I’m working on an iOS app that needs to measure the area of planes or surfaces, like the length and width of objects, just like the Apple Measure app does. I’ve been exploring ARKit, but I’m curious if there are any APIs or techniques that can help automate the process of detecting and measuring planes.
Specifically, I’m looking for a way to automatically detect and measure planes (e.g., from a top-down view). For example: Measuring a box width and length. I have attached a screenshot and a video of the Apple Measure App doing it.
Does Apple provide any tools or APIs for this, or are there any best practices I should know about? I’d love to hear from anyone who’s tackled something similar.
Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BxM7fIbFxsCsYwY7w8ZxIeq_4WTGkkwA/view?usp=drive_link
RSS for tagSimulate and render 3D content for use in your augmented reality apps using RealityKit.
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We are trying to port our Unity app from other XR devices to Vision Pro. Thus it's way easier for us to use the Metal rendering layer, fully immersive. And to stay true to the platform, we want to keep the gaze/pinch interaction system.
But we just noticed that, unlike Polyspatial XR apps, VisionOS XR in Metal does not provide gaze info unless the user is actively pinching... Which forbids any attempt to give visual feedback on what they are looking at (buttons, etc).
Is this planned in Apple's roadmap ?
In visionOS, once an immersive space is opened, the background color is solid black, is it possible to make this background transparent?
FYI, The Immersive spaces on visionOS uses Compositor Services for drawing 3D content.
Hi everyone,
I've been exploring an idea that involves using virtual light sources in VisionOS/RealityKit to interact with real-world objects. Specifically, I'd like to simulate a scenario where a virtual spotlight or other light source casts light or shadows onto real-world environments, creating the effect of virtual lighting interacting with physical surroundings. Is this currently feasible within VisionOS/RealityKit?
Thank you!
In a visionOS application I have an entity that is displayed. I can give it a certain velocity by making it collide with another entity.
I would also like to be able to drag the entity and give it a certain velocity via the drag.
I searched in the project examples and found nothing. I also searched on the Internet without finding anything clear on the subject.
Looking at the drag gesture information I found gestureValue.velocity but I have no idea how to use this property. I'm not even sure if this property is useful to me because it's a CGSize so, a priori, not intended for a 3D gesture.
If you have any information that will help me implement what I am trying to do I would be grateful. 🙏🏻
.onChanged {
pValue in
// Some code
.onEnded {
pValue in
Subject: Combining ARKit Face Tracking with High-Resolution AVCapture and Perspective Rendering on Front Camera
Hello Apple Developer Community,
We’re developing an application using the front camera that requires both real-time ARKit face tracking/guidance and the capture of high-resolution still images via AVCaptureSession. Our goal is to leverage ARKit’s depth and face data to render a captured image from another perspective post-capture, maintaining high image quality.
Our Approach:
Real-Time ARKit Guidance:
Utilize ARKit (e.g., ARFaceTrackingConfiguration) for continuous face tracking, depth, and scene understanding to guide the user in real time.
High-Resolution Capture Transition:
At the moment of capture, we plan to pause the ARKit session and switch to an AVCaptureSession to take a high-resolution image.
We assume that for a front-facing image, the subject’s face is directly front-on, and the relative pose between the face and camera remains the same during the transition. The only variation we expect is a change in distance.
Our intention is to minimize the delay between the last ARKit frame and the high-res capture to maintain temporal consistency, assuming that aside from distance, the face-camera relative pose remains unchanged.
Post-Processing Perspective Rendering:
Using the last ARKit face data (depth, pose, and landmarks) along with the high-resolution 2D image, we aim to render the scene from another perspective.
We want to correct the perspective of the 2D image using SceneKit or RealityKit, leveraging the collected ARKit scene information to achieve a natural, high-quality rendering from a different viewpoint.
The rendering should match the quality of a normally captured high-resolution image, adjusting for the difference in distance while using the stored ARKit data to correct perspective.
Our Questions:
Session Transition Best Practices:
What are the recommended best practices to seamlessly pause ARKit and switch to a high-resolution AVCapture session on the front camera
How can we minimize user movement or other issues during this brief transition, given our assumption that the face-camera pose remains largely consistent except for distance changes?
