I've just updated to iOS 18.1 Beta 5 update and I'm not able to see FaceTime audio/ video calls in the phone call log at all as it's like no where. And even in FaceTime there is no summary like call duration or recent calls log, just last call listed.
Please resolve this issue and have FaceTime calls logs to be shown in the phone call logs as that was perfect and categorised.
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I am encountering issues on my device running iOS 18 that fetching heart rate samples associated to a given workout is very slow. Like 10+ seconds slow. This is unacceptable and unexpected.
In producing a video to attach to a feedback, I also observed that Apple Health app displays incorrect information if a workout effort score is associated to a workout.
In this image, you can see the Health app bug:
Total Resting Energy != Estimated Workout Effort Score
Here is the same workout after I delete the workout effort score using the Apple Health app:
Can anyone else see if attempting to view 'heart rate' data within the workout summary in Apple Health is unbearably slow if that workout also has an effort score associated?
My steps:
Record workout (Apple Activity app on watchOS)
Associate effort score
View the workout on Apple Health (iOS)
Attempt to view it's heart rate samples
Observe very slow loading times
Observe the incorrect cell label and value and disappearance of resting energy cell data
Remove/disassociate the effort score from the workout by tapping the workout effort row, and swipe to delete the value.
Navigate back, navigate back, and then go into the workout detail again
At this time the UI fixes itself, but the loading of heart rate data is still super slow
FB15269657 - HealthKit: Sample query to fetch heart rate samples associated to a workout is taking over 10 seconds - computing 'time in heart rate zone'
FB15278790 - Health: Workout summary 'Total Resting Energy' label has value of 'Estimated Workout Effort Score' for a value, pushed view shows empty
Importing an existing self- signed trusted root certificate no longer triggers option to trust cert in Settings / About / Certificate Trust Settings In iOS 18.
Cert installed manually from internal website, as email attachment, and using profile in Configurator all produce same result.
Same cert and processes work on iOS 16.7.10, iOS 17.6.1 and iPadOS 18.0
But not on iOS 18.0 nor beta iOS 18.1 beta5 on iPhone 16
Also tried regening a new test root on macOS Sonoma and installing using Configurator. No difference.
It’s broken - I’ve reported it by Feedback - it’s a vital security flaw.
Anyone else see this or have a workaround?
I was using a macOS 15.0 beta. and I tried to update to macOS 15.1. I clicked the update and entered my password but then it just stuck on loading forever. How can I fix that?
After i updated to 18.1 developer i got several bugs such as musics got automatically get paused and sometimes pressing any button also cause pausing.
And the other bug that i faced is call get automatically disconnected showing network error
I am currently in an iPhone 16 plus, running iOS 18.0 and I want to download the 18.1 beta for apple intelligence , I don’t even see “beta updates” under software updates… can anyone help?
You can give me that code, I really need it if possible I thank you
i have iphone 15 pro max on ios 18.1 I tried to join Apple Intelligence about three weeks ago, but I'm still stuck on the waitlist. I've already tried everything recommended by Apple, including changing my region and Siri's language to English (US). Can anyone help me figure out how to solve this issue?
I ran into a problem recently with my production app and an update for iOS 18. In this example I was using a new API added to the RC candidate of iOS 18.0, using this API as an example, I couldn't find a satisfactory way to avoid crashing on iOS 18.1 where the API was not available. I had plenty of users running the iOS 18.1 Beta and ultimately it's my fault if a version of my app did work, and then didn't after an update....
This code causes a crash on iOS 18.1 beta as the .appleSleepingBreathingDisturbances API doesn't seem to have made it's way into the beta:
if #available(iOS 18.0, *), #available(watchOS 11, *) {
healthKitTypesToRead.insert(HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .appleSleepingBreathingDisturbances)!)
I tried this but it still crashed on 18.1:
if #available(iOS 18.0, *), #available(watchOS 11, *) {
if let newQuantity = HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .appleSleepingBreathingDisturbances) {
In the end the only way I could resolve this was the following:
if #available(iOS 18.1, *){
// Do nothing
else if #available(iOS 18.0, *), #available(watchOS 11, *) {
if let newQuantity = HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .appleSleepingBreathingDisturbances) {
This seems like a poor solution and I'll have to ensure I release a new version of the app once iOS 18.1 has the available API added to enable support for the feature.
How could I have checked availability for this API correctly without causing the app to crash? I'm asking this question more as a Swift language feature rather than issue with the specific API as I'm sure that will get resolved soon anyway.
