




Follow the body
In visionOS project, How does the model in RealityView track a certain part of the body, such as left foot, right leg, left arm, etc., and store the position information of the model moving in the following part in a variable (in order to realize the transmission of body part information in the call). Please let me know if Apple publishes a document about the Persona virtual camera.
Jan ’24
TipView can't show
import SwiftUI import TipKit struct ChatRoomView: View { @StateObject private var socketManager = SocketIOManager() @State private var inputText: String = "" @StateObject var viewModel = SignInWithAppleViewModel() @Binding var isCall: Bool @State private var isSheet = false @State private var ShowView = false var learnlisttip = KeyTip() @Binding var showShareSheet: Bool @Binding var codeshar: String var body: some View { NavigationStack{ VStack { if let roomCode = socketManager.roomCode { ZStack{ VStack{ HStack{ Text("Room Key: \(roomCode)") .font(.title) .onAppear{ codeshar = roomCode self.isCall = true } Button(action:{ self.showShareSheet = true }, label:{ Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.up.fill") .accessibilityLabel("Share") }) } .padding(20) TipView(learnlisttip, arrowEdge: .top) .glassBackgroundEffect() .offset(z: 20) Spacer() } List(socketManager.messages, id: \.self) { message in Text(message) } TextField("input", text: $inputText) Button("send") { socketManager.sendMessage(roomCode: roomCode, message: inputText) inputText = "" } } .sheet(isPresented: $showShareSheet) { let shareContent = "Open SpatialCall, Join this Room, Key is: \(codeshar)" ActivityView(activityItems: [shareContent]) } } else { HStack{ Button(action:{ withAnimation{ socketManager.createRoom() } }, label: { VStack{ Image(systemName: "") .symbolRenderingMode(.multicolor) .symbolEffect(.appear, isActive: !ShowView) .font(.largeTitle) Text("Add Room") .font(.title3) } }) .buttonStyle(.borderless) .buttonBorderShape(.roundedRectangle) .padding(.horizontal, 30) .glassBackgroundEffect() .offset(z: 20) .scaleEffect(1.5) .padding(60) Button(action:{ withAnimation{ self.isSheet = true } }, label: { VStack{ Image(systemName: "phone.badge.checkmark") .symbolRenderingMode(.multicolor) .symbolEffect(.appear, isActive:!ShowView) .font(.largeTitle) Text("Join Room") .font(.title3) } }) .buttonStyle(.borderless) .buttonBorderShape(.roundedRectangle) .padding(.horizontal, 30) .glassBackgroundEffect() .offset(z: 20) .scaleEffect(1.5) .padding(70) } } } .onAppear { DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1.0) { withAnimation { self.ShowView = true } } } .sheet(isPresented: $isSheet){ VStack{ Text("Join Room") .font(.largeTitle) Text("You need to get the key to the room.") TextField("Key", text: $inputText) .padding(30) .textFieldStyle(.roundedBorder) Button(action:{ socketManager.joinRoom(roomCode: inputText) self.isSheet = false }, label: { Text("Join Room") .font(.title3) }) .padding(50) } .padding() } .sheet(isPresented: $socketManager.showRoomNotFoundAlert) { Text("The room does not exist. Please check whether the Key you entered is correct.") .font(.title) .frame(width: 500) .padding() Button(action:{ self.socketManager.showRoomNotFoundAlert = false }, label: { Text("OK") .font(.title3) }) .padding() } } } } In the above code (this is a visionOS project), when I click Share, it can't display Sheet normally, and TipView can't be displayed either. Why?
Jan ’24
Strange visionOS Simulator
I found that my visionOS Simulator is very strange. Many functions and features are missing. For example, I learned from the Internet that the immersive scenes of Environments in their visionOS Simulator can be opened, but I click There was no response after the attack. There are not only these, but also many system features. I saw on the Internet that other developers have them, and I am missing. I'm worried that this will have an impact on me when testing my app. May I ask why? Some information: My updated Xcode version is the latest Xcode15.1Beta. Device: iMac (2021) Simulator system number: 21N305
Jan ’24
Can't play Audio in RealityComposerPro
I hope to be able to display the USDA model in RealityComposerPro and play the Spatial Audio. I used RealityView to implement these contents: RealityView{ content in do { let entity = try await Entity(named: "isWateringBasin", in: RealityKitContent.realityKitContentBundle) content.add(entity) guard let entity = entity.findEntity(named: "SpatialAudio"), let resource = try? await AudioFileResource(named: "/Root/isWateringBasinAudio_m4a", from: "isWateringBasin.usda", in: RealityKitContent.realityKitContentBundle) else { return } let audioPlaybackController = entity.prepareAudio(resource) } catch { print("Entity encountered an error while loading the model.") return } } but when I ran it, I found that although can displayed the model normally, Spatial Audio failed to play normally. I hope to get guidance, thank you!
Jan ’24
ARKit and Simulator
I developed a Plane-detection using ARKit in the visionOS app: import SwiftUI import RealityKit import ARKit struct ContentView: View { @State private var ok = false let session = ARKitSession() let planeData = PlaneDetectionProvider(alignments: [.horizontal, .vertical]) var body: some View { Group { if !ok { TabelView() } else { SwiftUIView() } } .onAppear{ Task { try await[planeData]) for await update in planeData.anchorUpdates { if update.anchor.classification == .table { continue } switch update.event { case .added, .updated: ok = true case .removed: ok = false } } } } } } When I ran it, I found that Xcode told me that it does not support Simulator, so how can I test this program? If there is no other way other than applying for VisionPro DevKit and participating in Lab, I hope you can tell me that this View is Can the following functions be realized: When there is no table in the user's sight, SwiftUIView() will be displayed in the coordinates of x:0,y:0,z:0. If there is a table in the user's sight, TabbelView() will be displayed on the table. If you can't realize the above functions, I hope you can give me some advice. Thank you!
Jan ’24
Play Spatial Audio
I want to play RealityKitContent USDA model's Spatial Audio, I use this code: RealityView{ content in do { let entity = try await Entity(named: "isWateringBasin", in: RealityKitContent.realityKitContentBundle) let audio = entity.spatialAudio entity.playAudio(audio) content.add(entity) } catch { print("Entity encountered an error while loading the model.") return } } entity.playAudio(audio) this code need add a 'AudioResource' back of audio, Excuse me, what should AudioResource be?
Dec ’23