Data Integration for Perspective Rendering:
How can we effectively integrate stored ARKit face, depth, and pose data with the high-res image to perform accurate perspective correction or rendering from another viewpoint?
Given that we assume the relative pose is constant except for distance, are there strategies or APIs to leverage this assumption for simplifying the perspective transformation?
Perspective Correction with SceneKit/RealityKit:
What techniques or workflows using SceneKit or RealityKit are recommended for correcting the perspective of a captured 2D image based on ARKit scene data?
How can we use these frameworks to render the high-resolution image from an alternative perspective, while maintaining image quality and fidelity?
4. Pitfalls and Guidelines:
What common pitfalls should we be aware of when combining ARKit tracking data with high-res capture and post-processing for perspective rendering?
Are there performance considerations, recommended thresholds for acceptable temporal consistency, or validation techniques to ensure the ARKit data remains applicable at the moment of high-res capture?
We appreciate any advice, sample code references, or documentation pointers that could assist us in implementing this workflow effectively.
Thank you!
Hi, I am trying to update what entities are visible in my RealityView. After the SwiftData set is updated, I have to restart the app for it to appear in the RealityView.
Also, the RealityView does not close when I move to a different tab. It keeps everything on and tracking, leaving the model in the same location I left it.
import SwiftUI
import RealityKit
import MountainLake
import SwiftData
struct RealityLakeView: View {
@Environment(\.modelContext) private var context
@Query private var items: [Item]
var body: some View {
RealityView { content in
print("View Loaded")
let lakeScene = try? await Entity(named: "Lake", in: mountainLakeBundle)
let anchor = AnchorEntity(.plane(.horizontal, classification: .any, minimumBounds: SIMD2<Float>(0.2, 0.2)))
@MainActor func addEntity(name: String) {
if let lakeEntity = lakeScene?.findEntity(named: name) {
// Add the Cube_1 entity to the RealityView
} else {
print(name + "entity not found in the Lake scene.")
addEntity(name: "Island")
for item in items {
if(item.enabled) {
addEntity(name: item.value)
// Add the horizontal plane anchor to the scene
content.camera = .spatialTracking
} placeholder: {
#Preview {
After watching the Work with Reality Composer Pro content in Xcode, I had created the following custom component.
public struct TestComponent : Component, Codable{
public var text : String = "helloWorld"
public init() {}
I had registered the custom component as suggested in App.init function
init() {
The custom component is decoded and realityView shows the sphere, when I load the "Scene" from realityKitContent bundle.
But if I export the scene to a separate file named "test_scene.usdz" on disk and shared to the simulator and then trying to load it load in reality view causes
EXC_BAD_ACCESS #0 0x0000000194c8d508 in Swift._StringObject.getSharedUTF8Start() -> Swift.UnsafePointer<Swift.UInt8> ()
Printing the loaded entity, shows the customComponent but when trying to load in show realityview , crashes the app immediately. Is there a way to fix it?
Currently I want to recreate a window which is similar to system window in ImmersiveSpace. But we only can use the meter unit in RealityKit. I create a plane entity, I don't know how to set the size using meter unit to make the plane's size totally consistent with the system window.
Also, I want to know the z and y position of the system window in the immersive space.
Trying to add a Reality Composer Pro project into my swift playground application. Can't figure out what name to call for the package.
Suppose there was an immersiveSpace, and an Entity() being added to the space as child entity of the content. This entity is responsible for playing background music by calling prepareAudio, gaining a controller and play the music. (check the basic code below)
When it was playing music, a .plain window and an immersiveSpace are both presented. I believe this immersiveSpace is holding the handle of the controller so as long as immersiveSpace is open, the music won't stop.
However if I close the .plain window (by closing system-level close button), the music just stopped. But the immersiveSpace is still open. If right now I check the value of controller.isPlaying, it was still true. But you just cannot hear the music anymore.
To reproduce, simply open an visionOS template App project, selecting volume and full immersive, and replace some code inImmersiveView.swift with the code below. Also simply drag any .mp3 file and replace the AudioFileResource's name. And you could reproduce this bug.
