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Simulate and render 3D content for use in your augmented reality apps using RealityKit.

Posts under RealityKit tag

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How To Change Animation Speed while it is running in RealityView
I have a USDZ 3d model contains a running man animation and I manage to run the model well using this code: import SwiftUI import RealityKit struct ContentView: View { @State var animationResource: AnimationResource? @State var animationDefinition: AnimationDefinition? @State var manPlayer = Entity() @State var speed:Float = 0.5 var body: some View { VStack { RealityView { content in if let item = try? await Entity(named: "run.usdz") { manPlayer = item content.add(manPlayer) } } HStack { Button(action: playThis) { Text("Play") } Button(action: increaseSpeed) { Text("increase Speed (+) ") } Button(action: decreaseSpeed) { Text("decrease Speed (-) ") } } } } func playThis() { animationResource = manPlayer.availableAnimations[0] animationDefinition = animationResource?.definition animationDefinition?.repeatMode = .repeat animationDefinition?.speed = speed // i could not add the definition to the animation resource back again // so i generated a new one let animRes = try! AnimationResource.generate(with: animationDefinition!) manPlayer.playAnimation(animRes) } func increaseSpeed() { speed += 0.1 animationDefinition?.speed = speed // Now i wonder is this the best way to increase speed // isn't it as if im adding more load to the memory // by adding another players let animRes = try! AnimationResource.generate(with: animationDefinition!) manPlayer.playAnimation(animRes) } func decreaseSpeed() { speed -= 0.1 animationDefinition?.speed = speed // Now i wonder is this the best way to increase speed // isn't it as if im adding more load to the memory // by adding another players let animRes = try! AnimationResource.generate(with: animationDefinition!) manPlayer.playAnimation(animRes) } } how to control speed of this animation while it is running without have to regenerate a resource and replay the animation over and over with every speed change knowing that every time the animation replayed it started from the frame zero meaning its not completing its cycle before its replayed but cut in the middle and start over again from start which I do not prefer to be happen. The USDZ file is here if you wish to try
Can iOS and visionOS Devices Share the Same Spatial World in a Multiuser AR Session?
Hey everyone, I'm working on an object viewer where users can place objects in a real room using AR, and I want both visionOS (Apple Vision Pro) and iOS devices (iPad, iPhone) to participate in the same shared spatial experience. The idea is that a user with a Vision Pro can place an object, and peers using iPhones/iPads can see the same object in the same position in their AR view. I've looked into ARKit's Shared ARWorldMap and MultipeerConnectivity, but I'm not sure if this extends seamlessly to visionOS or if Apple has an official way to sync spatial data between visionOS and iOS devices. Has anyone tried sharing a spatial world between visionOS and iOS? Are there any built-in frameworks that allow for a shared multiuser AR session across these devices? If not, what would be the best way to sync object positions between them? Would love to hear if anyone has insights or experience with this! 🚀 Thanks!
Scene's origin relative to portal's window?
I am experimenting with RealityKit to set up a portal. Everything works, but I was wondering where the scene's origin is with respect to the front of the portal window? From experiments, the origin's X and Y appear to be at the center of the portal window, while the origin's Z appearing to be about a meter behind the portal window. Is this (at least roughly) correct? Is it documented anywhere? PS. I began with the standard visionOS app and edited the Reality Composer Pro file to create the scene.