Beta update fails to install; Second password window appears, after which you get the message failed to install IMAC M3
My installed CarPlay that my son put in worked flawlessly until I updated to ios18. Now it won’t recognize my phone at all. It’s like CarPlay is dead! So frustrating!! Nothing works, no maps, messages, music, etc. PLEASE fix!! I LOVED my CarPlay!!
Unable to compile app that imports Swift UI Charts SDK on Xcode Version 16.1 beta 2 (16B5014f) with error:
Failed to build module 'Charts'; this SDK is not supported by the compiler (the SDK is built with 'Apple Swift version 6.0 effective-5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1600.0.24.1)', while this compiler is 'Apple Swift version 6.0 effective-5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1600.0.26.2)'). Please select a toolchain which matches the SDK.
Since the iOS 18 and Xcode 16, I've been getting some really strange SwiftData errors when passing @Model classes around.
SwiftData/BackingData.swift:409: Fatal error: This model instance was destroyed by calling ModelContext.reset and is no longer usable. PersistentIdentifier(id: SwiftData.PersistentIdentifier.ID(url: x-coredata://D0F0E233-8D1D-4020-924B-BA56959140FD/ListModel/p10), implementation: SwiftData.PersistentIdentifierImplementation)
The same issue also happens when I try to retrieve a model from the ModelContext using its PersistentIdentifier and try to do anything with it. I have no idea what could be causing this.
This is my actor
actor ListCrudOperations:ObservableObject{
func add(list:ListModel){
try? modelContext.save()
func delete(identifier:PersistentIdentifier){
guard let list = self[identifier, as: ListModel.self] else {
if list.listType == .task{
list.reminders!.forEach { reminder in
TaskModel.delete(modelContext: modelContext, reminder: reminder)
NotificationService.deleteReminders(name: reminder.title!, Id: reminder.id)
else if list.listType == .subscription {
list.subscription!.forEach({ sub in
Subscription.delete(modelContext: modelContext, subscription: sub)
NotificationService.deleteReminders(name: sub.ServiceName, Id: sub.id)
else if list.listType == .link {
list.links!.forEach ({link in
Links.delete(modelContext: modelContext, link: link)
NotificationService.deleteNotificationForLink(title: link.name, linkID: link.id)
try? modelContext.save()
func addReminder(reminder:TaskModel, identifier:PersistentIdentifier){
guard let list = self[identifier, as: ListModel.self] else {
reminder.list = list
try? modelContext.save()
func addSubscription(subscription:Subscription, identifier:PersistentIdentifier){
guard let list = self[identifier, as: ListModel.self] else {
subscription.list = list
try? modelContext.save()
func addLink(link:Links, identifier: PersistentIdentifier) {
guard let list = self[identifier, as: ListModel.self] else {
link.list = list
try? modelContext.save()
func fetchListByType(type:ListType) -> [ListModel] {
let type = SwiftTaskSchemaV8.ListModel.ListType(rawValue: type.rawValue)!
let fetchDescriptor = FetchDescriptor<ListModel>()
do {
let list = try modelContext.fetch(fetchDescriptor)
let list2 = try list.filter(#Predicate { $0.listType == type })
return list2
return []
func fetchListsForMultipleTypes(_ types: [ListType]) -> [ListModel] {
return types.flatMap { type in fetchListByType(type: type) }
func fetchAllList() -> [ListModel] {
let fetchDescriptor = FetchDescriptor<ListModel>(sortBy: [.init(\.createdDate)])
do {
let list = try modelContext.fetch(fetchDescriptor)
return list
return []
and this is how i am calling it
@Environment(.modelContext) private var context
let listOperation = ListCrudOperations(modelContainer: context.container)
let list = ListModel(name: name, color: self.color, icon: self.icon, listType: ListModel.ListType(rawValue: picked.rawValue)!)
Task {
await listOperation.add(list: list)
await MainActor.run{
CrashServices.shared.addLogs(message: "folder added")
as part of the iOS 17 apple added Network details capability to the shortcut app
is there any update about the ability of getting the Network details such as RSSI , PHY in iOS 18?
I am using GoogleMobileAds package dependencies and now when I want to archive and export an app I get this two warnings :
Upload Symbols Failed
The archive did not include a dSYM for the GoogleMobileAds.framework with the UUIDs [13B55A37-D103-36E1-8D7B-FA4EAB2C8146]. Ensure that the archive's dSYM folder includes a DWARF file for GoogleMobileAds.framework with the expected UUIDs.