RealityView { content in
// Add the initial RealityKit content
if let immersiveContentEntity = try? await Entity(named: "Immersive", in: realityKitContentBundle) {
// Put skybox here. See example in World project available at
// https://developer.apple.com/
if let audioResource = try? await AudioFileResource(named: "anyMP3file.mp3") {
let ent = Entity()
let controller = ent.prepareAudio(audioResource)
I wonder why this happen? I mean how should I keep the music playing when I close the .plain window?
Just this error is coming again and again I just updated the Xcode today.
Zipzy Games
Using a 360 image that I have taken with 72MP with a Insta360 X3 I would like to add those images into my VisionPro and see them surrounding me completely as we expect of a 360 image. I was able to do by performing the described on some tutorial.
The problem is the quality. On my 2D window the image looks with great quality.
I will still write down the code:
struct ImmersiveView: View {
@Environment(AppModel.self) var appModel
var body: some View {
RealityView { content in
content.add(createImmersivePicture(imageName: appModel.activeSpace))
func createImmersivePicture(imageName: String) -> Entity {
let sphereRadius: Float = 1000
let modelEntity = Entity()
let texture = try? TextureResource.load(named: imageName, options: .init(semantic: .raw, compression: .none))
var material = UnlitMaterial()
material.color = .init(texture: .init(texture!))
mesh: .generateSphere(
radius: sphereRadius
materials: [material]
modelEntity.scale = .init(x: -1, y: 1, z: 1)
modelEntity.transform.translation += SIMD3<Float>(0.0, 10.0, 0.0)
return modelEntity
Since the quality is a problem. I thought about reducing the radius of the sphere or decreasing the scale. On both cases, nothing changes.
I have tried: modelEntity.scale = .init(x: -0.5, y: 0.5, z: 0.5)
And also let sphereRadius: Float = 2000, let sphereRadius: Float = 500, but nothing is changed.
I also get the warning:
IOSurface creation failed: e00002c2 parentID: 00000000 properties: {
IOSurfaceAddress = 4651830624;
IOSurfaceAllocSize = 35478941;
IOSurfaceCacheMode = 0;
IOSurfaceMapCacheAttribute = 1;
IOSurfaceName = CMPhoto;
IOSurfacePixelFormat = 1246774599;
IOSurface creation failed: e00002c2 parentID: 00000000 property: IOSurfaceCacheMode
IOSurface creation failed: e00002c2 parentID: 00000000 property: IOSurfacePixelFormat
IOSurface creation failed: e00002c2 parentID: 00000000 property: IOSurfaceMapCacheAttribute
IOSurface creation failed: e00002c2 parentID: 00000000 property: IOSurfaceAddress
IOSurface creation failed: e00002c2 parentID: 00000000 property: IOSurfaceAllocSize
IOSurface creation failed: e00002c2 parentID: 00000000 property: IOSurfaceName
Is there anything I can do to reduce the radius or just to improve the quality itself?
I'm trying to implement a prototype to render virtual objects in a mixed immersive space on the camer frames captured by CameraFrameProvider.
Here are what I have done:
Get camera's instrinsics from frame.primarySample.parameters.intrinsics
Get camera's extrinsics from frame.primarySample.parameters.extrinsics
Get the device anchor by worldTrackingProvider.queryDeviceAnchor(atTimestamp: CACurrentMediaTime())
Setup a RealityKit.RealityRenderer to render virtual objects on the captured camera frames
let realityRenderer = try RealityKit.RealityRenderer()
realityRenderer.cameraSettings.colorBackground = .outputTexture()
let cameraEntity = PerspectiveCamera()
// see https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/770235
let cameraTransform = deviceAnchor.originFromAnchorTransform * extrinsics.inverse
cameraEntity.setTransformMatrix(cameraTransform, relativeTo: nil)
cameraEntity.camera.near = 0.01
cameraEntity.camera.far = 100
cameraEntity.camera.fieldOfViewOrientation = .horizontal
// manually calculated based on camera intrinsics
cameraEntity.camera.fieldOfViewInDegrees = 105
realityRenderer.activeCamera = cameraEntity
Virtual objects, which should be seen in the camera frames, are clipped out by the camera transform.
If I use deviceAnchor.originFromAnchorTransform as the camera transform, virtual objects can be rendered on camera frames at wrong positions (I think it is because the camera extrinsics isn't used to adjust the camera to the correct position).