Photogrammetry requiring lidar-capable phones, curious why
Hello! I'm currently building an app where I feed images into a Photogrammetry session to create a USDZ. Pretty straightforward, works great. We've recently started some testing on older devices, and have discovered that Photogrammetry is requiring devices that have LIDAR (we've seen some console logs referencing LIDAR if we stumble through a photogrammetry process without checking isSupported first) Judging from @swredcam's posting about ReefScan from November 24 ( it looks like Photogrammetry did work on those non-LIDAR devices. In my own testing on an iPhone 12 mini with iOS 17, PhotogrammetrySession says it's not supported. Since we're only feeding in a sequence of photos that have never had depth data, and they process fine on pro/max devices, we're curious why this would require a LIDAR sensor to work, when it seems like it did work without LIDAR in the past. Or is there some other limitation of non-pro devices that is causing photogrammetry to not be supported (especially on today's really powerful hardware) Thanks! ++md
Independent gestures for multiple entities in RealityView
Hi, I'm developing an app for the Apple Vision Pro. Inside the app the user should be able to load objects from the web into the scene and then be able to move them around (dragging and rotating) via gestures. My question: I'm working with RealityKit and use RealityView.. I have no issues loading in one object and making it interactive by adding gestures to the entire RealityView via the .gestures() function. Also I succeeded in loading multiple objects into the scene. My problem is that I can't figure out how to add my gestures to multiple objects independently. I can't use Reality composer since I'm loading the objects dynamically into the scene. Using .gestures() doesn't work for multiple objects since every gesture needs to be targeted to a specific entity but I have multiple entities. I also tried defining a GestureComponent and adding it to every newly loaded entity but that doesn't seem to work as nothing happens, even though my gesture is targeted to every entity having my GestureComponent. I only found solutions that are not usable on Visionos / RealityView like installGestures. Also I tried following this guide: But I feel like there are things missing and contradictory, like a extension of RealityView is mentioned but not shown and the guide states that we don't need to store the translation values for every entity and therefore creates a EntityGestureState.swift file to store these values but then it's not used and a GestureStateComponent is used instead that was never mentioned and contradicts what was just said about not storing values per entity because a new instance of it is created for every entity. Nevermind, following the guide didn't lead me to a working solution.
ECS and array of gestures
Hi, I am creating an ECS. With this ECS I will need to register several DragGesture. Question: Is it possible to define DragGestures in ECS? If yes, how do we do that? If not, what is the best way to do that? Question: Is there a "gesture" method that takes an array of gestures as a parameter? I am interested in any information that can help me, if possible with an example of code. Regards Tof
How to make a RealityKit `Entity` respond to Environment light
I am developing an visionos app. I load a .usdz file as a Reality Entity(such as a cabbage). And I want such an effect: When I turn on a desk lamp in real world near the Entity, the surface of the Entity will correctly respond to the light in the real world. I want an effect like this: I look up the api such as ImageBasedLightComponent andVirtualEnvironmentProbeComponent in RealityKit、EnvironmentLightEstimationProvider in ARKit,but I do not know how to code. Besides, it will be better if the shadow will also respond to the light correctly.
Overlaying SwiftUI content with transparency in front of RealityView
Following up on my previous question here: Having solved the clipping problem, I am now trying to overlay some content in front of the RealityView. However, it looks like any content with transparency does not render in front of the RealityView, while opaque views seem to work; placing content with transparency like glassBackgroundEffect() behind the RealityView in a ZStack causes the entire window to flicker. Additionally, my SwiftUI attachment placed in front of the stereoscopic image plane are invisible if the user look at it straight at 90 degrees. However, if the user look at it from increasing angles from the sides, the attachment gradually turns visible again. Are these behaviors expected? What is a recommended approach to overlay content in front of a RealityView? Thanks!
How to make RealityKit both parent and child entities accessible to UI tests?
I have a SwiftUI RealityKit app, and I am writing UI tests for it. The app has entities that have children. All entities have an accessibilityComponent so that they can be found by UI tests. If I set isAccessibilityElement = true for the parent, the UI tests find the parent. If I set isAccessibilityElement = false for the parent, and isAccessibilityElement = true for the child, the UI tests find the child. If I set isAccessibilityElement = true for the parent as well as for the child, the UI tests find only the parent. How can I make parent and child entities both be accessible by the UI tests?
RealityKit particleEmitter delay starting when toggling isEmitting
I have a scene built up in RealityComposerPro, in which I've added a ParticleEmitter with isEmitting set to False and 'Loop' set to True. In my app, when I toggle isEmitting to True there can be a delay of a few seconds before the ParticleEmitter starts. However, if I programatically add the emitter in code at that point, it starts immediately. To be clear, I'm seeing this on the VisionOS simulator - I don't have access to a device at this time. Am I misunderstanding how to control the ParticleEmitter when I need precise control on when it starts.
A question about interacting with entity
I am a newby of spatial computing and I am using ARKit and RealityKit to develop a visionPro app. I want to accomplish such a goal: If the user's hand touchs an object(an entity in RealityView) on the table, it will post a Window. But I do not know how to handle the event "the user's hand touchs the object". Should I use hand tracking feature to do some computing by myself? Or is there some api to use directly? Thank you!