Upload Symbols Failed
The archive did not include a dSYM for the UserMessagingPlatform.framework with the UUIDs [A3941120-02A1-30B5-8C28-BFC0F9496E16]. Ensure that the archive's dSYM folder includes a DWARF file for UserMessagingPlatform.framework with the expected UUIDs.
I have updated the packages to 11.9.0 (lasted) and Xcode 16 to 16 RC (lasted also) and I would like to know how to fix this... With Xcode 15 I have no problem !! I can export with no warnings ! But now with Xcode 16 no... Thanks for helping !
I was using iOS 18.1 beta 3 Developer Version in my iPhone 15 Pro max and during the time of apple launch event, Apps in my phone started crashing. When I restarted my iPhone it froze on Apple Logo Screen and kept rebooting from there. I can consider this as a coincidence but i am unable to restore phone to same version or iOS 18 RC.
Now another surprise from last couple of days my airPods Pro are behaving strange, one of the buds doesn’t work many times and even when connected to iPhone it shows just one of the buds but later fixes it automatically.
Now one more surprise since last might my iWatch 8 which is also on beta version has stopped charging.
is anyone else facing the same issue ?
I'm running into an odd case where a model's reverse relationship is sometimes not set despite the forward relationship being there.
If the app is closed and reopened however, the reverse relationship for previously added data works.
For example, given three models Shelf, Item and ItemDetails:
@Model final class Shelf {
@Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade, inverse: \Item.primaryShelf)
var items: [Item] = []
init() {}
@Model final class Item {
var primaryShelf: Shelf?
var timestamp: Date
@Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade, inverse: \ItemDetail.item)
public var detail: ItemDetail?
init(primaryShelf: Shelf) {
self.primaryShelf = primaryShelf
self.timestamp = .now
@Model final class ItemDetail {
var item: Item?
init(item: Item) { self.item = item }
Now I want to simply create a shelf, some items and some itemdetails.
@Test func testRelationshipsThroughInit() async throws {
let schema = Schema([Shelf.self, Item.self, ItemDetail.self])
let config = ModelConfiguration(schema: schema, isStoredInMemoryOnly: true)
let container = try ModelContainer(for: schema, configurations: [config])
let modelContext = ModelContext(container)
let shelf = Shelf()
for _ in 0..<10 {
let item = Item(primaryShelf: shelf)
let itemDetail = ItemDetail(item: item)
try modelContext.save()
let fetchDescriptor = FetchDescriptor<Shelf>()
let shelves = try modelContext.fetch(fetchDescriptor)
// fails with a random number between 0 and 9 typically
#expect(shelves.first?.items.count == 10)
There seem to be two ways that this problem goes away. The first is changing the order of properties set in ItemDetail.init() so that the relationship is set after everything else:
@Model final class Item {
// ...
init(primaryShelf: Shelf) {
self.timestamp = .now
self.primaryShelf = primaryShelf
With this, everything seems to work fine. The other way seems to be manually setting the reverse relationship. So the loop above gets changed to:
for _ in 0..<10 {
let item = Item(primaryShelf: shelf)
let itemDetail = ItemDetail(item: item)
// add reverse relationship even though forward was set
My question is, is this the expected behavior and If so, is there any place this is documented?
I am using Xcode 16 RC + iPhone 15 Pro (iOS 18) and a UIDocumentPickerViewController pops up and the interface displays abnormally. Is this a bug in the simulator?
I have an app intent that returns a file from inside the Sandbox.
With iOS 18 RC, the call to INFile results in the file being deleted, instead of the file being returned.
intentResponse.file = INFile(fileURL: fileURL, filename: fileName, typeIdentifier: nil)
This seems to happen if the file was created by an earlier Shortcut action that calls FileManager().copyItem(), but not for files created by other means.
I haven't found a reference in the developer documentation about INFile resulting in the file being deleted.
I can block FileManager() from deleting the file by setting its immutable attributes to true, but that prevents me from removing it later.
The performance of the PrintCore API on macOS Sequoia system has significantly deteriorated.
When switching between page options in the print dialog, the application hangs. It can be observed through Instruments that the execution time of PrintCore() is higher on the Sequoia system than on the Sonoma system.
479.00 ms 17.0% 0 s PMBaseObject::PMBaseObject(char const*)
456.00 ms 16.2% 0 s PMBaseObject::~PMBaseObject()