My question is how to use the camera extrinsic matrix for this purpose?
Does the camera extrinsics point to a similar orientation of the device anchor with some minor rotation and postion change? Here is an extrinsics from a camera frame. It seems that the direction of Y-axis and Z-axis are flipped by the extrinsics. So the camera is point to a wrong direction.
simd_float4x4([[0.9914258, 0.012555369, -0.13006608, 0.0], // X-axis
[-0.0009778949, -0.9946325, -0.10346654, 0.0], // Y-axis
[-0.13066702, 0.10270659, -0.98609203, 0.0], // Z-axis
[0.024519, -0.019568002, -0.058280986, 1.0]]) // translation
In the WWDC session titled "Deep dive into volumes and immersive spaces", the developers discussed adding a Spatial Tracking Session and an Anchor Entity to detect the floor. They then glossed over some important details. They added a spatial tap gesture to let the user place content relative to the floor anchor, but they left a lot of information.
coordinateSpace: .immersiveSpace
.onEnded { value in
handleTapOnFloor(value: value)
My understanding is that an entity has to have input and collision components for gestures like this to work. How can we add a collision to an AnchorEntity when we don't know its size or shape?
I've been trying for days to understand what is happening here and I just don't get it. It is even more frustrating that the example project that Apple released does not contain any of these features.
I would like to be able
Detect the floor plane
Get the position/transform of the floor plane
Add a collider to the floor plane
Enable collisions and physics on the floor plane
Enable gestures on the floor plane
It seems to me that the Anchor Entity is placed as an entirely arbitrary position. It has absolutely no relationship to the rectangle with the floor label that I can see in the Xcode visualization. It is just a point, not a plane or rect that I can use.
I've tried manually calculating the collision shape after the anchor is detected, but nothing that I have tried works. I can't tap on the floor with gestures. I can't drop entities onto the floor. I can't seem to do ANYTHING at all with this floor anchor other than place entity at the totally arbitrary location somewhere on the floor.
Is there anyway at all with Spatial Tracking Session and Anchor Entity to get the actual plane that was detected?
struct FloorExample: View {
@State var trackingSession: SpatialTrackingSession = SpatialTrackingSession()
@State var subject: Entity?
@State var floor: AnchorEntity?
var body: some View {
RealityView { content, attachments in
let session = SpatialTrackingSession()
let configuration = SpatialTrackingSession.Configuration(tracking: [.plane])
_ = await session.run(configuration)
self.trackingSession = session
let floorAnchor = AnchorEntity(.plane(.horizontal, classification: .floor, minimumBounds: SIMD2(x: 0.1, y: 0.1)))
floorAnchor.anchoring.physicsSimulation = .none
floorAnchor.name = "FloorAnchorEntity"
floorAnchor.components.set(CollisionComponent(shapes: .init()))
self.floor = floorAnchor
// This is just here to let me see where visinoOS decided to "place" the floor anchor.
let floorPlaced = ModelEntity(
mesh: .generateSphere(radius: 0.1),
materials: [SimpleMaterial(color: .black, isMetallic: false)])
if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "AnchorLabsFloor", in: realityKitContentBundle) {
if let subject = scene.findEntity(named: "StepSphereRed") {
self.subject = subject
// I can see when the anchor is added
_ = content.subscribe(to: SceneEvents.AnchoredStateChanged.self) { event in
event.anchor.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: true) // this doesn't seem to work
print("**anchor changed** \(event)")
print("**anchor** \(event.anchor)")
// place the reset button near the user
if let panel = attachments.entity(for: "Panel") {
panel.position = [0, 1, -0.5]
} update: { content, attachments in
} attachments: {
Attachment(id: "Panel", {
Button(action: {
print("**button pressed**")
if let subject = self.subject {
subject.position = [-0.5, 1.5, -1.5]
// Remove the physics body and assign a new one - hack to remove momentum
if let physics = subject.components[PhysicsBodyComponent.self] {
}, label: {
Text("Reset Sphere")
sample repo: https://github.com/ckse93/VideoDiffusionIssueSHowcase
Repo has detailed step by step workflow. as well as screenshot, python script compute result, and parameters
after running computeDiffuseReflectionUVs.py and mapping textures and reflection diffuse to objects, I noticed that reflection diffuse does not produce any color.
expected result is shown below, diffused light has color
Hi! I'm having issues retrieving the intrinsics matrix of camera poses for photogrammetry sessions.
