavigationController shouldAutorotate] is returning YES' It's a iPad app supporting Landscape orientation only. And its in Objective C.
Feb ’24
iPad 10th generation top header text becomes invisible only in app initial launch.
I’m creating a hybrid app using Swift and Angular. Angular content is loading on top of the Native Swift WkWebView. Starting from iPad 10th generation only in the app initial launch header area become invisible(invisible means header text becomes white). But once I send the app to background and return to foreground header text becomes black and it will show without problem. I would really like to know whether this is a OS problem and if so is there any pro-grammatical solution for this? if anyone can guide me to proper way fix this much a appreciated!!! Environment: ・Device: iPad 10th generation ・OS:iPad OS 17.3.1 ・Native App : Swift 5
Feb ’24