Payment support on App Clip

Hi Everyone,

I'm having some problem integrating payments on App Clip, I'm using BrainTree to process payment, after the installation od their pods to configure the payments, the app crashes on launch from Xcode and says:

Code Block dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/CardinalMobile.framework/CardinalMobile
 Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/D2825B1B-65F9-450F-9626-CE07D5243318/
 Reason: image not found​

Someone is experiencing the same problem or knows how to solve?

Answered by fabio97 in 632068022
Hi Bishal Bhansali, at the end I've discovered that is possible to use the pod Braintree/Apple-Pay, but not the other Braintree pods. Maybe it's because the App Clip doesn't support URL Scheme or Universal link (to redirect to PayPal/3D Secure payment)
hi , I am having same issue with BrainTree SDK for AppClip.
Accepted Answer
Hi Bishal Bhansali, at the end I've discovered that is possible to use the pod Braintree/Apple-Pay, but not the other Braintree pods. Maybe it's because the App Clip doesn't support URL Scheme or Universal link (to redirect to PayPal/3D Secure payment)
Payment support on App Clip