AppClip and Cocoapods integration

I've added the AppClip target to the main app, but when I upload on App Store connect there is an error saying:
"ITMS-90562: Invalid Bundle - One or more dynamic libraries that are referenced by your app are not present in the dylib search path."
so I've noticed that on the build phases of the App Clip was missing the script [CP] Copy Pods Resources, I've added the script with the path of the App Clip Target: ""${PODS_ROOT}/Target Support Files/Pods-AppClip/"; but the problem is that the file is not there, I've tried a lot of time to execute pod install and I've also tried to do pod deintegrate and then pod install, but the problem is still there. Do you have a solution that can work? Otherwise I can't upload the App on App Store Connect
I had the same issue and after a few hours of trying to figure it out, I switched to Swift Package Manager instead and completely removed Cocoapods from the project. Now it works, and honestly, the whole project is a lot cleaner without Cocoapods.
I had the same issue. I also noticed I didn't have the issue if I unchecked the Upload Symbols and Bitcode option.

What fixed everything for me:
  1. In your Podfile, add the app clip Target with "use_modular_headers!" and include all pods needed for the app clip.

  2. In your app clip target / General settings, under Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content, add AppClip.Framework (Do Not Embed) and the app clip pods framework (Do Not Embed).

  3. I also have a dynamic framework project in my Workspace and added that framework with Embed & Sign.

I never had to use pod deintegrate and never added any new scripts.

Hope this helps...
I had an issue where I ran a pod install for the app clip target and it did not work. I upgraded to the most recent version. I suggest updating to the latest cocoa pods version which is in beta as they have included additional app clip support. Betas are not obtaining via brew so I suggest getting 1.10.0.beta.1 (at the time of this writing). Download the Xcode command line tools (I downloaded beta 5 which is most recent avail. from downloads even though I am on Xcode beta 6). Then you may need to upgrade your ruby. I had to run brew install ruby-dev followed by sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods -v 1.10.0.beta.1

After upgrading I was able to include the frameworks for the app clip target.

I hope this helps.
AppClip and Cocoapods integration