The camera object always seems to be nil, no matter what dataset I use.
From the documentation, I can't see any indication of this issue, is there something I need to do on the code side? Or it's something related to the photo dataset?
I'm on MacOS 15.2
I want to compare the colors of two model entities (spheres). How can i do it? The method i'm currently trying to apply is as follows
case let .color(controlColor) = controlMaterial.baseColor, controlColor == .green {
// Flip target sphere colour
if let targetMaterial = targetsphere.model?.materials.first as? SimpleMaterial,
case let .color(targetColor) = targetMaterial.baseColor, targetColor == .blue {
targetsphere.model?.materials = [SimpleMaterial(color: .green, isMetallic: false)] // Change to |1⟩
} else {
targetsphere.model?.materials = [SimpleMaterial(color: .blue, isMetallic: false)] // Change to |0⟩
This method (baseColor) was deprecated in swift 15.0 changes to 'color' but i cannot compare the value color to each other.👾
I am trying to apply impulseAction to an entity but everytime entity.playAnimation(impulseAnimation) is executed, the log says Cannot find a BindPoint for any bind path: "". I can't figure out what is wrong. Could someone please help me with this?
import SwiftUI
import RealityKit
import RealityKitContent
struct ImmersiveView: View {
var body: some View {
RealityView { content in
// Add the initial RealityKit content
if let immersiveContentEntity = try? await Entity(named: "Immersive", in: realityKitContentBundle), var sphere = immersiveContentEntity.findEntity(named: "Sphere") {
sphere.components.set(CollisionComponent(shapes: [ShapeResource.generateSphere(radius: 0.1)]))
sphere.components.set(PhysicsBodyComponent(shapes: [ShapeResource.generateSphere(radius: 0.1)], mass: 1000))
sphere.components[PhysicsBodyComponent.self]?.isAffectedByGravity = false
sphere.position = [0, 1, -1]
// Create an action to apply an impulse, forcing the object to move upwards.
let impulseAction = ImpulseAction(linearImpulse: [0, 1, 0])
// Create a small positive duration value.
let duration: TimeInterval = 1 / 30.0
// Create an animation for the action, which will start playing
// after five seconds.
do {
let impulseAnimation = try AnimationResource
.makeActionAnimation(for: impulseAction,
duration: duration,
delay: 5.0)
// Play the sequence animation that will play the actions.
} catch {
print("Error: \(error)")
All the logs:
Could not locate file 'default-binaryarchive.metallib' in bundle.
Error creating the CFMessagePort needed to communicate with PPT.
AddInstanceForFactory: No factory registered for id <CFUUID 0x6000029a5b80> F8BB1C28-BAE8-11D6-9C31-00039315CD46
cannot add handler to 0 from 1 - dropping
nw_socket_copy_info [C1:2] getsockopt TCP_INFO failed [102: Operation not supported on socket]
nw_socket_copy_info getsockopt TCP_INFO failed [102: Operation not supported on socket]
Registering library (/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/xrOS_22N840/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/xrOS 2.2.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreRE.framework/default.metallib) that already exists in shader manager. Library will be overwritten.
cannot add handler to 0 from 1 - dropping
Cannot find a BindPoint for any bind path: "", ""
Sync object without snapshot while removing view (id: 2816861686082450363, type: 6373420419761316588[SelectableSceneContentIdentifierComponent]).
But i think only Cannot find a BindPoint for any bind path: "", "" is relevant.
If I have one portal on the ceiling and one on the floor, can a tall Entity cross multiple portals at once? Will the opposing portal directions cause it to fail?
No matter what I try for the crossingMode and clippingMode of the PortalComponent I can only get it to fully work for one portal at a time.
I have tried flipping the normals for the crossingMode and clippingMode planes.
I have also tried creating a ceiling portal plane with inverted normals.
It seems like whatever Entity is passing through a portal has one portal it wants to deal with at a time and that's it.
My other option is to create portals using occlusion but I prefer the simplest way.