TextField and TextEditors not working on Catalyst App

I have some textfields and text editors inside a VStack inside an HStack inside a scroll View;
Code Block Swift
HStack {
/*Some stuff here*/
/*Some other stuff here*/
ForEach(arrayOfelements, id:\.self) { element in
LazyHStack {
ForEach(element.blocks, id:\.self) { block in
VStack {
TextField("placeholder", text: $block.title)
TextEditor(text: $block.body)

on the iOS and iPad App everything works fine, on the Mac Versione the textfield and the text editors are not editable until I do a right click on one of them, but then same behavior for the others.
Someone have the same problem? Have you a solution?

I am experiencing the same behaviour with TextFields.

I'm also facing non-responsive Buttons, if lazily-loaded otherwise conditionally created.

I don't have a solution, but it's interesting that you reported this two weeks ago, as that is when I first hit this problem. Up to that point, I was totally confident in Mac Catalyst as a platform. Now, I'm wondering if I need to abandon it.

I am wondering if it was a change in Xcode SDK or Big Sur update.

The iOS build is 100% stable. My Mac Catalyst build was fine for 2 months, then something changed - either my code or environment - such that I can no longer ship it.

bigadz I've found a workaround making a UITextView/Field and putting it inside a button, when the button is pressed I'm making the selected view first responder.
I've also contacted the Apple Developer Technical Support but also them didn't know how to solve and asked me to file a bug in feedback assistant.
If you can, file a bug also there so maybe they can see that other developers are facing this issue
TextField and TextEditors not working on Catalyst App