How to use `EnvironmentLightEstimationProvider` to capture a environment texture and apply it on an model entity?
I am a newby of spatial computing. Here I am learning how to use ARKit to capture the environment texture and apply it on a ModelEntity of RealityKit on Vision Pro. But I do not find a demo of how to use EnvironmentLightEstimationProvider. After checking the documentation, I also have some questions: EnvironmentProbeAnchor.environmentTexture is a MTLTexture, but EnvironmentResource needs a CGImage. How do I translate MTLTexture to CGImage(Forgive me that I do not know much about Metal or other framework, so It will be better if there is a code that I can copy and paste directly) It seems that the EnvironmentProbeAnchor can only get the light information around the device. But what should I do if I want get the light information around the ModelEntity so that I can apply the environment texture on it. It will be better if you can provide a code demo about how to use the new api. Thank you!
EntityAction for MaterialBaseTint - incorrect colours
Hello, I'm writing an EntityAction that animates a material base tint between two different colours. However, the colour that is being actually set differs in RGB values from that requested. For example, trying to set an end target of R0.5, G0.5, B0.5, results in a value of R0.735357, G0.735357, B0.735357. I can also see during the animation cycle that intermediate actual tint values are also incorrect, versus those being set. My understanding is the the values of material base colour are passed as a SIMD4. Therefore I have a couple of helper extensions to convert a UIColor into this format and mix between two colours. Note however, I don't think the issue is with this functions - even if their outputs are wrong, the final value of the base tint doesn't match the value being set. I wondered if this was a colour space issue? import simd import RealityKit import UIKit typealias Float4 = SIMD4<Float> extension Float4 { func mixedWith(_ value: Float4, by mix: Float) -> Float4 { Float4( simd_mix(x, value.x, mix), simd_mix(y, value.y, mix), simd_mix(z, value.z, mix), simd_mix(w, value.w, mix) ) } } extension UIColor { var float4: Float4 { var r: CGFloat = 0.0 var g: CGFloat = 0.0 var b: CGFloat = 0.0 var a: CGFloat = 0.0 getRed(&r, green: &g, blue: &b, alpha: &a) return Float4(Float(r), Float(g), Float(b), Float(a)) } } struct ColourAction: EntityAction { let startColour: SIMD4<Float> let targetColour: SIMD4<Float> var animatedValueType: (any AnimatableData.Type)? { SIMD4<Float>.self } init(startColour: UIColor, targetColour: UIColor) { self.startColour = startColour.float4 self.targetColour = targetColour.float4 } static func registerEntityAction() { ColourAction.subscribe(to: .updated) { event in guard let animationState = event.animationState else { return } let interpolatedColour = event.action.startColour.mixedWith(event.action.targetColour, by: Float(animationState.normalizedTime)) animationState.storeAnimatedValue(interpolatedColour) } } } extension Entity { func updateColour(from currentColour: UIColor, to targetColour: UIColor, duration: Double, endAction: @escaping (Entity) -> Void = { _ in }) { let colourAction = ColourAction(startColour: currentColour, targetColour: targetColour, endedAction: endAction) if let colourAnimation = try? AnimationResource.makeActionAnimation(for: colourAction, duration: duration, bindTarget: .material(0).baseColorTint) { playAnimation(colourAnimation) } } } The EntityAction can only be applied to an entity with a ModelComponent (because of the material), so it can be called like so: guard let modelComponent = entity.components[ModelComponent.self], let material = modelComponent.materials.first as? PhysicallyBasedMaterial else { return } let currentColour = material.baseColor.tint let targetColour = UIColor(_colorLiteralRed: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1.0) entity.updateColour(from:currentColour, to: targetColour, duration: 2)
Why can't I load a ModelEntity from RealityKitContentBundle?
