




TextField and TextEditors not working on Catalyst App
I have some textfields and text editors inside a VStack inside an HStack inside a scroll View; Example: Swift VStack{ HStack { /*Some stuff here*/ ScrollView{ /*Some other stuff here*/ LazyVStack{ ForEach(arrayOfelements, id:\.self) { element in LazyHStack { ForEach(element.blocks, id:\.self) { block in VStack { TextField("placeholder", text: $block.title) TextEditor(text: $block.body) } } } } } } } } on the iOS and iPad App everything works fine, on the Mac Versione the textfield and the text editors are not editable until I do a right click on one of them, but then same behavior for the others. Someone have the same problem? Have you a solution?
Apr ’21
PKPaymentAuthorizationController.canMakePayments(usingNetworks:) returns FALSE
Hi everyone, I'm build an App with Catalyst for Mac, iPhone and iPad. I've configured Apple Pay and on iPhone and iPad works fine. The problem is on the Mac, case when I call the func to check if the device canMakePayments(usingNetworks:) (with Stripe API) it always returns false and the payment sheet is not display. If I check only canMakePayment() it returns true. I'm trying on a MacBook Pro M1, so there is the compatibility with Apple Pay. I've a card on my Wallet Have you some solutions?
Feb ’21
App Clip smart banner not appearing
Hi everyone, are your smart banner working for App Clip/Normal App? I've noticed that when the app is installed the banner appears with the button "OPEN", but if the app is not install the banner doesn't appear. What's wrong? The configuration that we have is: <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=myAppStoreID, app-clip-bundle-id=appClipBundleID">
Sep ’20
App Clip (some) links aren't working
Hi everyone, I've finally uploaded the app with App Clip on App Store connect, and I've configured all the advanced experience needed. The problem is the with some links the app clip card is shown, so the link is recognised as an App Clip, for some others not. Also the smart banner on safari appears only if I have the app install (I've understood that this is a bug). Do you know how to solve the link problem? I've added the link after I've released the version on App Store, do I have to upload a new app?
Sep ’20
App Clip Size when archiving
Hi everyone I've archive the App + App Clip, but the size of App Clip is 189Mb. I've checked the package and the most heavy things are: libswiftCore.dylib libswiftFoundation.dylib libswiftDispatch.dylib libswiftCloudKit.dylib libswiftCoreGraphics.dylib Do you know any solution on how to make this frameworks smaller?
Sep ’20
Problem upload App Store connect Xcode 12 beta 6
Every time I upload on App Store Connect arrives an error message saying: TMS-90562: Invalid Bundle - One or more dynamic libraries that are referenced by your app are not present in the dylib search path. But If I run the App/App Clip/Widgets/Watch App from Xcode everything works fine. I don't understand which library is missing, is there a way to check? (I'm upload the main App + Apple Watch App + Widget Extensions + App Clip) Is someone experiencing the same problem?
Sep ’20
AppClip and Cocoapods integration
I've added the AppClip target to the main app, but when I upload on App Store connect there is an error saying: "ITMS-90562: Invalid Bundle - One or more dynamic libraries that are referenced by your app are not present in the dylib search path." so I've noticed that on the build phases of the App Clip was missing the script [CP] Copy Pods Resources, I've added the script with the path of the App Clip Target: ""${PODS_ROOT}/Target Support Files/Pods-AppClip/"; but the problem is that the file is not there, I've tried a lot of time to execute pod install and I've also tried to do pod deintegrate and then pod install, but the problem is still there. Do you have a solution that can work? Otherwise I can't upload the App on App Store Connect
Sep ’20
Payment support on App Clip
Hi Everyone, I'm having some problem integrating payments on App Clip, I'm using BrainTree to process payment, after the installation od their pods to configure the payments, the app crashes on launch from Xcode and says:  Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/D2825B1B-65F9-450F-9626-CE07D5243318/  Reason: image not found​ Someone is experiencing the same problem or knows how to solve?
Sep ’20
App Clip Size Problem
I've exported the app for App Store Connect but the App Clip size is always more than 10MB, the first time the asset folder was the problem (was 119 Mbs), I've reduced the assets folder to 5Mbs, but now when I archive the app, inside the app package, the App Clip size is 50Mbs and if I check the contents size the most heavy file is an executable file that is always 38Mbs. Anyone has the same problem or know how to solve it?
Sep ’20
Delete all item from Core Data
Hi guys, I'm having some problems with core data. I want to delete everything, but nothing is working and the size of the app is increasing. I'll share with you the code that I've implemented. Can you help me solving this?  func deleteAllData(_ entity:String) {         let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate         let persistentContainer = appDelegate.persistentContainer         let managedContext = appDelegate.persistentContainer.viewContext         let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest&lt;NSFetchRequestResult&gt; = NSFetchRequest(entityName: entity)         let DelAllReqVar = NSBatchDeleteRequest(fetchRequest: fetchRequest)         fetchRequest.includesPropertyValues = false         do {             let results = try managedContext.fetch(fetchRequest)                  for object in results {                 guard let objectData = object as? NSManagedObject else {continue}                 managedContext.delete(objectData)                 try             }             managedContext.reset()             try managedContext.execute(DelAllReqVar)             try                                 }         catch {             print(error)         }              }
Jul ’20