




CIToneCurve spline formulation?
Can anyone from apple provide the spline formulation that is used in the CIToneCurve filter?The documentation says that a spline is passed thru the points you give it, but thereare a lot of spline types in the world, and they all can yield different shapes thru the same set of points.
Dec ’15
WKWebView internet cache seems weak
So we are messing w/ the new WKWebView, and remote caching of images (e.g. let's say loaded from an Amazon S3 bucket)seems to be very weak. It seems like less than 5% of image data pulls are cached. So they are continually being downloadedfrom the network, causing huge network traffic as we run our app. Nomatter what settings we use to try to increase the cache size, results seem the same.You can see this if you go into Safari Developer mode and monitor network traffic. The "Cached" column is mosty NO.I put a link to a snapshot from the network http traffic analyzer in safari dev see most of the files are about the same size but few are cached...and this is a pagethat had at least some items cachedthis is after running the app for a whilewe tried setting NSURLCache, but it seems to have no effect in WKWebVIew, nomatter how large we make itNSURLCache* sharedCache = [[NSURLCache alloc] initWithMemoryCapacity:cacheSizeMemory diskCapacity:cacheSizeDisk diskPath:@"nsurlcache"];[NSURLCache setSharedURLCache:sharedCache];clues to fix? wait for ios10?
Jul ’16
"your session has expired, please log in"
i repeatedly am getting this message for 1 account when trying to upload to the app store from xcodei tried to delete the account and re-login, and tried xcode7.3 and xcode8i am able to log in to and with this accountand i am able to log in to xcode with a different accountthe account seems up to date (contracts accepted, etc)any one have any clues as to what is going on?
Dec ’16
in-app purchases rejected for "business model" but no details on how to fix
We are in an app review loop trying to get an in-app purchase approved with this message (below)However, we did what they said and resubmitted a binary (essentially the same binary we submitted before but witha new build number), but then the in-app purchase is rejected for the same reason, with no additional explanation.Is there a way to escalate this and talk to someone to figure what is going on? This is for a pre-existing app in the app store, not a new app.In-App Purchase - New Business ModelWe have begun the review of your in-app purchase but aren't able to continue because your submitted in-app purchases indicates a change of business model for your app. Therefore, we need to verify the implementation of your submitted in-app purchases in the app to ensure your app, and its in-app purchases, are in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.Next StepsPlease upload a new binary for review and resubmit your in-app purchase(s) with the binary so that we can continue the review.
Jan ’17
random pause events recv'd HTML5 video tag
has any one seen this and/or know the solution?what could cause a pause event to get triggered? we can trap when the event gets caught in the safari debuggerbut unable to see what is causing it. like who is sending the event? is there any way to trace the sending of media events in safari? we get random pause events recv'd by our video tag, a few seconds after video start.seems to be on videos with audio playing Only, ios10.3 and upokay on ios10.2UIWebView implementation
Oct ’17
universal link / random failures
We have universal links set up, and occasionally, the web site where the apple-app-site-association file is installed is displayed in mobile safari, instead of mobile safari routing the link to our app. It seems somewhat random, but fairly often. Does anyone know if there might be issues w/ universal links with various web hosting services? This seems to happen on both iOS12.x and iOS13.
Sep ’19
Profile is not a "Mac Catalyst App Store" profile
above error recv'd when trying to upload a mac catalyst app to app store connectfrom xcodeapp seemed to sign ok for distribution (manually) when it Archive'd in xcodeany ideas? i used a signing cert of type Apple Distributionare there separate distribution profiles for mac "catalyst" apps versusordinary mac apps on the mac app store?i wonder why they would do this?
Jan ’20
cannot create new macOS app in itunesconnect
I am able to create a new macOS app ID in the developer portal, but this new app IDdoesn't show up as an option in the pulldown menu when trying to create a new app inthe itunes connect portal (or app store connect whatever it is called now).In fact I have 3 macOS app IDs created in the developer portal, and none show upas available options to create a new mac app entry in the app store connect. Ithas a link to "create a new mac app ID" and when I go there and create yet another one,that one doesnt show either. So it seems that adding a new mac app to app store connect is broken at the moment?Any hints from Apple here what is going on?
Jan ’20