If I place the .usdz file in the project directory alongside other .swift files, ModelEntity loads it perfectly. However, if I try to load the same file from Reality Composer Pro under RealityKitContent.rkassets, I get the error: resourceNotFound("heart"). Could someone help me with this? Thank you so much Code: // // TestttttttApp.swift // Testtttttt // // Created by Zhendong Chen on 2/17/25. // import SwiftUI @main struct TestttttttApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } .windowStyle(.volumetric) } } // // ContentView.swift // Testtttttt // // Created by Zhendong Chen on 2/17/25. // import SwiftUI import RealityKit import RealityKitContent struct ContentView: View { @State private var enlarge = false var body: some View { RealityView { content in do { // MARK: Work let scene = try await ModelEntity(named: "heart") content.add(scene) // MARK: Doesn't work // let scene = try await ModelEntity(named: "heart", in: realityKitContentBundle) // content.add(scene) } catch { print(error) } } } } #Preview(windowStyle: .volumetric) { ContentView() }
DragGesture that pivots with the user in visionOS
Apple published a set of examples for using system gestures to interact with RealityKit entities. I've been using DragGesture a lot in my apps and noticed an issue when using it in an immersive space. When dragging an entity, if I turn my body to face another direction, the dragged entity does not stay relative to my hand. This can lead to situations where the entity is pulled very close to me, or pushed far way, or even ends up behind me. In the examples linked above, there are two versions of how they use drag. handleFixedDrag: This is similar to what I'm doing now. It uses the value from value.gestureValue.translation3D as the basis for the drag handlePivotDrag: This version aims to solve the problem I described above by using value.inputDevicePose3D as the basis of the gesture. I've tried the example from handlePivotDrag, but it has one limitation. Using this version, I can move the entity around me as if it were on the inside of an arc or sphere. However, I can no longer move the entity further or closer. It stays within a similar (though not exact) distance relative to me while I drag. Is there a way to combine these concepts? Ideally, I would like to use a gesture that behaves the same way that visionOS windows do. When we drag windows, I can move them around relative to myself, pull them closer, push them further, all while avoiding the issues described above. Example from handleFixedDrag mutating private func handleFixedDrag(value: EntityTargetValue<DragGesture.Value>) { let state = EntityGestureState.shared guard let entity = state.targetedEntity else { fatalError("Gesture contained no entity") } if !state.isDragging { state.isDragging = true state.dragStartPosition = entity.scenePosition } let translation3D = value.convert(value.gestureValue.translation3D, from: .local, to: .scene) let offset = SIMD3<Float>(x: Float(translation3D.x), y: Float(translation3D.y), z: Float(translation3D.z)) entity.scenePosition = state.dragStartPosition + offset if let initialOrientation = state.initialOrientation { state.targetedEntity?.setOrientation(initialOrientation, relativeTo: nil) } } Example from handlePivotDrag mutating private func handlePivotDrag(value: EntityTargetValue<DragGesture.Value>) { let state = EntityGestureState.shared guard let entity = state.targetedEntity else { fatalError("Gesture contained no entity") } // The transform that the pivot will be moved to. var targetPivotTransform = Transform() // Set the target pivot transform depending on the input source. if let inputDevicePose = value.inputDevicePose3D { // If there is an input device pose, use it for positioning and rotating the pivot. targetPivotTransform.scale = .one targetPivotTransform.translation = value.convert(inputDevicePose.position, from: .local, to: .scene) targetPivotTransform.rotation = value.convert(AffineTransform3D(rotation: inputDevicePose.rotation), from: .local, to: .scene).rotation } else { // If there is not an input device pose, use the location of the drag for positioning the pivot. targetPivotTransform.translation = value.convert(value.location3D, from: .local, to: .scene) } if !state.isDragging { // If this drag just started, create the pivot entity. let pivotEntity = Entity() guard let parent = entity.parent else { fatalError("Non-root entity is missing a parent.") } // Add the pivot entity into the scene. parent.addChild(pivotEntity) // Move the pivot entity to the target transform. pivotEntity.move(to: targetPivotTransform, relativeTo: nil) // Add the targeted entity as a child of the pivot without changing the targeted entity's world transform. pivotEntity.addChild(entity, preservingWorldTransform: true) // Store the pivot entity. state.pivotEntity = pivotEntity // Indicate that a drag has started. state.isDragging = true } else { // If this drag is ongoing, move the pivot entity to the target transform. // The animation duration smooths the noise in the target transform across frames. state.pivotEntity?.move(to: targetPivotTransform, relativeTo: nil, duration: 0.2) } if preserveOrientationOnPivotDrag, let initialOrientation = state.initialOrientation { state.targetedEntity?.setOrientation(initialOrientation, relativeTo: nil) } }