




size, color formatting of DatePicker
I'm experimenting with the relatively new (to me) compact DatePicker. I'd like a column of aligned fields, the first two on top are date pickers for user input, the ones below that are dates outputted in textfields calculated from dates input by user. In Interface Builder in Xcode, it looks mostly like I want it, black text centered in white rectangular text fields. But in production on my iPhone, the DatePickers are functional, but they are not centered and they appear on a gray background. I haven't been able to figure out what settings to adjust to make the DatePicker's date centered and on white background. Screenshots attached. Grateful for help. --JS
Feb ’24
didn't get the "your app status has changed to Waiting for Review"
Hi folks, I've developed independently for 12 years. Whenever I submitted an app, I'd get a sequence of emails saying that my app is waiting for review, in review, approved (or rejected), ready for sale, etc. I recently joined my employer's development account. My roles are App Manager and Sales. Today I submitted my first app as member of organizational team rather than one and only guy in my personal developer account. I received no email message about the submission. I'm used to getting an email saying something like "Your app status has changed to Waiting for Review". Do only certain team members get these emails? Is there an additional role I need in order to get these status updates? My "Additional Resources" have been set for Access to Reports Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles. Access to Cloud Managed Distribution Certificate Create Apps As I look farther down my account page, I see under Notifications an option for App Status Reports and "receive an email if your app status changes", but I'm not allowed to enter anything in the blank pulldown menu associated with this option. Could this be the problem? I can click the Refresh button on my browser a few dozen times over the next day or two, but I'd prefer to get the succinct timely emails. Best, -- Josh
Jun ’22
how to transfer an app never released in App Store?
Apple has a recent policy [5.1.1(ix)] requiring medical apps like mine to be submitted by healthcare organizations, not individual physician programmers like me. I have an app I worked on for a couple months, loaded it to AppStoreConnect, sent it out on Test Flight, good feedback, ready to release. But cannot release as individual physician. So went to my employer healthcare organization. They'd be happy to publish my app. I now have credentials within their developers account. When I try to upload my same app (rebuilt with new certificates and identifiers for organization), I can't get it to upload because Apple flags my upload as copying someone else's material -- I suspect my own material! It sees that "Cardiovascular Risk" app submitted under my healthcare organization is just like my "cardiovascular Risk" app submitted also by me under my personal developers account! If the app were already approved at least once, I could transfer it. But since never approved for the App Store, I cannot use the Transfer App process that Apple offers. I already tried changing the name of the app, the display name, the details in the bundle identifier, and I made sure to remake the necessary certificates and profiles and app ID with my newly joined organization account. Any ideas? Not sure who at Apple to reach out to. Not a code issue. Not exactly an account issue. Not a legal issue, although the problem is sorta me copying the material of myself, so I did drop them a line. Help! Best, -- Josh
Jun ’22
certificate expiring soon, do I need it?
Hello, A while ago, we iOS developers had iOS Developer and iOS Distribution certificates. I still have an active pair. But then Apple moved to Apple Developer and Apple Distribution certificates. Even though I only develop for iOS, I've used those Apple Dev and Dist certificates exclusively with my iOS apps for at least a year now. But I still have all 4 certificates active. The two iOS certificates are about to expire -- Apple sent me a courtesy email notification suggesting I need to do something. But now I'm not sure I need to do anything. Is there any reason why I need to keep active the old iOS Dev and iOS Dist certificates if I'm keeping and using the Apple Dev & Dist certificates? Best, -- Josh
Jul ’21
learn app and server interaction, recommendations please
Dear fellow developers, I have a couple dozen apps in the app store, but they are all calculators and quick-reference guides -- everything contained within the app. But I'd like to learn new skills and capabilities. I'd like to learn how to build an app which gets stuff (data, files, etc.) from a server. I've never tried this before. Can folks here recommend good resources to learn these skills and safe ways to learn these skills before trying to graduate to using corporate or university servers for interactions? Thanks as always,- Josh
May ’21
why do I have (seemingly) extra certificates?
Hi folks, I'm an amateur but somewhat successful and experienced developer of iOS apps only. I've been having issues with code signing. I'd like to ask a few questions one at a time which I hope can clarify. Basic questions, but best to start basic. I develop ONLY for iOS. I recall for the first few years, I had a single developer certificate and a single distribution certificate. Simple, and I prefer simple! For the past perhaps couple of years, I've noticed two more certificates. I'd attach a screenshot, but I don't think I'm allowed, so I'll just write what I see on my Apple Developer > Account > Certificates, Identifiers, & Profiles > Certificates list. Name... Type... Platform... Created by... Expiration Joshua... Distribution All Joshua... 2020/12/30 Joshua... iOS Distribution iOS Joshua... 2021//08/29 Joshua... iOS Development iOS Joshua... 2021/08/29 Joshua... Development All Joshua... 2021/10/20 Why do I have more than just iOS development & distribution certificates? Which certificates should I choose when I create-edit-update provisioning profiles? Will I mess stuff up if I get rid of the certificates which are not iOS certificates? Best,- Josh
Oct ’20
tutorial on downloading files from server in order to update iOS app content
I'm a novice iOS app developer. I want to learn a different, probably better way to update the content in my apps. Currently, when I have new content, I open the Xcode app project, type new content over old content, upload to App Store, and release it as an updated version. But better apps in my field (medical quick-reference, my day job is a physician) have an "update content" button within the app. When clicked, the app reaches out to a server, gets new content as one or several files (I imagine), plugs it in where it belongs, and then carries on. No new coding in Xcode, no updated app gets uploaded. How might I do this? How can I have a button press go find a file on a server, pull it into the file structure of my iOS app (file structure that I know nothing about but I'm willing to learn), and deliver new content to my physician users? I'm having trouble finding this info because search terms like "upload file" or "update app" (and similar) think I'm searching for help on how to build an app update in Xcode and send it off to Apple. I've searched for guidance but I keep getting the wrong kind of guidance because I can't think of good search terms. Now that you see what I'm driving at, I'm hoping people will point me in the right direction.
Aug ’20
why two developer certificates all of a sudden, and which do I use?
Hi folks,Hope you'll entertain a probably simple question.I am a hobbyist making free iOS apps for healthcare professionals. I only do iOS. For years, I only recall seeing a single developer certificate whenever I went to update certificates, app ID's, provisioning profiles, etc. But recently, I see two certificates.I don't know why this won't accept screenshots, so I'll type pretty much what I see...Certificates[checkbox] Select All[checkbox] Joshua Steinberg (iOS Development)[checkbox] Joshua Steinberg (Development) For use in Xcode 11 or laterOne seems iOS specific, and I only develop for iOS, so I'm inclined to just check that box when I make a new or renewed provisioning profile or new app ID. On the other hand, the other one seems Xcode 11 specific, and I only use Xcode 11, so I'm inclined to check that one. So which box do I check, the first one which is iOS specific, the second one which is Xcode 11 specific but not iOS specific, or both?If it contributes to your advice, I have recently gotten "loss of keychain access" warnings when updating some (but not all) older apps as I prepare for Apple's June 30 deadline for updated apps.Thanks,-- Josh
May ’20