




Reply to TextField and TextEditors not working on Catalyst App
bigadz I've found a workaround making a UITextView/Field and putting it inside a button, when the button is pressed I'm making the selected view first responder. I've also contacted the Apple Developer Technical Support but also them didn't know how to solve and asked me to file a bug in feedback assistant. If you can, file a bug also there so maybe they can see that other developers are facing this issue
May ’21
Reply to App Clip Invocation and App Invocation.
Hi  JayThyng, you have to configure in the scene delegate the willConnectTo function: func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {} I was experiencing the same problem with the func continue userActivity, so I've search and found this, in fact this works with XCAppClipURL, Local Experiences and the launch from QR Code/iMessage Hope that this could help.
Sep ’20
Reply to App Clip Size when archiving
I have managed to reduce the universal app to 14.8 mb (libswiftCore.dylib weights 4.1Mb and libswiftFoundation.dylib 2Mb). So in theory the AppClip without these two libraries should be 8.7 mb however when we upload the app on App Store Connect it still return me the error that the app cross the 10mb limit. We really don't know what else to remove at this point. Our two "solutions" are: Remove AppClip from the app Reduce the sizes of these two libraries but I don't know how. My folder is now 766Kb (before was 4.8mb). Could be very useful to know how much the size is exceeding or have a tool to inspect the AppClip that gets than taken into consideration by App Store Connect elaboration process. Please help.
Sep ’20
Reply to App Clip Size when archiving
I’m measuring the thinned app, I found the archive in finder the I click on show package content, the I’ve searched for Appclips folder and the size of the app inside is 189mb, so I click on show package content and discovered that the frameworks are big. In fact I’ve tried to upload but I’ve receive the error mail saying that the App Clip is too big
Sep ’20